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New GlassTikis, Girl Tiki n swizzle **UpdateJune 30**pg5

Pages: 1 2 81 replies

BambooPrincess posted on 06/09/2005

Very unique! Love the details....

john posted on 06/10/2005

cool, thanks! i posted this in a new post, i made a small easter island war club head pendant
https://tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=15058&forum=7&0lemme know what you all think

Thanatos posted on 06/10/2005

Love the monkey in the fez,,, why is that just so right...

john posted on 06/10/2005

:) thanks. i dont know what it is but monkeys and fezzes go together like peanut butter n jelly
glad you like

purple jade posted on 06/11/2005

I can't even begin to describe how little justice the photo does to the purple tiki!
(Although I keep looking at it and thinking it's a big piece of tiki hard candy...)
It's BEAUTIFUL, john, I love it!

john posted on 06/11/2005

thank you so much pj, i am so happy you like it! whenever i make and send something, no matter how many pictures are sent, there is always that anxious feeling until i see the reaction.
thanks, john

Creative Glassworks "Island Series"

[ Edited by: john on 2005-06-11 14:17 ]

john posted on 06/12/2005

just got back from the studio, there are 3 tiki pieces that are now complete. 2 of them will be kept secret until i post the pics, the other one is MY tiki, i created a hockey goalie tiki complete with a phoenix coyotes jersey! pics should be here by tomorrow night
-john :tiki:

Benzart posted on 06/12/2005

John, Well done again. Your pieces are lookin better and better. I Love the different colors you are working with.

john posted on 06/12/2005

thanks benz, that really means a lot coming from you!
-john :sheckymug:
ps looks like the pics will be up monday afternoon

Creative Glassworks "Island Series"

[ Edited by: john on 2005-06-13 04:06 ]

john posted on 06/14/2005

Here are the new creations, when i get better pictures i will post them

Rounded Stand alone tiki candle shields!
See no, Hear no, Speak no.. Tiki
Tiki 3 Piece Band

Hockey Goalie Tiki

Raffertiki posted on 06/14/2005

The green one with the skull beads is pretty sweet. Do you sell these at any local stores, or do you stricktly sell through your site?

john posted on 06/14/2005

thanks raffertiki,
right now i in communications some distributors, until they are finalized the glass is for sale through my site. just shoot over a pm or email

john posted on 06/22/2005

this feller isn't complete yet but i had to show him off! and once again i know the picture isn't good :)

Raffertiki posted on 06/22/2005

Not complete? Can you add more glass, and refire? I like where you're headed with this guy.

john posted on 06/22/2005

he hasnt been fired yet, so i can still play with the design - once fired all the hard sharp edges will round out for a nicer look. i can only fire a piece about 3-4 times before the glass becomes dulled in places

Creative Glassworks "Island Series"
Fused Glass Tiki Art

[ Edited by: john on 2005-06-22 16:00 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/23/2005

John, I cn tell how you're having a blast with your fused glass creations. You've just got it dialed in & having fun with it now. It's pretty fascinating to me. Put it all together, slide it in the kiln & see what comes out. I've got some friends in Chandler. Next time out I'd like to look you up. Keep it up, your work is so cool!



Nice stuff - I am so amazed at the different mediums people are using on this site to create tikis - excellent!

john posted on 06/23/2005

thanks i really appreciate all the comments and compliments! the lil feller will be done tomorrow, the only thing i added was my "trademark" belly button :). also, aaron's next time you're around lemme know

john posted on 06/26/2005

these are the new prototypes for my newest tiki pendant line. for my other tikis i use regualr colors, these feature the dichroic glass which appears metallic and changes colors. you cant tell from the pic but the layer of clear glass encapsulates the colored glass and has a magnifying effect similar to a drop of water

Sam Gambino posted on 06/26/2005

Hey john.... I agree, this is cool stuff! I like the prototypes too. Those would make great tie pins.


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino on 2005-06-25 23:13 ]

Benzart posted on 06/26/2005

Definitly cool pendants. I Likeee

*Fourcrows* posted on 06/26/2005

John, I would buy these! Love em!!

Polynesiac posted on 06/26/2005

John you ae treading down some new paths here. totally cool stuff. Your craftmanship with glass (and small pieces of glass) is unbelievable.

Those last magnified tikis are by far my favorites - sams right they'd make cool tie tacks, or cuff links or earings...or...whatever. totally cool. Keep posting your stuff...I'm diggin it!

john posted on 06/26/2005

thanks for all the compliments and kind words everybody! i have the findings to make pins and earrings so i am going to make those tonight along with a tiki-swizzlestick. pics to follow!
thanks, john :)

john posted on 06/30/2005

Here is the first girl tiki creation, i wanted to go with the hula girl theme with coconut halves and grass skirt mvement lines.

john posted on 07/01/2005

fo shizzle a swizzle!

again, this is a prototype, more to follow

Raffertiki posted on 07/01/2005

Hey John, I think you are on to something with the swizzle sticks. If you make a set with that dichroic glass I'm interested.

*Fourcrows* posted on 07/01/2005

sign me up for some swizzles too...absolutely!!

and one of those cool beads...

yep...(sorry, it's early, I don't talk a lot in the morning)

Sam Gambino posted on 07/01/2005

Great swizzle stick... very cool!

SES posted on 07/01/2005

Glad you got the swizzles to work. :)

teaKEY posted on 07/01/2005

john love prototype number one. The only thing that could make them better is not being a "prototype"

kirby posted on 07/01/2005

yeah when there not protos ill take a set.

john posted on 07/01/2005

now that all the components work and look good, from this point they are production pieces. right now i am getting ready for the artwalk in phoenix tonight, next week i'll have some created and will post pics of the colors and designs
:) john

john posted on 07/08/2005

hi everyone,
thanks for the interest in the swizzles, right now the bottom part of the swizzles are done, the tiki tops will be completed by early next week, add one day for completion. in the meantime i finished my summer 2005 pamphlet catalog.
thanks john
here is the link to the updated catalog

Pages: 1 2 81 replies