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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Mini Moai

Pages: 1 18 replies

Tiki G. posted on 10/19/2005

Mini Moai for a necklace.

wicked posted on 10/19/2005

and yes I have those kind of days...but usually because I'm avoiding something I don't want to do... like clean my house... or taxes.

rodeotiki posted on 10/19/2005

He has tiki G style all over him. Very cool.

AlohaStation posted on 10/19/2005

Looks great, but be careful, carving at work can addictive. Next thing you know there will be a small piece of wood next to the keyboard and an Xacto next to the mouse. You'll think - "I can carve while these file process, or while that large file prints, or during lunch..." Instead of a jar of pens you'll find a box of Bandaids on your desk. You'll be asking for the BIG box of #11 blades with all of you office supplies. The cleanup crew will be wondering why there are wood shavings all around your desk. Instead of smoke breaks you'll be sneaking outside to put on more coat of Poly on it.

All hail the voice of experience!

surfintiki posted on 10/19/2005

Man I gotta get one of those jobs!! How big of a log do ya think you could smuggle in before someone caught on?

hewey posted on 10/20/2005

Cool carving! Good to see people makig good use of their time at work

turbosickboy posted on 10/20/2005

nice little carving you got there.

foamy posted on 10/20/2005

I know how work boredom works. Pretty damn good tiki. Especially from an exacto blade!

GMAN posted on 10/20/2005


That's some good "work" :) I wish the Feds would let me fire up the saw in my office!!!


Tiki G. posted on 10/21/2005

[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-08-14 08:27 ]

GMAN posted on 10/21/2005


The big brother IS watching you.........


wicked posted on 10/21/2005

reminds me of all the animators I know...except it's always dark in the animation room!

you look like you have a fun job! well at least a fun work environment
Thats important!

Benzart posted on 10/21/2005

Must be nice to have a job like that where they (we) pay you to goof off and sit around and be bored all day?
Nice pendant, how many tax dollars does it cost? put me down for a few, I paid taxes this year..
Just kidding, nice work..

Tiki G. posted on 10/21/2005

G-man, yeah I know, but like I said, I was only "kiddin'"!

Ben I am paying taxes this year on money I withdrew out in 2003 that I kinda failed to do. Think I could just give them a few necklaces instead that your tax dollars paid for? Thanks for the funny:)

Now don't get me wrong, it does get hectic around here too. Deadlines are the worst.

Ok, everybody back to work, or just keep hitting alt/tab.

Just had a big ole piece of Rum cake someone brought in for "Bosses Day"? Feeling kinda good right now. Think I'll go get another......


GMAN posted on 10/21/2005


Is that your sandrail in the pic on the wall? I'm looking for one if you know of any for sale....


Tiki G. posted on 10/21/2005

Gman yeah it was....I just sold it a few months ago. Bought it in pretty bad shape and re-built the whole thing. Hard to find around here. I got this one off of ebay out of georgia.

Moondance posted on 10/21/2005

Would it be possible for you to design a TIKI stamp for the USPS!?

GMAN posted on 10/21/2005


Dang! Too bad I missed it! It looks like a nice rig. I looked at one with a long travel front end recently, but it was too much $$$ for the condition. It was beat badly.


PalmCityTiki posted on 10/21/2005

nice little guy

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