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Carving Seminar Benzart, Basement Kahuna Tiki Diablo

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Benzart posted on 10/11/2005

I guess I should have posted this on its own instead of my carving thread. I don't know how to move any of that here so we'll just pick it up here I guess?
Oh Yes, I Almost Forgot?? At Hukilau we, well, Swanky announced and had a sign in sheet, a Carving Seminar to be held early next year sometime around April or May. It will include Carving instruction from myself, Basement Kahuna and Tiki Diablo, as well as lodging and meals. It will be for a few days and may include a carving log. There will be room for maybe 15 or 30 depending on the lodge availability. It is in the planning stage now but is almost a done deal If we get enough people. Not sure of the cost or the date or a few other details, but email me or Swank if interested and we will get back with you with more info.
Fun Fun Fun... "

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/11/2005

Looking forward to it. Whilst in the beautiful Tenessee Mountains you'll learn to carve an authentic Fijian style weapon from me to decorate your tiki bar walls the traditional way as well as some Marquesan basics and toolmaking. You'll learn how to conquer the world and alter human history with your tool roll from Sir Ben and Sir Cheek!! We'll list a basic set of tools to bring when attending later, nothing expensive, just the bare essentials. And (perhaps, if my temper tamtrum works) the trip will end in an blowout at the legendary Omni Hut? I'll bring the Anniversario :)

ManoKoa posted on 10/11/2005

Just sent a note to you Ben.

Dudes, this thing is gonna be soooooo rad! I can't wait.

If there's anything I can do to help you guys out, let me know.

8FT Tiki posted on 10/11/2005

I already emailed the boys to get my name on the list. Who's else is gonna join this bunch of 2 legged termites?

MooneyTiki posted on 10/11/2005

Aloha ben! count me in and i can already smell the wood chips flying!!!! Basement Kahuna it was really Great meeting you at the Hukilau. Aloha ben and keep carving those incredable tikis everything you touch and create is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/11/2005

Great to meet you, too, my friend.

SilverLine posted on 10/12/2005

On 2005-10-11 14:33, 8FT Tiki wrote:
I already emailed the boys to get my name on the list. Who's else is gonna join this bunch of 2 legged termites?

I'm on the list as well! This sounds like just the thing I need!

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/12/2005

This is where? Tenessee?. Down a gravel road somewhere??? Who do I email? Oh hell, just put me on the list - I'll work out the details later.

hewey posted on 10/12/2005

You guys better take plenty of pics for plebs like me who cant make it

flacookz posted on 10/12/2005

I committed at Hukilau. But I am also pledging my allegiance to the brotherhood in front of this public forum.

I will attend.

[ Edited by: flacookz 2005-10-12 05:31 ]

Swanky posted on 10/12/2005

You can email me or Ben to get on the list. When I get a chance, I'll have the official site up at Coon-Tiki This is an awesome chance for everyone to ask all those questions of the experts you wish were by your side as you carve. You'll get to see all the little things like how they hold a chisel and just the real nuts and bolts that a carver gets from watching others at the craft. We'll all learn from each other I am sure. It'll be a great help to all of us. This community has a lot of knowledge as a whole and Ben and the guys have a lot of good technique and knowledge. We'll have a great time up there in the hills with nothing but living logs around and mountains and chisels and carvers.

Swanky posted on 10/13/2005

I slapped together the Coon-Tiki site this morning. I tried to answer the questions I have been asked lately. There is a Coon-Tiki section on the Hukilau forums too with a poll question. If you seriously think you will attend, please vote on whether it should be on Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. You'll need to register there to vote and post if you have not.

Many thanks to Benzart for agreeing to do this. He's helped us on on TC for so long, it will be great to have him helping us in person!

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2005-10-13 07:14 ]

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-06 10:11 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/26/2005

Swanky, will there be overnight accomodations for out-of-towners arriving the night before and/or leaving the day after?

Swanky posted on 10/26/2005

Yes, we'l have at least the main lodge for a week and will offer early arrival and departure. Ben has said he'd like to have down time before and after and we are making sure there is plenty. Once all the details are in place, we'll let you tell us what your plans are. We'll offer extra nights for a very small extra amount.

VonTiki posted on 10/27/2005

I'm in! That sounds awesome!!Put me on the list...Sir.

Lake Surfer posted on 10/27/2005

Tennessee huh?

I can make that in the minivan in a day...

I'm a hack myself but have nearly 5 years of carving tips that I could offer the students...

And with the vehicle I can bring tools, a bench and possibly even prime cuts of wood...

I just want to chip wood along side the likes of Ben, Dave and Danny :wink:

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2005-10-26 23:52 ]

Benzart posted on 10/27/2005

I'm really getting excited about this guys.This will be the carving event ov a lifetime. zjust the power and Mana flowing thru every carver there young and old will be unbelievable.
Any requests that you may have as to what i carve?let me know if you have any ideas. My first plan was just to float around the croud, offering tips and tricks and taking a few chips on everyones projects. That might not be what you would like or expect so give me some input and we'll see what can happen.

surfintiki posted on 10/27/2005

If I were to come on down Ben, I'd really want to see the power tools you use, the bits, attachments, air tanks, what-have-you. That stuff's expensive, and you don't want to get the wrong thing...and I want to see it in action, to really get the idea of where it can be applied.

Swanky posted on 10/27/2005

BK will be driving and bringing his arsenal of tools. Danny and Ben will be more limited as to what they bring. If folks like Lake bring their stuff too, or, at least talk with BK about what he isn't bringing and we all work together on this, we can have a large variety of tools on hand. I will see if I can't supply a compressor if needed so no one will ne to bring that.

My thought is that, yes, we have 3 heavy hitters with a great track record of carving, but all of us together can learn a lot form each other.

Since it's been slow getting the pricing on the second lodge, I think we won't start registering people until early 2006. I don't want to start registration/payment during the holidays. Once pricing is set, it'll be on the website and an email will go out to everyone on our lists. We'll announce a date for payments at least 2 weeks in advance so everyone will know.

Hmmm. Should I put together my list of antique stores to stop at on the way for the best stuff? Not if BK comes through first!

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/27/2005

Isn't this the coolest thing ever? I have some serious carving to do between now and then and this includes some MONSTERS,. I'll try not to be such a recluse and post pics now and then. I am gonna look like Hell boy by then(big arm/little arm).

Lake Surfer posted on 10/27/2005

Like this... :wink:

Monkeyman posted on 10/27/2005

I am interested in attending (as a student)

Time will tell if I can swing the travel expenses and time off.

Thanks for organizing it.

Tiki G. posted on 12/05/2005


Swanky posted on 12/05/2005

Details in January, after the holidays. I have hit a snag. The lodge next door is not for rent. None of the lodges are for rent around there. I will either have to lower the expectations some. Or I might offer the class with people staying in a hotel down the road, which is fairly cheap. Or offer it with people required to bunk up or bring bed rolls or something. Dunno.

Email me or Ben to be informed. When the new year rolls around, we'll likely ask your opinions on sleeping arrangements and offer registration soon after.

Chongolio posted on 12/05/2005

Wow this sounds like quite a experience. I gonna keep this on my radar in case I find myself in that area code during that time. I haven't been carvin' too much lately but still very interested in learnin' a few things. I did manage to debark a two 4' redwood logs over the last holiday weekend, and have them up on blocks right now curing. I am still looking for a 6" Lancelot for my recently acquired angle grinder.


Swanky posted on 12/08/2005

HERE is the link to some info on the Lodge where the seminar will take place. Not the best pictures, but it gives you an idea. No pictures of the view which is awesome. There is an unfinished large room in the bottom level we will use for the classes.

Yes, it's non-smoking, but you can smoke outside of course. There is a deck that wraps around the entire lodge.

Benzart posted on 12/08/2005

Swank, I Can't wait, it looks SO Fantastic.

Mr. Dale posted on 12/08/2005

I want to come as bad as a monkey in heat....but baby #2 is due in May.
I don't even want to try and explain to my beautiful wife that I'd rather hang out with a bunch of smelly crab handed tiki carvers than at home waiting for her to pop.
It'd go over like a fart in church.
Y'all have fun. And you'd better learn to say "y'all" if'n its in Tenessee.

[ Edited by: Mr. Dale 2005-12-08 16:00 ]

OceaOtica posted on 12/29/2005

I have not checked in for some time and just came across this post.
probably will not have the cash to make this trip, and will probably be working again by this point, but i am very interested in this seminar.
is there any plans to video the the teaching, or compile the info into a manual of sorts? even a xerox getup with some pics of process, tools and instruction would be great. this could be a way for the carvers to make a couple of bucks and to make the info available for those of us unable to attend. a class with these instructors would be a masters class in the artform. i really hope this information can become available.
if this is already in the works, or gets the wheels of thought spinning, i may be able to get a film editor friend of mine to cut the footage.
Thank you
please continue to update here with info on the class, because if the stars somehow align right i will try to make it out there

Benzart posted on 12/29/2005

Great Idea TTanked, does anyone have a decent video camera they could bring? I'm already trying to figure out how to pack which tools I will need. The excitemenmt Grows.

SilverLine posted on 12/29/2005

Yep! It was my plan to bring the video camera as well as film and digital cameras to document this (mainly because I usually forget about half of what I see in situations like this). But making a DVD and/or booklet of the event for others is highly do-able. I'm a professional photographer and used to work as photo editor for a local weekly, so I've got a little experience in this sort of thing.

Classic Silver Line Boats

[ Edited by: SilverLine 2005-12-29 08:54 ]

OceaOtica posted on 12/30/2005

Benz, Silver,
Thank you. Maybe if you post after the seminar that there will be a dvd and or booklet you can guage people's interest and see if it is worth your time to put this together. I know I am interested, and if it does not come together i would at least like a copy of the footage you shot.
I hope too that we will get to see TOOLS, peoples favorites and why and where to get them. I am a tool junky, but these carvers will be able to show us how to get a kit together without breaking the bank.
Thanks again,

Swanky posted on 01/02/2006

First, make sure you email me to get on the list. I can't tell a TC name from an email to know if you are on or not by that method. Just drop me a line and you get the current info when it comes out.

Second, I am going up to Smoky Mountain Woodcarver's today to look around and discuss what I am doing. See if they might sponsor us in any way and get prices for bass wood for everyone to practice on. I'll post pictures over on the Coon Tiki site and forum.

I should have the info to get the lodge booked this week and will pick a date and start figuring out prices and then send out a suggested list. It's pretty complicated to arrange. But, everyone will have lots of time to figure out if they can make it.

It's going to be a great time.

I am in favor of taping it too. All I have is a cruddy old Hi-8 cam, but if some folks bring a couple of digital vidoe cams, I'll help shoot it. I am pretty good at it.

JohnnyP posted on 01/02/2006

I'd really like a tape/dvd of this event. Count me as an interested party. I wish I could go, but can't get the time from work or fit it into the budget. Even though being there would be 10,000 times more informative, I could still learn alot from a DVD.

Swanky posted on 01/03/2006

Went by the Woodcarvers place today. They have chisels at good prices, but are more geared towards the machine carvers and the small detail stuff. So they sent me down the road to another guy and unfortunately he wasn;t in the shop. It was like 70 degrees, so, hey, go figure. Nice day to do other things. But, he had the large stuff. Big logs and a huge fork truck and crane truck. If I need a big log for a home project, this is the man. I am goin gto call tomorrow and see if he can hook me up with some logs for our work. Here are pics of the place.

Logs and the crane truck.

A huge pig and gal carving.

Cute monkey in the tree.

This big motha has some bear trapped in its wood I am sure.

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/03/2006

Hey, Swanky - have you guys considered maybe (3) large group projects for the seminar? I mean, we could all work on a bunch of small individual tikis, but couldn't we do that at home? Just a thought, but it would be cool to work in close with the teachers and hopefully pick up some good technique. Or, maybe do both - everyone could work on their own small tikis and "rotate in" with the teachers on the larger group tikis. We could all take our little tikis home, finished or not, and the teachers could donate the "group" tikis to the Tiki Temple of their choice on behalf of Tiki Central in the interest of furthering the Modern Day Tiki Revival (The Mai Kai, Omni Hut, and Tiki Ti all come to mind). But take that as a suggestion only - it's your gig. :)


Swanky posted on 01/03/2006

On 2006-01-02 21:40, Aaron's Akua wrote:
Hey, Swanky - have you guys considered maybe (3) large group projects for the seminar? I mean, we could all work on a bunch of small individual tikis, but couldn't we do that at home? Just a thought, but it would be cool to work in close with the teachers and hopefully pick up some good technique. Or, maybe do both - everyone could work on their own small tikis and "rotate in" with the teachers on the larger group tikis. We could all take our little tikis home, finished or not, and the teachers could donate the "group" tikis to the Tiki Temple of their choice on behalf of Tiki Central in the interest of furthering the Modern Day Tiki Revival (The Mai Kai, Omni Hut, and Tiki Ti all come to mind). But take that as a suggestion only - it's your gig. :)


It's a good thought. How much do you think we could get done in a weekend? If we could get a large log and have everyone taking their turns with it and get it near finished over the weekend, that would be great. The format for what the guys want to do is still open, so, it's up to them. I thought we'd also do a smaller project in basswood with a small dowel for everone. But when it comes to chisel work, I think maybe we need a decent sized log to work with.

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/06/2006

I guess we need to Powow on this soon...Time's drawing closer..

8FT Tiki posted on 01/06/2006

I for one can't wait. I do need the dates to be decided so that I can reserve some vacation at work. I guess we should get commitments from the would be student carvers so we know who all is going to be there for sure. I just hope we don't see this thing fall through due to a lack of participants! I don't know if we will ever have this golden opportunity again. Imagine the creative tiki talent that could be assembled in a cabin on a Tennessee hillside! Just getting to meet many of you and talk in person will be fantastic! And then there is the exchange of ideas and sharing of carving methods. It will be Nirvana with band aids at the ready! C'mon carvers, STEP UP AND BE COUNTED!
See you there.......8FT Tiki

Benzart posted on 01/06/2006

I think it may be great to have everyone work on one large tiki and also each have smaller individual efforts. sounds like super fun all the way around.
Swanky, what is the name of the carving shop and do they have a web site? what brand chisels do they have?

surfintiki posted on 01/06/2006

Ain't gonna make it. However, I'm all over the tape/dvd idea...I'd gladly pay for that...there's much potential for that idea.

Swanky posted on 01/14/2006

I have set a date for April 1-2nd. I just sent out an email to everyone on the list. If you did not get an email, you need to email me and get on the list! Please reply to the email right away and I will get everything ready to start registration in the next week, if not sooner.

Check http://forum.hukilau.org for updates and discussion and http://coontiki.hukilau.org for details.

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-06 10:10 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/15/2006

Awesome! We have a date set. I will post a few questions and float some ideas on your off-site Coon-Tiki Forum.


Swanky posted on 01/27/2006

I have the cabin booked and am looking for another cabin nearby as an alternative to people staying in the hotel. I have added a number of comments in the forums. I think I will be taking registration in a week or so. Email me if you haven't already!

Swanky posted on 02/08/2006

Things are pretty squared away, so I have announced the registration date. I am giving it one week so word wil get to everyone. Those who have already emailed saying you are coming or are debating it, you will be given first chance to attend. After those folks have said yes or no, the remaining spaces will be filled in order of the new emails. If you have not contacted me and want to attend, email me on the 14th!

Once we have our band of merry carvers, we'll go over a lot of details in emails amongst ourselves. It's going to be a great time!

Lake Surfer posted on 02/08/2006

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-02-07 22:00 ]

tikigap posted on 02/15/2006

I'm IN! Anyone from up nawth driving thru Washington DC area to go to Knoxville? I'd like to share a ride or I can drive - please PM me if we can meet up somewhere nearby and share the driving...

Swanky posted on 03/15/2006

There is one and maybe two openings for Coon Tiki if anyone can make it last minute.


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