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Tiki Terrace grand opening - week of November 8

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tikibars posted on 10/19/2005

The grand opening of Tiki Terrace is slated for Tuesday, November 8.

For that week, from the 8th through Saturday the 12th, there will be two 'seatings' per night, at 6PM and 9PM (subject to change, of course - watch this space).

During these seatings, there will be free food, entertainment from Barefoot Hawaiian (on all days), and more surprises.

The Official Tiki Central gathering is on Thursday, November 10, at 9 PM.

Scott wants to get an idea of how many people to expect, so if you think you're going to show up, post here!

Address is 1 S. Wolf Rd., in Prospect Heights.

From downtown, take I-90 to I-294 north to Willow rd.
Take Willow west to Wolf, head south on Wolf, and you can't miss the place on your left. Cross the Metra tracks and you just missed it.

[ Edited by: tikibars 2005-10-18 17:22 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 10/19/2005

Jen and I are in for the TC night!

exotica59 posted on 10/19/2005

count us in for 4 people! I can hardly wait. It sounds wonderful.

Kalani posted on 10/19/2005

Thanks for keeping up to date with this thread. I will keep track of the RSVP's for Thursday the 10th.

I will try to post some pics in the next few days. I'll post before and after pics.

Regarding our booking of Jake, here is some more info:



NOVEMBER 19, 2005!


Jake, Hawaii’s 28 year old star, is known as “The Greatest Ukulele Player In The World”

Jake will also be appearing on The Conan O’Brien Show on December 13, 2005.

This popular musician has also performed with and/or opened for Jimmy Buffett, Bobby McFerrin, John Hiatt, Bella Fleck and more.

Ticket info and other information will go out to the Tiki Terrace VIP list Soon!!!!!So Wiki Wiki.

Can I ask you all to give me your input on Jake. I'm not asking for committments to attend. It is a lot of $$$ for a 60 capacity venue to book a guy like Jake, so I am honestly a bit nervous about this. We are looking at approx $55.00 ticket cost which will include approx 1.5 hour performance and free pu pu's. Beverages/cocktails will be sold at normal cost.

Thanks everyone for your offers to help. But I want this to be a suprise for you all. I am particularly excited to host the TCer's and get your thoughts on the place since you all have seen so many tiki bars. But like James was saying, it is a small place and my 2 brothers, father and I did the entire build out and decor (except 8 carvings from Oceanic arts)... so dont expect the Mai Kai. But we are still proud of it and cant wait to be a good host for you all!!!

The best way that you can help The Tiki Terrace is honestly the word of mouth promo. We are a small business and we expect hard times. Fortunately, we have a great following because of our 20 plus year old sister company, the Barefoot Hawaiian,,, but we still can use your help in this regard.

Will post pics soon. And the newsletter with invite to the Grand Opening will go out soon.

Thanks everyone! And special mahalo to James and Derwin. Aloha!

croe67 posted on 10/19/2005

We'll be at the grand opening - can't wait!! 2 of us

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/19/2005

yah mo' be there!!....

Tiki Flange posted on 10/19/2005

I'd like to come on the 10th, but I'd have to get the 6 PM seating. My kids love the tiki stuff too, so I wouldn't want to leave them out, but they wouldn't make it much past 9:30.

Tiki Flange!

[ Edited by: Tiki Flange 2005-10-19 12:26 ]

ManoKoa posted on 10/19/2005

I will be there to meet other TCentralites, Just how, I don't know quite yet.

But I will find out. This is going to be exciting.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/20/2005

ill be there either the 8th,10th or 12th for sure, so how do you make your reservations if your a v.i.p again??....still got to get up that way to pick up my shirt! also wanna make it up for the nov.19th event! (too bad you cant make jakes show on the 19th the tiki central night!)

[ Edited by: hala bullhiki 2005-10-20 18:51 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 10/20/2005

On 2005-10-19 07:06, Kalani wrote:
The best way that you can help The Tiki Terrace is honestly the word of mouth promo.

Just did this tonight as I was interviewed by a local newspaper here in Milwaukee for an upcoming profile on my work. The subject of new tiki establishments came up and I mentioned Tiki Terrace and it's location. Another Great Lakes region publication is seeking an interview with me and I'll mention Tiki Terrace... I wish you all the best and a long, long run!

Dawn32 posted on 10/20/2005

Put me down for 2.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/21/2005

cant decide 10th,12th, or 19th!!!...wish i lived closer, id go all 3, but the 2.5 hours each way is tellin me i gotta pick one or 2....we'd love to make the 10th though, as we were joking tonight about how we never introduce ourselves to anyone whos not selling something at these tiki events.....

c10 posted on 10/22/2005

Sounds great, sign me up for 2 !

ted tiki posted on 10/23/2005

Emily and I would be interested, but we would like a few more details on the 10th. Price, etc. Sorry if it was already mentioned.

wgk001 posted on 10/24/2005

Count me in for 2

tikibars posted on 10/24/2005

On 2005-10-23 14:23, ted tiki wrote:
Emily and I would be interested, but we would like a few more details on the 10th. Price, etc. Sorry if it was already mentioned.

My understanding from Scott is that this grand opening week is desgined to get everyone excited about Tiki Terrace, and therefore the food, admission, and entertainment are free - pay for your drinks.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/26/2005

looks like were gonna have to wait till the 12th to go, but we may drive up to kenosha this weekend ....hope to meet some of you all in dec.(the 10th?) at trader vics!

Kalani posted on 10/27/2005

Aloha !!!Thanks everyone for the interest!!!

The invite is going out today,, dont worry about calling to make reservations. Just post here with confirmation or cancellation.

We have decided to make the first week adult events only. We definitley will be a "family friendly" restaurant during regular operations (will have Keiki menu, and fun things like palm frond origami for the kids)... But for this event, we need to limit parties because of demand... thanks for the understanding.

Here is a tally of reservations for Thursday night, 8:15 seating. Please let me know if this is correct. And please let me know if you cant make it. I will unfortunately have to turn away people that want to attend because of demand. So, if you cant make it, please let me know.

JT - 2
Lake Surfer - 2
Exotica59 - 4
Croe67 - 2
Tipsy McS - 2
Mana Koa - 2
Dawn - 2
C10 - 2
WGK001 - 2
As of now, I have 20 seats reserved. I will check back in a couple days.

I was uncertain about the following:
Tiki Flange
Halla Bullhiki
Ted Tiki

If you are not coming for the 8:15 Thursday night seating, please follow reservation instructions that will appear in your invite (you should receive sometime today)

Thanks everyone!!! and thanks for spreading the word about Tiki Terrace. We will really try to live up to your expectations.

exotica59 posted on 10/27/2005

Thank-you, we are looking forward to going!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/27/2005

count me in!! (2)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/27/2005

sorry-didn't see I was already on the list!! thanks!!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/28/2005

alright, I made my reservation......it's official. .....

i was employed in the restaurant/bar biz on a number of levels and I gotta say, that for their first time out, the owners seem to have a very professional approach to this whole opening....not unlike how tiki bars used to be back in the day.....everything seems to be thought out, all bases covered. great organization of this event, folks....thanks!! ......looking forward to opening night.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/28/2005

we made our reservations, unfortunately, living 2.5 hours away and having day jobs has stopped us from comin up for the tiki central night(being a week night) so we will be up there for the 2nd seating on saturday the 12th, so if anyone from here will be there then , let me know, as we'd love to meet other t.c.ers!.....cant wait!!!

tedtiki posted on 10/31/2005

Due to my schedule we will be there wed. the 9th(rat's can't make thursday) at the 8:15 seating. Hope to meet some of you there.

Tiki Flange posted on 11/01/2005

Well, I'm signed up for the early seating on Saturday the 12th, due to babysitting issues. This also allows me to sample many exotic drinks without worrying about work the next day.

Anyone else going at this time?

Kalani posted on 11/03/2005


Greetings from Tiki Terrace! We are nearly booked for all the parties now.

I was hoping to do one last roll call for the Thursday night party as we are full on that slot.

Can the following confirm they are still good to go:
Croe, 2
C10, 2
Dawn, 2
WGK001, 2

I am all set with:
JT, 2
Lake Surfer, 2
Exotica, 4
Tipsy, 2

Ok everyone, wish us luck. My brothers and I hope you like it!


snowboundtiki posted on 11/04/2005

Is anyone going to the 8:15 on Tuesday? We are making a 7 hour drive to see the Tiki Terrace. I am new to this site and built my bar this summer where I had my 40th birthday party. I built the bar on my porch. I found this site when looking to see how I had done and needed a tiki pattern. I have been a silent observer on this site since I really had no time in the summer with our busy marine repair service. Things are winding down now and I will post pictures at a later date. It turned out very cool and cost very little starting out with a twin bookcase headboard that I traded some deer antlers for. My inspiration was the Florida Keys which I just love. Hopefully we will drive out of the snow we are supposed to get. YUCK

Dawn32 posted on 11/04/2005

I'm confirming reservations for 2.

BambooLodge posted on 11/04/2005

We will be there, along with our friends Gary & Donna on Wednesday the 9th for the 8:15 seating . We are really looking forward to seeing what a great job Scott & company have done with decor.
Dave & Coalbe

croe67 posted on 11/04/2005

I'm confirmed for 2 - we'll be there! Can't wait!!!

tikibars posted on 11/04/2005

On 2005-11-03 19:33, snowboundtiki wrote:
Is anyone going to the 8:15 on Tuesday? We are making a 7 hour drive to see the Tiki Terrace.

Hey snowbound, welcome to TC.

I strongly suggest that if you are making the 7-hour drive for Tiki, that you make a side trip to also experience Hala Kahiki. Not to take away from the Zuziak clan's achievement with Tiki Terrace, but HK is one of Tikidom's national treasures. If you want inspiration for your own home Tiki paradise, HK will definitely inspire you.

Hope to see you there.

Hey Scott - I'll be soming out by myself for the TC gathering on Thursday, so if the reservations are tight, you can free up a slot.

My pal from LA and I will be there on Wednesday - see ya then!

[ Edited by: tikibars 2005-11-08 21:44 ]

tikibars posted on 11/09/2005

Anyone make it to the opening night tonight?

I'll be there tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday too, so I'll take lots of pics - watch this space.

ManoKoa posted on 11/09/2005

Fellow T-C folk,

I have to reneg my reservations from Thursday to Sunday as it will be the only time that I will be able to visit the Terrace together w/ my wahine. I'm still excited about going but we were sorry to have to miss the TC night to meet and hang w/ other tikiphiles.

So have big fun and much ALOHA to you all until we can arrange and have another meetup.

~be excellent to each other, and . . . ~

[ Edited by: ManoKoa 2005-11-09 09:25 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 11/10/2005

Just have to suffer through the rest of work today...
Looking forward to tonight!
See some of you there!

hala bullhiki posted on 11/10/2005

you guys gotta post some pics, i gotta wait til saturday to go, and i cant wait!!

exotica59 posted on 11/11/2005

wow! Had a super great time. food was soooo good. The decor was really great too.You could really tell that this place is a labor of love.
Thanks to all the people at Tiki Terrace who made the night so special. We'll definitely come back again.

wgk001 posted on 11/11/2005

I had the honor of being there tonight. One word. Kupaianaha! Was great to meet up again with the legendary JT and was great to see Pat from the talented Penthouse Playboys. Can't wait to see you on Dec 2. Mostly, it was great to finally meet Scott and Phil. You guys have created a marsterpiece! For those who are in, or happen into the Chicago area, this place is a definate must.

tikibars posted on 11/11/2005

I forgot my freakin' camera - but I saw Lake Surfer taking lots of pics.... Come on Dave, let's see those posted!
Hooray to the Zuziak family for a job well done!

BambooLodge posted on 11/11/2005

We didn't forget our camera to such important event. We visited on Wed Nite. Scott and his family have done a great job in four months. I love the stage area with the flaming volcanoes even with out the smoke machine. The veggie chips, fruit Salsa and pineapple/? dip where yummy, but the slice of star fruit with blob of coconut pudding topped with a candied ginger strip was incredible. We went with longtime friends Momtiki and Dadtiki. I tried going flash-less that night so some of the pic maybe a little creative. Wonderful time and a great tiki-full place. Another great mid America winter wonderland tiki oasis. This will be great to go in January when the temps are in the single digits with a wind chill in the negative digits. Good luck and good day,
the c in d&c

the front door

the stage area

Momtiki & Dadtiki

the thinker tiki

my creative photo

Mr & Mrs Bamboolodge

BaMbOoLoDgE...where the South Pacific meets the Great White North!

[ Edited by: bamboolodge 2005-11-11 06:31 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 11/11/2005

awsome! cant wait for tomarrow!!

Lake Surfer posted on 11/11/2005

Congrats to the Tiki Terrace Ohana on a job well done! Good luck with everything! The decor was beautiful!

Here's some pictures I took...

I like the wall of moai...

Here's the great little hut we sat in... this area can be rented out for parties and has fountains on each side and tv monitors to view the live entertainment...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2005-11-11 12:09 ]

croe67 posted on 11/11/2005

Ditto - great job on the decor & live music and hula - was a very nice night & look forward to more evenings at Tiki Terrace!!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/11/2005

nice work guys!! off to a great start !!...the drinks were quite potent and the food good...wish it was closer to the city though so I could visit more often....Dec. 2nd is the next stop with the havana(penthouse)playboys doing their new exotica set.....

hala bullhiki posted on 11/12/2005

pics look amazing, tomarrow night cant come fast enough!!

hala bullhiki posted on 11/14/2005

wow, this place is great, small and cozy, great food, grat decor ,entertainment,and staff, cant wait to see the full menu of food and drinks.....

ManoKoa posted on 11/14/2005

We just got back from our seating. I took more pics than this but here is stuff I wanted to add.

Mrs. Mano w/ a drink which has a name but we only recalled the "paralysis" part. We were supposed to share it but I think I only had 2 sips.

Tiki wall
(tried my best to brace the camera while setting the exposure time between 1 and 1.5 seconds.)

Check out the big umbrella on the Mango drink.

I didn't get around to getting a pic of the HUGE tiki to the right of the stage but you will just have to see it. It's da kine.

Big Mahaloz to the Zuziacs and Gwen for providing such an amazing eating experience with Lopako (sp?) playin the smoooove Hawaiian kine tunes. Our server, Richard, and 2 other wahines danced the hukilau up on stage and Gwen got out to show her style too with a few other songs.

The food for the opening was salad, soup, (imu) pig, rice (stiky kine), macaroni salad, and maki rolls; all of which were tasty. Word has it they will have more luau type food which I'm completely stoked about, and more of which I can't wait to check out.

The place is decked out solid with OA weapons interspersed w/ the tikis and wall space. There is even more decor in the works from what has been said, but you can already see the amount of big aloha that went into the Terrace and it's an honor to have been part of the opening.

[ Edited by: ManoKoa 2005-11-13 19:53 ]

Kalani posted on 11/14/2005

I would like to offer my apologies to anyone that was affected by reservation problems. This was my error and I WILL make it up to you if you would allow. Please send me a personal message and I will take care of you if you were affected by reservation complications.

To everyone that attended, mahalo! I hope to see you all again... and next time, I will have more time to hang out!

Thanks for all the encouragement and good wishes! And sorry if I came across "not all there"... The sleep deprivation was really getting to me Thursday night.

And Derwins awesome Tiki Necklaces are now in stock at Tik Terrace! Get em while they last! Thanks Derwin.

Mahalo once again!

Tiki Flange posted on 11/14/2005

I was there Sat. night for the early seating. I worked my way through all the drinks on the menu except one.

The gin and grape juice based drink was a combo I never would have thought of and it was fantastic.

I'll echo everyone else's comments - the food, music and decor was great. I'm looking forward to bringing the kids next time, as they are also big tiki culture fans.

Thanks for the great evening!

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