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Disneyland Sunday 12/11-Monday 12/12

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dangergirl299 posted on 11/29/2005

Al and I will be celebrating my b-day in Disneyland Sunday 12/11 and Monday 12/12. If any fellow Mouse fans want to join us; PM me or Al for our cell ##'s.

I think I am going to try my plan of grabbing a Dole Whip at ETR to go; then running it to the UVA bar and getting them to pour rum in it.

freddiefreelance posted on 11/30/2005

We might be there with our Gran'daughter, to get her picture taken with the Santas & to ride the Small World Holiday with her.

Tikiphantom posted on 12/01/2005

I'll be there on Thursday 12-1-05. Happy Birthday by the way. Hey, what's the uva bar?


[ Edited by: Tikiphantom 2005-11-30 19:17 ]

Atomobile posted on 12/01/2005

I won't be around during those days, but I will closer to X-mas. But I had a suggestion about the rum. Have you thought about bringing your own in a small flask? That way you don't have to run all the way to the Grand Californian while your ice cream is melting. I think I'll do this on my next trip there since smoking at Disneyland is a hassle and making brownies is an expensive and time consuming project. Good luck!
And while on the subject of Disneyland, did you all know that the bar at the Grand Californian made deliscious Mai Tais? Last time I was there, they were in the $5-$6 range and well worth it!
Your friend,

dangergirl299 posted on 12/01/2005

The UVA bar is a little round outdoor bar in the middle of downtown disney - just outside from the tapas place.

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