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Recipe: The Slack Key

Pages: 1 7 replies

pablus posted on 08/01/2005

As Rusty Key and I put up the new tapa lamp that Ona Tiki gave me, we were enjoying Rev. Dennis Kamakahi's solo album.

I'm freaking out on Slack Key lately.

Anyway - I wanted some Tiki Time today so I created a drink with a low dose of alcohol - "slacking" off on the booze.

Here's a batch which we got about 12 drinks out of in a Leilani Mug and a Hukilau Hurricane mug.

16 oz. of Looza Mango Nectar
A quart of pink grapefruit juice
7 dashes of bitters
1.5 tsp. of Pernod
4 oz. Falernum
5 oz. Curacao
5 oz. lime juice
4 oz Ron Pampero

It was fantastic.
Sort of a cross between a Beachbum's Own and a Concubine except I wasn't staggering at the end.

[ Edited by: pablus 2005-07-31 18:42 ]

[ Edited by: pablus 2005-08-23 04:49 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/01/2005

Sounds delish! But... at the risk of reigniting the Great Falernum Question for The Ages... what kind of Falernum?

pablus posted on 08/01/2005

I wasn't about to use the remainder of my Sazeracs on an experiment.

Fee Bros. - I haven't used it much. Need to try it with that too.

martiki posted on 08/01/2005

On 2005-07-31 20:08, Humuhumu wrote:
Sounds delish! But... at the risk of reigniting the Great Falernum Question for The Ages... what kind of Falernum?

that question has been answered.

Rum Numb Davey posted on 08/01/2005

The Falernum Liqueur I always utilize at home is John D. Taylor's Velvet Falernum (it is blended and bottled by R.L. Seale & Co, Ltd in Barbados)

Being in the spirits trade has its advantages, as I can get it free or at cost from a fellow broker, and I know it is not a common stock item at your local bottle shop. Remember, the more a off-premise buyer hears the consumer demand products the more he is inclined to bring in specialty brands. Do not waste your time at grocery stores as chain buyers only bring in Nielson rated commodity brands.

The importer for importer of Taylor's Falernum is The Spirit of Hartford (Avon, CT)
Check out their website at: http://www.spiritofhartford.com
Of course, the have Doorly's, Foursquare, and other artisanal rums.
Of course, a crafty fellow can make his own Falernum with some real lime juice (Mexican Keys work best), Muscavado sugar, Clove and Almond essences, purified water and good white rum.
The great Mixologist, Mr. Dale Gegroff is greatly responsible for bringing Falernum Liqueur back to the best backbars of American Bars.

Rum Numb Davey Johnson

Humuhumu posted on 08/01/2005

Rum Numb Davey, since you're a Falernum fan, do a search on falernum to find all the varied and... passionate discussions we've had here.

Between the bitters, Pernod and the Falernum, (and the FRESH MINT) it sounds like it's got a complex, spicy taste -- I'll have to give it a whirl!

pablus posted on 08/21/2005

This drink is fantastic.
Try it on the nights you don't want to forget by drinking.

We had a triple version of it at the Lagoon Lounge the other night and it was all gone in no time.

Haole Kat posted on 08/21/2005

It's certainly delicious...I started with 1 so I could pace myself...mmmmm...Mai Tai!

Thanks for another great party, Pablus!


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