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PalmHarborTiki - New One Added 9/8/05

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PalmHarborTiki posted on 02/19/2005

Been lurking around here for months and learning to carve. I'm using a ryobi angle grinder with a lancelot wheel for roughing out, and using a growing collection of chisels to finish up. Thanks for all the inspiration and great ideas.

I welcome any comments or suggestions. Thanks.

[ Edited by: PalmHarborTiki 2005-09-08 18:21 ]

congatiki posted on 02/19/2005

Hello..nice first effort....keep up the
good work...you will find lots of support
and encouragement here!

PalmHarborTiki posted on 02/19/2005

Thanks, I thought I had this picture posting thing down.

[ Edited by: PalmHarborTiki on 2005-02-18 16:11 ]

Benzart posted on 02/19/2005

Yo PalmharborTiki your tikis are just FINE. I like the last one you posted the best. You will be a pro in no time if you keep it up. So keep carving and posting this good work.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/19/2005

sweeet tikis!

teaKEY posted on 02/20/2005

that last photo looks like the tiki is in Outerspace. The tiki appears to float over the table. Right??

PalmHarborTiki posted on 02/21/2005

I finished a palm tiki today, I think this is my favorite so far. Probably because it carved so easy. I'm finding some palms are better than others.

After two coats of spare urethane, it should be ok outside for a while.

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TikiTita posted on 02/21/2005

Great work! Glad you came out of lurkdom!

I love the pineapple on the head of the last one.

There is something pretty neat about palm when it is left to age naturally as well. Our neighbor, the one who taught ono the basics has a palm tiki that is aged, gray and wearing. He is just the coolest thing I've ever seen.

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sungod posted on 02/24/2005

Welcome aboard PalmHarborTiki. There are seversl of us tikiaholics around the Tampa Bay area. Liked your carvings. I've been working on mine off and on for the last year but have yet to finish.I may have to look you up to get some motivation. Sungod, New Port Richey FL.

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Blue Tiki posted on 03/04/2005

Where do you get the logs

PalmHarborTiki posted on 03/04/2005

Well back in August and September of '04 we had a couple little storms (hurricanes). In the town I live in all I had to do is drive around and pick up all I could off the side of the road.

Do you think it's bad to wish for more storms?

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Raffertiki posted on 03/04/2005

I like storms. Good work by the way.

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surfintiki posted on 03/05/2005

You southern folk are SO lucky...hurricanes, and palms that blow over so easily! Stuff looks great. You sound pretty confident in that Lancelot, no gripes?

PalmHarborTiki posted on 03/06/2005

The Lancelot IS a little scary at first and it has a tendancy to dig in. But like any other tool, once you use it a while you get used to it. By the way, Harbor Freight has it for a much better price than Woodcraft, so shop around.

PalmHarborTiki posted on 04/17/2005

I finally got around to posting these two new ones..Enjoy!!
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Thanatos posted on 04/17/2005

WOW! Looks great.

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sungod posted on 04/17/2005

I commend your talent. Excellent job!!!

[ Edited by: sungod on 2005-04-17 14:23 ]

PalmHarborTiki posted on 08/01/2005

One new one made from a pine log.
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One in progress from a palm log that I debarked.
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saxotica posted on 08/01/2005

Great work! I especially like this one Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5da36b3127cce917bf198712e00000016109IYuWrVs4Y

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hewey posted on 08/02/2005

Cool tikis! I dont know how I missed this thread! Lovely work

PalmHarborTiki posted on 08/23/2005

I don't know if anyone else thought of adding feet to their tikis, but here they are. This keeps the bottom of the Tikis form rotting too fast.
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And here is my latest "Quickie Tiki" Learning to use the chisels more and the angle grinder less.
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I just figured out I've been carving just over one year this month. I started during Hurricane Charley last year. Good way to remember huh? Thanks for all the inspiration and lessons.

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Welcome palmharbortiki. excellent first tikis. keep up good work.

[ Edited by: tiki beat by marcus thorn 2005-08-23 16:05 ]

[ Edited by: tiki beat by marcus thorn 2005-08-23 16:07 ]

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Haole Kat posted on 08/23/2005

Wow! Another Tanpa Bay Tikiphile...cool!

Welcome to TC...and thanks for sharing your photos. There are some very talented carvers here....I'm sure you'll find a bunch of great advice. Your carvings look great, especially for someone who's just getting started. Keep it up!

With the TB Tiki contingent growing all the time, it looks like we need to get some organized events so we can all meet...hmmm...


Benzart posted on 08/24/2005

Nice tikis palm Harbor and I really love the "Tiki feet" Excellent idea fro keeping the bottom dry And for leveling the whole piece.

teaKEY posted on 08/24/2005

I have yet to carve but can't wait til I try. Yeah the feet idea is good. Let me add to it. Instead of adding foreign feet, carve some out of the bottom .

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/24/2005

Great work PHT. My favorite is the one that saxotica likes most too...

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hewey posted on 08/25/2005

Nice work and good thinkin with the tiki feat

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GMAN posted on 08/27/2005


Yes SIR! Tiki feet. Seems a sure way to battle mildew/mold. I'm down.


Benzart posted on 08/27/2005

For my outdoor carvings I used to hollow out the bottom, bowl style to do just what teaKEY suggests and it works great to keep the bottom from rotting away.

PalmHarborTiki posted on 08/27/2005


Thanks for the suggestion, I just got a few palm logs that are a little soft in the middle, maybe hollowing them out on the bottom will help keep them dry.

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mahalomo posted on 08/28/2005

Hey PalmHarborTiki,

Good work. I'm not a carver, but I really like your stuff.
I live in town and was wondering if I could see some of these tikis in-person. Might even be interested in buying one off you.

I second a get-together for TB tikiphiles.

PalmHarborTiki posted on 09/09/2005

Huge a** pine log that I rescued from the county dump. No shortage of logs there.
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turbosickboy posted on 09/09/2005

great work!
I just started with my first carving and it´s nice to nice stuff to look up to

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Moondance posted on 09/09/2005

Looks great!
What size is that log Palm Harbor?

PalmHarborTiki posted on 09/09/2005

It's 36 inches tall, 12 inches in diameter and really HEAVY.

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GMAN posted on 09/10/2005

Sweet stuff. He looks very happy. Hillsborough won't let me snag logs from the dumpsites. Maybe I should cruise over to yours with you?????

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Moondance posted on 09/10/2005

PalmHarbor- It's a beautiful thing your doing down there in Florida. Turning logs from the dump into a lasting treasure. I'm getting a little teary about now. :)

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