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Tiki-theft crime wave continues

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pappythesailor posted on 12/14/2005

‘Spell’ cast on thief who stole decorations


SHREWSBURY— Police are looking for the Grinches who have stolen two elves, lights and other holiday decorations from neighborhood homes and properties over the past couple of weeks.

Also stolen was the 5 feet to 6 feet tall tiki statue from in front of Lalajava, a coffee shop on Route 9. The owners of the store have a warning for those responsible for the tiki theft:

“There is a voodoo spell,” Lala Boyers said of the statue, which is named Ka-Ching. “He is our tiki god of wealth. We want Ka-Ching back.”

The statue disappeared from the front of the store around Thursday, Mrs. Boyers said yesterday. A store employee called her at home Thursday morning to tell her the statue was gone, she said.

“He is our mascot,” Mrs. Boyers said. “People rubbed him for good luck.”

The statue weighs about 100 pounds, and it would take at least two people to move it, she said. Someone tried to move the statue this summer, Mrs. Boyers said, and it was found in back of the store.

The statue has been in front of the store for about a year. Scott D. Boyers, Lala’s husband, bought it at a display show, Mrs. Boyers said. It would cost $800 plus shipping to replace it, she added. In addition, businesses and residents have been reporting thefts of holiday decorations, a Police Department news release said.

“The thefts, which all occurred over the last 10 days, occurred at night and took place in various sections of town, including Route 9, Rawson Hill, Melody Lane and Ashton Drive,” Detective Lt. James J. Hurley said in the release.

Lt. Hurley said that since Dec. 8 there have been eight separate thefts of decorations. The Shrewsbury Police Department Hotline is (508) 841-8420.

Tiki is a really nice Ku. I thought about stealing it myself but it would have taken nads of spring steel to rip this thing off being right on rt. 9 so no, it wasn't me. Maybe he ran away from home after being called "Ka-Ching".

Mr. Dale posted on 12/14/2005

The little Skater rats who live in my town have tried, unsuccessfully, to steal my first carving three times. My dog has chased them off and woke me up every time.
I saw the whole group skating one day and pulled my truck up to them in fake fury of a loud 390 V-8, smoking tires and locked brakes.
Really put on a good show!
I jumped out all billy bad ass like and told them to "stay out of my yard, I know where you dirt crickets live and if it happens again my friends from Jefferson County sheriffs dept will be over!!! If I dont beat you senseless first!"
Real redneck moment I'm not proud of, but, my tiki hasn't moved and I sleep all night.
It sucks too, I like skater kids, they put personality and attitude into a biege world.

[ Edited by: Mr. Dale 2005-12-14 11:34 ]

The Granite Tiki posted on 12/15/2005

That is a real bummer! I've been there a few times and that tiki was great! The coffee's good too.

WenikiTiki posted on 12/15/2005

“There is a voodoo spell,” Lala Boyers said of the statue, which is named Ka-Ching. “He is our tiki god of wealth. We want Ka-Ching back.”

Tiki is a really nice Ku. I thought about stealing it myself but it would have taken nads of spring steel to rip this thing off being right on rt. 9 so no, it wasn't me. Maybe he ran away from home after being called "Ka-Ching".

Maybe he got a new job at the Dragon Inn...

pappythesailor posted on 12/15/2005

Police release last known photo of victim:

Seriously, that's the one that's missing.

Mr. Dale posted on 12/15/2005

thats a sweet KU, may pele rain fire and hell upon the guilty!

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