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Tiki rum bottle

Pages: 1 15 replies

isaca posted on 05/30/2002

I am pretty new at this. But I just found a tiki at an Estate Sale. It is a black rum bottle with arms and legs. I have heard it is sort of rare. Does anyone have any info on this? -Isaca

kahukini posted on 05/30/2002

sounds like it might be a special edition Kahlua bottle, but we need a picture.

[ Edited by: kahukini on 2002-05-30 00:51 ]

isaca posted on 05/30/2002

I need to figure out how to post a picture. The tiki is squating and has his hands over his ears or eyes. It's made out of black rough ceramic. I dont think Kahlua but who knows.

[ Edited by: isaca on 2002-05-30 01:03 ]

kahukini posted on 05/30/2002

it's not kahlua then. those are brown glass. maybe it's a decanter made by Hawaiian Distillers

ErichTroudt posted on 05/30/2002

If it is black, squatting, with his hands above his eyes, with a rough texture, it's more than likely a Trader Vics bottle.(the mugs are pictured on page 92 of Book of Tiki) Both the mugs and bottle are valuable and "wanted" by collectors.

Erich Troudt

PolynesianPop posted on 05/30/2002

**Poly-Pop ***

Bartender, make mine a glass of WATAHHH!!!!!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2013-02-04 20:10 ]

midnite posted on 05/30/2002

PolynesianPop wrote:
isaca, your description definitely fits the bill for the Trader Vic's Suffering Bastard mug. It is somewhat uncommon however, Good find on you part.

Once again, this type of thing NEVER happens to me! I agree, great find. Definitely sounds like the Sufferin' B in bottle/decanter size. One more "holy grail" missing from my collection.


isaca posted on 05/31/2002

Well, I got it for about 5 bucks at some old lady's estate sale along with another one that's chipped a little. Usually this sort of thing does not happen to me so i'm happy.

ErichTroudt posted on 05/31/2002

Good Job paying that little for it.

Thats how I got my two Trader Vics mugs...75 cents each at a garage sale...

Erich Troudt

PolynesianPop posted on 05/31/2002

That was definitely a steal! Good Job. I've had luck finding a rarity myself. I was able to pick up (2) Don the Beachcomber Rum Barrels for $2.00 each at a thrift store. Of course, this was about 1 1/2 ago. Since then, it seems as though the luck has kind of run out...

isaca posted on 06/01/2002

I love love love to hear about the stories of rare yard sale tiki's. tell me more. That's the thing once you hear it's rare it makes it more fun to have and keep. I'll have to place my rum bottle bastard tiki in a place of honor. and maybe some day send a picture.

laney posted on 06/01/2002

Here's one for ya! While cleaning out part, and I stress, part of my parents garage, last summer,looking for a set of starburst dishes my mom says my dad had. I found this very rum bottle with the original box, and seal, and some liquer in it still (brown goo now) along with a Mr. Bali hi (mint with lid) My mom said that I could have them! She has several amazing tiki mugs she will not give up but says I can have them when they die and to put my name on them (I have 5 siblings who probably wouldn't want them anyway) One mug I've only seen in a collection (the owner's of Oceanic Arts) is the mug my dad stole for my mom on their first date! (my dad's 77 now)This summer I'll have to go treasure hunting again, maybe I'll hit the attic! I'd like to post a picture with the box (the box is great too!)but I'm not that computer savvy, yet!

isaca posted on 06/01/2002

Jealous! What a find.

TikiHula posted on 06/01/2002

Congrats on the great finds you guys!! There are two sizes of the Sufferin Bastard rum bottle and then the mug. The bottles are 6 and 9 inches tall I think. Which size did you find?


[ Edited by: TikiHula on 2002-06-01 12:49 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 06/15/2002

laney said:
"One mug I've only seen in a collection (the owner's of Oceanic Arts) is the mug my dad stole for my mom on their first date!"

Can you describe what it looks like? I once spoke to Bob at Oceanic Arts about some of the really rare mugs that they have in their case. Apparantly, the Big Mouth mug (currently being reproduced by Tiki Farm) and the Cobra's Fang mug was manufactured with their stamp on the bottom. If you ask Bob to show them to you, they are marked Oceanic Arts on the bottom. He tells me they used to supply these mugs to restaurants back in the 60's. I know these mugs are ultra-rare as I've NEVER seen them anywhere (not even on eBay) other than their tiki-mug case in their warehouse. Great score!

BTW - Check out this auction for a MINT set of Trader Vic's Suffering Bastards:


laney posted on 06/16/2002

Well, It's actually one of the ugliest mugs ever. It has an ugly head with a handle. It is brown, kind of flat glaze. I know when I took my mom there years ago she struck up a conversation with one of the owners (I've never formally met them)regarding the mug and others in the case. Some day I'll get the digital and get some photos of her mugs and my bottle when I find it. (still unpacking tiki junk after a move) I don't know how else to describe it, look for the ugliest mug in the cases and it's probably the one. It's the story behind it that makes me like it because even my mom thinks it's ugly. She still wanted it and my dad offered to buy her one at the bar and they wouldn't sell it. Who knows, I might not be here if he hadn't swiped it.

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