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October is Owl Month – Fun! Contests! Profit!

Pages: 1 2 74 replies

tikifish posted on 09/27/2005

Many of you may be familiar with the thread ‘The Crap We Wade Through’,


where it was discussed (with much fervour) the amount of owls that one runs across while thrifting for tiki. So in order to discover the TRUE ‘Owl-Per-Tiki’ ratio, I would like to propose the following antics in October:

During the ENTIRE month of October, starting on the first, take a camera with you whenever you thrift or go to the flea market. Whenever you see an owl for sale, take a photo, and post it here. (If we are in danger of crashing the server, we’ll end it short of a month, but for now, it’s a month). It goes without saying that if you see a tiki, just buy it. Keep track of how many of each – so after the month is up, we can calculate the true Worldwide O.P.T. ratio. As a bonus, the person with the MOST owls will have the distinction of being crowned the ‘BIG HOOT’.

Part 2, if you choose to accept it, is to purchase one of the Owls you see and attempt to sell it on Ebay. The person who makes the MOST money with his or her thrifted owl, will win the distinction of being a very, very clever bastard.

Ready.... Set... HOO!

ZebraTiki posted on 09/28/2005


Hey, it's better than 'Rocktober'.

I just realized my current owls-to-tiki ratio may be startlingly high. HOO gave me all these owls? Oh, the shame...

Mystiki posted on 09/28/2005

A Hooters just opened up down the street from me...think I can find any owls in there? Anyone heard of this place, Hooters? I didn't know owls were so popular.... First this Hooters place and now National Owl Month...I'm beginning to think I'm not the hipster I thought I was.


eel posted on 09/28/2005

Yea! Owltober is fast approaching but I REALLY can't wait for Gnomevember!

tikifish posted on 09/30/2005

Whipped Cream and Other Dee... cember?


Johnny Dollar posted on 09/30/2005

give a hoot!

don't forget to shoot! [a photograph]


Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/01/2005

Value Village no. 1

Owls: 4
Tiki: 0

Value Village no. 2

Owls: 4 (I'm pretty sure the ceramic one at the back is an owl)
Tiki: 0 (but 2 really zazz coconut heads)

Goodwill no. 1

Very arty ceramic owl, possibly homemade

Owls: 2
Tiki: 1

Goodwill no. 2

Owls: 4
Tiki: 0

Mennonite thrift store

Owls: 2 (I think there were more on the wall obscured by my hand)
Tiki: 0

Value Village no. 3

I love the fuzzy guy.

Owls: 3
Tiki: 0

Totals, day 1:
Owls: 19
Tiki: 1

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-05-23 13:52 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/02/2005

starting STRONG!!! :)

owltoberfest has officially started...

ookoo lady posted on 10/02/2005

Darn! I forgot to bring my camera today, and there were owls EVERYWHERE!. One of the owls looked very Witco-ish, but the label on the back said "Redwood Products". If the label had been missing, I probably would have bought it.

tikifish posted on 10/03/2005

Just a warning... hold on to your nests, and dont get your feathers in a ruffle... I'm heading down the 401 with a camera full of owls... ETA in Toronto is tonight, expect a full owl report tomorrow!

eel posted on 10/03/2005

OK, my computer is slow so unless I see a flock, no pic, sorry lone owls.

I almost bought these shell owls, but then I thought what the hell am I thinking?

Jesus, owls

now, I counted 20 owls here? how about you?

in my buying frenzy, I didn't take pics of my owl purchases at the flea but photographed them on my grass. I swear I bought these Sat. and did not cheat!
EC "wise Guy" purse, yet another style of owl necklace (I already have 3) and a cute owl sweater clip, the wooden owl is a hook for coat or keys and when you hang something on it the wings flap up, sadly...I'm keeping all these things, the owl bug has bit me bad!

the naked yoga book, I got with the owl jewlery, I will probably sell as soon as I master the techniques.

More to come...happy hunting

[ Edited by: eel 2005-10-03 09:01 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/03/2005

damn eel, great pictures!

i think you found the right owl mug to drink flaming owl cider out of!!!

Tikiwahine posted on 10/03/2005

They seem to have cleared away almost all the owls that were there on Friday. Curses! This is what was left today:

A measly 9 owls.

I did, however, find some other cool stuff including a buddha mug, a coco joe's monstera napkin holder, a huge glass shell bowl, a couple of pieces of gravel art, and some coco lopez pina colada glasses(here and here). I didn't buy any of it, so if you see something you like, it may still be available.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/04/2005

Day 3

Bissell Thrift Store

Owls: 4
Tiki: 0


Owls: Is a pair of salt & pepper shakers 1 item or 2?
Tiki: 0

Tikiwahine posted on 10/04/2005

No new owls today!(save one necklace I didn't bother photographing) I even visited two thrift shops.

And the ones I photographed yesterday were gone! You and I both know no one bought them all. The things I bought are posted over here in Tiki Finds.

DawnTiki posted on 10/04/2005

Sweet Daddy Tiki!!! Those Owl salt and pepper shakers with the glass eyes are the coolest! I had to buy one of my Owl finds,

You get more bang for your buck with this this Death Valley souvenir lucite pebble and rock owl/ashtray with a decorative picture of a prospector and his trusty ass in the center.
I can't part with it! Eggads! What happening to me?

These were taken at the last shop of the day, I had forgotten to take pictures at the 5 other stores I had been to before this.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-10-04 16:35 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/05/2005

Day 4

Value Village.

Owls: 1???
Tiki: 0

And another lamp

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-05-23 13:55 ]

tikifish posted on 10/05/2005

The Owls of Quebec - Volume 1
Les hiboux du Québec - Volume 1

(An investigation into the Owls of the Eastern Townships of Quebec and Eastern Ontario.)
(Une recherche sur les hiboux des Cantons de l'Est du Québec et de l'Ontario d'est.)

The Greater Snowy Owl
Le Grand Hibou De Neige

The Lesser Snowy Owl
Le P'tit Hibou De Neige

The Dwarf Barn Owl is smaller than a cocktail pick - even fully grown.
Le hibou de grange nain est plus petit qu'une cocktail pick - même entièrement développée.

**The Golden Tin Owl is easily startled by humans. Approach with caution. **
Le hibou de bidon est facilement effrayé par des humains. Approche avec prudence.

The Laurentian Wood Owl is a master of camouflage.
Le hibou en bois de Laurentian est un maître de camouflage.

**The Twinkle-Eyed Hooter awakes well before dawn due to its internal clock. **
Le Hibou Scintillant se réveille bien avant l'aube due à son horloge interne.

**The Yellow-Eyed City Owl has a varied diet, and is not satisfied eating only mice. **
Le Hibou de Ville a un régime divers, et n'est pas satisfait mangeant seulement des souris.

**The Lemon Owl is reputed to be the most intelligent of all the owls. **
Le Hibou de Citron est réputé être le plus intelligent de tous les hiboux.

**The Green Rope Owl likes to band together with others of his size, even if they are different species. **
Le Hibou Vert de Corde aime se réunir ainsi que d'autres de sa taille, même si ils sont différentes espèces.

**The Eyelash Owl is ever-vigilant. **
Le Hibou de Cil est jamais vigilant.

[ Edited by: tikifish 2005-10-05 14:41 ]

tikifish posted on 10/05/2005

The Owls of Quebec - Volume 2
Les hiboux du Québec - Volume 2

(An investigation into the Owls of the Eastern Townships of Quebec and Eastern Ontario.)
(Une recherche sur les hiboux des Cantons de l'Est du Québec et de l'Ontario d'est.)

The Red Breasted Owl, unlike other owls, is not nocturnal at all.
Le Hibou des Tetons Rouge, à la différence d'autres hiboux, n'est pas nocturne du tout

The West Virginian Owl does not grow to a very large size.
Le hibou de la Virginie Ouest ne devient pas une taille très grande.

The Flea Owl is even smaller still.
Le hibou de marché aux puces est encore plus petit.

The 'Fork and Spoon' Owl presents an enigma to tikiphiles.
Le hibou d''fourchette et de cuillère 'présente une énigme aux tikiphiles.

The Avon Owl has a distinctive odor, that my mother finds unpleasant.
Le hibou d'Avon a une odeur distinctive. Ma mère pense il sont désagréables.

The Waxwing Owl is found only in Cornwall, Ontario and environs.
Le hibou de Waxwing est trouvé seulement dans Cornwall, Ontario et environs.

The Big-Eyed Owl Perches in high places, awaiting discovery.
Le Hibou-Grand-Yeux est perché dans les endroits élevés, attendant la découverte.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/06/2005

Merci pour "Les hiboux du qu�bec" mlle. poissontiki. C'est magnifique! I especially like the owl fork & spoon - another example of owl/tiki convergence.

Day 5


"No one's perfect!" (note Chia dude in background)

Owls: 1
Tiki: 0
Coconut monkeys: 3

Mennonite store:

Wugie, mascot of the 1983 World University Games In Edmonton. Reading up on this guy, I discovered that the official bird of Alberta is the Great Horned Owl.

Owls: 1
Tiki: 0

Salvation Army:

Owls: 3
Tiki: 0
Scary clowns: 3

Daily Total:
Owls: 5
Tiki: 0

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-05-23 14:03 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/07/2005

Day 6.

Value Village:

More thriftstore owls in their natural habitat (Macramé).
Owls: 2
Tiki: 0

Gonna hit some antique malls this weekend.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/07/2005

Lutheran Highschool Thriftstore:

:up:I move quickly past this owl. In five minutes his eyes will open and I do not wish to see the horrible gulfs of eternity revealed within.

:up:Two Paul Marshall (PMP) coconut mugs. It is a dissapointing day for owl-spotting.

:up:A short sidetrip to the record bins proves successful

:up:The Doodletown Pipers were famed for their owlsongs, such as "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You","White Rabbit", & "I Can See For Miles"

Final Tally:
Owls: 1
Tiki-related: 2
(Classic video of the Doodletown pipers can be found Here)

Salvation Army Thriftstore:

:up:The Midas Owl turns anything it touches into Harvest Gold.

:up:The Crystal Owl's hoot is pitched high enough to break glass. It is the rarest of calls and is only heard once.

:up:Rare Impressionist painting by the French master - Stevens.:down:

:up:This pottery statue represents the Greek owl, Timex, chained to the Quartz of Time by the Brass Treble-clef of the Gods, awaiting release by Rolex, the daughter of Sanyo - Lord of Digital Timepieces. In the original language, the myth is quite beautiful. We derive our modern words "Buck-Wild" and "Self-Adhesive" from this Greek poem.

Owls - 9
Tikis - 0


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2005-10-07 02:54 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 10/07/2005

Yesterday was not so great for owl hunting.

Daisy-eyed home jobbie pottery Owl.

The Hypnotic Owl Mobile used to turn babies into owl hunting minions.

Owls: 2
Tikis: 0

Tikiwahine posted on 10/07/2005

I had much better luck today! I left my usual haunt and infiltrated the local St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop.

Seaworthy Owl, he's the Tangaroa of Owls.

Owl Painting #1

Owl Painting #2

Extremely Long Rug Hooked thingy

Many Owls in a Tree Embroidery

I think this counts as 4 Owl jars, on the very top shelf.

This Owl was hiding from me, I had to hold my camera up above my head to catch him incognito.

Sparkly Eyed Avon Owl

Also found were a Matador Black Velvet, a 3-D Conquistador-esque Helmet, and a wonderful, possibly Maori Wallhanging.

Owls: 11
Tikis: 1?

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/08/2005

Sabu, look again. That's not a Stevens (which in itself would be rare), but the impressionist master Strevens (with an "R"), which makes it a once in a lifetime find! Congratulations!

Day 7

Bissell Store:

I bought the Treasure Craft salt & pepper set on the right, I don't know why but it was only a buck.

Owls: 2
Tiki: 0

Value Village:

Clay plate

More coconut monkeys. Those beseeching eyes say "take me home, take me home." I didn't listen.

Another futuristic domed Electrohome stereo. This one has a sticker price of $200 – not outrageous for a trendy little store, but pretty uppity for Value Village.

Owls: 1
Tiki: 0

Antique Mall:

Jackpot! And I discarded about half a dozen shots that were too blurry to be recognizable.


I believe the collective noun is a "parliament" of owls

Fishing floats

Soapstone, I think

Enesco tea pot

Keeping an eye on those Elvis playing cards



This one is my favorite – very stylized, modern; just a few bold shapes suggesting the essence of owl.

Seattle World's Fair whiskey bottle

Parliament II

Shriner bobble-head

Owls: 25 (I counted salt & pepper sets as 1 item)
Tiki: 0

Daily Total:
Owls: 28
Tiki: 0

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/08/2005

Wow. Treasure Craft owls. Another tiki/owl connection.

You mean I actually found a John Strevens!? OMG! look what they're going for on eBay: Strevens

I can't believe you had the willpower to pass up those coconut monkeys. In the words of someone famous, "crap like that won't buy itself"

Wahine - I really like the Hypnotic Owl Mobile. I would have bought it and passed it on as a wedding or baby shower gift. And the seaworthy owl :down:

Has to win hands down as the most inane and offensively cute item we've seen in the contest so far. The fact that I bought one and converted it into a bong makes it that much more appalling.


Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/09/2005

Day 8.

Far away Sally Ann that I only get to about once or twice a year:

Macramé again

Stainless steel salt & pepper. Behind is a plant pot (drainage hole in bottom).

Owls: 3
Tiki: 0

Value Village:

Surprise! Tikis outnumber owls for the first time!
Owls: 0
Tiki: 4

Daily Total:
Owls: 3
Tiki: 4

I also went to an antique sale in a mall. There were quite a few owls that I didn't take pictures of because I felt awkward with the vendors sitting there (and didn't want to explain why I was taking pictures of owls), but I did take pictures of this cool lamp with the permission of the vendor.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2005-10-08 17:52 ]

dangergirl299 posted on 10/09/2005

I used to own two of the owl figurines pictured above - but I'm not saying which ones or why...

Which month is Scary Clown month?

cynfulcynner posted on 10/09/2005

On 2005-10-08 17:49, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
Day 8.
Macramé again

Hey, I made that back in 1979! 8)

badmojo posted on 10/09/2005

On 2005-10-07 18:18, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
More coconut monkeys. Those beseeching eyes say "take me home, take me home." I didn't listen.

No, no! You have it all wrong! The eyes say "Buy us and send us to BadMojo's Retirement Village for Aged Simians, so we can frolic in the fall foliage and dine on all the Maple Syrup and Cabot Cheddar we can eat."

Slacks Ferret posted on 10/09/2005

As an avid thrift store shopper, I'm really enjoying this thread.
My question: What happens when Owltober is over?

Someone mentioned Gnomevember. Good Idea. I could see that working.
What should the other months be?

Am I the only one who wants to see this kind of thing continue throughout the year?

Just to get more ideas, here's some more crap I tend to wade through (Add yrs and maybe we can vote on what the other months should be):
Matadors, Vegetable (espec. potato) shaped dishes, Pigs, Cherubs, Chefs, German Beer Steins, Those hugging primitive stone guys in a circle (what do you call those anyway?).

Any thoughts?

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/09/2005


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/09/2005

Very close. I believe we shall call it Frogust.

Then we have Deercember, Janufairy, Marchroom, Macra-May, etc. I believe Tikifish is compiling the master list.


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2005-10-09 00:39 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/10/2005

I took a well-deserved day off from thrifting today. To satisfy my owl habit I took pictures of the owls at my parents' house (won't be added into the monthly stats, of course).

I'm looking forward to Macra-May. How about "I love you THIS much-uary" or "bowling-tember"? (the names need a little work).

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/10/2005

Day 10.


Owls: 4
Tiki: 0 (though I did buy the tiki mug from day 1 which was half price today, but it's already been counted)

eel posted on 10/12/2005

On 2005-10-09 22:53, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
I took a well-deserved day off from thrifting today. To satisfy my owl habit I took pictures of the owls at my parents' house (won't be added into the monthly stats, of course).

Your Parents Rule!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/12/2005

On 2005-10-11 17:49, eel wrote:

Your Parents Rule!

I'll let them know.

Day 11.

Value Village. Can you spot the owl hiding in the "Career Resource Centre?"

Look closer:

Owls: 1
Tiki: 0

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2005-10-11 19:31 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 10/14/2005

Owl finds since Monday

Someone tried to split these sad looking fellows up, but I knew they wanted to remain together.

Little pineapple(vase?) to go with my pineapple orphans, owl S&P

The blind owl

Lincoln, Blinkin' and Bob

An owl, and a Boxer. Quite the odd couple. Maybe they were pets?

Some woman picked this print up as I was trying to photograph it! She kindly returned it to it's rightful spot on the shelf when asked. Don't be moving the owls.

owl S&P

Witco owl with sideburns!

Proud looking colorful owl from South America

Also spotted this guy in SDT's owl finds

Owls: 11(counting s&P sets as 1)

Some other finds:

Never before seen Coco Joe's kids on a pineapple

back view

Coconut birds

Book on macrame! Sadly, no owl how-tos

I bought these next three items today.

Crying tiki candle! The third in my collection. Also a home carved pendant.

Also the third in my collection of Trader Vic's Bartender's Guides.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/14/2005

Strange stuff goin' on, Wahine. This afternoon I bought the very same pineapple salt & pepper set that's (half) in your 2nd picture:

and then the next store I went to also had them.

The s&p in the 7th picture down are by Enesco - they match the Enesco teapot from my day 7 antique mall finds (a week ago I would not have known this - I think I am becoming an owl connoisseur).

That Coco Joe pineapple is cool (actually, those children are disturbing). I saw a couple of Coco Joe items today. One was an ashtray shaped like Maui, way overpriced at $15 (no picture).

Day 13.

Value Village:

This fuzzy guy looks like an owl perched on a tree branch, but the whiskers are confusing me. I don't think owls have whiskers.

Owls: 1
Tiki: 0
Charles & Di commemorative items: 1

Salvation Army Collectibles:

Oddest item to be shaped like an owl: wine rack

Owls: 2
Tiki: 0

Bissell thrift store:

Owls: 2
Tiki: 0

Daily total:
Owls: 5
Tiki: 0

Non-owl thrift find:

A book of tropical cocktail recipes called Paradise on Ice by Mittie Hellmich.

Honolulu Lulu

Cocoanut Groove

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2005-10-13 18:52 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 10/14/2005

Weird SDT, kind of supports my idea that everything is available at every thrift store at one time or another. I often find the exact same items at two different stores visited in the same day.
At first I thought Value Village was pawning off stuff they can't sell to the Sally Ann. Now, I know the truth.

Great finds BTW, that furry owl with whiskers is so weird, kind of reminds me of my idea to create a stuffed red fur skull mug(shhh) I'm still looking for short pile bright red fur.

I have to go back to the flea market this Sunday. Menu guy(who didn't have any Polynesian ones in his box o' menus) claims to have bought a photo album full of some woman's trip to Hawaii. I'm not sure what I'll get them for, but I'm sure I'll find at least one owl around there anyhow. Trip not wasted. I just have to remember to bring my camera this time.

I may have Alzheimer's, but at least I don't have Alzheimer's.

kctiki posted on 10/15/2005

After looking at this thread last nite I had to check it out again this morning because I thought it was a strange dream.

Only an insane genuius would make a bong out of that seaworthy owl. Once again, Sabu has made me laugh & snort in an unladylike fashion.

On 2005-10-07 18:18, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:

If I saw this fella I would have to buy him because that's exactly the way my dear departed cat Ronnie used to look up at me.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/16/2005

On 2005-10-15 06:41, kctiki wrote:
If I saw this fella I would have to buy him because that's exactly the way my dear departed cat Ronnie used to look up at me.

There's definitely some kind of genetic connection between cats and owls.

Day 15.

Value Village:

Treasurecraft bear & beehive s & p

Bought these guys: a pair of TV s & p, and a tiny pineapple toothpick holder or something, like Tikiwahine's (I thought she had half a s&p pair but I understand now that it's a tiny vase-like vessel).

Owls: 1
Tiki: 2
Scary clowns: 1

tikifish posted on 10/16/2005

Wahine, I actually own a copy of that 'Macrame Hang Ups'! hahah

tikifish posted on 10/17/2005

The pineapple is a toothpick holder!

Tikiwahine posted on 10/17/2005

On 2005-10-15 21:42, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:

Bought these guys: a pair of TV s & p, and a tiny pineapple toothpick holder or something, like Tikiwahine's (I thought she had half a s&p pair but I understand now that it's a tiny vase-like vessel).

Ahhh! I have the salt version of that little aloha pineapple!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/18/2005

Day 17.

My first visit to the Kara-Lot Second Hand Store:

A friend models a pair of fuzzy owls.

Wall hanging kit.

Lots of cool stuff at the Kara-Lot and crazy cheap!

50¢ for this poodle tea cosy

and I got these three glasses, normally 25¢ each, for half price.

Daily total:
Owls: 3
Tiki: 0

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2005-10-17 20:24 ]

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 10/19/2005

Day 18.

Salvation Army #1:

Value Village:

Resin spoon caddy. I'm tempted to go back and buy this crazy thing.

Salvation Army #2:

Salvation Army #3:

Daily total:
Owls: 4
Tiki: 0

amiotiki posted on 10/19/2005

I had to go on a roadtrip to PA to find owls...and boy, did I find owls! There is a flea market on Route 31 just east of Chambersburg that had so many owls my camera battery died before I could shoot them all! I missed out on 7 extra owls (one of which was the coolest Burger King trick-or-treat bag with an owl on it). :(
So here we go!

I think this guy is from "The Sword and the Stone"

These guys look like furby owls!

Coo - hooo - kies, anyone?

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5ce38b3127cce94897c15c28700000016108AcMWbRw4buT

Ain't he just cute as a bug?
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Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5ce38b3127cce948a8028232000000016108AcMWbRw4buT

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Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5ce38b3127cce948abee8a2cf00000016108AcMWbRw4buT

And last (and probably least) we have...
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5ce38b3127cce948ace50a24f00000016108AcMWbRw4buT

For a grand total of 43 owls! (and no, I didn't count the ones I found after my battery died!)

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d703b3127cce9408186f3cf000000010108AcMWbRw4buT

[ Edited by: amiotiki 2005-10-19 16:42 ]

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