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Selected works for your viewing pleasure (again!) It worked this time! Take a peek!

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kaha kii posted on 12/16/2005

Okay bruddah's & sistah's...I think Im doing this right this time! Thanks for all the kokua from everyone! Here we go again!!!
This Hawaiian Tiki Makau necklace is made from ancient walrus bone (wonderful material to work with, like buttah! measures 2")

This buggah was a custom order Maori Style "Pa Kahawai" lure with a "skullshead" bone barb point (Hawaiian Koa wood, Abalone pearl shell & bone. measures 1-3/4").

This makau features the Marquesan god of Fishing, TU-HA! (whale bone measuring 2")

These pendants are made from Ancient mammoth tusk ivory (small kine around 2"!).

I also make full size Kahiko Hawaiian weapons like these war clubs (Hawaiian curly koa wood, tiger shark teeth & natural fiber)

these little buggahs are small kine Hawaiian weapon pendants (all around 2" with genuine Koa wood & real tiger shark teeth!)

Whew! It looks like I did it right this time! If I didnt upload correctly I know one of you kind souls who helped before would do so again and I appreciate all the kokua! Sorry Im a lolo on all this kine stuff! ENJOY the photos!

Aloha & mahalo!

For miki'oi Authentic Hawaiian Makau, check out my website! You wont find mo bettah brah! http://www.cabanillamakau.com

[ Edited by: kaha ki'i 2005-12-16 15:50 ]

[ Edited by: kaha ki'i 2005-12-16 17:10 ]

Benzart posted on 12/17/2005

Yo' Kaha Ki'i, you are learning fast. Everybody who comes here has a hard time uploading pix but after the first coupl times it will be easier for you, you'll see.
This is some Mighty fine work here, What tools are uou using? Looks like jewelers tools, burs and cutters on a rotary flexshaft. I use the Foredom flex myself plus Anything I can get to remove whatever it is that I am carving. If our forefathers would have had chainsaws, we would be carving very different stuff today!

congatiki posted on 12/17/2005

Bruddah Kaha Ki'i....you said I might be pleasantly surprised by your upcoming posts....well...I am
Very Pleasantly Impressed....these are wonderful pieces....and there's no surprise about it.
Keep em coming...can hardly wait to see one in person!

AlienTiki posted on 12/17/2005

Wow I'm realy blown away. The one with the skull is killer.

Your work is real masterful.

Thanks for posting.

Polynesiac posted on 12/17/2005

Woah...those are some EXCELLENT carvings! and tiny too! and made from some pretty nasty stuff! (meaning: abalone and bone dust!) But you make them look absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, Ifollowed your ebay links and was floored by every piece you have for sale, and now these? Amazing stuff.
Ben's right, you must be using jewlers tools to get that precise detail on such small carvings. I think I'll stay carving with the big stuff!
Thanks for finding TC and posting your stuff! Welcome aboard!

kaha kii posted on 12/17/2005

Aloha and Mahalo to all of you that left the kind words!
Well Ben and Polynesiac, you bruddah's are both right! I do use Rotary tools, flex shafts, jeweler's tools etc. But I also use tiny gravers on some of the Ivory and softer bone pieces too. And Like Ben said, I use just about anything to remove the negative on my carvings!!!

As you all know, carving is an intimate experience between the carver, the material and the Ki'i (image) he's creating! And Im sure Ben can understand this (as he carves absolutely amazing small kine stuff), everyone should try at least once carving that small! With your neck craning, eyes burning from hard constant focus and the closeness in proximity created by carving such small kine carvings, Its definitely an "intimate" experience!!!

And the smell of the Bone, Ivory and shell?! Let me tell you, it does take some getting used to the pilau stink (I do wear a respirator and you can still smell da kine!) but over the years Ive come to "get used" to the smells, except for whale bone! Whale bone retains a lot of the "oils" in the marrow of the bone no matter how you clean and prepare it! And it is PILAU!!!If youve ever smelled a dead whale on da beach, you'll know what Im talking about! Beautiful, spiritual creatures that carry heavy mana, which I have a deep respect for but boy they can be stinky!

I do occasionally carve bigger works and I feel my chisels, saws, mallets are being neglected collecting dust by hanging on the studio walls! But I think Ill carve a few big buggahs again soon. Especially after seeing all the great works from the talented mokes on TC!

Mahalo again to everyone for their Kind words and appreciation!

Mele Kalikimaka!!!

hewey posted on 12/18/2005

Once again blown away by this guys talent - love it, so detailed and a great selection of materials to carve.

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