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International Tiki Day 2005 & Opening of Shell's South Pacific Room 8/13/05

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Shell in the Pacific posted on 07/25/2005

Aloha TC Ohana and Friends,

Shell in the Pacific will be hosting International Tiki Day in the recently renovated Shell's South Pacific Room. (Formerly known as The Lagoon Room.) In Oceanside, CA

2814 Mesa Dr.
Oceanside, CA 92054

A local surf band The Deoras will be playing on the lawn at 5:00. Hopefully the Smokin' Menehunes will play as well. ??? Bong, PM me.???

Please bring a tent and your camping gear if you would like to stay over night.

As customary, will have the tradtional blue pancakes and pink eggs in the morning on Sunday.

Please bring grinds to share and any booze or punches are greatly appreciated, as well as firewood for the fire pit.

Oh and please, please bring ice!!! We can never have too much ice!

I will set up the grill and provide hot dogs and burgers. If you want to throw anything else on the grill, bring it!

Also you might want to bring lawn chairs or beach chairs so there is plenty of seating.

I will be opening the house at 12:00 noon on Sat. 'till 12:00 noon or so on Sunday. Last year our last guests left at 4:00 PM on Sunday.

Please come on down to Oceanside for an Epic Event! I would love to see you all!
Mahalo & Aloha,

Traderpup posted on 07/25/2005

I am there!

hiltiki posted on 07/25/2005

I will be there with lots of mint and lime and everything else. Oh, I am so excited I almost forgot I'll bring my usual entourage!!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/25/2005

On 2005-07-25 12:40, Shell in the Pacific wrote:

Hopefully the Smokin' Menehunes will play as well.

Can't do it. Try APE.

WooHooWahine posted on 07/26/2005

WooHoo!! Sounds like another fun event to add to our Tiki Calendar :)

hiltiki posted on 08/03/2005

Well, is this happening ?????

ookoo lady posted on 08/03/2005

I hope so, cause we're planning on being there!

Shell in the Pacific posted on 08/03/2005

It sure is happening! The Deoras, a local surf band called today to confirm. They plan to play around 5:00. Al might even make an appearance, so don't be shy, no worries here, no problems, just show up and let's have a great time!

Any contributions of ice,booze, food, paper products are appreciated! Plus bring chairs and tents!

I hope everyone can make it. I will love seeing you all!

Tiki Bird posted on 08/03/2005

Utopiandreem & I are planin to be there as well.


Dolphin Tiki posted on 08/04/2005

I'm planning on heading on down after I get off work--I might be there a little late (I don't get off work until 5:30 and w/ traffic on a Saturday...) I haven't seen you in awhile Shell--can't wait!

freddiefreelance posted on 08/04/2005

I'm still not sure if we'll be there, if we are we'll have a 2-year-old & a wading pool with us... She's really cute, but she's rough-n-tough for her size and we'll have to keep her away from the goodies in the South Pacific Room (she likes to bang Tikis together...).

Humuhumu posted on 08/04/2005

I really wish we could make it! In keeping with tradition, I am yet again going to be out of town on International Tiki Day. At this rate, I may never know the joy of blue pancakes. Everyone have fun!

freddiefreelance posted on 08/07/2005

OK, we've reworked the Gran'daughter schedule to be Chick'nButt free, but I might bring a friend from work who's Tiki-Curious (He accidentally wandered into Minnie's in Modesto & ordered a Mai Tai years ago & still talks about it today).

We're planning on bringing an Ambrosia Salad, something for the Raffle, and a lovely Hostess Gift.

Tiki Bird posted on 08/09/2005


Shell in the Pacific posted on 08/09/2005

Cool party favors are in the works for all attendees to ITD 2005! You don't want to miss these!
Mahalo & See you here!

floratina posted on 08/10/2005

As expressed in the earlier thread, I'm in. Especially since Shell has some of her party favors in the works.

Krustiki posted on 08/10/2005

I, Krustiki, will be attending with the glorious Ookoo Lady with the now famous hat. I will be bringing a couple of amps and microphones for the "Unplugged" International Tiki Day Jam session. Please everyone bring your ukuleles, git boxes, bongos, songs with cords, (music stands). If this is OK, with the Shell.
Keep on Rockin' in the Tiki World.. but don't annoy the neighbors.

johnnievelour posted on 08/10/2005

Lady V and J Velour will be there.

mrs. pineapple posted on 08/10/2005

oh man.... party favors by shell?
I'm about to pop a baby out, I wish I could join you :)
I hate missing party favors...
mrs. pineapple

ookoo lady posted on 08/10/2005

On 2005-08-10 11:47, mrs. pineapple wrote:
I'm about to pop a baby out...

That would be so cool. You get married at Oasis, then give birth at International Tiki Day!

Shell in the Pacific posted on 08/10/2005

Mrs. P.,
I will make special ones for you and Baby Pineapple too! I'll save them for you, till next time!
Shell in the Pacific
(Covered in colorful plastic & chemicals)

mrs. pineapple posted on 08/10/2005

On 2005-08-10 12:17, ookoo lady wrote:

On 2005-08-10 11:47, mrs. pineapple wrote:
I'm about to pop a baby out...

That would be so cool. You get married at Oasis, then give birth at International Tiki Day!

hmmmm, Martiki has promised to bring 'painkillers' to the hospital....

We're attending the 'top secret Nor Cal ITD luau'
But I don't think the little pineapple will be arriving on ITD, the dr. says 'no such luck'

Shell - thanks :) we have a great collection of your party favors, and we wish you much love on the launching of your South Pacific Room!

The Pineapples

hiltiki posted on 08/12/2005

Shelly, Qutiki and I will be there! see ya!!1

Mr. Tiki-Madness posted on 08/12/2005

Well since Mr Tiki-Madness (Phil) is lounging in our tiki den, this is Mrs Tiki Madness (carol). Can't wait to see everyone. Let us know if you would like us to bring anything.

johnnievelour posted on 08/12/2005

Sorry, shell. Something came up for this weekend and we can't make the party.

See you next time.

Chongolio posted on 08/13/2005

Have fun everybody!! Happy International Tiki Day! Drink lots of water.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/13/2005

I really wish I lived closer. I would be there in a heart beat.
Have fun!!

hiltiki posted on 08/14/2005

Sorry can't make it afterall. We can't get an early start. Qutiki is working late. Have a lot of fun and a mai tai for me.

Tikifrog posted on 08/14/2005

Hi guys,

Sorry we could not make it this year. A new store and a new baby (6 months yesterday) it keeps you busy.
We'll drink a Mai Tai at home to celebrate with you tonight.
Have a great time!

Krustiki posted on 08/14/2005

Another great party! Here's a few pix:

Our lovely hostess Shelley getting high on Tiki Torch fuel.

Great surf band: The Deoras

Vintage Fender Jaguar guitar

Beautiful wahine got carried away by the music..

Shelley's exotic party favors!

First, drill a hole...

String them up..

Tiki totem pole!

The band liked them too.

Lots of food and drink

We went through a lot of Chief Lapu Lapu.

Thanks again, Shelley, we had a great time!

Hey Hey Kids!

[ Edited by: Krustiki 2005-08-14 16:59 ]

ManoKoa posted on 08/15/2005

Looks like the party was big fun.

What are these made from btw?
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=2898&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikiroom.net%2Fgallery%2Falbums%2Ftc%2Famx.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7de1cdebe50696c4bd02e0db52c09bef

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/15/2005

(So, one can say something and get banned. One can say nothing and get deleted.)

[ Edited by: tikifish - Removed by tikifish for decoding. May return later. - 2005-08-15 10:14 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong 2005-08-15 19:14 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 08/15/2005

Joyce & I had a wonderful time! The band was great, I wish I had gotten that picture of them playing in front of the Tiki torches with the sun setting off their shoulders. I loved the punch in the cooler, I was the Trader Vic's Rum Punch made with fresh squeezed fruit, right? It was cool, tart & tasty and just the thing for a warm afternoon.

Thank you again for having us over, Shell!

Shell in the Pacific posted on 08/18/2005

Whew! Finally digging out from underneath layer upon layer of seven layer dip, stray pasta salad noodles, and chocolate frosting, spent lemon and lime shells... Still need to burn off that leftover tiki torch fuel!!!

The Deora's drummer, Steve and wife, Barb stopped by on their bikes to say thanks. They had a great time and will do it again!

Great pics, as usual Krusti!! The Deora's are interested in any and all of your stuff of them and say mahalo. I will link this thread to them. I have their email and stuff if you need it.

Thanks to all that attended!

The party favors are made of urathane and krptonite isotope. The mold was made from RTV silicone and three tikis from Long's drug's had to be sacraficed... not really! If you want to know more about the molding process and my molding mishaps, let me know or PM me! I'll tell all!

Krustiki posted on 08/19/2005

I would be happy to send the band their pitures. PM Ookoo, I never check mine. They gave us so much great music at your party, it is the least that I could do.

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