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Martiki is a Trader Vic's Bartender!

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"Dear Penthouse Forum,

I'd heard before of masterful bartenders, men who could reduce grown women into puddles of yielding gelatin with their liquor-handling prowess, but I thought I was immune. I never thought that it would be possible, but it happened to me. I walked into the San Francisco Trader Vic's, and there, behind the bar, was the bartender of my dreams -- sleek, efficient, with quick hands that betrayed a knowledge of how to please a woman...."


Yes, the frickin' scamp has been keeping a secret -- for the past 3 months, he's been learnin' the trade at the San Francisco Trader Vic's, and when we arrived for Happy Hour before the Tiki Art Two show, we were all shocked to find that he was serving as our ever-lovin' bartender that evening. 3 months! In case you missed it:


I know that there might be some of you who haven't experienced the unbridled joy of an evening at the Foggy Grotto or Novato Grotto, Martiki's home bars, but here's what you need to know: Martiki has had a passion for drinkmaking for quite some time now, particularly a passion for Getting It Right. He's exactly the sort of guy you want behind the bar when you're ordering the sort of complicated concoction we all love, and he's exactly the sort of guy that Trader Vic's needs behind the bar. It's win-win all around. Again, for those who might be slow on the uptake:


So, how's about startin' to meet up there more regular-like?

But first and foremost, let's congratulate Martiki, 'cause this is an exciting thing, but even more so, the Trader Vic's organization, for hiring the right man for the job.


Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-09-17 14:37 ]

hewey posted on Sat, Sep 17, 2005 4:37 AM

Cool! Well done Martiki. If I ever make it topside, Ill have to come visit ya for a real drink.

well done Martiki! Yet another reason to go to SF...


congratulation...I now understand why he was looking so intensely at the TV bartender at the last SF bar crawl :wink:

And he got a very cool shirt out of the deal, too!! Worth a special trip up there! Well done, mate!

Wait, does this mean he can't get us a discount at Bev Mo after all?

Congratulations Martin!!!

More embedding as we take over the world. AHAHAHAHAAA!


There is a God...


Is this the precursor to the upcoming chain of Trader Martins? If so, then I'll buy the Orange County/LA County franchises!

Wow, now THAT'S a slick move! Congrats Martin!

What a great concept for a "Gesamtkunstwerk" (German term for an all-aspects-of-life-encompassing-work-of-art).

Never have thought it possible that the commercial and the underground side of Tiki would meet in such a beneficial way.

Carving Tikis, making mugs, yeah, but becoming a Trader Vic's bartender, all by your own dedication?
That's going all the way.


Aw, you guys are making me blush. Thanks so much for all the kind words.

You can find me behind the bar Friday, Sunday, and Monday from about 4 to midnight, and Thursdays at lunch. And probably seven days a week when the holidays roll around.

Sorry DG, the BevMo era is coming to an end. Next Saturday will be my last day there. I will miss the discount, too :(

Mahalo all!

Martin makes a mean mai tai.


Congrats!! I like the SF Trader Vic's, but this makes it even more special. I'll definitely stop in next time I'm in town. I'm stoked for you, looking forward to seeing you behind the bar!



Holy Honi Honi, that's neat! Sometimes in the past there's been a TVics bartender who's friendly towards us TCers, but this is a stripe of a different horse altogether!

Martin, sounds great, and hope to see you there (when we're out and about). Too bad you didn't mention it at the Makeout Room the other night, but I guess to paraphrase Orson Welles, "we will spill no beans before they're clean".

So what's the hardest drink to make (so we can all order it from you when we see you)?

What's your favorite new discovery (drink-wise) that you didn't know about before being trained in the sacred rituals?


Good news!

Especially with me coming to the S.F. area in two weeks. A new Trader Vics for me to visit, a new Tiki Central person to meet, a new bartender to talk to -- all combined in one neat package!

I'll be there either October 2 or 3 (Sunday or Monday) -- or both dates!



Martiki's got skills. Serious mixologist talent.

I've been to a bunch of Vic's, tried a whole lotta cocktails. Martin's semi-professional work from his home bar was as good, if not better, than most of the stuff I've been served at Vic's.

Seems like a perfect fit, and a real asset for SF Vic's. Now, I have to visit the place. Kudos MC, this news actually made me smile.


ps An added plus: no hairs in my Navy Grog!

A treat indeed! Y'all should see the look on his face as he shakes up the drinks. All business, as in: This dude is serious! Never seen a bartender slap the mint before either(and no, that's not a euphemism). Having spent last Saturday hanging out with the man and not hearing a peep about this remarkable development, I was taken totally off guard. I was the first of the gang in the door last night (and thus the first to discover the secret. So, nyah nyah nyah, I'm so cool!) and as I approached the bar, the fellow on the other side greeted me with a friendly "Hi." I responded, "How ya doin'?," and kept walking. I truly did a major double take and spun around to confirm what was happening. What I figured to be an elaborate prank by our man, turned out to be a fine reality. Great going Martiki!

-Weird Unc

holy crap!! dude why would you keep this a secret? congrats and good luck! we'll have come out and see you there sometime soon!


Well, can you tell us the secret ingredients then?

Nice! Puamana and I can't wait for our next San Francisco adventure. Congrats to you Martin!


The best part of this is that soon, all of the Trader Vics executives will know about martiki's skills and love of the "old ways" and knowledge of rums... and they will ask him to travel the world to teach all of their bartenders how to mix drinks... and Trader Vics will be on the cover of Forbes magazine as "the comeback company of the year" owing it to the bar being rejuvinated... and companies all over the world will emulate them... and all will be able to get great drinks all over the place and it will all be due to martiki.

I'm sure that's been his plan all along.

[ Edited by: pablus 2006-08-11 12:28 ]


Martiki! great news on the new gig ~ we'll definitely look for you when we get out to SF...

hey, maybe you can talk the bossfolks into letting you come to seattle and train the TV bartenders~



Good going Martiki, a BIG Congratulations!

Congrats Martiki,
Finally a bartender who doesn't stare blankly when the subject of Tiki culture and history is mentioned...If I'm not mistaken, you must be the first TCer to shake up the juice for the Vic. (Well, I'm sure you're the first Grand member to do so at least)
Maybe you could sub in Emeryville sometime...[Edited as Vic's people read this- but I know what you mean! - martiki]

[ Edited by: martiki 2005-09-18 12:37 ]


Do they service Bears? Tiki Bares? Be careful not to pick up that dropped umbrella. He knows where you work

You have joined the halls of Tiki Vallhalla. Where surely the drunk shall live forever. I knight you Sir Martiki, of Friscoshire. Liege of Sir Joel, of Atlantashire, and servant of King Victor. And now, for the Jigger Creed...... This is my jigger. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My jigger is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

My jigger, without me, is useless. Without my jigger, I am useless. I must measure my jigger true. I must pour straighter than the competition who are trying to put me out of business. I must put him out of business before he puts me out of business. I WILL...

My jigger and myself know that what counts in this tiki bar is not the aloha shirt we wear, the noise of our Martin Denny, nor the hell we raise. We know that it is the drinks that count. WE WILL DRINK...

My jigger is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its measuring lines, its accessories, it's spout and it's capacity. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage as I will ever guard my legs, my arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. I will keep my jigger clean and ready. We will become part of each other. WE WILL...

Before God, I swear this creed. My jigger and myself are the defenders of my tiki bar. We are the masters of our competition. WE ARE THE SAVIORS OF POOR SCHMO'S EVERYWHERE WHO HAVE NEVER TASTED A GOOD DRINK.

So be it, until victory is Tiki's and there are no bad drinks, but pure, unadulterated tropical hedonism

For once, I'm speechless. Holy crap, Martiki, I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO
SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But on a subtler note, you're owed an extra round of applause. I NEVER had the slightest CLUE what a talented actor you are until now!!! You Tiki Olivier you, I swear, we were completely fooled by your flawless "poor (sniffle) weary me, overworked and bored at (snuffle) dweadful BevMO, I can't even make it to a single (wah) party cuz I always hafta wooorrrkkk" jazz.

I nominate you for an Oscar, dear.

Can't wait to order my first Mai Tai from Martiki!

XOXOXOXOX tikivixen

p.s. That was a truly amazing post, BK. Especially tipsy...wow. I'm dazed here.

p.p.s. Pablus is right.

You da woman, Vixen...

Well done Martin!
I look forward to ordering a drink from you soon.

A Local Boy makes good!!! Yeehaw, and congrats, Martin! Will finally get to say howdy in person. The last round of mai tai's we had in SF weren't all so special, so now we will definitely make it back soon!

My fez off to you!


Thanks all again!

If you're visiting from TC, please be sure to come up and introduce yourself if I don't know your name/face.

RJ- the hardest drinks to make (for me) are the ones in real pineapples since we core them to order. It's a pain in the ass, plus we put them on a plate and specially folded napkin. Looks great, tho'. I won't say which two they are, but you guys will figure it out pretty fast.

My favorite new discovery is a SECRET drink (oooh!) not on the menus called the Hinky Dink's Fizzy. Gin, lime, passion, apricot, champagne, and more- some of you already had one on Friday. It's great. Ask for it by name! More about this one later...

Vern- Catch me on the 3rd- I'll still be in Chicago before that.

Will try to keep the hairs out of the navy grogs.

I kept it a secret so I could ramp up a little bit before people showed up. I still don't have all the drinks memorized, but I'm getting there. Even drinks I knew I've had to relearn the restaurant versions for consistency.

As for secret ingredients, there aren't any! You now may notice how I've been posting the occasional recipe in the other forums- the only things you can't really get on your own are the Mai Tai Concentrate and the Rum (Navy) Grog Concentrate, unless you know Joel in Atlanta. That's what gives Navy Grogs and Mai Tais the unique "in-restaurant" flavor. All the recipes in the "Trader Vic's Tiki Pary" book are accurate, by the way.

Pablus- there are a lot of great mixologists in the company, who are concerned with keeping the flavors consistent. Sure there's things I don't like, but the reality of business means no Zaya in the well! (Seriously, we play with a lot of rum combos- and my fellow bartender Lars turned me on to Mai Tais with Zaya and Pusser's. Try it!) But it will be a long time before they send a greenhorn like me out into the world.

Elicia- don't worry, there's a total pro coming to the Seattle location- you're in very good hands.

Great post BK- all praise the blessed jigger.

Vixen- ha, yeah- when I was switching jobs, I was working seven days a week for a little bit, so it was crazy! But, yes:

"Acting!""Thank you!"

Will you beat me if I order a beer?

You bartending right down the street, and me off the sugary drinks this month. I'm not sure there is a god.


On 2005-09-18 17:58, Jungle Trader wrote:
Will you beat me if I order a beer?

Of course not- Anchor Steam and Bitburger on draft ($3 at happy hour!)

Plus Hinano in bottles!


The rest of happy hour, as a friendly reminder:


For those who don't know, Vic's SF Happy Hour is from 3:30- 6:00pm, M-F and features:

-$5 Bahia, Mai Tai, and Tonga Punch

-half price on many appetizers

-free sushi and hot snacks, usually wings, ribs, or pot stickers.

-$3 drafts (Bitburger & Anchor Steam), $5 wine and well drinks

-complimentary house-made taro chips. yum!

There is a second Happy Hour from 10pm-12:30AM featuring all the drink specials again.

Ich bin ein corporate tool!


Where are they working? I've been to no less than 3 TV's within the last 15 months and haven't met anyone that can create a drink like you. Joel is good. Very good. You are a different level. Oakland has one guy that retired a few years ago that still remembered Vic. And one guy left who I had to instruct about Falernum. The rest there suuu-hhhu--uuuck.

Yeah, I give it about 3 months when they realize that your shift does 50% more high end liquors than anyone else. Wil they let you wear your fez?

Martin, this is SUCH good news!
For you!
For us!
For Trader Vic's!
For tiki!!

I got a happy (um, drunken?) phone call from one of the revelers at your new job on Friday night. The caller stated that the group who had met there would not likely be making it to the tiki art event to which they'd planned to go, as they were having WAY too much fun (and way too many perfect cocktails) at TV's.

The sign of a perfect bartender; ya just don't wanna leave.

I even more eagerly await my next trip to SF, being one of the lucky ones who tasted the fruits of your labors at the Foggy Grotto. And now, as should be, you get PAID to do that voodoo that you do so well :)


Al-ii posted on Mon, Sep 19, 2005 7:30 AM

What can I say.... This is just huge!!! congratulation my man. Finally Vic's has a real bartender.


Beth & I cant wait to come visit TV & have a TCer make our drink ASAP!

Congrats Martiki!



On 2005-09-19 06:02, pablus wrote:

Where are they working? I've been to no less than 3 TV's within the last 15 months and haven't met anyone that can create a drink like you. Joel is good. Very good. You are a different level. Oakland has one guy that retired a few years ago that still remembered Vic. And one guy left who I had to instruct about Falernum. The rest there suuu-hhhu--uuuck.

That was true when you were here visiting Pablus, but recently the Emeryville store got a bartender with 4 years experience at the London location, and he really is a cocktail connoisseur. And Sonya (or Sonja) in the SF location is also very good. Things have been improving a lot at Vic's in the bay area as far as drink quality (especially now that martiki is bartending). I just wish they would stop the little remodeling jobs in the Emeryville location (they recently painted the bar ceiling in a light color which makes it look less cozy).

Congrads Martin, That is just fabulous!

For the record, I think the Grotto bar decor is nicer than your work bar!

Oh man, this is very exciting news!
Congratulations Martin!
I'm glad I havn't done the planned trek to Nor-Cal yet, now I have another very good reason to go.
All the best,

Congratulation! What great news. On our next trip to SF, TV will be the first stop.
By the way, Martiki, did you bring your own shirt from home?


I had to turn back my Mai-Tai; it didn't have grenadine or pineapple juice in it!!! RAZZZ!! tee hee

This is fabulous news!
If your biggest pain in the butt at work is core to order pineapples and origami napkins, you've reached tiki work heaven.

Trader Vic's SF just got 100 times cooler than Emeryville!

Congratulations on getting a job you love to do!


Ahhhh... at last I'll be able to walk into a TV's, saunter up to the bar, order a Mai Tai and get a real one without having to remember that damn code! (Lessee - was that "classic"? Or was it "old style"? How 'bout "California"? Aww hell, just have the new guy make it - he knows what I want!)

Maximum respect to the one, true "Mixologist Emeritus"!!

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

When I walked in, my first impression was that the “Wild Martini” was crashing the back bar to make his own drink, and I would witness two security guards escorting him out. To my content, he was part of the TV cast.
You’re the man Martin!

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