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BENZART's Carvings Second original thread

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Thanks AAron, The stain is Red Mahogany and the design is Hundreds of years old.

Moondance and Palama tiki Thanks, I'm having a Ball at Hukilau.

Raffertiki, I'm LOOKIN all Over for you but it is still only Thursday. See you tomorrow
I'm in room 1115

8ft. thanks, I Really like thisClassic design Lono too. He is my favorite Hawaiian Tikki.
Thanks again to everyone, HUKILAU is FUN

Benzart ( the other white meat) ROCKS!!!!

Here's our blessing to the Big Daddy of tiki!!!

Hope Hukilau is good for you, man! Hawaii calls!!!

Or, better than last year. You da man!

Check out that killer Bamboo Carving he did on the left.



Thanks BigBooBen, that brings back excellent memories. It's Almost like you're here now.
Take it east old man and don't push yourself too hard on thes glamor job.
We Love BooBen

This piece is unbelievable, Ben! The design, the finish...what more can I say? That's all there is -- there ain't no more..... :wink:

Hi ben that tiki is awesome. I will say it again i love your work.


This has to be my favorite one of them all .

GMAN posted on Sun, Oct 9, 2005 3:46 PM

Wow! I wish I could have seen it in person. I bet everyone went nutz over that thing at Huki!



Thanks Sam, Marcus, Rodeo, and GMAN. Everyone loved the big Lono and all the others too, but I think the Big lono got the best reviews and most attention. Thanks guys. It is nice to be able to relax a bit now.

GMAN posted on Mon, Oct 10, 2005 8:30 AM


Yep, time for you to relax. The 2005 Huki is over and the big deadline has past (however I hear you have a long list of orders to fill). Take it down a notch and enjoy all that you have accomplished in the last few months. I believe I read in one of your earlier posts that you were going to have some eye work done? If so, good luck and let us know how things go. What's next? Are you going to shift back to some small pieces after your eye surgery?



Oh Yes, I Almost Forgot?? At Hukilau we, well, Swanky announced and had a sign in sheet, a Carving Seminar to be held early next year sometime around April or May. It will include Carving instruction from myself, Basement Kahuna and Tiki Diablo, as well as lodging and meals. It will be for a few days and may include a carving log. There will be room for maybe 15 or 30 depending on the lodge availability. It is in the planning stage now but is almost a done deal If we get enough people. Not sure of the cost or the date or a few other details, but email me or Swank if interested and we will get back with you with more info.
Fun Fun Fun...

THat sounds GREAT! I'm emailing now!!!


Thanks Poly. Oops. I forgot to say WHERE it will be held. In Tennessee, Swanky has a lodge available. I will let him fill everyone in on the particulars.

Damit , I am taking the family to disneyland at the end of april. I dont think I could get away with 2 holidays.

Do you think I will have any problems at the airport, with a carry-on full of chisels?


Tennesee is so much closer for me than FL or CA. You just might get me on that list and then 'ol 8FT would finally get to meet the gods who carve instead of just the ones who've been carved.


Right now the date is around March-Arpil. I want to make it later in the year so it won't be tool cold on Ben's Florida bones, but I can't get the lodge cheap if we get too deep in the tourist season.

The actual location is near Townsend, TN in a lodge on the mountain down a one lane gravel road with a great view of the mountains out the giant panarama window that is one whole side of the place. A wrap around deck, jacuzzi, etc. All the amenities. Plus, the guy who built the lodge has a workshop downstairs and we can set up there and outside if you wish to get our hands-on lessons. The plan is to have 6-8 tables set up with logs so 2 or so will share a work space.

There is also a carvers shop just down the road. I am going to see if they might participate in some way. If nothing else, I'll get some supplies from them.

We will also rent a lodge nearby. I had originally thought about putting everyone up in the one place, but, that would have required people sharing beds and using the fold out bed and all. I think we can get a second lodge and make the cost reasonable.

I am going to make the price of this very reasonable. Compared to other carving classes that run $150 a day plus your supplies, this will be a steal. So long as we cover the costs, I'm happy. I just want the chance to learn from Ben and the guys and to get all that knowledge together in one place. So, once I have a firm figure about it, we'll let everyone know and it'll be first come first sold on the tickets. If we get a huge response, we'll see about doing it again on other dates so everyone has a chance to attend. We are going to limit the event to probably 15 or less. I'll have a site up soon. Email if you want on the mailing list. [email protected]

The location is near the airport and near the intersection of Interstates 40 & 75. We're very much in the middle of the East, so I hope everyone who wants can make it. We'll work out transportation for anyone flying in as well.

I will drive there if I have to.

hewey posted on Mon, Oct 10, 2005 4:45 PM

Man that sounds sweet! Good luck peoples!

Ben, that big Lono mask is awsome!

How far is that from Nashville? I've got a sister in law there.. so I might be able to work it into a familyvisit tyoe thing.

harro posted on Tue, Oct 11, 2005 5:33 AM

this is a fantastic idea Ben/swanky... what i'd give to meet and see you master carvers in person!!! you US guys not only get awesome events like the Hukilau, but now this!

hmmmm... starts contemplating visiting US en-route to planned South america trip in May 06 instead of after...

Ben pitched this to me at the Hukilau and its all I could think of the rest of the day. Sounds great. Emailing now.


Thanks for the great response to the carving Seminar, I Konw it will be fun.

Swampfire, thanks for the comps onthe mask.
I haven't done much butlay around and goof off since Hukilau, but I did finish the wedding bands. I made them matching with a flower on top of each and found out the groom did Not want flowers on his so I trimmed the flower done and extended the tikis head and deaddress. There are pic's of both versions.

hewey posted on Wed, Oct 12, 2005 5:38 PM

Man the detail on those bands is sweet. Nice work (as always)

Ben those rings are sweet!!! That is such a cool idea!!!

Hello! I want to extend my gratitude for the rings. I was in tears when I saw the finished product. When my fiance and I came up with the wooden ring idea, we did not think this would be possible. And if was not for Purple Jade recommending you, I would have never found you. Like I said in my most recent email, my fiance and I will be barefoot on the beach in Mexico on October 31st, and those rings will be the perfect touch to our perfect wedding. I was unaware how talented you were. I am amazed that a human being is possible of such great things. Just know that every time my future husband and I look at those rings we will be reminded of you. Also, thank you for putting up with me for the past few months! You are the greatest!


Pritatiki, Welcome to TikiCentral, or TC as we call it. I am SO Glad you found your way here to the Best tiki pages on the web. I am Very happy the rings turned out so well and you both love them so much. You have been a real sweetheart especially consideriung the wedding you have been planning for. My son gets married the first week in November so I know first hand what you have been going thru.

foamy posted on Thu, Oct 13, 2005 5:42 AM

On 2005-10-12 20:50, pritatiki wrote:
Hello! I want to extend my gratitude for the rings. I was in tears when I saw the finished product. When my fiance and I came up with the wooden ring idea, we did not think this would be possible. And if was not for Purple Jade recommending you, I would have never found you. Like I said in my most recent email, my fiance and I will be barefoot on the beach in Mexico on October 31st, and those rings will be the perfect touch to our perfect wedding. I was unaware how talented you were. I am amazed that a human being is possible of such great things. Just know that every time my future husband and I look at those rings we will be reminded of you. Also, thank you for putting up with me for the past few months! You are the greatest!

I've never heard a better endosement, nor kinder, heartfelt praise. Nice job Ben.

Pritatiki, you got the best from the best.

Amazing work as always, Ben.


Thanks Hewey, Foamy nad palamatiki, your comps are Always enjoyed.
Some of you at Hukilau may have seen me pull this unfinished Moai out of my pocket a few times. Well here he is finished....

That Moai is freakin awesome. Is he spoken for yet??


[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-10-13 08:19 ]

can i just say...GENIUS!

"is that a Moai in your pocket....????" another masterpiece, Ben

I would be honored to buy, own #65.

GMAN posted on Thu, Oct 13, 2005 6:37 PM


I thought you were gonna chill out for a while? Wicked nice carving! What wood did you use?



That is a piece of rock maple and hard it is. Thanks for the props. Finishing this little thing was a vacation.

Ben, I didn't notice that awe-inspiring nostril at the Hukilau, yes I just said awe-inspiring nostril.

Those rings are every couple's dream. The time and heart put into those pieces shows and you should be so proud of not only the work but the wonderful memories you have created for the Prita and her beloved.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so magnificent.

Highest praise to you, Benz.


Thanks Raffertiki and all who have sent props my way.
I was afraid you would notice the nostril and how I screwed it up. It is totally wrong for a Moai, and looks like a double nostril or something. Anyway thanks.

TikiTikiBoom, thanks , I AM very proud of the rings. I was not sure I could do it at first, or how the wood would react to being so thin. It is about 1/16th of an inch in a lot of places and was very difficult to do. I started with 4 blanks for each size and only used one for the smaller band, but used all 4 for the larger band. It was challenging to say the least.

Ben, I've been away from your thread for far too long. Holy shit, Ben, you are amazing! Of course I love your BigBenzarts, but I'm glad to see you put out some small stuff again. :) Everything you do has so much life in it. Sometimes I think it's a bit creepy the way your tikis almost seem to know that you're looking at them. Does that make sense to anyone except me?

Seeing those rings and that last guy makes me really want to come to your carving seminar . Thanks for continuing to inspire.

Ben, when we finally meet, I will have to ask you to empty your pockets! Hope to see you at the carving seminar - I'm working on my end of it.




Can't wait to see both you guys there Aarons and Conga.
Finky, it is just you. Maybe you need new glasses?, Know you are watching them? they are only carvings, even if they Were born of magic and mystery, evwn if the Ancients did most of the carving, they are just wood carvings. I can say this as long as I am not in the same room with them when I say it.
Thanks everyone

hewey posted on Sun, Oct 16, 2005 3:24 PM

You deserve all the praise you get dude. That maoi is cool too.

Aloha Ben!!!!!
Those rings are AAAAAAAAAweasome my friend!!
You are a Great carver ,but a really cool dude to share with all of us. I RRRRRRReally appreciate it, Aloha ,your friend , jimmy mooney


Sweet Ben! The rings are awesome. Maybe one day when your caught up.....ha, ha.

The Moai head turned out really cherry. That's the one you showed me at Hukilau right?

Ok, this is for everybody that reads this thread....

I, Gary Wendell, a.k.a. "Tiki G.", do hereby declare that Mr. Benzart is the man. Hands down. To not only meet this gent in such a great atmosphere as Hukilau, but to actually see his work in person is just absolutely astonishing. The pics he takes look great, but until you see this man's work right in front of your face, you just don't really have a full concept of his total capability......"Major Talent", is the best way to to sum it up.

Can I get a second on that??????

Tiki G , I second,2nd,seck-und,II,Dose,second that my friend. Not only is he incredibly talented , but he is an awesome person, and those of you that havent met him , find the time when ever you can to meet him say hi. Because, He truly is a very down to earth nice guy. Aloha ben your friend , mooney

I agree whole heartedly Ben is waaaay Cool and his work is amazing!!! I was lucky enough to meet him at the Hukilau 2004 last year the night before the hurricane hit. And he was the nicest guy. He had brought a photo album of alot of his work and I was totally amazed. I can't stop kicking myself for passing up his last pendant he had for sale that night. It was a sweet Maori head. I still want one. Later,

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-10-17 13:05 ]

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