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Tiki Central / Other Events

SEATTLE: July 26 ~ Tuesday ~ RongoRongo & Thai Ku

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dogbytes posted on 07/26/2005

Sabina and Mike's Road Trip has brought them to The Emerald City ~ its super short notice, but here's what we have planned.

Rongorongo Room (Home Bar) 5:00-6:45

**Thai Ku/ Fu Kun Wu Room **7:15 for dinner, then listen to Selector Lopaka in the Lounge. ( i hope he's playing, its a Tuesday, his regular gig..)

Thai Ku
(206) 706-7807
5410 Ballard Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107

join in the fun.. email/message me for directions to my house ..

Exoticat posted on 07/26/2005

Thanks for the offer, but this is a really busy week for me. I'll see you in a few days though. I hope everyone has fun tonight warming up for the big Canada weekend!

[ Edited by: exoticat 2005-07-26 02:17 ]

dogbytes posted on 07/26/2005

we're adding to the fun! and we confirmed that Rob will be DJing!

Rongorongo Room (Home Bar) 5:00-6:00

Back yard Bali Hai 6:00-7:00

**Thai Ku/ Fu Kun Wu Room **7:15 for dinner, then listen to Selector Lopaka in the Lounge.
Thai Ku
(206) 706-7807
5410 Ballard Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107

join in the fun.. email/message me for directions to my house .. or Rob & Mimi's.

monkeyskull posted on 07/26/2005

I probably can't make it for any pre-dinner events, but will try to make it down for at least a mai tai and maybe dinner.

Sabina posted on 07/26/2005

Oaktiki and I cannot thank Dogbytes enough for getting this last minute Seattle mini-crawl together!!!

Tomarrow evening is going to be a GREAT time- and for some of us, an initial 'warm up' meet and greet of sorts before the Waldorf event in Vancouver.

If any Seattle area folks get the last minute urge, please join in at whatever point along the way you can- we'd love to meet you!

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