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Basement Kahuna -New Maori Bone Pendant 3/04

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Jungle Trader posted on 10/01/2005

Hey Burger King, I ordered a tiki from you a couple years ago and you went underground for a while. Now that you are back out in the sun playing, I wanna toy dammit. What do you have in your bag of tricks?

RevBambooBen posted on 10/01/2005

BK rocks!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/01/2005

I gotcha Burger King right 'ere, JT. (But I can still carve you a tiki if you're still in the running :) )..

hewey posted on 10/01/2005

Nice club! Not only does it look sweet, its a DIY home protection system.

finkdaddy posted on 10/01/2005

Nice work, I love the club. I can't get to hukilau this year which is just making me sick inside.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/01/2005

Plan on carving me one, but wait till you're either coming to the west side or I'm swinging over to the east side of the jungle....yes?......or hang on to it for me, Mr BK hangin'.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/02/2005

The finished Solomons warclub for the Hukilau Auction...This one turned out very well, and is among my best work on war clubs. It is very sharp, as an original would be (these were made for lopping the heads off of enemies, you know.. :) ) There are a few different typical clubs from the area, but these spatulate/swordform clubs seem to have been the choice of the majority in the chain..One decorated as such would have belonged to an elder or a warrior caste, and would be passed down through hundreds of years. The lanyard is hand braided and aged raffia...you wouldn't want to be fighting off an invader and lose your trusty weapon! It also comes with the gin-yew-wine certificate of authenticity that companion all of my stuff! It is 21 inches long, and ready to add that air of mystery and danger to your tiki cove!! And all for a very good cause.!

Moondance posted on 10/02/2005

Beautiful work on the Solomons warclub, that weapon looks scary. I wouldn't want to be on the business end of that bad boy. How much does that club weigh? I wish I was going to place a bid on it. Your a very talented artist.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/02/2005

It probably weighs about three and one half pounds...Black walnut is very dense wood. I have some cherry as well, but man...that's a chore to carve!

Swamp Fire posted on 10/02/2005

Wow! Some incredible work BK! The detail is amazing.

Raffertiki posted on 10/02/2005

It looks like taking a short break did you some good. That is one sweet carving.

[ Edited by: Raffertiki 2005-10-04 04:47 ]

Benzart posted on 10/02/2005

I'll second that Raffer. BK you have a Lot of catching up to do and it looks like you are Well on your way. Let it out Let it ALL Out..

rodeotiki posted on 10/03/2005

That is one of the most incredible carvings I have seen. You need to film yourself carving and sell it.
Thanks and glad to see ya back so strong.

hewey posted on 10/03/2005

Wow. The finished article is awesome. The tag is a nice touch.

mattfink posted on 10/03/2005

Beautiful baby!!! Back with a bang!


Tiki G. posted on 10/03/2005

Sweet looking club there B.K. Wish I had to the patience to do something like that. Talking about tedious. Nice work there man.


Basement Kahuna posted on 10/04/2005

All done with a set of Henry Taylor palm chisels...

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/18/2005

Here's a freestanding Aloha sign and a Solomon Islands lemon-blade canoe paddle I just finished...I'll post better pics later. The stuff in the background is going out on a rental to an office party Thursday...

Benzart posted on 10/18/2005

Nice paddle BK and the Sign is Typical Super BK Top-Shelf Quality. I Love how it looks like that tiki is standing on the top right of the sign, taking total ownership.
Can't wait until the Carving Seminar so I can learn a few licks from the Basement Kahuna master...

wicked posted on 10/18/2005

wow such intricate carving! beautiful

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/29/2005

Here's another Solomons style club I'm working on...this is a bigger, meaner one with serrations. And just look at all of those other crrrrrazy clubs Kahuna is about to work on..two Fijian Cula Cula, a Maori Taiaha, two Fijian Sali and another Solomons style spatualate club. The old war clubs are just an intrensic part of any tiki bar, period...look at any page in the Book of Tiki or most any old interior shot of any golden age tiki temple and there they are... Mystery! Danger! Adventure! Much like a puffer fish lamp, a glass float, or a tiki, no well crafted tiki bar is complete without one or two or a few Polynesian clubs.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2005-10-28 22:13 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 10/29/2005

Out of Control!!!

It took BK a lil' bit to get it together afer his mid life crises, but it seems that he is back and is on fire!!

2 thumbs up and 2 pinky's down!

Double Shaka!!!

foamy posted on 10/29/2005

BK, love your work. I also like your take on Polynesian weapons making for danger and mystery in the bar.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/30/2005

Here is a finished Solomon Islands style serrated club. The Samoans had similar cubs in their traditions, but much heavier. Just for kicks I notched this one three times! Clubs were often notched to denote kills, and forms with many kills became the most prolifically produced. In the Fijian tradition, clubs with many kills were often given a name and took on a mythic mana, or soul, and were revered as sacred objects and passed down through many generations. This is a large club, with over 40 serrations, 51 inches long. Details on this club can be seen on Tiki Carving Methodology thread..Cat shown for size comparison :)

hewey posted on 10/30/2005

Is Bk making art, or just planning a Pacific style war? Very cool.

Polynesiac posted on 10/30/2005

Simply beautiful club, BK. VERY nice detail.

Moondance posted on 10/31/2005

Your detail and art work is beautiful. I would be proud to make that war club

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/31/2005

Not something to be on the receiving end of. The detail on these babies are something else, BK. Will oceanic weapons be on the Coon-Tiki agenda?

Tiki G. posted on 10/31/2005

Holy cow, that thing look's like it will put a hurt'n on ya. I'd hate to get hit with that damn thing!

Nice work B.K. You never cease to amaze me. Look's like your on a mission of some sort? Are you supplying someone with all them there weapons or just stocking up for something??????

Benzart posted on 10/31/2005

Look at this man GOOOoo. Awesome stuff BK, you are Really on a roll. Can't wait to see you do some of this at the carving seminar. So glad to see these posts once again!

exotica59 posted on 10/31/2005

Such fine and intricate carving. Such beautiful weapons. You're absolutely right, they do add an air of danger and mystery to a tiki room. Very nice job!

FLOUNDERart posted on 10/31/2005

Mr. Kahuna is back?!?!

rodeotiki posted on 11/01/2005

Note to self : " Never EVER , piss off BK"

With that said , Simply amazing work!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/13/2005

Here is a Fijian Cula Cula I just finished. This club measures 34 inches and is all hand chip and palm chisel. The Cula Cula was a status weapon, usually carried by chiefs or warrior caste in ancient Fiji. It's specific purpose was attacking the neck and midsection of an opponent. This form is hard to carve due to the geometry involved (this is one of the more wierd Fijian weapons!)in shaping the edges and cut-outs and the intricacy of hand-decorating. A better shot tomorrow..Next up: a Maori Taiaha...

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2005-11-13 13:01 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/13/2005

P.S. I need logs...dry ones...Anybody around here have any? (Athens, Georgia)

purple jade posted on 11/13/2005

BK, you must have more patience than Job...

P.S. Get yourself a beeg trailer and come down here...boy, do we got LOGS!

[ Edited by: purple jade 2005-11-12 18:31 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/13/2005

Ah needs logs, bad...My sawmill has gone belly up..

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/13/2005

Only one word "SPECTACULAR".

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/13/2005

Danke...Polynesian clubs will definitely be on the Coontiki agenda as well...

The Sperm Whale posted on 11/13/2005

Your stuff Kicks Ass!! The details you do are just incredible!!! Thanks for sharing Bro!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/13/2005

On 2005-10-31 15:18, FLOUNDERart wrote:
Mr. Kahuna is back?!?!


Lake Surfer posted on 11/14/2005

BK if I wasn't so damn busy these days I would drive a stack of these here dry logs down to you...

I'll bring some to CoonTiki if needed... I'm stocking up and they are drying...

Hey.... nice work.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/14/2005

Thanks, Lake...If you want to bring a couple of 5 footers I'll pay you for them and the gas...

tiki_kiliki posted on 11/14/2005

Absolutely amazing. Do you have a buyer for the Cula Cula yet BK?

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2005-11-14 06:05 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/15/2005

Thanks, all. I'll PM you, Kiliki. I have a running inquiry on clubs right now from two clients and still trying to get some extra rental/sale stuff piled up, too (rentals good!). If you want something I can do it..Time to be prolific...but never enough time in the day...

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/15/2005

You like it when they call ya big papa! BK , top knotch , as if I would expect anything less play - ya!

hewey posted on 11/15/2005

Wow. Awesome detail again dude. Do you sketch it first, or just carve away?

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/15/2005

Hey, Hew...I had to take a capture of a couple of different angles from old e-bay auctions of the real deal..Occasionally an original pop up. Jacks OF Fiji also does beautiful Cula Culas, as does Oceanic Arts, but the former is sort of cost prohibitive for decorating tiki bars nowadays (shipping from Fiji is terrible pricewise, sometimes twice the price of the club because they're carved in very heavy Ironwood) and the latter is elusive to many if they don't have the OA catalog or live nearby.

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