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Welcome...to Forbidden Island

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 01/18/2006

Another fantastic place to visit when I get across the pond.

Sounds great. Well done for taking on this great venture and for taking us on this great adventure.


cheekytiki posted on 01/18/2006

Congratulations guys, another reason to get back over the pond, any Idea when in April you're thinkin of opening as I may be coming through around the 15th.

GatorRob posted on 01/18/2006

Great news and best of luck! It's thrilling to see people keeping the tiki spirit alive and bringing it to the masses. Well, the Alameda masses anyway.

mrs. pineapple posted on 01/18/2006

ahhhhh, I'm SO disappointed you're not venturing back into the container shipping business :wink:

Seriously, yippee. This is a win/win/win situation: we (NorCal) get yet another BB/Martiki/conga masterpiece collaboration, we (the Pineapples) live nearby, and Aunt Trish gets the opportunity to babysit the little pineapple MUCH more often!

Congratulations fellers, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!

mrs. p

Tiki Diablo posted on 01/18/2006

KABOOOM! This place is gonna BLOOOW UUUP! (that's a good thing)

Molokai Mike posted on 01/18/2006

Aloha !
A HUGE thanks to everyone for all the incredible replies and accolades. The TC Ohana are a very special bunch indeed!!
Just a reminder to sign up on our mailing list ( http://www.forbiddenislandalameda.com) Those that do will be privy to promotional give-aways, possible VIP membership cards and of course, will receive an invitation to our Grand Opening...among other tiki-licious events. In fact, if you know folks in Alameda, get 'em to sign up as well.

[ Edited by: Conga Mike 2006-01-18 10:06 ]

Erika posted on 01/18/2006

And then "Forbidden Island East" will open up in Philadelphia when? :)

Best of luck!

Tiki-bot posted on 01/18/2006

...At the very least there should be one available computer that is hooked up to Tiki Central.

I dunno, real tiki bars (imho) are devoid of any kind of LCD, Plasma, CRT, or HDTV screens. It would be nice if there were one place in the world where one or more of these did not reside.

Formikahini posted on 01/18/2006

I could NOT be any more excited about this!!

Ok, that's a big fat lie.....

If I lived in Alameda OR if this were happening in Houston, THEN I could be more excited!

But I can always use another excuse to make it out to California, though :)
Congrats Martin and The Brothers Thanos!

Chongolio posted on 01/18/2006

On 2006-01-18 10:18, Tiki-bot wrote:

...At the very least there should be one available computer that is hooked up to Tiki Central.

I dunno, real tiki bars (imho) are devoid of any kind of LCD, Plasma, CRT, or HDTV screens. It would be nice if there were one place in the world where one or more of these did not reside.

The computers ( all macs) wont be upstairs where anybody can see them. They will be downstairs in the covert california command, communication and cuban cigar center.


Basement Kahuna posted on 01/18/2006

That's the tops...congragulations! It's in the best hands possible, too! I smell first class, top knotch....

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 01/18/2006

Martin- you were mighty calm cool & collected for it being your last night there.
Now I know why!

This is truly great news & the very best luck to you!


HelloTiki posted on 01/18/2006

We need a "Forbidden Island West-West" too. Congrats!
Good....Now I have a good reason to go there and freeze my ass off!

Man from Munkle posted on 01/18/2006

Ok , I"m signing up to the mailing list so I can get in on the Grand Opening. Good Luck and most of all CHEERS !

Tangaroa Ed posted on 01/18/2006


I can't wait to check this place out when I get to SF this year!

Good luck with the opening!

croe67 posted on 01/18/2006

Congrats to you all - looks like it will be amazing!!! I'll be in San Fran for a long weekend in early Feb, which will be too early to hit this fine new establishment - fortunately there are plenty of other Tiki places in the area to provide tropical libations & decor. I'll just have to visit again later in the year to be able to experience how amazing this place will be!

martiki posted on 01/18/2006

Mahalo again for all the kind words! My tiki mug runneth over.

mrsmiley posted on 01/18/2006

On 2006-01-18 10:40, Basement Kahuna wrote:
That's the tops...congragulations! It's in the best hands possible, too! I smell first class, top knotch....

BK, wanna move to California and work for Martin!?!? :)

tikivixen posted on 01/19/2006

Forrrrmiiicaaaa....COME to FAN-uh, FORRRRBIDDEN ISLAND!!!

Will any of the giveaways perhaps feature genuine Corinthian leather???


Monkeyman posted on 01/19/2006

Can we guess that there will be featured TCer created drinks on the menu?

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-01-18 20:16 ]

mrsmiley posted on 01/19/2006

On 2006-01-18 16:06, tikivixen wrote:

Forrrrmiiicaaaa....COME to FAN-uh, FORRRRBIDDEN ISLAND!!!

Will any of the giveaways perhaps feature genuine Corinthian leather???

Sorry, as someone in the auto business, I know that the Chrysler Cordoba was so popular that all the Corinths are now extinct!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/19/2006

Friggin' in the Riggin'

Friggin' in the Riggin'

Friggin' in the Riggin'


....wait till April!!!


But in the meantime, visit All of the East Bay's many Tiki Bars.

Damn. I think So. Cal. is gonna get beat here pretty soon. ( if not yet!)

cynfulcynner posted on 01/19/2006

On 2006-01-18 00:49, Hakalugi wrote:

At the very least there should be one available computer that is hooked up to Tiki Central. Just make sure it has a spill/vomit proof keyboard.

The computer should be configured so that users can only connect to Tiki Central.

Can you make the place a "Wi-Fi Free Zone" too? :D

freddiefreelance posted on 01/19/2006

Can you make the place a "Wi-Fi Free Zone" too? :D

If they want to.

Slacks Ferret posted on 01/19/2006

Good luck! I hope to visit one day...

OnaTiki posted on 01/19/2006

I feel a Tiki Magazine exclusive artice in your future. Congrats!!!

tikiwinebear posted on 01/19/2006

WOW! Another Bamboo Ben creation, and fantastic brains behind the whole concept. Can't wait! Congrats to you all! And to us in NorCal!

How about a web cam hookup so the TC ohana who can't physically be there can tip a glass at home and still be part of the fun??

tiki_kiliki posted on 01/19/2006

Congrats guys! I'm going to do everything possible to get to the Crawl this year and to celebrate with you!

SES posted on 01/20/2006

Congrats! This is so exciting. Hope everything goes smooth for you all!

hewey posted on 01/20/2006

Awesome news people! I would love to go there. Mapquest just told me Australia is bloody long way away, didnt even bother calculating it.

Good luck, with that kind of all star team I reckon your gonna have a good time.

Rum Numb Davey posted on 01/20/2006

You guys have to do a Pirate mug drink in honor of the hapless Raiders..your neighbors in the cellar of the AFC West and my team..sadly but loyally.

A few names you could call it........

The Moss-quito (in honor of Randy Moss)
The Mad Bomber (LaMonica)
The Snake (Stabler)
Bo's Hip Replacement (Bo Jackson)
The Bitter Pill (Marcus Allen)
PSL Painkiller (in honor of the blue collar Raider Nation, who pays the highest personal seat license in the NFL)
The Bad Al (in honor of Al Davis)
The Stork (Ted Hendricks)
The Howie (Howie Long)
The Tooz ( Matuszak RIP)
Alzado's Steroid (Lyle Alzado RIP)
Indestructable Otto (Jim Otto)
Silver and Black (Silver and Dark Rum for the Nation)

Just a few ideas for you, Gents..remember..their is always the A's. I will be there next football season to drink my Raider post game blues away (after Ricky's in San Leandro, of course!

sweetpea posted on 01/20/2006

Holy Makaroni!!!
I'm behind, but I'm still
gonna give big ol WOOOOHOOOO

pablus posted on 01/20/2006

Fantastic news.
I look forward even more to my next trip to the Bay.

Ummm, are you guys gonna have falernum?


bongofury posted on 01/21/2006

Congratulations to Mike, Manny, and Martin and all involved. Sounds like a slice of tropical heaven.

The Doug Horne version

I have an original One Sheet poster from the 1959 "Forbidden Island" movie that I would be happy to donate if you would like to have it, just send me a PM or email.

martiki posted on 01/21/2006

Wow! Never saw that before! Great minds think alike, Doug.

cynfulcynner posted on 01/21/2006

On 2006-01-20 07:19, Rum Numb Davey wrote:
You guys have to do a Pirate mug drink in honor of the hapless Raiders.

Just a few ideas for you, Gents..remember..their is always the A's.

Having a cocktail named after a local team is a great idea, if you're running a SPORTS BAR.

Tiki-bot posted on 01/21/2006

Having a cocktail named after a local team is a great idea, if you're running a SPORTS BAR.

Oooh! I have a great idea: We'll open our own bar and make it sports-themed! Imagine, team banners all over the wood panel walls; football helmets & giant screen tv's everywhere - even the bathroom! And busty waitresses and free peanuts and sports trophies lining the barback! And drinks named after every sports team ever (we'll keep the bartender duties simple by just making them all long island iced teas with different swizzles). I can't believe no one's thought of it before.

Humuhumu posted on 01/21/2006

We paid a visit to Palo Alto Trader Vic's last night, to check out the pre-remodel bar one last time... I really hope they take a cue from the San Francisco Trader Vic's and 86 the damned TV at the bar. It really killed the mood. Thankfully, come April I won't care! Are we there yet?!

Thanks also for all the kind words re: the website -- Hanford & Martin did the logo, but I got to draw the flotsam & jetsam for the background -- my first drawing in at least five years! I'm very rusty, but I'm really happy with how it turned out.

A reminder -- be sure to sign up for the mailing list:


freddiefreelance posted on 01/22/2006

On 2006-01-20 16:53, bongofury wrote:
I have an original One Sheet poster from the 1959 "Forbidden Island" movie that I would be happy to donate if you would like to have it, just send me a PM or email.

I was looking for an image of the poster & found these:

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance 2006-01-21 17:19 ]

midnite posted on 01/22/2006

So, Forbidden Island is full of gay pirates, armed monkeys, and man-eating sharks? Put some Creedence in the juke and I am so there!

midnite..."pirates, monkeys, and sharks..Oh MY!"

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/22/2006

On 2006-01-20 22:20, cynfulcynner wrote:
Having a cocktail named after a local team is a great idea, if you're running a SPORTS BAR.

I actually don't think it's a bad idea if the drink is tropical in taste and in name, so as to not needlessly rock the boat of sports-clueless Tikiphiles. "The Bitter Pill" sounds like a drink name that might have shown up on a Trader Vic's menu next to "The Stinker".

mrs. pineapple posted on 01/22/2006

Some of my best friends are Raider fans, really, but personally, I think I'd steer clear of a bar with even the slightest nod towards the Raider nation. IMHO. Also, the Oakland Coliseum has the worst interpretation of a Mai Tai ever, it's an abomination! I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue if an A's or Raider's fan wanders in and orders a Mai Tai thinking they'll get something like the one served in the foot long plastic barbell at the Coliseum, mayhem I tells ya!

Anyway - We're looking forward to seeing the Island!

mrs. pineapple

Tiki Royale posted on 01/22/2006

Yes, I think that in order to to stay safely away from any misconceptions (real or imagined) that the Forbidden Island might nod, cavort or otherwise give creedance (not the clearwater variety) to tha' Raidah's or their beloved Nation, the location of said Island should be moved to Belmont.
Yes, Beautiful Belmont indeed!

Swamp Fire posted on 01/23/2006

Congratulations guys! Can't wait to visit the Forbidden Island.

The color version of the painting I did.
I would love to donate one of my limited edition prints if you guys are interested. PM me your address.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1216&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.netcom.com%2F%7Ehorneid%2Fgraphics%2Fforbiddenislandpic.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=027ce3df4762ebe017cd85e912767e28

Mai Tai posted on 01/23/2006

On 2006-01-21 09:05, Tiki-bot wrote:
Oooh! I have a great idea: We'll open our own bar and make it sports-themed! Imagine, team banners all over the wood panel walls; football helmets & giant screen tv's everywhere - even the bathroom! And busty waitresses and free peanuts and sports trophies lining the barback! And drinks named after every sports team ever (we'll keep the bartender duties simple by just making them all long island iced teas with different swizzles). I can't believe no one's thought of it before.

DUDE!!! Throw some Buffet and Creed on the Jukebox, and I AM SO THERE!!! Genius, Tiki-bot, pure genius!!!

mrsmiley posted on 01/24/2006

Martiki better put "The Tiki TIki Stomp" on the Juke box-PLUS it is on sale right now!!

Drew`s Famous - Kon Tiki Luau Party Music at Overstock.com

Sell out risk is very high!

Tiki-bot posted on 01/24/2006

That's the strangest mix ever - a bunch of 70s AOR hits and 4 "tiki" songs thrown in. PARRR-TAAAAY!

It also suggests that buyers of "Drew`s Famous - Kon Tiki Luau Party Music" might also like the soundtrack to Brokeback Mountain. ???

mrsmiley posted on 01/24/2006

On 2006-01-23 17:30, Tiki-bot wrote:
That's the strangest mix ever - a bunch of 70s AOR hits and 4 "tiki" songs thrown in. PARRR-TAAAAY!

It also suggests that buyers of "Drew`s Famous - Kon Tiki Luau Party Music" might also like the soundtrack to Brokeback Mountain. ???

Ain't that the truth, pardner!

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