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BENZART's Carvings Second original thread

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so you do birds too....really cool Ben...the two tikis
are incredible and I'd love to see a close up of the
bird....the feet look awesome!

teaKEY posted on Mon, Aug 1, 2005 5:53 PM

those are freakin sweet and to think that those are not the ones that you can hang around your neck. Are these taken or doormen to your woodshed?


Thanks Saxotica, I sorta can't wait till I can see better too.

Thanks Moki, I'm holding up OK if I don't try to carve every day. Yeah Finally the camera is back

Thanks for the A+'s Spermy, I think they are Ugly,,,TIKI Ugly

Congatiki, yes I have done birds ,pelicans, Eagles, dolphins, Indians and all other types of junk

So thee was some other stuff I have done.

Ben- These big ones are truly remarkable. That indian too - I still can't get over that guy. It could be said that I'm a wooden indian freak too. I'll level with you, if there was a Cigar Store Indian Central.com, I'd be all over that forum too. That piece is one of the best ones I've seen!

hewey posted on Mon, Aug 1, 2005 8:26 PM

Awesome carving man. Love those two new guys. And love all the old pics too. The quality is unbeleivable.

Ben... the Lonos are beautiful...

Can't wait to see them in person at Hukilau!

Oh man! Those are NICE. Really expressive- I really like the distressing you added to the finish. :)

So overall has working on small scale done anything to change or add to your methods from how you approached previous large pieces? Or vice versa??

Wow Ben! What you have that (most of) the rest of us are trying for, is a sense of realism. These guys look like historical artifacts.

Jeeeeeez. Those are nice! I love that wood in the orangish maori lookin frog, (Is that a frog?) what wood and stain is that?
Oh yeah, tikis are nice too. :wink:


Thanks Sam, That was my favorite Indian I think. He was 10 ft tall carved from white pine, on-site in New Jersey. thanks..

Hewey, thanks. If you keep practicing, you will be a master one of these days

Lake, hopefully I'll have 6 or 8 of these big guys. Thanks for the comps.

Thanks Capt'n Skully, the finish is simple. Stain and when it dries, lightly sand it down on the high spots. Then varnish. Simple.
Yes, working on the small pieces Has changed the way I do the larger ones. I see Much more detail and I can see where to add detail and where it isn't needed. Plus it makes the detail much easier to carve.

Raffer, Thanks, that was a great compliment, I appreciate that.

surfintiki, thanks. Yeah, that was a frog, a 3 foot long frog carved from Honduran mahogany. No stain, just the natural color with varnish.

Thanks everyone for all the great words, they really get me up for more carving.

(Love this spell check Hanford!)

The big guys look really great. I love the expressions.


Absolutely Amazing...You are so incredibly talented and diverse. I love the frog. It's the details that really separates your work. Thanks for the inspiration.

Ben, those Lonos are so alike and so different at the same time. I bet you could carve a hundred Lonos and they'd all be unique. Do you ever sketch anything on paper before you start? Or do you just keep the ideas in your head and draw them right on the log? Beautiful pieces as always. A++ with extra credit.



Thanks AlohaStation and Tammy, I love the comps.
Aaron thank you too for the extra grade!.
I never sketch anything out except for on the wood when I start. I start with a basic pattern and it evolves from there. I can't draw.

Here are more pix of #2

This one will be #3

Closeups of the pelican

McTiki posted on Tue, Aug 2, 2005 2:11 PM

WOW!!! Ben, those rock Sir! Don;t lose vision now, your Ohana needs you. So many new folks to aspire. These alone would be worth going to Hukilau!!! Thanks for the pics.


awesome Ben. i love them all.keep em coming

GMAN posted on Tue, Aug 2, 2005 6:57 PM


I am speechless! Those are absolutely amazing. You have the touch. Man, I feel like a lame hacker now!


hewey posted on Wed, Aug 3, 2005 4:05 AM

On 2005-08-02 14:09, Benzart wrote:
I never sketch anything out except for on the wood when I start. I start with a basic pattern and it evolves from there. I can't draw.

Farrr out! My appreciation of your work just went through the roof! I gotta do at least a simple sketch at the minimum! Unbeleivable, and they always look so pefectly balanced design wise.


Thanks McTiki and Marcus, I appreciate the comps and good words.
GMAN, thanks and you are FAR Far from being just a lame Hacker and you know it.
Hewey, thanks to you tooI always felt that not being able to draw really Limits my art. Thanks.


Benzart Rocks!


Yep Ben Rocks. Sittin in my rockin chair in the garage, back and forth and Oh,Oh, theres a piece thet needs to come off--- I get up out of my rockin chair and go overn th the tiki. Now where was tht darnthing I wanted to make longerOh Well, put down th echisel and go back to the rockin chair, back and forth,,,,Back and forth..Ba--Oh OH OH , there it went again, Ok I'm just gonna sit here and Rock on awhile.
Yeah Ban ROCKS. Thanks TikiG


Man, been on vacation and wow... you never stop.. Looks great. Ill be starting a new carving soon. So damn hot to be outside..LOL.. Catch up soon


Thanks Thanatos. Yes it IS HotHotHot to be outside carving and not much cooler in the garage.

I made a deal and sent #2 out west to OnoTiki and Moki . They will start off the shooting for the new HGTV show "Look What We Did" which is about home Tiki Bars created by the home owner. I guess it will be about other remodels besides tiki, but not all.
Anyway thay talked me into parting with #2 with an offer I could not refuse.
All the rest of BigBenzArts will be at Hukilau and available thereafter the show.
Thanks Ona&Moki

hewey posted on Tue, Aug 9, 2005 6:13 PM

You mean a Benzarts gonna be on TV? Cool!


My new BenZart Bling Bling.

I know what you're thinking....that it's a little too big!! But you're wrong. This thing is friggin amazing!!! Ben IS the Master!!

All joking aside. This piece is really beautiful!! It is amazing how you aged it. It looks like it was carved 50 years ago and kept lovingly preserved. We feel very honored to have in our home.

Thanks again.. You rock!!


Your work is simply amazing! #2 is a real gem! I like the flat back for hanging. I need to find something flat like that but reaaaaally tall for my outside wall.

Keep on carving!

Oh I see Your using it as a necklace. I'm a little slow. I said to my self "why is that tiki floating?" "shit he must be magic like David Blane or something." "Is it on his feet?" Then I remembered the chain from a previous pic."oooohh Bling,Bling"

Great Stuff Ben! I especialy like this pelican.

Goin in for the kill.

I'm looking forward to the HGTV episode so I can see some video of Onatikis house. I really can appreciate all the hard work that went into that place. It looks like some kind of mini resort.


GMAN posted on Wed, Aug 10, 2005 4:20 PM


I just can't get over those pics....your carvings are just amazing. Over the top amazing. I've probably looked at them 50 times, and each time I notice something new. I need a better chain.....


Wow...thats amazing. Cant wait to meet you at the Hukilau, Benzart. Hope you bring alot of goods. My pockets will be fully loaded.

I was fortunate enough to enjoy Big Benzart #1 in my home a few days en route to Tiki Kiliki and Hukilau... Ben's work is simply amazing in life beyond the pictures he posts...

That Bling is sweet onatiki!!

How's #3 coming Ben??

hewey posted on Wed, Aug 10, 2005 8:08 PM

Hey capt'n - how did you let a big benzart go? I would have hidden it - what tiki benzart? I dont know what you're talking about... :)

It was difficult- I tried the ol' "What Tiki??" When tiki kiliki came to pick it up... :D

To be honest, Big Benzart just wasn't happy at my place- I'm so packed in that he didn't have the premier placement he deserves!

His vibe is STRONG- and that's all I can say.

You were the inspiration that got me started! Those pieces are friggin awesome! Love your work. Your progress post are great. Perfect learning tool for peeps like me. Keep up the great work.

You lucky dog, Onatiki. That's one cool Benzart piece! I officially envy you... :)

Benz, you HAD to have been a master polynesian carver in a previous life. either that, or you're channeling every carving master that ever lived!

i love the irony in that line: "i can't draw." :)

Congrats Onatiki. That is one fine acquisition.


Ben -

I thought of an awesome compliment about your latest work when I was getting into my car after work. Now that I'm in front of my computer, I forgot it.

It's so good to see you going bigger again.


Thanks for the comps everyone. The #2 BigBenZart, hopefully will look great on Ona's wall on TV and not on the cutting room floor.
Here is my first carving with 1/2 of a set of eyes. I won't get the stitches out until Sept the 9th which is a very long time dammit! (Doc went on a 2 week vacation!).
Anyway I'm starting small for Hukilau.

He is made from Zebra wood and is 2 1/2" tall by 1" wide and 1/2"thick. I should be able to finish carving him today.


Nice Ben. Even when challenged with visual accuity, you are still the master.


Hey Ben, that's a sweet little carving. Love the details!

Best of luck for a speedy recovery... you'll be back at it before you know it!

Sweet stylin' there, Benz! and with one eye tied behind your back! :)


You are the one eyed carving King!!!!!!
These are beautiful Ben! I've been off building a playground for my son and a car for me and I haven't checked in.......So sorry now! These are amazing!
You the King.

Looks great...how do you do it!
I too am loaded with stitches, but am in no shape to carve. Good for you to keep carvin, I'm impressed. My hernia surgery was day before yesterday, barely get outa bed, yet alone carve! This gives me a chance to read Kon-tiki...phenomenal book. Best wishes to ya, and a speedy recovery.

Is this a statement piece - with large bulging eyes and no pupils? Looks great.

Lovin' that tongue, Ben. True Benzart attitude showing there! :wink:

Ditto what everyone else said, but I also really like the way his shoulders jut out the opposite way from his chin. I was also wondering about the eye bones.


Thanks for the props everyone. Remember those pix were of the incomplete tiki. he now has pupils and the skinny little tongue is no more. (victem of hard, chippy wood.) I'll post pic's later today when I finish the legs and some minor detail. Working with the stitches is not as bad as working with 2 way differently focused eyes. I can see better with my old glasses, but I have difficulty seeing with my old glasses. I can see distances better with no glasses and up close I Have to wear the glasses to read and carve so it's an uncomfortable catch-22 that will remain until I get the other eye done.
More later!

It will be great to see this one finished. He's got sort of a punk look with that hairstyle. That zebra wood is amazing, I guess it's hard to get in larger sizes? Keep it up, but don't overdo it with those stitches! :)

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