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'Britiki' Ltd Ed mug now

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cheekytiki posted on 04/27/2005

Well this is what happens when you take the ingredients for something very British and something Tiki and mix 'em together!
+ Tiki

So thats what you get!
It's our first mug, at the moment only available in green but soon available in Brown and a Limited Edition of 100 with a hand painted Union Jack.
It's also BIG (20 Fl Oz) partly due to my limited knowledge of ceramics and also the fact I like Big drinks.
The Glaze has even been alcohol tested (its got its own cetificate) so no lead poisoning.
It costs £12 for the Green and eventually the Brown, the Ltd Ed will be £18
What can else can I say, it's available at our website!


[ Edited by: cheekytiki 2005-10-26 02:51 ]

[ Edited by: cheekytiki 2005-10-26 02:53 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 04/27/2005

Nice work C-T. Stick me down for a hand painted Union Jack model.


Tiki Matt posted on 04/27/2005

Just ordered one Cheeky, they look great!

Tiki Mugs, Vintage, Tiki Bars, Carved Tiki Poles, Apparel and more!
Everything Tiki at: http://www.bartiki.com
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[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2005-04-27 06:01 ]

cheekytiki posted on 04/27/2005

People have already started asking for the Ltd Ed. mug which will not be ready for another month,We haven't even finalised the colour but in the spirit of fairness I will start a list on a first come first served basis. But please only put your name down if you really want one and are going to pay for it once it's out.
I will add to this as people ask for them.Please PM to be added to it.
They are to be Numbered and this is the order they will be sold.

#1 Kon Hemsby
#2 atomictikitony
#3 aikiman44
#4 matt29b
#5 aquaorama
#6 Tiki Dude
#7 MachTiki
#8 Virani
#9 Martiki
#10 Riptide
#11 Monkeyman
#12 Tikiwinebear
#13 N/A
#14 Rob Roy
#15 Tiki Matt
#16 Unga Bunga
#17 Kanaloa
#18 Tiki Bird
#19 McDougall
#20 JTD
#21 TikiDude
#22 ModMana
#23 Atomicchick
#24 N/A
#25 Kanaka
#26 N/A
#27 N/A
#28 N/A
#29 Smokin Devil
#30 Minitor
#31 Mai Tai Matty
#32 Rorysm
#33 Baron V
#34 Nicktiki

[ Edited by: cheekytiki on 2005-05-18 02:01 ]

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aquaorama posted on 04/27/2005

Please put me down for one. Let me know once you know the cost. Thanks!

cheekytiki posted on 04/27/2005

The cost is £18.00 plus P&P for the Ltd Ed

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Tiki Dude posted on 04/27/2005

Please add me to the list as well! (LE) Thanks

[ Edited by: Tiki Dude on 2005-04-27 09:04 ]

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Rob Roy posted on 04/27/2005

Are the hand-painted ones going to be mainly green, brown or another color?

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martiki posted on 04/27/2005

Put me down for a limited edition as well.

Nice work.

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Monkeyman posted on 04/27/2005

1 LE for ME.


PS- Your website is looking good. Its apparent that you have invested a significant amount of time and energy in your new busines. Cheers

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tikiwinebear posted on 04/27/2005

Me too! Add a limited edition for me to your list! Mahalo!

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Rob Roy posted on 04/27/2005

I will take 1 LE please.

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MachTiki posted on 04/27/2005

1 LE for me as well... THANKS CHEEKY!!! Can't wait to get mine.

Tiki Matt posted on 04/27/2005

Add my name to the list!

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/27/2005

One LE for me CT.
Great website too.

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Kanaloa posted on 04/27/2005

Put me down for a LE too. Have a new bar to put it on ...

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Tiki Bird posted on 04/27/2005

I'll bite.

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Formikahini posted on 04/27/2005

It's BEAUtiful, Jamie!
Sadly, the pound/dollar ratio is more than my house-poor wallet can do :(

But I'll lust from afar.
Congrats on a GORgeous first mug. And have a ball at Oasis! Wish I could be there to return the hospitality you and Anjy extended to me. Come through Texas next time

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McDougall posted on 04/27/2005

Down for one of the limited ones please.

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TikiDude posted on 04/28/2005

Please put me down for one!

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teaKEY posted on 04/28/2005

I saw one on Ebay yesterday, what number was that one.

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Atomicchick posted on 04/28/2005

Mark me down for one.

cheekytiki posted on 04/28/2005

teaKEy the one on ebay was one of the regular mugs with the green glaze.

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Kanaka posted on 04/28/2005


I purchased a green mug through your website but please put me down for a limited edition mug also.

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smokin devil posted on 05/02/2005

@ cheekytiki
can you send me one of the green and one of the LE in brown to germany ??


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trustar posted on 05/02/2005

Per Jamie, I am the proud owner of the 1st Britiki in the States. I am a very proud PaPa. Lapu Lapu's out him last night. Thanks Jamie.


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Rob Roy posted on 05/02/2005

What is the shipping cost to the states?

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stentiki posted on 05/02/2005

Yeah, me too! I got #2!!! Woo hoo!

Cheers, mate!

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minitor posted on 05/12/2005

I sent an email to get on the list for a painted Union Jack edition. I want one to match my MINI Cooper!!!

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Trader Woody posted on 05/13/2005

Cheeky - did you get my PM?

Trader Woody

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Trader Woody posted on 05/13/2005

Cheeky - did you get my PM?

Trader Woody

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Rorysm posted on 05/13/2005

Ooohh.. a combo of my love for tiki and britania... put me down for a limited edition

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Rorysm posted on 05/13/2005

So how much in american dollars will the total cost (including shipping) be?

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nicktiki posted on 05/18/2005

Add me to the list for the LE.

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aquaorama posted on 06/01/2005

Bump Any word on when those bad boy hand painted ones are going to make it out?

cheekytiki posted on 06/02/2005

I am just waiting for the new glaze to be food and alcohol tested and to arrive, but unfortunately we are going to be in France working on the "Paradirama" Exhibition for a week.
So they will be ready in about 2.5 weeks, sorry about the delay guys.

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MachTiki posted on 06/23/2005

No worries Cheeky. Let us know if we can help with the alcohol testing.

cheekytiki posted on 06/24/2005

Here's proof they are finally on their way, Anjy hand painting the shields.
Should be ready early next week.
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cheekytiki posted on 07/25/2005

Guys sorry it is taking so long for the Ltd Ed.
First off we recieved the glaze the day the whole ceramics industry in this country closes down for 2-3 weeks for their summer holidays.
We then found the glaze to be contaminated with Detergent which makes it un-usable, cue the 2-3 week wait for the glaze people to come back off their hols.
They then wanted to test the glaze themselves - another couple of weeks, and they reckon nothings wrong with it, even though they admitted earlier that it was wrong.
so I am now wrangling with them to sort this problem out as they want me to pay for another batch when i feel the contaminated batch is their fault.
More soon.....

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MachTiki posted on 07/25/2005

Thanks for the update Cheeky!! We're sure they'll be worth the wait.

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tikitony posted on 08/06/2005

The all green mug is awesome. The liquids flow so nicely out of the rim and sits nicely on the lips... Its a nice drinker, and also a nice piece of artwork. Can't wait to see the final limited edition mugs! Keep it up.

cheekytiki posted on 10/14/2005

At Last!
After along wait due to glazing problems and other projects having to take the front seat for a while we have the "Britiki" Ltd Ed ready.

I will PM everyone on the List, if you want one they are £18 plus £3.50 P&P for the UK, £18 plus £5.00 P&P for Europe , £18 plus £8.00 P&P for the US and worldwide.
Email me back and I'll send you a Pay pal invoice.
If you don't want it let me know and I'll put that number back up for sale.

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MachTiki posted on 10/14/2005

Nice job Cheeky! Sounds like you really had your hands full. Looking forward to seeing ol' #7 coming my way.

cheekytiki posted on 10/26/2005

Thanks to everyone who has replied to get their Mug and thankyou for waiting such a long time.
For those that haven't gotten back I'll leave their numbers available for another couple of weeks and then put them back up for sale.

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atomictonytiki posted on 10/26/2005

Just got mine delivered in the post only seconds ago, the Britiki mug is one bruiser of a mug and colourfull too. I'm so chuffed. Thanks cheekytiki!

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minitor posted on 12/08/2005

Took a little longer to make it accross the Atlantic, but Britiki has made it to California. Arrived safe and sound this last weekend. Great addition to the collection. I might be chuffed too, but I have no idea what that means. Thanks Cheekytiki!

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MachTiki posted on 12/08/2005

Britiki made it safe and sound to Southern California as well. He was politely waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. Man, this mug is a lot bigger than I was expecting. Great job Cheeky!!! I am quite chuffed as well.

Now, I'm off to Ooga Mooga.

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[ Edited by: MachTiki 2005-12-08 07:05 ]

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tikiracer posted on 12/08/2005

I've got a britiki and headhunter mug from cheeky and their are both great mugs AND generous in the sizing dept.

More rum for me, hooray!!

Pages: 1 2 47 replies