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First official Tiki tOny mug..

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tikitony posted on 09/23/2005

Well, I've been waiting too too long to finally do a mug, and after seeing the way my logo tiki for Tabou Tiki Room in Berlin turned out, I was obsessed with making my own mug. This green mug below is from Tabou in Berlin. The mug on the bottom, "Fatutu" is my new mug based roughly on the tiki in my painting, "Death of Pierre Riviera" which is in Tiki Art 2 in SF I'm producing the mug myself, in my own workshop, and I'm going to produce less than a 100, maybe only 50. As soon as the first dozen are finished, I'll decide how many of this design will be made.:

If timing works out, Falling Cocos, will be hand-pulling a new serigraph based on "Death of Pierre Riviera". It'll be a big print, and I think we're only making 75 or so. I'm hoping to have the first dozen Fatutu mugs ready for Hukilau in 2 weeks, but we'll see. Pierre Riviera was a French explorer who tried to conquer the jungles of Papua New Guinnea in the 30's and never made it out...
I've also started the sculpt on the second mug of the series, and its based on a little someone in the upper left of this painting below only he's wearing a little palm frawn hat:

Unga Bunga posted on 09/23/2005

Congrats on you're first mug Tony!
Can't wait to see it.
excellent art work at the Tiki Art Now show.
The mug is gonna look great next to me volcano.

bigbrotiki posted on 09/23/2005

Crazy, man. SIGN ME UP!

DawnTiki posted on 09/23/2005

Fatutu makes me thirsty just looking at him....put my name on the list brother!

Hakalugi posted on 09/23/2005

Oh my yes. Very nice. Count me in too!

The Sperm Whale posted on 09/23/2005

Tiki Tony your work is awesome!!! Please don't forget to put me on the list.

Turbogod posted on 09/23/2005

Dig your style TT. Count me in.

Atomicchick posted on 09/23/2005


MachTiki posted on 09/23/2005

VERY NICE!!! I want one... I want one!!!

Polynesiac posted on 09/23/2005

Yeah tOny! that mug is too cool - can I get one too? or is it only for the hookey-lauwww folks?

kauno posted on 09/23/2005

Very nice work! I want in too.

Man from Munkle posted on 09/23/2005

Kute n Kool - Wacky n Wild ! I dig it .

MEAN GENE posted on 09/23/2005

You better putt your yer Uncle Mean Gene on the list for one.... I like it!

El Bastardo posted on 09/23/2005

Beautiful work Tony, I hope to be able to add one to my collection.

kirby posted on 09/23/2005

great work as always, I WANT ONE FOR SURE AT ANY COST!!!

FreddieBallsomic posted on 09/24/2005

TT, You gotta put one of those mugs aside for the big Ballsomic,brother. This will be a great make-up for the no show at Exotica this year;D

tedtiki posted on 09/24/2005

Sign me up!

ookoo lady posted on 09/24/2005

Looks like I'm #17 on the waiting list. You better plan on making a lot of these.

dogbytes posted on 09/24/2005

i'm in line too! count me in to purchase one!

PolynesianPop posted on 09/24/2005

Fuckin-A Brah! Put me down -- yeaahhh....

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/24/2005


Awesome! Your own mug made in your own workshop! Freakin' awesome! Add me to the list bruddah!

virani posted on 09/24/2005

I already have the tabou tiki room mug, and I must say it's one of my favorite current mug ever...I'd love to get a fatutu, it looks so cool...

virani posted on 09/24/2005

by the way, I never heard of that Pierre Riviera...where did you find that story ?

Oh, and if there's a waiting list for the Fatutu mug, please put me on.

bongofury posted on 09/24/2005

He carves......he paints.......he sculpts.......need I say more? Put me down for a mug.

VonTiki posted on 09/24/2005

I'll trade you a couple of monster palm logs for one. Dude, those are so cool!

Raffertiki posted on 09/25/2005

If this list is legit, please add me to it. Very nice.

McDougall posted on 09/25/2005

Nice tOny! Please save one for me.

tikitony posted on 09/25/2005

I'm over joyed, and bursting with clay dust and glaze! From the generous responce I was thinking of going ahead with only 50 of this mug to be extra special so that all you TCers who've been gnarly to me in the past will be rewarded with a super exclusive mug. Once 50 are sold, they're gone forever, the mold is smashed, and the original is put in the curio cabinet. Besides those who've emailed me, and called, this is the official list. Depending on costs of materials and kiln running, and time, the price could be anywhere from $20-$40 for Fatutu just for fair warning. I'll be quite busy up until Hukilau, so I don't know if I'll be able to check back again! Thanks for all the kind words, and support.

hewey posted on 09/25/2005

Nice mug man. Cool to see ya doing it at home too. Gotta love someone who gets in and has a go themselves.

Id get one if I had the cash.

Surfinannie posted on 09/25/2005

Tony, I am so lovin' your mug. As a proud owner of 3 of your paintings, I MUST have a mug! It is fab!!! Talk soon!! Have pictures of dad's Tikis, and will get em to you. Annie Ellis

tikimug posted on 09/25/2005

Your design looks awesome, tOny. I am really digging it!

Oh yeah... And if it's not too late I want in, bruddah!!!

Hoity-Toity Wanna Be

[ Edited by: tikimug 2005-09-25 11:58 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 09/25/2005

Hi Tikitony,

If there are any left I would also like a mug. You said 50 but, you didn't say how many were already promised.


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teaKEY posted on 09/26/2005

put me on the list

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Hot Rod Tiki posted on 09/26/2005

TT, Very Awesome!!! Sign me and SPEED TIKI up for one(or 2)
Let us know....

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Benzart posted on 09/26/2005

Excellent TikitOny, what took you so long. I'm glad you finally did it. You are coming up in the world kid. Way to gO.

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TikiJosh posted on 09/26/2005

Is it too late? I want one too!

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Kanaka posted on 09/26/2005


Great mug! Put me on the list for 1 also.


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hiltiki posted on 09/26/2005

One for me please.

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Tiki Diablo posted on 09/26/2005

Oooheee this is gonna be huge! HUGE! I'm in line as well.

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sirginn posted on 09/26/2005

Sign me up too!

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Rob Roy posted on 09/26/2005

Add me too if it is not too late.

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Tiki Bird posted on 09/26/2005

I know im probably late but....ME TO PLEASE!

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/26/2005

I'm in the market for one of those crazy cats if you're still taking names.


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LynnMcTiki posted on 09/27/2005

Really groovy! I know RanTiki and I will both want one.

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RanTiki posted on 09/27/2005

Totally Cool mug Tony!
Please, please, please add me to the list!
Thanks and keep up the great work!

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Selector Lopaka posted on 09/27/2005

I'd love to be added to the list for one mug.


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smgleason47 posted on 09/27/2005

wow - holy huge response tiki tony - great work. Count me in for a mug if the inventory lasts.

michael g

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WooHooWahine posted on 09/27/2005

WooHooo! Soccer Tiki and I think your Tiki Mug would look Tiki-rrific next to our Big Tiki Tony :) Count us in!!

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