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The Great Tiki Treasure Hunt starts Thurs., 05/14 at noon pst

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On 2005-08-04 12:16, Tikiwahine wrote:
So, am I correct in assuming that you need to live in, or have access to a physical location somewhere south of the Canadian border? I'd just like to know so I don't waste my time on something I have no way of completing.

strke your alliances well as there are a limited # of Tiki treasures to go around. The hunt may very well find it's way to Canada as Tiki Farm digs it's Canadian Tiki collectors!

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2005-08-05 00:00 ]


If anybody has any questions, please email me at [email protected]. As it is a treasure hunt, I cannot give out any clues and I've been asked a lot for clues and "how it all works". I can say this - it's a treasure hunt that is both virtual (online) and real world (geographic locales)... however, it is mostly virtual. If you're geographically challenged, try to strike an alliance with a tc'er if you feel that one of the clues points you to a geographic locale that isn't near where you live. All treasures are free and shipped free of any freight charges (except int'l. orders which are billed at the actual freight cost).

I've got my plane ticket to SoCal in my pocket and my bags packed! just waiting for the mag to arrive...



Has anyone else found the booty yet?????

On 2005-08-07 08:24, WooHooWahine wrote:
Has anyone else found the booty yet?????


Anybody need a hint?????? Got PayPal??? LOL!!!

It's official!!! Mysmartloan doesn't exist anymore!!! Has ANYONE found the clues to the Great Tiki Treasure Hunt besides WooHooWahine, TikiWine Bear and myself????? Come on people...If we can figure it out, then it can't be that difficult! I know some of you are making it harder than it is!!!!!

Come on TC'ers hasn't anyone found a Clue Yet??? I know there's still a lot of Booty out there to find. Where's Your Tiki Spirit? WooHooo! :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2005-08-09 17:15 ]


WHW how many people were at the event to pick up a magazine? It would be safe to assume they are the only folks who have an issue at this point. I live 2 1/2 hours from San Diego and haven't received mine yet. I'm not worried, I know it will get here. No rush. And I'm sure once they start arriving in peoples mailboxes there will be more of that Tiki Spirit your asking about.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-08-09 17:40 ]

Hey Ben-
Nice Illustration!!!! Have you read that book yet? Maybe there are clues in it???? LOL (I don't think so!)
Can I borrow that book sometime?

High on a hill top a lonely GLOAT herd. Laedelaeo o lae hee hoo.

Ive decided to start wearing facial hair, I call it a GLOATee.

any questions?

On 2005-08-10 15:57, SoccerTiki wrote:
Hey Ben-
Nice Illustration!!!! Have you read that book yet? Maybe there are clues in it???? LOL (I don't think so!)
Can I borrow that book sometime?

Sure!! No problem. The magical "Google Fairy" will send the book to you!!

Shore Break this weekend?? End of Beach Blvd. Many clues are avail at the end of Beach Blvd. Trust me. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Ye Ol' Tiki Burn Pit Havith Many Clues.

Rev. Boo- What clues are located in the pit??????

Well it looks like we've got a few more winners!

More winners????? Who else has claimed the booty?????


WooHooo! Congratulations Aloha Bros. Aren't you excited to see the booty??? :)



Alright - who's next? :wink:

Alright, alohabros and Doctor Z!! Way to go! Now time to relax and have a few mai tai's. Put down the spyglass and give those eyeballs a rest. Anyone else?? The crew of treasure finders is growing. Holden, how many does that make now?

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:55 ]

Which famous TCer was that? Rob Schneider?

"WooHooo" (to quote another infamous TC'er), Tikichic! Congrats to you too! The crowd is starting to thicken waiting for their share of the booty! Welcome aboard, matey!!


That was fun. I guess I didn't need that shovel after all. Doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:55 ]

Woo Hooo to Dr.Z (finally :wink:), Tikichic, and TikiJosh!! Anyone else found the booty yet???

As of this afternoon, it was either 15 or 16 of the total 20 potential treasure hunter winners that have won. I think it'll be finished by Friday - good luck and I'm glad that you guys are diggin' it (emails have been awesome - thank you!). More hunts to follow very, very soon!

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2005-08-17 21:12 ]

Maybe, fer next time, the map could be posted online so that everyone has a chance to see it all at once.
Just a suggestion.
Kind of sad that it ends before many even have a chance to start.


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:55 ]

tikichic, yes I do have a subscription, but not everyone gets them at the same time(I'm in Canada)

Maybe there could be clues that don't ready themselves until a certain date, to give everyone a chance to get their copy.

"tune in at this tiki time, on this tiki website for the first clue!"

Heck this was the very first treasure hunt, things might change if there's a next one.

Soccer Tiki and I haven't even received our subscription to Tiki Magazine in the mail yet and we only live 60 miles north of San Diego. Talk about SNAIL MAIL LOL Thank Goodness for the Pre-View Night at Tiki Ti where we were able to purchase a magazine.

HA! Done!

URGENT!! As of 12:15pm, Friday August 19th, there are only 2 treasures of the 20 in total remaining! The last 24 hours saw a lot of hunters successfully competing the hunt. So good luck to the last few possible winners of the first ever Great Tiki Treasure Hunt!


As of 12:05, RanTiki & LynnMcTiki are Done and Done! Yippee!

[ Edited by: RanTiki 2005-08-19 12:23 ]

As of 12:15pm, Friday August 19th I still haven't received my new issue of Tiki Magazine. I'm in Jersey. this sucks.


I STILL haven't received my issue of Tiki Magazine!

WooHooo! Bring on the booty Dagmar. Everyone found your booty!!!

On 2005-08-19 13:03, liabungalo wrote:
As of 12:15pm, Friday August 19th I still haven't received my new issue of Tiki Magazine. I'm in Jersey. this sucks.


Aw, c'mon! Bein' from Jersey ain't that bad!


They may as well just have handed out the prizes at the Tiki Ti. It's unfortunate that the promotion was tied to magazine that doesn't go out to its subscribers in a timely fashion, and knowing such, Tiki Farm didn't at least post a scan of the back cover once it became obvious that the magazines weren't getting out into the hands of the masses.

[ Edited by: Hot Lava 2005-08-20 10:31 ]

On 2005-08-05 13:04, smogbreather wrote:
I can say this - it's a treasure hunt that is both virtual (online) and real world (geographic locales)... however, it is mostly virtual. If you're geographically challenged, try to strike an alliance with a tc'er if you feel that one of the clues points you to a geographic locale that isn't near where you live.

Heed these words of wisdom.

Let's not bag on Tiki Farm (aka Holden)!!!!!! This was the "first of many" treasure hunts, and with it come growing pains of trial and error.....I don't feel there was any error, only a slow release of the magazine...Holden's fault?-H*ll No! Tiki Mag's fault?-Hey! It is their first release (to subscribers through the mail...) They obviously weren't prepared to mail out ALL copies at the time they had the release party......Well, I know that Oceanic Arts has had their copies for over two weeks (as well as other retail locations) so, cut come slack and I'm sure the next "Hunt" will be more "Out-of-town-user" friendly!!!!!!

Hey! It's all "Tiki"


On 2005-08-21 10:44, SoccerTiki wrote:
Let's not bag on Tiki Farm (aka Holden)!!!!!! This was the "first of many" treasure hunts, and with it come growing pains of trial and error.....I don't feel there was any error, only a slow release of the magazine...Holden's fault?-H*ll No! Tiki Mag's fault?-Hey! It is their first release (to subscribers through the mail...) They obviously weren't prepared to mail out ALL copies at the time they had the release party......Well, I know that Oceanic Arts has had their copies for over two weeks (as well as other retail locations) so, cut come slack and I'm sure the next "Hunt" will be more "Out-of-town-user" friendly!!!!!!

Hey! It's all "Tiki"


... subscription or prescription...

... more pictures...

... maybe all tc posts should be image files telling all, at least for a month or two...

... no words...

Got the magazine but still haven't got a clue. I'm not necessarily geographically challenged but I do appear to be tiki-treasure-hunt challenged.

My treasure is spinning in the blender.

Any after-the-fact reveals for the "challenged" folks??


Holden, has anyone else completed the hunt, or are there still two more treasures to be had?

I second that request for info.

Are we there yet?

Got my TikiMag today!?! Only 25 days after the release!!!! Hey Dagmar-Where's the booty??? All the "Rare and never before seen tiki drink vessels, sterling silver tiki jewelry, rare tiki art and tiki carvings, etc. etc."???

Are you gonna post the winners?


Arrrgh, mateys! Us treasure finders are getting a little restless a'waiting for the booty vault to be unlocked and revealed, eh? Have we all be gathered 'round so we can hear from Dagmar and grab our loot and scurry off to discover more booty and grog? I see the plank being lowered on the port side of the deck. Do I smell mutiny in the ranks?

May the Tiki be with you, and float the Aloha to all parts of the world!

[ Edited by: tikiwinebear 2005-08-26 09:37 ]

We've had 19 successful treasure hunters and there is 1 final treasure remaining!

The first ever Great Tiki Treasure Hunt has ended! Congratulations to all 20 winners! There will be more hunts to come and every hunt will be different from the last... some will be harder and some easier. The treasures will vary from hunt to hunt depending upon the difficulty of the hunt and the number of prizes awarded!

Some of you have asked that I publish the names of the winners. I have been contacted by a few of the winners asking that their information be kept confidential, which I believe is best.

Very shortly, all of the winners will be receiving their treasures and there will be a very special bonus prize for the 1st place finisher! I hope those of you who participated had a good time!


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