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BENZART's Carvings Second original thread

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That ebony sure is pretty. I recenty made some ebony drumsticks for a Taiko drummer. That was a real challenge. The ebony was very hard and dulled my gouges after only a few minutes on the lathe. I can't imagine trying to carve it. This piece is fantastic.

I am liking the Ebony Tang it looks great!!! The red eyes really make all the difference!!! Thanks for posting!!!!

That straight on face view tells it all. Yowza!

He really is a wonderful Tangaroa Ben, beautiful job.
Thanks for sharing the steps with us, it's very much appreciated.

That is some the smooooothest work I've seen. The ebony combined with your talented fingers combine to make one beautiful piece.

I agree with AA on the straight on view of the face being awesome, but I still think you carve the best butts.


Well time for todays update, but I did no work on the Tang so NO Update, sorry.

GMAN, I’m sorry I made you sick and you need one of these but thanks for lusting after this little black tangaroa. It seems that everyone wants him.

Arty, my friend, Thanks for the kind words and great support, I have missed reading your posts, all OK in Cali-land? I am happy you stopped by to be “Astounded”

Capotiki, Mahalo for your comps, this is what all artists live for and what fills their sails with wind, Thanks.

Pappy, Thanks big time for all the praise I will Never get tired of hearing.

Moondancer, I am happy you can see these series of photos as the evolution of the Tangaroa . Yes you are on the list. My eyes are just about healed as much as they are going to heal. It is an Amazing feeling to be able to see so clearly now with such depth of colors. Everything is so much more vibrant and alive now. I don’t know how I was carving before. Thanks so much..

Loki, Mahalos for the comps and kind words. Much appreciated and Welcome to Tiki Central.

AlohaStation, Thanks or the words of inspiration. Yes the ebony is Very hard, but it didn’t dull Any of my gouges at all. It could be because I didn’t use any. I used ALL jewelry metal working tools mostly carbide and diamond. It Does dull those but not too badly. It machines well and sands well ..Thanks again.

Spermy, what can I say to my #1 fan in Hawthorne. I think if I posted an ebony stick, you would love it,(not really, but you get the idea) The red eyes were one of those strange little ideas that turned out allright. When I was drilling the hole through Tangys head though, I sorta felt his end was near and I would have to totally scrap him or figure out how to repair a gigantic hole in his head going thru both eyes. Then I realized I had to create a dowel the same size as the hole to poke thru his head so he could have eyes instead of holes in his head. After a Lot of sweat, it finally worked out. I Promised myself that the next time I thought of a hairbrined idea like that to kick myself in the butt and forget about it. Thanks Spermy.

Aarons, Short and sweet and to the point I love it and appreciate toyr insight. Your carvings are So precise and perfect , I know you see every little flaw and ripple and not only that, you know what caused it, so Thankss Big time…

Tikiwahine Thanks for your heartfelt comps and and for making me feel like I Belong here with all you tiki junkies.

Surfintiki, thanks. You have hit on the only way to finish ebony. It has to be ultra smoothe. It buffs like plastic and will show every little ripple, crease, bump or zit on the whole piece . Imperfections stick out like a sore thumb, so Big thanks for the applause and kind words.

I’m not sure what everyone loves about this piece but I haven’t received a response like this from a piece for a long time. Is it the magical Ebony? Is it the Tangaroa himself who has captured everyones hearts? Let me know when any of you finds out, I’d like to know..

I'm not sure if it's the magical Ebony or the Tangaroa himself but I do think it's the artistic talent of yours and how you created this fine fine piece. You are THE MAN!!

On 2005-11-29 20:55, Benzart wrote:
My eyes are just about healed as much as they are going to heal. It is an Amazing feeling to be able to see so clearly now with such depth of colors. Everything is so much more vibrant and alive now. I don’t know how I was carving before.

Now that made my day.


Thanks Moondance and Aaron.


This guy is finally finished. He even takes Worse pic's now that he is polished up. He looks like liquid black plastic or something.


Wow Ben, that is sweet ..who is the lucky person who get's that one..happy happy..

Were not worthy


Ona, Moondance gets this one. I still have a few pieces of this ebony though. I had 3 1"x1"x7 1/2" sticks and I cut one in half to 3 1/2" and split one of those in half for the 3 1/2"x1"x1/2".

Rodeo, you all are worthy, for without you who could I show my work to.

Lucky Moondance!

How did you finish the ebony? Wax, poly...?


Thanks Ookoolady, I'm even a bit jealous,

AlohaStation, I just buffed it out with wax, I think ebony can be pretty flaky with some finishes as well as glues. When he gets dull he just needs to be buffed out and he will be shiny again, Or if he gets too dull, just toss him out of the party.


Wow Ben! He's a very handsome fella - and the ebony is sooo deliciously touchable!
Moondance is one very fortunate tikiphile...(I'm trying to keep envy out of my 'voice').


Love it Ben. The red eyes are a nice touch. Hope I'm still on your pendent list, no rush.

i always heard ...once you go black you never go back....ha ha ha

66 sweet Minis and counting.

Carve on.

GMAN posted on Wed, Nov 30, 2005 3:48 PM


It finished out even nicer than I imagined it would. Excellent job. I agree, Moon is a very lucky TCer! Thanks for sharing all the pics.

hewey posted on Wed, Nov 30, 2005 7:07 PM

Wow - he turned out so cool! The red eyes provide a really good contrast and focal point. I think that the piece looks so much like plastic really says a lot about your carving skill. It looks that smooth that it looks like someone just popped it out of a mold, painted the eyes, and gave it a polish. Another awesome piece.

OMG, I am so blessed, blissful, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, fortunate, flying high, gay?, glad, gleeful, gratified, happy, hopped up, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, lucky, merry, mirthful, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, sparkling, stoked, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat!!!!

Sorry I had to go to the Thesaurus to find words that describe how I'm feeling now. Because I am at a total loss for words. I'm feeling all of that, well except for the intoxicated. I don't drink anymore.

BEN, The Tangaroa is Beautiful!!!!

Happy Happy Joy Joy,

Great work Ben!


great as always ben!! keep it up!

Dang, what a Tang!
On top of your great carving, I love your close up photo skills that make one FEEL the texture of the material.

Nice piece, Ben! Love the way that wood finishes...


Thanks Amiotiki, and I didn't hear Any Envy in your voice, (I had the volume down) so you are OK, ofcourse there is as much envy in My voice too.

Swamp fire, thanks, glad you appreciate the eyes and Yes you are on the list . My next piece will be a list piece.

Thanks PalmCity Tiki, I'll have to keep that in mind but I'm not worried.

GMAN, Thanks, the Ebony is such a hard, tightly grained wood that it polishes up like glass and thats just about how it looks. I just wish I could show it to everyone because the pix are so bad.

Hewey, sssshsh, that will be our little secret about the plastic and mold thingy. I'm not really sure what posessed me to do the eyes red, it could have and almost was a disaster, drilling that hole through the head almost didn't make it. Oh well, I guess I was lucky??

Moondancer,I think you need a bigger thesaurus because I'm worth a Whole lot more fancy words than that? Thanks really! I have a feeling you are gonna get a lot of new friends and they are All gonna want to "Borrow" your Tang'.Enjoy

Thanks CheekyTiki, I appreciate the good words from half the way around the world, Howz london?

Tiki5-0, thanks for the comps, much appreciated.

BigBroTiki, Thanks big time. Comps from you mean a lot to me. I have tried to capture this guy with my camera but have had a very difficult time with him being black. I took more pic's today with a polarizing filter I forgot I had. It helped a bit but I forgot to "Dust off the guy and will have to do it again.
Thanks Sven

BK, Thanks to you too. Yes this ebony is purely MAgical in how it finishes. Mahalo

Here are a few more pix with a Polarizing filter this time.

absolutely amazing! i can even see your reflection in the carving!


MY Reflection?? Could be. These are better pix then before, I have to use the polarizer more often. I have to carve the ebony more often. Thanks Palama Tiki

Aloha Ben!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a junky,looking for some more Amazing carvings to help my fixxxxxx.Please post some cool carvings soon my friend!!!!!
Aloha for now, your friend ,Mooney


I agree with Mooneytiki, we need to see more. I've been through the tang progress shots many times and still can't figure out how you made some of the cuts. Not to repeat anything said above but it was exquisite. I need a new lesson fix.


Here is an Unpleasant update. The Tang got knocked off the coumder and landed on his heels and broke both heels right off.

I will create another one for Moondanc ASAP . Ebony is not the best wood to try to glue. I will be able to repair him with either pegs or screws but he will never be the same so I begin another tomorrow.
How many times have I advised some of you "Not to make the ankles so small and weak"?? I had not planned to work this into the lesson, but I guess things just happen that way. I don't like it but I guess things just happen that way. Johnny horton sang those words when I was a kid. How did he know I was going to break a tangaroa's legs? Damn you Johnny Horton.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. O)h MAN, that sucks! Well, if anyone can roll with the punches, you can. I sure learned a lesson here.


Ben it still looks great regardless. We all got to see it before it brokeded. If anyone can roll with it, you can!

Loki posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 4:53 AM

If anyone can make another, its you Ben.

Ben, thats such a shame.
Hey if it doesn't glue, the head on its own would make a nice piece.

GMAN posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 5:32 AM


hewey posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 5:42 AM

Damn that sucks man. He was so cool he couldnt live with the pressure, and tried to end it all. Give him some TLC, or yeah, maybe just hack off his head and be done with it. It would still look bitchin just the head

maybe ben loved it so much he decided to keep it, and did these in photoshop... I wouldnt blame him!


That is a shame. Would gorilla glue hold, thats stuff is amazing. If no one else wants it i will take it with out the feet even.
Cant wait to see the next one.

Moki posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 8:52 AM

Makes me want to cry!! :cry: I'm sure you felt sick to your stomach when you heard it hit the floor.

You can rebuild him. You have the technology. You have the capability to make the world's first Bionic Tangaroa. Ebony Tangaroa will be that tiki. Better than he was before. Better . . . stronger . . . faster

Booo!!! That little guy is still damn good lookin!!! He still has a great ass!! Just Kidding.


WOW, Thanks for the condolances everyone. He was such a good guy I think I will patch him up. If he decided to jump off the counter to end it all, Oh well, he will just have to try again but he won't break like that again once I get finished with him..
Maybe I Did do it in fotoshop just so I could have him, we'll,scratch that, You'll never know.
Thanks again


Noooo! What a sad turn of events!

I think that if you can repair it, someone (like me) would be very happy to give it a good home.

From master carver to Othepedic surgeon. Hey they both involve knives and power tools.

teaKEY posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 1:50 PM

ben- what does a polarized lens do and second, I know how that feels to have that stuff break. Yes you can glue him and probably fill any imperfection with some stain so its flush. But the thing it that you made it without cracks and that how you want him. But we all feel your pain and that will makes us love your stuff more cause we are going through it with you. Just like the Never Ending Story. A broken Bens piece is still better than the next guys.


I guess I'll become an orthopedic surgeon the.
A polarized Filter is actually what it is, Not a polarized lens.
The filter is made of 2 pieces of specially coated glass and when rotated, they line up to eliminate un-polarized rays of light and only let in rays that are lined up on the same axis. Right. It allows you to filter out some shadow effects so you can see the shadowed parts better. Something like that. It is made for sunlight conditions mostly.
Thanks again everyone

john posted on Thu, Dec 8, 2005 2:08 PM

On 2005-12-08 08:52, Moki wrote:
Makes me want to cry!! :cry: I'm sure you felt sick to your stomach when you heard it hit the floor.

You can rebuild him. You have the technology. You have the capability to make the world's first Bionic Tangaroa. Ebony Tangaroa will be that tiki. Better than he was before. Better . . . stronger . . . faster

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