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Listen To Weird Uncle Tiki Spill His Secrets To Tom Leykis

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Miss Mauna Loa posted on 07/08/2005

Aloha, Friends!

For those of you in Southern California who want to hear the nasty truth about your beloved Weird Unc, tune into 97.1FM this Saturday, July 9 at 3:00PM sharp! With Tom Leykis and Weird Unc, it's sure to be a real hoot. This show will air in the rest of the country in a couple of weeks and I'll be sure to let you know that schedule, too. Enjoy.

-The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa

[ Edited by: Miss Mauna Loa 2008-05-12 21:03 ]

weirduncletiki posted on 07/08/2005

Uh-oh. The can of worms has been opened. Blow me up, Tom!

-Weird Unc

dangergirl299 posted on 07/08/2005


Why oh god why??

This is the "kino" guy right?

PapeToaTane posted on 07/08/2005

I've been listening to Tom Leykis since his first days on KFI in L.A. He usually makes me laugh. I will definitely tune in for this one! I gotta say though - he's a bit of more of a wimp than he lets on. One time he challenged women to call (claiming that women did not understand finance!) - and my wife - (God bless her - with her Magna Cum Laude B.A. in Accounting, plus M.A. from U.S.C. - and who passed CPA Exam with a near-perfect score - and is now a National Director for one of the "Final Four" big CPA firms!) called in to take Tom's "challenge". After talking with the screener for a bit, she was told - "uhhh...gee, thanks for calling" and they hung up on her. He's pretty selective with his women callers - picking on whiners and empty-headed bimbos. I lost a lot of respect for him that day!

Riptide posted on 07/08/2005

He's a boring hack.
Leykis, not WeirdUncleTiki.

I'll listen, though. Here's hoping that WeirdUncle uses big words and confuses him.

The Sperm Whale posted on 07/08/2005

Cheers to wierd Uncle Tiki- I'll be listening!!! Although, I am going to have to agree with Riptide.
Oh Yeah, BTW I love the Mai Kai Gent's CD. Please come and do a show for us So. CAL people soon!!!

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-07-08 11:51 ]

Monkeyman posted on 07/08/2005

What exactly is Wierd Unc on the show for? Is he talking tiki or wine or what?

PolynesianPop posted on 07/08/2005

On Saturdays, Tom does a wine show. I'm sure this is what Judd will be on for. I'm looking forward to hearing the show -- will we hear a little Iuka Grogg on the Uke?

Take me out MaiKai Gents style with a screaming orgasm...

Iuka Grogg posted on 07/09/2005

Take me out MaiKai Gents style with a screaming orgasm...

!!!!!! Okay, TC... call into Tom's regular show and asked to be taken out this way. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Thanks, Pop!

-Iuka Grogg

DawnTiki posted on 07/09/2005

I'm against it!
But I'll listen only cuz its our Iuka Grogg.
Would it be considered rude to spit in Tom's eye while your there. I sure would appreciate it. It'd beeee fuuunn!
Come on you know you wanna.

give a listen here online

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-07-09 17:33 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/10/2005

Personally, I like and appreciate Weird Uncle Tiki, so don't slam da man!

weirduncletiki posted on 07/11/2005

I hope I don't get spit in the face for saying this, BUT.... Tom turned out to be a fine fellow. I wasn't on his daily afternoon show which seems to churn up some pretty intense reaction. This is a completely different show called The Tasting Room and it airs weekly. He's a super wine afficianado and truly knows his stuff. Quite sophisticated, really. The whole show is about wines, distilled spirits and microbrews. We had a very interesting(I hope) conversation and nobody got blown up or spanked(I wore my Tuff-Skins just in case). He was very pleasant and referred to the character he portrays on his daily show as his "parallel universe." Anyhooo, it was a great time and I'm sorry if anyone here is offended that I met with the guy. Thanks for tuning in.

-Weird Unc

DawnTiki posted on 07/12/2005

I listened to the show but somehow managed to miss your segment :( Hey now, isn't spitting an art form all it's own in wine tasting :wink: I'm glad you had fun Judd, wish I had gotten to hear it.

weirduncletiki posted on 05/13/2008

It's happening again this weekend. We'll be taping the show on Thursday night (May 15) and it should air in Los Angeles on 97.1 at 5:00pm. I know KVON 1440 in Napa Valley carries the show on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Check your local listings in the rest of the country. Too bad this isn't a call-in show, as it'd be swell to hear from the Tiki Central gang on the air. Wish me luck! Take me out MaiKai Gents style with a screaming orgasm, Tom!

-Weird Uncle Tiki

bigtikidude posted on 05/13/2008

I will listen,

are you gonna mention rum drinks too,

he always talks about wine, and occasionally
mentions Martinis and such.

but I never hear him mention tropical rum drinks.

a shame,
Jeff Berry needs to go on that show.

can you put in a plug for Jeff Berry???

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2008-05-13 11:56 ]

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