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goodbye my little angel (a poem to Bella 1-24-06)

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adrift posted on 01/04/2006

yesterday i lost my baby girl, Izabella, how and why I do not know, all I know is that she is gone from me, from my life and the world. holding her body, so small and lifeless, helpless to undo it, to make it not be. she was only 2. i spoiled her so much, she was my baby, that is what daddy's are supposed to do right. it is nearly 3am here in WI. I cannot sleep for missing her. how can something so little be so huge in your life and when gone cause so much emptiness.

goodby my angel, your daddy misses you, and loves you

Kelly C. Retzlaff

Hanford and Humu I hope you can find it in your hearts to leave this message up. thank you.

[ Edited by: adrift 2006-01-24 05:52 ]

Humuhumu posted on 01/04/2006

Kelly, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss.

cheekytiki posted on 01/04/2006

Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear that too

hewey posted on 01/04/2006

Man, I feel really sorry for you. I cant even imagine what that'd be like.

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/04/2006

deepest sympathies, man, we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar 2006-01-04 05:22 ]

Matt Reese posted on 01/04/2006

I am so sorry for your loss. As a father of two I can only hope that you can find some type of peace through such a terrible experience. All my sympathy.

boutiki posted on 01/04/2006

We are so sorry, that is just an immeasurable loss. Our hearts go out to you and your family. Duke, Logan and I remember with great pleasure meeting little Bella at the International Tiki Day get-together in 2004. She was just an absolute dear-heart. Our thoughts will be with you as you struggle through this most difficult time. Please try to stay strong, you have other wonderful little ones who need you very much right now.

dogbytes posted on 01/04/2006

Toa ~Please accept my sympathy for the terrible loss of your daughter. You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


BambooLodge posted on 01/04/2006

Kelly,Angie & Family,

You have our deepest sympathy on your loss, and are all in our thoughts & prayers. Please try to be strong. Hang On, Hang On

Dave & Coalbe

[ Edited by: BambooLodge 2006-01-06 16:32 ]

MachTiki posted on 01/04/2006


I'm very sorry to hear about this. Warmest wishes to your family.

[ Edited by: MachTiki 2006-01-04 16:34 ]

rodeotiki posted on 01/04/2006

To my brother from another mother....

I am so deeply heartbroken at your loss. I know what a devoted father you are. Please pm or email me if there is anything I can do.


I dream of tiki posted on 01/04/2006

Kelly, I'm speechless. I feel inappropriate to ask how this happened to your youngest angel. I'm so sorry. :(

My thoughts are with you and your ohana. Best wishes for you in this time of mourning

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki 2006-01-04 10:26 ]

amiotiki posted on 01/04/2006

Kelly, I'm so sorry for your loss. As a mom, losing my child is my greatest fear, and I can't even imagine the pain you and your family are experiencing.

My prayers are for you and your little Izabella to have peace.


KuKuAhu posted on 01/04/2006


All of your Fellow Moai are available should you need anything at all. Just let us know.

Stay strong.


virani posted on 01/04/2006

very sorry to hear that Kelly...be strong

Monkeyman posted on 01/04/2006

My kids are my life. I cant even imagine....
Find support from your loved ones and friends.

chisel slinger posted on 01/04/2006

kelly, I'm so hurt for you and your family. let me know if theres anything I can do to help. all our love, jimmy & elise.

tiki5-0 posted on 01/04/2006

so sorry for your loss!! with our first one the way, i can't imagine having her around for 2 years and then losing her.....you'll definitely be in our prayers!!

Satan's Sin posted on 01/04/2006

*He was my North, my South, my East and West.
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.*

W.H. Auden

So very, very sorry. Please take care.

SES posted on 01/05/2006


Words can't describe. My heart goes out to you.
love & thoughts,

Slacks Ferret posted on 01/05/2006

My thoughts are with you and your family. I can't even imagine the horrors you had had to face with this and other recent tragedies. I think you show great courage and hope you will continue to find the strength to get through this devastating time. My deepest sympathies.

Turbogod posted on 01/05/2006

Our prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time.
Chris and Joanna

[ Edited by: Turbogod 2006-01-04 17:35 ]

Sweetbeak posted on 01/05/2006

Kelly, I am devastated for you. I cried when I read your post. Izabella was such a little cutie. Please stay in touch. If there is anything that we could do for you, you only have to let us know.
Love, Elise

blacksandz posted on 01/05/2006

My heart-aches reading this post. My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family.

From the entire T.C. 'Ohana we send our prayers.

pablus posted on 01/05/2006

I'm sorry, Bro.
Sorry for your wife and family.

Hope to see you again sometime and you can show me a picture of her and tell me all about her.

Dimethios posted on 01/05/2006

Kelly, from behalf of my family and I, we wish to extend our deepest regrets. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. From one father who has lost his first born daughter to another, I feel your pain.

Check out the Hot Rod Hula Hop

[ Edited by: Dimethios 2006-01-04 23:01 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/05/2006

You are in my prayers.

congatiki posted on 01/05/2006

Kelly you guys have been through a lot of loss....we wish peace for you and Angela.
Conga and Eileen

Benzart posted on 01/05/2006

Kelly, Soo Sorry to hear that news. I can only imagine what it must be like, never have experienced anything so tragic. May the tiki gods be with you and comfort you until you are well from this terrible loss. My deepest sympathy.

freddiefreelance posted on 01/05/2006

I've read this post three times and I can't think of anything to say that could help, all I can do is sit here & start to tear up. You're actually the third person I know who's lost a child this week. All I can do is worry about my kids & Gran'daughter and cry.

adrift posted on 01/05/2006

To all of you MAHALO.
It means so much to read your support, and know that it helps feel less alone.

I thought you may want to read the obit that was in our paper today.

Again thank you all,


And again to Hanford thank you for allowing me to share my grief and let those offer comfort to me and my family.

[ Edited by: adrift 2006-01-05 10:42 ]

tikiracer posted on 01/05/2006

So sorry to hear of your loss.

Our thoughts are with you and your family.

tikibars posted on 01/05/2006

Kelley , please let us know when the memorial fund is set up.
I am sure many TC'ers and FOMmers would like to make a donation in memory of Izabella.
Hang in there, kahuna.

Jeff Central posted on 01/05/2006

I am so sad to hear about your recent loss. Our hearts and prayers go out to you. Stay strong!

Jeff and Deb

ikitnrev posted on 01/06/2006


My thoughts and best wishes of support go to you and your family. I was saddened to receive the news of Izabella, especially so early in the year.

Oddly enough, I was in Wisconsin Rapids visiting family this week, and I actually was thinking about you this past Tuesday afternoon - mainly because I was buying hard-to-find rums at the only decent liquor store in town - a place named Kelly's Liquor.

It does seem sad, when there seems so little that we can do. It may not be much, but I can offer to raise a silent toast, with whatever special thoughts a Wisconsin/tiki connection may provide, in the memory of Izabella.


GatorRob posted on 01/06/2006

My wife and I are sitting here reading this and nearly in tears. Our hope is that you and your family find some comfort in this outpouring of support and prayers from those on TC. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

tikivixen posted on 01/06/2006

Kelly, I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing-but-nothing gets to my crusty old heart like a sweet little girl!! I regret terribly that I never had the privilege of meeting your dear Izabella. I know that grief can be very isolating, somehow. So I'm glad you chose to post and open yourself up to all the sympathy and support here. May it embrace you, and your wife and surviving children as well. My heartfelt sympathy to you, friend, and take care,

adrift posted on 01/07/2006

Aloha and Mahalo to all of you for your words and thoughts. The funeral was last night and we feel completely drained. The burial is on Monday yet.

We finally got the final word from the pathologist that the test they did was positive for R.S.V. Which is a respitory virus. This is the cause of her death, and us being with out her in our lives. It comes down to her having a really bad cold. As a parent who lost their child to this I encourage all parents to make yourseleves aware of R.S.V. If you take your child in for a cold you have to request to have your kids be tested for it. As it was for my Bella it is deadly and it can take your child very quickly.

Again to all of you, MAHALO.


My wife Angela has set up a memorial fund, if this is something you wish to be a part of, I know my Angie would be greatly apprecitive.

The Izabella Retzlaff Memorial Fund
1125 E. Calumet St.
Appleton,WI 54915

Chongolio posted on 01/08/2006

Heartbreaking news, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts go out to you and your family Kelly.

Unkle John posted on 01/09/2006


You and your family are in our thoughts. Julie and I are truly sad to hear of the news. our deepest sympathies are with you and your family. Sorry for being so short in this message, words fail to how we truly feel about this.

[ Edited by: Unkle John 2006-01-10 10:02 ]

rodeotiki posted on 01/09/2006

I spoke with Kelly today. He is with out the net right now but wanted everyone to know that he and his family appreciate the kindness and well wishes you have all posted.

[ Edited by: rodeotiki 2006-01-10 12:20 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 01/10/2006

Only all the positive harmony to you on this difficult time.

Bamboo Dude posted on 01/11/2006

There are no words I can give to ease your pain, for I would gladly give them. I am so sorry that I didn't hear of this sooner, but please know that this news has left me with a sad, sad heart. As a father of three girls, I know the special place Izabella had in your big heart. I wish I could help shoulder some of the pain for ya, big guy. Be strong for your family my friend. I wish you nothing but positive energy during this difficult time. May peace come to you soon.


OceaOtica posted on 01/11/2006

Kelly and family,
I just came across this post...
you are in our thoughts. I am deeply sorry to hear of your loss.

kingstiedye posted on 01/11/2006

i am so sorry to read of your terrible loss. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your ohana. bullet

scispy posted on 01/12/2006

My deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your baby.
My prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Formikahini posted on 01/12/2006

Kelly and Angie,

My heart breaks with both of yours.
I lost my dad one year ago and I still grieve. He, however, was 82 years old, and parents are supposed to go before their children - not the other way around. I can give no answers as to why Izabella was taken from you so soon, but I'm glad you had those two wonderful years for her to bless your lives.

My dad was a wonderful grandfather and adored little girls. Perhaps he and Izabella are playing together now.

alice b

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nicktiki posted on 01/13/2006


I read your post and it brought tears to my eyes. I'm the father of a 19 month old son and another child is due in July. My heart goes out to you. I can't even express how much my son means to me. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and know that your little angel is in heaven.


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