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Rum in NY Times article

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aikiman44 posted on 08/11/2005

Posted here for general interest: Today's NY Times Dining In section has a cover story: Flip Fan On, Elevate Feet, Sip. I'll paraphrase: "that cool, tempting cocktail? Rum, of course." What follows is a history, methods of production and a tasting report. Their #1 is 10 Cane Trinidad Light, #2 is Demerara El Dorado. Also included are 2 recipes: Ti Punch and the Double Shot. I'll post these tomorrow.

aikiman44 posted on 08/11/2005

Okay, here's the NY Times recipes: Ti-Punch: 4 oz white rum, preferrably La Favorite, 1.5 oz lime juice, 1 oz simple syrup, 2 lime wedges, club soda optional. Combine, add ice, stir. Serves 2. Serbved at the Brandy Library in Tribeca by sommelier Ethan Kelley.
Double Shot: 2 oz amber rum, 2 oz orange flavored rum or Grand Marnier, juice of 1/2 lime, dash Bitters. Combine, stir, our over lots of ice. Served at the Santa Teresa rum distillery in Caracas, Venezuela, producer of a 'top of the line' amber rum called 1796 for the date the distillery was founded.
Also, the Times Best Value rum was St James Royal Amber. Others on their top 10 list include: Cane Louisiana White, Mt Gay Eclipse, Palo Viejo White, Ron Del Barrillito 3 Stars Amber, Nelsson Agricole, PLantation 8 year, and La Favorite. They only included Whites and Ambers, no flavored or dark rums.
All in all, a very good article praising the flavor and versatility of rum, comparing it to single malt Scotch

mrsmiley posted on 08/11/2005

I had bagel crumbs in my copy of the NY Times once!

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