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The Moai Lounge (home bar)...As Seen on TV!

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Scottiki posted on 08/14/2005

Alright, after months of lurking, constructing, scouring TC for awesome ideas, and nearly getting arrested with a cart full o' hardboard from the Home Depot across the street (we were only borrowing the cart, officer :D), my home tiki bar, The Moai Lounge, has been christened.
It's been 4 1/2 months of back-breaking weekends, a ton of cash, and worth it all! Thanks to all of my fellow tikiphiles for being (unwittingly) such an incredible source of inspiration, ideas & shared passion!
Hope you enjoy the pics below! (first time postin' a batch from flickr...my bad)

From the Moai Lounge, in fabulous Germantown, Maryland,

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2005-08-14 15:37 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2006-01-29 22:56 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2006-03-02 21:32 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2006-03-02 21:33 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2006-03-02 21:39 ]

[ Edited by: scottiki 2007-06-10 15:49 ]

DawnTiki posted on 08/14/2005

OH MY STARS!!! Just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures.

OnaTiki posted on 08/14/2005

sweet..but you have to enlarge those pics, so we can see it all better. fantastic job..

rodeotiki posted on 08/14/2005

WOW, All that lurking payed off.
You have a amazing bar. I just wish the pics were bigger.

Thanks for sharing.

kirby posted on 08/14/2005

off the hook scott, well done... clap clap...welcome to tc ..thanx for posting...
p.s. wonder if you have any room for sum original art pieces from the great artists on tc in your new Moai Lounge...namely me...Kirby

Scottiki posted on 08/14/2005

Oops...here's the bigger versions (I'll figure this internet thing out sooner or later :wink:):

The Before Part I:

The Before Part II:

The Before Part III:

The stairwell, lined with framed exotica lps & flicker-flame lights:

At the bottom of the stairs, turn right, and cross the bamboo bridge to paradise:

Here's a view from behind the hanging chairs:

Pass the barrel table/palapa set, across the grass to the bar:

And grab a stool!

Is that a waterfall in your basement?

Mai-tai, or draft beer?

My pops carved this sweet lookin' moai 40 years ago:

Relax (or pass out) on the comfy futon...just a short backwards stumble from the bar:

And when it's time for last call...the evil flourescents are deployed:

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!

Make sure you sign the wall:

One last look at the signature wall, lounge sign & bridge:

Me & my awesome wahine:

Thanks for lookin'!

[ Edited by: scottiki 2005-08-15 16:27 ]

rodeotiki posted on 08/14/2005

I revise my previos statement from wow to HOLY CRAP!!!

Now I have a bad case of bar envy.

Who made the bar stools ? They look great

[ Edited by: rodeotiki 2005-08-14 14:48 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/14/2005

Congratulations, it looks fantastic!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/14/2005

Amazing. I'm agog.

Lots of nice touches but my favorite thing is the bridge.

Is that astroturf?

ManoKoa posted on 08/14/2005

Niiiiiice one cuz!

I especially like the sailfish. Guevara, is it? Even then, it still sincerely rocks.

Did you make the hanging moai heads? I'm trying to do something similar, yaknow, large - but light, but I'm having trouble locating a block of foam big enough.

Scottiki posted on 08/14/2005

Thanks for the kind words, y'all!
Rodeo: Dave from http://www.islandtikis.com did the stools, and they are freekin' sweet!
Sweet Daddy Tiki: it's artificial grass from Synlawn...I went with the SynTipede, $3.79/square foot, ask for Troy, he's the man. http://www.synlawn.com
ManoKoa: The fish is from http://www.finsandflames.com The moai heads are incredibly light & plastic. Best deal: Bensons Import http://www.bensonsimport.com 577 Big KaHoona, Painted to simulate granite rock 24" x 54" Hollow Back $75/each


[ Edited by: Scottiki 2005-08-14 15:28 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2005-08-14 15:29 ]

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2005-08-14 15:30 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/14/2005

AWESOME! That bridge and water fall are to cool. Killer job, I would have a hard time leaving my basement if it looked that good.


ManoKoa posted on 08/14/2005

Scottiki -

Big mahalo for the scoop.

Interesting w/ the fins/flames thing.
I wonder if there's any relation this:


hewey posted on 08/15/2005

Awesome bar man! I absolutely love it! Your time lurking on TC has definitely payed off by the look of it. Cool. I got the envy bad as well

FreakBear posted on 08/15/2005

Dude... Seriously,... I almost had to change my pants when I saw that first pic. "You had me at Moai!" That's got to be to most impressive home bar I've seen! The bridge is over-the-top! Then there's the illuminated waterfall thing, and the 40-year-old Moai carved by your father?! This is beautiful!!!

dogbytes posted on 08/15/2005

holy crap thats impressive!! amazing. moai and bamboo bridge is outstanding.

i'm thinking road trip!

thanks for sharing the pix.

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congatiki posted on 08/15/2005

Very nice...I am sure you guys are "rightfully" proud of
your efforts...Everything loooks great. Curious....
how did you accomplish the "lounge sign" that is
visible next to the signature wall...looks like it's

Scottiki posted on 08/15/2005

Figuring what to do for the sign was killin' me for a while...backlit letters w/plastic moai? Neon? Paint? And then, my tv news photographer side kicked in. Solution? A small, focusable spotlight (in this case an Altman Micro Ellipse) with a custom metal gobo (some folks call 'em cookies) that the light projects through. The end result is pretty awesome...the logo my wife & I designed:
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(the moai is an adaptation of a watercolor by a british artist named fuzzy) is projected from the light fixture that hangs on the ceiling in the stairwell (I'm 6ft tall & don't hit my head!) onto the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I haven't played around with gels yet, 'cuz just the pure white light looks good & bounces nicely onto the stairs, but with gels you can make it any color you want!
Thanks for the kind words...we're pretty proud of ourselves & look forward to entertaining many fellow tikiphiles in the future!

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8FT Tiki posted on 08/15/2005

Truly a place to be proud of! I admire your determination and execution. The lighting is fantastic and I also love the bridge and your logo. Mahalo for sharing!

To the rest of the peeps: see what you can do when you lurk for a year gathering plans instead of blabbing away like I am doing now.
Blab, Blab, Blab.......

hewey posted on 08/15/2005

Cool light idea. I would like to see some more pics of it.

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Lake Surfer posted on 08/15/2005

Too cool!

Love the bamboo everywhere... the grass, the bridge, the falls...

The atmosphere is right on!

The lighting sets the mood perfect too!

I keep dreaming... someday

Have to find an affordable house first though!

Great work! Enjoy!

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/15/2005

That place is making me drool. Thanks for posting these!

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Moondance posted on 08/15/2005

The lighted waterfall, bamboo bridge, lighted sign, flaming fish, beautiful tiki bar, Moai's old & new, tiki mugs everywhere, tiki bar stools, hanging bamboo chairs...
Incredible, simple amazing room you have! Great Job!
Please post more pictures!

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Moondance posted on 08/15/2005
Scottiki posted on 08/15/2005

That's the light! Eric from wild west was very cool to deal with...I also got my custom gobo from him. All in all it worked out to be a relatively inexpensive, yet supa-cool signage solution. I'll post some more sign pics tomorrow, to better illustrate how it works.
Thanks again for the incredibly kind praise...we're just thrilled to finally have a cool bar to hang out in...in our basement!

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/15/2005

Just to echo everyone else's sentiments.

That is one breathtakingly awesome bar.

Thanks for posting those pictures.

I think I'd better go and dig myself a basement now.

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Palama Tiki posted on 08/15/2005

MOST EXCELLENT! Fantastic job!

Scottiki posted on 08/15/2005

For those interested, here are a few shots of the light & custom gobo I used to make the sign for the Moai Lounge:

Here's the light hanging from the stairwell ceiling (had to use flash to get a good shot):
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A wider view of the light and projected sign (also with nasty flash):
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The custom gobo in its holder, close-up:
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Full view of gobo in holder, as it mounts into the light:
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Light & sign without nasty flash:
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Projected sign solo:
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Thanks again for the humbling praise...this is exactly the kind of support & shared passion that enabled me to realize my basement tiki dreams!


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JimTandem posted on 08/15/2005

I have no doubt your Moai Lounge will inspire many of us with your great ideas and execution. Very well done, man!

The only thing missing that I can see is a Moai kleenex dispenser to wipe away tears of joy from peeps that are completely overwhelmed when they see your Lounge in person!

Scottiki posted on 08/15/2005

Hey Jim,
Thanks for the love...the moai kleenex dispenser sits on a rattan table next to the wicker fan chair/tiki throne. It got some use on saturday at our grand opening shindig!

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Monkeyman posted on 08/15/2005

DUDE !!!!!

Thats great!

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Unga Bunga posted on 08/15/2005

Way to go Scott!
A beautiful vision it is..

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MachTiki posted on 08/15/2005


That is one hell of a bar!!! Great job.

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Raffertiki posted on 08/15/2005

Way too cool!

hewey posted on 08/16/2005

Thanks for the extra pics of that light. Looking back through the pictures (again), sooo sweet

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TikiGardener posted on 08/16/2005

Does that light generate any heat? I only ask because of the proximity of the light to possible flammable materials.

Be careful, it'd be horrible of this palce were suffer any damage from a fire.

You've done an amazing job!

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Turbogod posted on 08/16/2005

Top Notch bar. When's the party?

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Slacks Ferret posted on 08/16/2005

That is one of the finest home bars I've seen. Great job!

Scottiki posted on 08/16/2005

TikiGardener: the bulb in the lamp is a standard MR16 halogen bulb, so while it does put out a bit more heat than, say, an incandescent bulb, it's not presenting a fire hazard. The photos don't quite capture the breathing room the fixture has from either the thatch on the ceiling or directly in front of it. The (relatively) low heat MR16 bulb was definitely a consideration when I was looking at ellipsoidal lights (size was the other, perhaps main consideration).
Thanks for the thought, and just in case...we've got 3 smoke detectors, 3 fire extinguishers & plenty of insurance!
Turbogod: gotta consult with the wahine as to when the unveiling for local tikiphiles will be...keep an eye on the marylanddctiki boards :wink:

[ Edited by: Scottiki 2005-08-15 20:57 ]

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Moondance posted on 08/16/2005


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codelisa posted on 08/16/2005

WOW, that is TOTALLY AWESOME! Looks like you thought of everything. All that hard work and now it's time to sit back and enjoy....for years and years. Beautiful job!

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Haole Kat posted on 08/16/2005


Scottiki posted on 08/16/2005

Actually, the bamboo bridge entrance doesn't currently cross over anything...I'm thinking about a small, fake river of lava.
Anyone ever try making a glowing fake lava flow, you know, like those cheesy electric fire logs? I'm trying to figure out how to achieve the glowing effect...
Thanks again for the incredibly kind words...I'm just happy to be able to share what I've learned from others here on TC!


rodeotiki posted on 08/16/2005

Just wondering if you would mind telling me how tall the bar stools are and your bar height. Just trying to get some ideas for my deck.


Scottiki posted on 08/16/2005

Rodeo: Stools are 31" including seat cushions, and bar is 44" high.
Thanks for asking!

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johntiki posted on 08/16/2005

On 2005-08-14 14:36, rodeotiki wrote:
I revise my previos statement from wow to HOLY CRAP!!!

Rodeo you took the words right out of my mouth - Scottiki the bar is absolutely gorgeous! That has got to be one, if not the best, home bar I've ever laid eyes on! Now where is Germantown in relation to Bel Air? I think I need to pay the Moai Lounge a visit!!! WOW!

Scottiki posted on 08/16/2005

Hey John,
Germantown is located approx. 20 miles north of DC, just off (scenic) Interstate 270...prolly 'bout an hour from B'lair.

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Tiki Bird posted on 08/16/2005

Great job, and great tips for up-in-coming home bars!

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