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Going Tribal

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Jungle Trader posted on 07/30/2005

New show on Discovery Channel, starts Aug. 9 at 10pm.
Get in touch with your inner native.


Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/31/2005

Good call JT. After a hard day of shrinking heads, making blow guns and poisoning darts I'm ready to go home, grab myself a big plate of Long Pig and pull my TV tray up close to da tube and watch some Discovery Channel.

christiki295 posted on 08/01/2005

I've seen similar shows on The Travel Channel regarding Papa New Guinea and the Soloman Islands.

It will be very interesting.

RevBambooBen posted on 08/01/2005

Tribal. Cool. Leo Zulueta.

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2005-07-31 20:04 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/01/2005

I touched my inner native once, it bled...

(so what the fu(# is that supposed to mean?)

Jungle Trader posted on 08/01/2005

Bong, even I don't know what number it is. I just flip around till I find it.
Dam right Wreck. If you can tell me where I get the poison for the poison darts, I'll kyb. No fair, don't anyone tell him.

Jungle Trader posted on 08/10/2005

Tiny bubbles float to top reminder.

10:00 tonite.

In one episode the guy hangs with headhunters in New Guinea. Maybe next week.

SWINGIN' good time.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2005-08-10 07:52 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 08/10/2005

Thanks for the heads up. With all the shit that's been goin' on here this week, I totally spaced it. I'm back on track now!

SwampCreature posted on 08/10/2005

Zulueta is the man. I have a Zulueta design on my forearm, although it wasn't done by him, just taken from his early flash. I believe it's inspired by a traditional neck piece indigenous to Borneo. I'd love to get some work done by him, but his prices are just out of my range. If you do have the money though, he's the man for "tribal"(Polynesian and Micronesian inspired design), without a doubt.

Jungle Trader posted on 08/16/2005

Heads up. Tomorrow night at 10. New Guinea headhunters.

Last week the conversation the host had with the Suri women was funny at times. He was preparing himself for a scar that the women were going to carve near his shoulder. He wanted a small one, they wanted a larger one. He told them it was HIS shoulder. They said he was trembling and he would die before they even cut him. As one girl cut into his skin with a razor blade he made faces. They laughed and in their own language said, "He is strong, but he is soft."
Some of the women were defying the age old custom of the lip ring. Apparently the bigger the lip, the more cows a potential suitor would give to the father of potential bride. One girl said she didn't want to do it because it causes dribble. If a man liked her, he would trade cows for her. Damn right, you go girl.
It was so cool to see the dignity of the Suri people and the wisdom of their Tribal leader.

hewey posted on 08/16/2005

On 2005-08-15 20:24, Jungle Trader wrote:
One girl said she didn't want to do it because it causes dribble. If a man liked her, he would trade cows for her. Damn right, you go girl.

Girl power! Why didnt the spice grils use this in one of their songs?

RevBambooBen posted on 08/20/2005


You gonna get your nose pierced??

Pretty gnarly!

Haole Kat posted on 08/20/2005

I've caught the Suri episode and the more recent episode with the cannibalistic tribe...fascinating stuff! That cat's got some nerve.


tikiskip posted on 01/20/2006

I watched that show on sunday. My dad would have loved that show! He and his hunt club buddies would go to exotic places and hire a guide. (usually a native) They would live with them till the hunt was done. Their club had a real shrunken head! The name of the club was the head hunters club. But here's my question. Has anyone had that kava root juice the natives were getting goofed on every day? I see you can get it on line. But I don't think it would be as strong. I have heard that there are bars in the u.s. that sell it. True?

Jungle Trader posted on 01/20/2006

Aloha skip, you must have watched the Bunlap tribe on Vanuatu. The men drank kava every night. "Everything going round and I'm very happy. Kava make me happy". Looks like fun to me. I've never seen a happier bunch of people in my life. (Save for the wife who was ticked off cuz her husband wanted to add another wife).

Hakalugi posted on 01/20/2006

On 2006-01-19 20:35, tikiskip wrote:
... Has anyone had that kava root juice the natives were getting goofed on every day?



VampiressRN posted on 05/07/2007

On the Travel Channel tonight at 8pm PST, is the Tribal Life of Bunlap. It is very interesting....making a canoe, plant medicine to abort one of the women from an unwanted pregnancy, roasting a pig, and fashion in the forest.

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Bunlap is a village of indigenous Melanesian people on Pentecost Island, one of the islands of the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu. Their ancestors came to the island on canoes roughly 2000 years ago. While other villages on the island have essentially become westernized, the people of Bunlap still live a traditional lifestyle.

The Bunlap people still wear traditional clothing, which for females consists of knee-length skirts made out of fiber strips. For ceremonial occasions, ankle-length skirts are worn. Men wear only a wide belt around the waist, to which a cloth or leaf tube is attached. The tube is worn around the penis, while the remainder of the genitals and buttocks are exposed.

The Bunlap people perform an ancient ritual called Gkol, in which men tie vines to their ankles and jump headfirst from platforms jutting out from a tower. The jumper's fall is broken by the vines, the other end of which is tied to the tower. A sloping surface of softened earth at the base of the tower provides some protection from injury in case of a broken vine, a vine of incorrect length, or a poor jump. Gkol inspired the modern sport of bungee jumping, though the vines used are far less elastic than bungee cords, and the Gkol jumper does not bounce up at the end of the fall. The Gkol legend says that in the village Bunlap a man called Tamalie had a quarrel with his wife and she ran away and climbed a banyan tree, (which some recall as line in an old and admired song) where she wrapped her ankles with liana vines. When Tamalie came up to her, the woman jumped from the tree and so did her husband not knowing what his wife had done. He died but the woman survived. The men of Bunlap were very impressed by this performance and they began to practise such jumps in case they got in a similar situation. This practice transformed into a ritual for rich yam harvest and also for proving manhood.

On the interior slopes of the island, villagers grow taro, a widely cultivated tropical Asian plant (Colocasia esculenta) having broad peltate leaves and a large starchy edible tuber.

Bunlap men often consume kava extract at the end of the day for its intoxicating effects, similar to alcohol. The drink is extracted from root of the kava plant. Women are forbidden to consume kava, although in modern times it has become a substance easy to acquire via pharmacies such as Eckards.

The young boys of this tribe are circumcised at the age of 5 with a knife made of bamboo. The wound is then wrapped with a special leaf to make it heal faster. The men celebrate after the circumcising ceremony by eating a special pie made of yam and coconut and baking it on hot stones. After 7 weeks of solitude, the boys are let out and another big ceremony is organised. The boys who are circumcised take a further step to the manhood by killing each pig in the ceremony.

FlatEarthTrading posted on 05/07/2007


atomictonytiki posted on 05/07/2007

Stanley wilson's "The Land Divers" on the album "Pagan Love" is about these people.

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