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New England Tikiphile Events

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a little off topic, here's why I was running late last weekend to meet w/ pappy & primo...

Insurance Co has declared it a total loss! Woohoo!!

Couple more pics at the yafro site...


The 8th? But that's the Hukilau. This is the worst kind of discrimination! (The kind against me.) 22nd is muchu mejor.

Bargoyle, that was a sweet ride once. I don't know if saying that makes it more painful. Sorry about your pollywog too. You hadn't mentioned before there were casualties.


I can't commit to anything in October right now, so if you guys don't mind waiting until November 5th that would be awesome. I get back from CA late in the evening on the 22nd and I'm sure I'll wiped out.

Pappy - going to the Hukilau in FL? Nice! Wish I was heading there - maybe next year.

Nice car Bargoyle. Is that the new Mercedes off road edition? At least the insurance co. hooked you up.

On 2005-09-29 09:38, Bargoyle wrote:
The 8th or 22nd of oct both look good for me. Leaning more toward the 22nd, but I can be swayed either way.

I'll wait fer ya; the 5th is fine by me. I wish you were going to Hukilau too--I won't know a soul there. Even the wahine is staying home.


Buy me a plane ticket Pappy!! I'll go with ya! I LOVE the Mai Kai. Got engaged there...on stage (and yet I STILL love it..heh heh)

But seriously. You should bring me. I'm highly qualified...

I'm a VERY experienced drinking companion; A terrible singer (but that doesn't stop me); Available most hours for general booze-fueled mayhem; I can type...umm...10 to 15 words a minute; Expert at cajoling; I'm an Irishman, so I never get drunk (heh heh); I know all the words to the Hukilau song AND to Tiny Bubbles; and I require only a small drinking stipend, not a full salary, so I'm a total bargain!!

I can send you a full resume if you'd like.

ps. November is cool with me for Kowloon

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2005-10-03 12:07 ]

Hey, man. If you can swing a last-minute ticket, you can share my hotel room AND my car. I'll even pick you up and take you to Bradley. I went to Southwest.com and got the scary, 3rd class, no-refund tickets.


Wish I could Pappy...totally wish I could...but having to come up with a down payment on new car (not much left of insurance check after paying off OLD loan) has left me a little strapped.

Oh well...you'll have a blast man. You've posted enough that I'm sure some people will regognize the name, and the TC'ers are pretty much the friendliest people in the world (short of old deadheads of course)

Also, you've got the buy one get one happy hour at the Mai Kai, so everyone should be pretty loosened up pretty quick! (along those lines, both drinks have to be the same, so make friends quick so you can swap your second drinks with them and try the drink menu quicker!)

You also have to grab a few people to do a mystery drink. The presentation is great (the waitress comes out & leis the party & does a little dance...and ooohhhh the waitresses!! man, i didnt know they could make sarongs that small!!)

Dammit, I GOTTA find a way to go!!

Maybe I'll just hafta have my own Hukilau in Jan or Feb.

My wahine's Mom lives in West Palm & we usually go visit sometime during the winter.

Waddaya say New England tikiphiles?? Florida road trip this winter?? I'm serious here. I need a Mai Kai Mai Tai! Its the best $11 you'll ever spend on a cocktail...especially during the two-fer happy hour!

Anyway, have a blast Pappy, and take pics to share at our Kowloon get together.


I hear ya Bargoyle - I'd love to head to the Mai Kai. This year will be tough though - but maybe next year we can get a group of folks from NE to go. Pappy you're the man this year! Definitely get some pics while you're there to share.

It looks like November 5th is a good date for the Kowloon gathering. Anyone else want to join us? TikiGreg? Primo? SBiM? The Granite Tiki? Clear your calendars now:)

Hey Pappy have a sweet time at the Hukilau man. Knock out a drink or two for me.

I'm heading to CA a week from Saturday. First stop - the Tiki Ti. The wahine has already been warned that it might be an extra tipsy night for yours truly. Anyone up for a road trip to LA next Saturday (LOL).


3:30 in the AM and I can't sleep for being so excited. Flight leaves soon. I'll have a drink to you guys and the Sox.

November 5--I'm in.

Wow I just came across this thread!

i live just outside of Boston and had no idea there were so many other New Englanders on the board!

Mind an extra for Kowloon in November?

I won't be there. I've got my brother's 25th wedding anniversary party that night.

One of these days...I can't wait to be part of a New England Tiki Community with activities etc.!!!


Hi Ed!! You are more than welcome to join us of course!!

Granite, is there a day thats better for you? we're planning amonth ahead here, and I dont think moving up or back a week will make a big difference (esp. if it means everyone can come). Let us know.


Welcome aboard Ed! Definitely come to the Kowloon or any other events we organize. There's no requirement on joining our group other than being into the tiki scene - and if you're reading TC you're already there.

Yeah Granite, no prob on moving the November date. The following Saturday (Nov 12th) is good for me too. Just give us a heads up on your next available Saturday after the 5th.

Well Pappy's down at the Hukilau and we're stuck up here to endure a rainy holiday weekend (at least that's the RI forecast). Hope you're having a killer time Pappy!!!

Well work is over for me - time to head home. Talk to everyone soon.

Hey everyone!
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm going to come out on November 5 for the Kowloon. I'll probably just have drinks with you folks as I can't do chinese food (allergies...bummer).

Out of curiosity Bargoyle, what type of Mercedes did you have? (I just got a 320 C about a month and a half ago) Too bad that happened though...getting another?

I gotta tell you guys, I won't be able to come to any get togethers for a while.

At my work, we are in a cash flow "situation" and we're all going on half-time until probably about mid December when a big grant comes in.

So if any of you like the kind of work we do (www.mainecitizen.org and http://www.mainecleanelections.org - I manage the websites) I would love to talk to you about donating heartily to us so I can go back on full time ASAP.

Sorry for sliding into the realm of politics a little. I understand the rules of the board, so let's not debate the issues I work on here.

Thanks, and I hope to see some of you in the winter when we really need the warmth of the South Pacific.


Thanks so much for the offer to change dates, but it wouldn't be worth it in my case. I'm a musician who works most nights others have free to go out. And even when I do have a rare Saturday off or something, a gig could pop up that I'd have to jump at. So just go on planning dates and get togethers and eventually, hopefully, I'll be free and I'll be there.

Eventually, I'll do some legwork and plan something around my schedule and beg you all to come out! Hopefully it will be a night of hapa haole music somewhere with a project/band I've got in the planning stages!

Granite: I understand man. I played in a band in Memphis for a few years (mid 90's)...any work is good work! Just keep us posted on when/where you wanna meet & I'm sure some of us can make it. Get good at the hawaiian/exotica music and I'll have to hire you for my next Luau. Lookit that!! A paying gig already!!!

Tang Ed: Car was (WAS) a C230. The little sport coup hatchback (The dealer hated that expression, kept calling it a 3-door...I kept calling it a hatchback to get him riled..heh heh) So yeah, it sucked in the snow (RWD) so I stepped up to a c240 fourmatic (4WD) and I'm watching my gasoline bills skyrocket!

SBiM: Sorry to hear about the slowdown. If you wanna come down regarless, first cocktail is on me (now no ordering a scorpion bowl for 4 as your drink!! heh heh) But seriously, the Kowloon is a relatively inexpensive place. Me & da Wahine are always surprised after eating & drinking our fill when we get a check thats about 1/2 of what we expected it to be. Plus, you got a free drink comming!! See you there!

See everyone there....Nov 5 (sat) at Kowloon....what time?

Oh, and dont everyone come up to me and tell me they're SBiM and ask for their free drink either!!! heh heh.

Thanks for the offer, Bargoyle!

There's a new development that might make it difficult still. One of the initiative campaigns is considering hiring me until Nov. 8th. If that happens, I will not be able to leave the state (nor the office) the entire week before the election.

I'm going to play this one by ear and if I can't come down on the 5th, I will make a subsequent one!


Aloha New England Tikiphiles,

Professah Humming Flower from WAITIKI here. Not sure if we're on your radar, but we are a Boston/New England-based exotic tiki band. We'd totally be down to visit local tiki restaurants with you... FYI, we've actually played at the Kowloon and at the Tiki Room (Lansdowne St., near Fenway) for private parties.

Anyways, hope we can hook up . Catch up with us on our website at http://www.WAITIKI.com ........ damn, i'm really excited that there are a bunch of Boston/New Englanders on this board!

-Professah Humming Flower of WAITIKI


Hi Professah Humming Flower - WIATIKI is a Boston exotica band? Cool! I'll be checking out your stuff and probably picking up your CD.

I think the group would be pumped to hang with you guys at the Kowloon in November. Right now it looks like it will be November 5th at 6PM (that should answer Bargoyle's quesiton on what time).

Granite and SBiM - we'll definitely have some more gatherings in the new year if not before then so sooner or later I'm sure you guys will be able to make it.

Back to work for me - talk to everyone soon!

Professah Humming Flower, Do you have any local (New England) gigs coming up?

Your gigs would be the perfect "unifying agent" for we New England Tikifiles!

I noticed you've used Bobby Gallegos on trumpet, I've played with him many times, great player!

Congratulations on your Hukilau gig, I experienced home town pride when I heard you were going to be there.

I'll certainly be buying your CD and looking out for chances to see you live.

Dang! All this music stuff goin on. Love it! I'm a ex-pro musician too, if only we all could hook up, drink mai tai's and jam. That would be my desire. Jam, Jam, jam! I'm mostly recording solo crap in my studio, and I want to jammmmm!

We dont' have any gigs coming up just yet in Boston but we have played a bunch around town... past club shows have been at the Lizard Lounge, Milky Way. I'll let you know if there's anything else coming up; in the meantime please sign up on our mailing list at http://waitiki.com/mailinglist.cfm. We'd love to meet you all and talk about tiki stuff!

When we were down in Fort Lauderdale this past weekend, we met a couple folks from the New England area, though mostly in CT and NH. Not sure if any of you up on this board were down there ... were you? (Also, has anyone here seen WAITIKI perform in Boston at all?)

To The Granite Tiki - yes, we used Bobby Gallegos in the Waitiki Orchestrotica. He is a great player! The Waitiki Orchestrotica is our side-project that explores the bigband sounds of Juan Garcia Esquivel. As far as we know, we are the only folks in the world performing Esquivel's bigband music live. You can learn more about our Esquivel connection here: http://waitiki.com/esquivel.cfm.

Thanks for helping to keep the spirit of exotica alive and well!

Prof. Humming Flowah and WAITIKI


Hey Prof & Waitiki, come meet up w/ us on the 5th at the Kowloon. 6pm. I suggest meeting at the A-Frame entrance under the KU.

We could meet inside at the bar, but the kowloon main bar is now a keno sports bar. Leaves much to be desired, and the way the last "meet in the bar" went (sorry pappy) I'm a little nervous about trying that route again.

Maybe I'll make a sign and sit out under the Ku.....

So how many is that comming now? If we can get a tenative head count maybe we can get some special seating arrangements? "We wanna sit on the boat!! And get a bartender out here to work the boat-bar!!" heh heh.

Ok, so who's in?

Hi Prof. Humming Flowah, I think I met you at Hukilau's after hours party.. Unga Bunga's? (I've got to post my Mai Kai drink list...if I could just remember) I just want to say again that both Waitiki's Drasnin and Denny sets were excellent. Now I'm back in Maine and see on your website that I missed an Esquivel set in Jamaica Plain.. wha? an Esquivel set?! Who does that? I'm only 3 hours from there! Any plans to do another sometime in the future? I'm planning on driving down the next time you play out anyway but a night of live Esquivel.. whoa, I think I'd like that... a lot.


Chief Lapu Lapu


On 2005-10-13 08:53, Bargoyle wrote:
Ok, so who's in?

Definitely count me in. My wife should be coming and maybe a couple of other friends as well. I'll have a firm head count by next weekend. The boat bar sounds good Bargoyle!

Meeting up in A-frame entrance sounds like a good plan.

It sounds like Wrestlemania is going on in the kids room so I'll talk to everyone later...

not sure if i can make the nov. 5 kowloon meet-up; might be in nyc that weekend for my birthday.

any of you folks familiar with the LUAU HALE restaurant in lenox? that's another tiki one - actually the very first tiki restaurant i'd been to, during one of them summers when i was playing at the orchestra festival out at tanglewood.

searched for it on critiki but it didn't come up.

The Makaha Trip
WHEN: Sunday 23 October 2:00PM
WHERE: The Makaha 255 Great Rd Acton, MA (978) 263-3371

In the Kon-Tiki spirit, Bargoyle and I are planning a voyage to the Makaha, in Acton, MA. Rumor has it, it's an unreformed Polynesian-Chinese restaurant in Acton, MA. It's not been mentioned in Tiki Road Trip nor Critii so we'll be charting in new territory and we need a crew.

If enough people wanna go, reservations will be under "Jay", otherwise, just show up. The Pats are off that day but if anybody wants to watch football at the bar (don't tell Tikibars), I'm for that too. Who's in?


If Ho-san around, Ho-san come! may be hanging with new wahine dat weekend.

Well, it is looking more likely that I will be able to come. I am laid off, it doesn't look like I will be working on a campaign, and my boss just lost his job, so I may be looking for something else anyway.

Yay me.

I really am a Suffering Bastard.


Sorry, SB. :( This is your chance to open that tiki bar or that drive-in theater you always wanted. Do you play an instrument? Drasnin's looking for some musicians for VooDoo2. Any programming experience? My company's hiring but you'd probably have to move to the People's Republic of MA.

Hope to see you on the 5th. If you're free Sunday, me and Bargoyle will be at the Makaha in Acton.

No programming (but I do basic websites).
No musical talent of any kind.
And no capital to start a decent business.

I will try to be at the Kowloon on the 5th, but I don't expect to see anyone before that.


I'll be there! No gig on Sunday!
Very much looking forward to it!


SOrry to hear about the layoff SBiM. First cocktail is definately on me. We'll see ya on the 5th. Good luck in the job search.

Granite, we gonna see on Sunday?

Yessiree! I plan to be there.

Woo hoo!

Are we still on for 2:00 in Acton tomorrow?

Looking forward to it.

You betcha!

The Makaha Adventure can be summed up in two words: Tiki Gone

I did get to meet The Granite Tiki and we pigged-out plenty! Oh, yeah. The $5 Zombie was great but that's no reason to go to the Makaha. See everybody at the Kowloon!

Yes, tiki gone. All that was left was the A frame facade. But pappythesailor and I did indeed eat like pigs and had great conversation. Nice to meet you Jay and thanks for the invite.

I can't be there on the fifth but I wish I could!

Have a great time!


Ahh too bad on the Makaha - tiki gone = tiki bad.

I can't wait for the Kowloon on the 5th. I'm in total tiki withdrawal now after spending last week in southern CA. It wasn't an all consuming tiki trip, but more than I get to see around NE.

Here's a debriefing on my tiki trek last week:

  • Tiki Ti: This place totally lives up to the hype. The bar area was packed so I never got a chance to chat with Mike and Mike. I did manage to knock out three drinks courtesy of the younger Mike. Ray's Mistake to start things out - 10/10 in my book. I only wish I knew how to mix those up. Next up, Uga Booga - mmm, love that dark rum and there was plenty of it - another killer drink. Lastly a Zombie to round out the night - not as strong as I expected but very tasty.

  • Bali Hai: I read there weren't many tikis left in this place, but there seemed to be plenty when I went. The view of San Diego bay was gorgeous. The food was good. The wahine got the Beef and Peapods, I got the Chicken of the Gods. As for the important stuff (aka drinks) I knocked out two here. Numero uno, the Bali Hai Mai Tai. This drink truely was "out of this world". Next I tested out their Navy Grog. One word: strong! It tasted good too but you really knew the rum was in it (nothing wrong with that of course). The drink prices were very reasonable too, if I remember correctly both were under $7.

  • Lastly we stayed at Humphrey's Half Moon Inn. This place was great! Not overwhelmingly tikified, but they're scattered about the property. The landscaping was very tropical and well kept. The only thing that bummed me out was the pool bar was closed - guessing due to the off season.

  • Also managed to do a little bit of tiki mug shopping and picked up some glass floaters as well.

I'll bring some pics to the Kowloon and should have some posted online soon too. See everyone on the 5th at 6!


Hey Guys! Found another place for us (didn't see it mentioned anywhere), the Tahitian! They at least have a website. Also on Rt. 1 in Dedham.



Just checked out the Tahiti's site. Looks like another good scouting location. Nice work Pappy.

I am pretty sure that I know where the Tahitian place is, and I am thinking it might be a re-enactment of the recent visit to Acton.

I will double check when I get home. I can always do a drive by and scout it out this weekend.

Definitely coming on the 5th though. I haven't been to kowloon in ages!

Just based on the website, it's more tiki than the Makaha. At least there are those nice murals. Makaha had ZERO tiki. But I know what you mean-- I don't wanna be The Boy Who Cried Tiki!

I am pretty sure it is the place my mom used to take me as a kid. She worked right down the street from there, and when I went to work with her for the day she would bring me there for lunch.
You're right about the murals. There used to be a nice island scene along the main back wall if I remember correctly.
It looked a bit empty when I drove by one night about a month or so ago. Not sure if they have changed the decor around. Just wouldn't want someone to be disappointed with the outcome of tiki removal.
It might be fun just to check out though.


Happy Halloween everyone!

Well we're just days away from the Kowloon adventure. Based on looking at this thread it looks like Bargoyle, SBiM, pappythesailor, Tangaroa Ed, and myself will be going.

Anyone else up for the Kowloon, this Saturday @ 6PM? The more the merrier!


Are you New England folks planning any events for the next few weeks? I will be in Providence November 15-28.

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