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International Tiki Day 2005 in Seattle

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:tiki: The Voodoo Punch Returns! :tiki:

I'd like to invite any Tiki Centralites to celebrate International Tiki Day (August 12) in the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge. Please see the URL in my footer for details.



  1. The Voodoo Lounge isn't red enough
  2. Not a single go-go cage on the premise
  3. Nobody enjoyed the fried Monkey Balls that I brought for the potluck last year
  4. Sweetpea hasn't added me as a friend yet on My Space
  5. Spending a whole evening without hearing any Josh Groban would be traumatic
  6. Couldn't find that Watermelon guy in your photos at the party and still angry about it
  7. Heard Woofmutt is still serial killing in that area
  8. Getting my claws sharpened that day
  9. Jesus forbids my attendance
  10. Still haven't received blackmail payment from Monkeyskull for unauthorized Tikimentary footage shot last year

FYI: My PayPal address is [email protected]

[ Edited by: exoticat on 2005-07-05 17:43 ]


lacking an appropriate excuse to bow out, i suppose by default, i'll have to attend! :P

looking forward to seeing the Voodoo Lounge!

i'll bring a dessert

On 2005-07-05 17:42, Exoticat wrote:

  1. Still haven't received blackmail payment from Monkeyskull for unauthorized Tikimentary footage shot last year

Oh yeah, please note an addition to the Party Rules: No Video Cameras!

This would be a great opportunity to return everything my wife stole from your house at last years party.

Well dang it! The Mr. and I would love to attend but we're committed to a luau on that day. Dang it all to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!

Maybe next year.

Hi. I just wanted to refresh this and invite any Seattle area Tiki Centralites to drop on by.

See link in footer for details.

i'll be there with Banana Mac-Nut Praline Tarts ~


On 2005-08-10 23:25, dogbytes wrote:
i'll be there with Banana Mac-Nut Praline Tarts ~

Yay, cause somehow I managed to miss
eating one of them the other night!

Sweat Pea, I like your Tiki Central name. It sounds nice. That picture of the red painted person is gross.


"That picture of the red painted person is gross."

The "red painted" person is me. And it's not paint. It's a pigmentation condition of my skin which I have no control over.

Whenever I roll in dry raspberry JELL-O or strawberry KOOL-AID powder my skin turns bright red. I was taunted for many years at school about this until I decided to take my so called "handicap" and celebrate it in the guise of Watermelon Man.

As Watermelon Man I have spread joy and happiness and an understanding that whether your skin turns red from rolling in cherry JELL-O or your tongue is blue from a Louie-Bloo Raspberry Otter Pop you are a valuable person in the world.

OK, so the melon slice thong did eventually cause my third wife to leave me for the Hub Kap King. (Sorry Exoticat...Or should I say Hub Kap Kweenie? I know we agreed to never mention our past here at Tiki Central but pert near everyone knows now.) But as Watermelon Man I have taught hundreds of people (including guests of last year's Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge International Tiki Day party) the message of acceptance. Taught them with a healthy dose of watermelon flavored laughter, of course.

But if a TCer thinks Watermelon Man "is gross" then I don't think Watermelon Man can make the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge International Tiki Day 2005 party.

Woofmutt will be at the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge International Tiki Day 2005 party, hang dog expression and tail between his legs. Hopefully no one will think he "is gross".

PS: "Sweat Pea, I like your Tiki Central name. It sounds nice."

It does sound nice, except when it's "Sweet Pea, get away from the liquor cabinet!" "Sweet Pea, what're my credit cards doin' in your purse?" or "Sweet Pea, put yer dress down, this is church!"

PPS: One of the options for "woofmutt" in the spell checker is "vomit"! I'll keep the two seperate at the Monkey Skull Voodoo Lounge International Tiki Day 2005 party.

Want too much information? JELL-O stained dogs AND dog vomit! WARNING: Contains the phrase "big chunky stuff".


I was a Seattlite for 11 years. Even ran for City Council.

But alas, I am in Maine now. Not a lot of other tikiphiles here.


Ah, lovely ol' boring but scenic Maine. I sympathise. I lived in Wells, Maine for 6 months in late 2002/early 2003 before deciding I needed to leave for civilisation again, lest I put a gun to my head.

King Tiki in Portsmouth, NH was a fantastic tiki bar I frequented once a week during my short stay in Maine. The place was owned by the wonderful and generous Robert and Melissa Jasper (owners of 'The Friendly Toast'). All the decor at King Tiki was brought in from other parts of the country -- e.g., California, Florida, etc., and the physical result was very impressive, indeed. The place apparently started out with 'a vision' and with stalwart tiki bar intentions but -- like so many other places in the same boat, that end up eventually running aground -- soon began declining, until it eventually lost business and went out of business. (When I frequented the place on Friday nights, Heavy Metal karaoke on Thursday nights was King Tiki's biggest drawing night of the week. That should indicate the state of affairs the place was in.)

Anyway, back to International Tiki Day at Pete's Pad. I want to thank you, Pete, for attending my Lounge & Exotica Meet N Greet party last Sunday. I'm going to be going out of town for a couple days, starting this Sunday, and have many things to do before then, but I'm going to do my best to at least make an appearance at your party tomorrow. If not, save me a monkey skull!

All the best.

Cheers and Aloha and Hipahipa!


Oh, thanks...thanks a lot. I'm not "Hub Kap Kweenie" anymore...I divorced him as well. I thought all that therapy that I paid for for you had helped, but clearly noooOOOOOooooooo it hasn't. You just had to talk blah blah blah.

I hope you realize you have ruined my life and especially my future. I was just about to change my name to "Sugar Mama Tiki" and whisk Sweet Daddy Tiki off to someplace exotic (I was about to close this deal with hopes of him becoming my 7th husband but now I'm sure that's over.) I hope you're satisfied about freeing the skeletons from the closet.

p.s. And NO we can't have just "one last rendezvous" tonight at Monkeyskulls!!!

Actually I'm still iffy about attending tonight due to big travel day yesterday:

I discovered that the area pictured in this photo is my own personal Bermuda Triangle (Hood Canal Bridge). I don't know WHAT is going on between those two black dots but my car is magnetically attracted to that area. If anyone knows the secret of the Hood Canal Bridge please let me know...it must have powers.

There's still a chance that later tonight I will feel like driving again, especially if I can make Woofmutt so happy by attending. Plus one can see shooting stars just by being out and driving, i discovered this last night.


Since the bridge was closed yesterday I drove a couple a miles to Port Gamble and found myself in La La Land. This was all I had to eat all day (yours will have different bite marks):

Then on the way up HWY 101 for some reason I just happened to look up a side road and saw a giant towering tiki! I couldn't believe my eyes. I made note of the mile marker (325) and on the way back photographed it in the dark. It's in a community called Colony Surf (maybe all surfer dudes live there?). I'm sure someone else has spotted and documented this tiki, but I don't have time to do a search right now and find out.

Then as luck would have it, just down the road from the giant tiki, I finally stumbled across some food and stopped here at Longshore's Drive-In right before 10pm:

Tikiwahine...they have 200 flavors of milkshakes and the one I ordered, pineapple, was made with real fruit! I actually recommend the place and obviously you can't miss it. They turned off all the lights right after I placed my order...

I also thought of Humu Humu as I passed over the Hamma Hamma bridge!

Great party monkeyskull!! I needed a chance to catch up
on my sleep and your couch was perfect!


There were a lot more people at the party than my photos convey, but at least here's a few:

The Garden Of Good and Evil, now banned from video cameras due to last year's controversial Tikimentary, still managed to stir up a little excitement:

(If you don't remember it looking like that you probably went home too early.)

Jim cozies up to a tiki torch since his wife was out of town:

Ray tells Jim, "Just one year ago I was a star right in that corner!" Jim has no interest.

Ray cautiously drinks his Voodoo Punch from a small tiki mug this year while Monkeyskull tells everyone to "drink up!":

Tiki Riviera (eyes glowing voodoo red) and Woofmutt having in-depth discussion about "the couch":

Jill, DJ Terence Gunn and Woofmutt clearly having a good time in their vintage Hawaiian garb:

DJ Terence Gunn and I spent a LOT of time trying decide which mug we would steal if we could only have just one. Then we foolishly told our host about our plan. Is that why he checked my purse when I left?:

Realizing that there's a painted version of the Ape Mug (this is the one I just got in Canada) we discuss ways to colorize mine:

Puamana and Mrs. Tiki Riviera listen to Dogbytes:

Nah, they weren't spinning, I was. Tiki Riviera legs, Woofmutt, Mrs. Tiki Riviera, Dogbytes and Puamana:

Jim and Monkeyskull compete in a game of pool:

The host...Monkeyskull. Close...really close:

Cool tiki head path lights, but not so good photo:

Ray gives us a message of hope:

Last photo of the night. Pretty much sums up the effects of Voodoo Punch:

[ Edited by: Exoticat 2005-08-15 19:17 ]


This year's Voodoo Punch was a real batch of black magic brew. Gold in color (like the gold deep within the Earth right near Hell) it had a dry, full fruity flavor that didn't even taste like there was alcohol in it. Oh what a fine trick that was. The hours ran by quickly and the discussions of Japanese umbrella design or amateur astronomical photography became more heated and intense...And the next morning I'm sitting at a North Aurora bust stop with my first ever in my life hangover headache (cured later by water and 6 hours of dumb ass TV watching).

For the record: Shutter bug Exoticat runs like a greyhound whenever a camera is pointed in her direction. I think it's control issues. But it should be great fun at any gathering, so bring lots of cameras if she's there.


Woofie...I'll be in touch.

[ Edited by: exoticat 2005-08-16 15:01 ]

God. I have no recollection of posing with the tiki jesus portrait. Monkey Skull unleashed the most cacaphonous and belligerent of his monkeys into the recesses of my skull on Sunday morning. On behalf of my fellow revelers, Damn you, Monkey Skull! (And see you next year).


what a way to celebrate International Tiki Day ~ strong voodoo punch and exploring Monkeyskull's Dungeon Lounge. who could ask for anything more?

Boy Howdy did I leave WAYYYYY toooooo Early!
It was a great party,but I'm bummed I missed all the
good fun!
Dern weekend job.
Oh well, this way I might actually be able to
afford a house where i can have a real tiki bar!

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