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Really fantastic work and so quick...WOW! I wouldn't mind some of your talent but what I really wish I had was some of your speed. Thanks for sharing & keep up the good work.

We are all works in progress just like our tikis.

kirby posted on Sat, May 7, 2005 2:53 PM

man i realy like that pirate he is awsome, mabey we can pull off a trade for it ...



Nice tikis, I love the four footer you made. Your tikis are looking very clean and finished. (You're making me jelous). I will have to visit you some day and get some brecko at Pacific Diner after a little Lunada Bay session. (or Japs, ssh)


HIya folks, sorry I didn't realize that my thread had resurfaced...

Rodeo, Sam - thanks for the comps - you guys keep me chiseling when I read your posts. influential stuff, man...

Ona - YOur house is seriously AWESOME. You did such a beautiful job. PM or email if you're ever interested. I'm honored just to know that you think my work would fit in in your paradise

Tammy - just remember: speed kills. Keep posting your stuff too looks like your backyard is really taking shape

Kirby - thanks for the comps, but the pirate is spoken for...it's the wifes! More piratey stuff coming (yeah, the stuff I mentioned a while ago, JT - things got too busy to finish any of it..) so keep watching...maybe a trade later on though, kirb

SCTIKI - thanks! dig that post aaron did about your tikis, great stuff! PAcific diner, lighthouse, rexes, omlette and waffle.. you name the place, bro and it's on me.

Here's one that introduced me to all the people that walk by my house or pick up kids at the school down the street:

He's a 6 footer (thanks TT!)still in progress, but I wanted to post something. He was WAY too heavy to carry up the 32 steps to my backyard, so I started the carving in my driveway. Work was a little slow, because people kept stopping me to talk about tikis and totems and all kinds of other interesting stuff. I at least had a chance to catch up with all my neighbors. I finally had enough chiseled away so my wife and I could carry it up half the steps to my front yard, where it is right now. (yeah, my wife rocks!)

More later on...thanks for looking!

Wow! This guy is turning out sweet. Nice deep cuts and design.


Poly, he IS really coming along great. Nice to have a wife that will help you like that. My wife is the same and it really Rocks. can't wait to see this guy done.

That is the stuff that keeps me carving.

I cant wait to carve a big one for my front yard. Just because the neighbors dont think I am strange enough yet.

THanks for the comps on the 6 footer. I got some more work in on it, but there is still much to do. I like carving these big ones.

I decided to spend a little time today trying to finish up this pendant that has been hanging over my head for a while. It's not totally done, but done enough to share. I think I might make some resin copies of this one when it's all done.

the Kon-tiki Pirate:

It's carved from a piece of Acacia wood and still needs some more sanding and I think I might stain it too - possibly painting the eye patch to make it stand out a bit more.

thanks for looking, more later

Hey Polynesiac- These are looking great! I love the detail on the small one, and I can't wait to see the big one when it's done.


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino on 2005-05-20 15:03 ]

very cool on the big one Polynesiac....can
only echo what the rest are saying...and
the little guy is nice too. This TC bunch
is getting the tiki groove down to a science!


Really cool ones Poly. I Love the eye patch with the 2D carved skull(or man) and cross bones. That has to be really really TINY. On the big guy I love the tongue Both looking great.

Sam and Ben - thank you for the compliments. I've been wanting to do that kon tiki pirate for a while. I've got more pirate tikis in the making...
I've cleaned him up a little since the last post...sometimes if you don't finish these carvings quick enough, then they never get done...yeah, it's a cartoony skull. the picture doesn't do it justice. Love that acacia wood - it buffed up REALLY nice.
conga - thank you for the props

Here's an update on the 6 footer. I haven't gotten much time to carve lately, but I've been able to get a little progress done on this one. Like a nerd, after I finished the regular tiki, I got inspired by Benzart's maori pendant and decided to add some tatoos:

don't be fooled by the picture, I rotated it 90 so it looks like it's standing up.

Just about ready to start staining this one...then I'll add some bells and whistles to it too. I'm pretty happy with how this one is turning out.

thanks for looking


I Love the tats polynesiac. What other bells & whistles you gonna add.
Really love the pirate too.

THanks ben. the tats are no where near as complex and perfect as the ones you carve, but I thought I'd give them a try.
I'm thinking after stain, add some rope to the base and some color here and there for some highlights.

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2005-06-24 18:24 ]

kirby posted on Fri, Jun 24, 2005 6:50 PM


That one's a beaut!

Awesome Polynesiac!

I really like the muscular forearms and calves on your tikis. No one else is doing 'em like that. You've got a great style overall.


That dude's lookin fine, Polynesiac. Can't wait to see it with the bells and whistles because it looks great now. Yes, you had me fooled with that camera angle!

thanks for the props kirb, raf, sabu and sam! I'm fired up to hit the chisels a little more this week to finish up the tats.

I'm diggin these extended summer days...I can actually carve for a while after work!

THanks again!

Thats a good looking Tiki , I have struggled trying to figure out the side profiles for my tiki with legs and your photo has given me some ideas on how to fix it.

Yes, RT's right. These full body tikis really mess with your brain when you're trying to get all the angles down. Those tatt's are looking fine, Jim. Have fun carving all weekend - I wish I was.


Excellent blend of styles. I can't wait to see it done. MORE photos please.

hewey posted on Sun, Jun 26, 2005 8:32 PM

Awesome man. Love the pirate kon tiki, and the love the big guy as well. Can't wait to see the big guy stained.


Excellent tiki!!
I like its Mauri/Polynesian combo characteristics.
It is great how you have developed your own style from the beginning.
Keep posting them, I love large tikis, they have grandiose auras.


[ Edited by: SCTikiShack on 2005-06-28 15:08 ]

Dude - your work is amazing!!! I too like the combination of styles and the way you made the arms and legs all round and muscular. Thanks for the photos of your progress and I am looking forward to seeing more!

I don't know why I missed this last one. He looks terrific! Your style is unmistakable.

BUMP, After seeing that table you posted on a differnt thread I had to find this and see it again. Amazing works!!!

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Rodeo what's up bro? - thanks for reminding me I need to update this. I got a few coming right now, that 6 footer is finished, just no photos yet. I'll get on it. thanks for the props.


Sweet Tikis Poly. Keep em coming.

Polynesiac, not to hassle you or anything, BUT.... You wouldn't happen to have any photos of that finished 6 foot tiki would you???


Awsome work dude, Id realy like to see your stuff in person, If im not mistaaken Arent you gonna be in the next Lucky tiki art show,hope so...

This is a bit off topic but... I noticed there was a little talk about focusing problems , blurry pix etc.. Most automatic cameras can be zone-focused. To do this you center the object such as the lamp pendant in the middle of the view/ crosshairs or box in the middle of the view finder and when focused, depress the shutter button 1/2 way down, then holding it down , you can put the object you want to be focused on anywhere in the picture, instead of the middle, and it will still be focused. Also many automatic cameras have manual modes, if you can set it to shutter priority, it will let you set the shutter speed, generally you want the shutter speed at about 60 or more. The shutter speed # 60 is actually a 1 over 60 or 1/60th of a second so a bigger # is a shorter shutter speed and will reduce blur. Another thing to reduce blur is to take pictures at least 5 feet or so away for close ups. The closer you are to the object/scene, the less depth of field or clarity of foreground and background you can achieve. Also using a faster lens (one with an f-stop of 1 or 2) will help. For film cameras, you can use a higher speed film such as 400 rather than 100. Lastly, if you support the bottom of your camera with your other hand and brace your elbows against the body while clicking it reduces blur. Hope this helps someone.

A very solid piece!

Keep up the great work!


Welll.??What are you WAITING FOr??I think we need to sit down and have a good talking you and we about those carvings just lying around unfinished and us here lying around just WaitING and Waiting for those photographs and those finished carvings. You know what I mean? I Mean we are only waiting since the beginning and we will keep right on waithin so there. Just don't make us wait too much longer.

hewey posted on Sat, Oct 1, 2005 4:37 PM

and still waiting... :)

Hey man, just went back through the thread again (well, ya not posting any more pics!). I love that awesome bearded pirate up front, and that table too.

More pics!

HEy thanks for the kind words, mctiki, aaron, kirb,sneaky lake, benz and hewey
mc - thanks...I will
aaron - never a hassle bro! I just get lazy sometimes...
Kirb - yes, I'll be at the lucky tiki art show on the 30th, with several carvings including this 6 footer.
sneaky - sounds like you know your camera stuff, thanks for the info it will come in handy (already copied it) you and benz could have some good talks about cameras - he's a camera dude too
lake - thanks, he is very solid. although after I chopped his mouth out I can finally (barely) carry him myself
ben - sorry to make you wait...hope you like it
hewey - thanks for the comps on that pirate. I got another one coming up that will be at the lucky tiki...

Okay, here's the finished 6 footer:

I only tattooed the right side and decided not to add paint.

here's a close up of his chest tattoos

HOpe you like them and thanks for looking

POLYNESIAC - putting the 'F' back in ART

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2005-10-10 15:29 ]


EXCELLENT, Sorry for shouting, but this guy was worth the wait and he is really Cool. The tats are Awesome as is the Whole thing. He is a very clean looking carving and well finiished. I really love it.

HOLY CRAP!!! That is freaking awesome. It turned out perfect.

If you'll excuse me now, I am going to start a large fire for the rest of my wood and tools.

That carving is fantastic. I hope to reach that level so day. Very Sweet!

Wonderful work Polynesiac.....great color...great
design...ditto ditto ditto

hewey posted on Mon, Oct 10, 2005 4:54 PM

dats a boodiful teekee!


really sweet and so big too. nice work

Wow, Polynesiac! Your pals down the block must be pretty jazzed to get that one. This one has more of the Polynesiac signature style - nice mix of textures, and a hint of San Pedro maritime flavor thrown in for good measure! The tattooing worked out really well. We gotta get together again sometime soon, Bro.

What else you got cookin'?


Just Gotta say it again,,Awesome tiki. How was it doing the tats between those hands? Nice job.

polynesiac, That is an awesome tiki ,you make a hack like me needing a drool rag. Killer stuff keep chunkin away at the wood , aloha mooney

Thanks for the props amigos(as)!!

I'm pretty happy with how this guy turned out

Ben - shout all you want - me hearing ain't so good anyway, thanks for the kind words. carving between the hands was a challenge - I couldn't see what I was doing while I was doing it and it was too tight to get a chalk outline in there, but turned out pretty good.

Rodeo - Don't do that! too many cool tikis would never escape from those logs. Carve them!

moondance - thanks for the props, yours are looking very good too, just keep carving! don't look back!

Conga - thank you, ditto, ditto... :wink:

Hewey - tank u, auzzie pirate!

fla - sometimes size does matter!

AA - what up? this one is actually up for grabs...my buddy just had a baby girl, so no tiki $$$ for a bit. He'll be at the LT art show on the 30th of October. what else I got cookin? My pirate tiki has been having too much rum.
Yeah, we need a little carvin' party goin'

Mooney - thanks, bro but you ain't no hack unless you mean "hackin'" as in logs to make tikis!

Hey Polynesiac - that is ONE BEAUTIFUL PIECE! Ohhh, I'm shouting too, but it is fine! The style and everything just has such a vintage look down to the color. Excellent piece of craftsmanship!

thank you sam - shout all you want! I am very happy with this particular brand of stain, I've used it on my last couple of tikis and it comes out exactly how I would want it look. I also like how it picks up the fine cracks and crevices in the wood...really brings it to life. Thanks Sam! You DA MAN!

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