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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Johnnyp Tut 2/19

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Bete posted on 01/16/2006

JohnnyP, just looked through your thread here, awesome backyard you have Dude! Too bad it's not summer though now, huh?

GMAN posted on 01/16/2006


The 7 footer looks great! I can see how that light stain is going to accent all of the cool colors in the wood. I really like all the cuts you put in around his face. This should be a top notch tiki by the time you finish adding the detail. I hope you get him cleaned/polished up enough to be an indoor piece. He definitely desires to be shown off indoors. Man, is he packin' or what! Show us more are you make progress. Thanks for posting these. :tiki:


congatiki posted on 01/17/2006

This is gonna be another great one Johnny P.....one of my favorite old tikis....looks like
you are gonna hit it right on the head.....are you gonna use paint or just stain....either way
it can't miss!

JimTandem posted on 01/18/2006

Johnny P, that is one cool looking tiki, sure to be a hit with the wahines :wink:
I have the secret to good digital pics Johnny. You take a ton of pictures and just delete all the bad ones until you get what you want! Works for me.

Can't wait to see more pics of this "big" guy!

JohnnyP posted on 01/18/2006

Bete. Yeah, I wish it were summer, but there are advantages to cold weather carving the southern folks don't have, saw dust doesn't stick to your sweat and you don't get sun-burnt. Thanks for the comments about the backyard. I'll try to post some more pictures as I upload them.

Gman. This guy will be an indoors tiki, I just have to put a loincloth on him. The kids have been calling him "Naked Man!"

Congatiki. You said this is one of your favorite old time tikis: Have you been to the Mai Kai? It is an awesome place. Only 1600 short miles from here.
I will be staining and sealing this one. Maybe a touch of washed out color here and there on the face and arms. I would like the use the technique in Aaron's AKua's thread to do some antiquing of the base.

JimTandem. Thanks for the comments on the tiki. I hope he is a hit with the wahines. I have taken lots of pictures but it still doesn't work, maybe I need to take a lot more.

Thanks again,

GMAN posted on 01/18/2006

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-01-18 18:29 ]

GMAN posted on 01/19/2006


How about making him a penis gourd instead of a loin cloth. Not sure if this guy is PNG, but if so, the gourd would be regulation uniform....

Man I like this carving!


Alldo posted on 01/19/2006

Nice carving! I really like the color of the wood. He's going to be very nice indeed. I got to say this "Naked Man" is hung like a wagon tongue.

Loki posted on 01/19/2006

I happen to like sawdust stuck to my sweat, it makes for a great exfoliator...man i cant believe i even know what that is....:blush:

Anyway, this guy is really a great piece, we wouldnt expect anything less from you. Looking forward to seeing more progress..

JohnnyP posted on 01/20/2006

Gman- yes he is a PNG piece, I think a gourd would look hilarious! But I have to make him a modest tiki, can't scare all the company away. They already think I am weird enough!

Loki- If exfoliator means scratchy itchy skin, and if you like that feeling, then you have got this tiki carving bug really bad. We should see you posting a lot more of your work here real soon!

Alldo- Thank you for the complement about the wood, I mean the color of the wood. Every time I went to trim it down, the tiki would just roll to one side.


Bete posted on 01/20/2006

JohnnyP, did you carve all the tikis in your backyard? Did you carve that Ku one you have there?

Benzart posted on 01/21/2006

Isn't that gonna Hurt when you shorten him? Just to make him more Modest? I like the gourd idea. Excellent carving.

GMAN posted on 01/21/2006


"Modest" men can still wear gourds! I do....

I even have Kevlar one that I wear when I use with the chainsaw!


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-01-20 19:19 ]

JohnnyP posted on 01/21/2006

OK, OK I gave him a gourd. He won’t be modest. He will be proud!

It’s not Kevlar though.

GMAN posted on 01/21/2006

YEAH MAN! That's a MAN'S gourd!!! Dang! Now you're talking!


[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-01-20 19:47 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 01/21/2006

"Heeeeeere's Johnny", this is what you say when you unveil it.

A man should never ever let his penis hang down, it is the height of impropriety for anyone to see a man in this manner. The penis should always be tied UP in the presence of otters.

yeah yeah I've had 2 Negra Modelos and a Fat Tire. Jeez, when they start naming beeers like this?

Jungle Trader posted on 01/21/2006

Nay, seriously, it's good to see you challenge yourself by doing a piece like that. Keep it up brah.

Bete posted on 01/21/2006

Awesome JohnnyP, that's thinking "outside the box." Good luck on finishing that tiki, I'm sure it will rock.

JohnnyP posted on 01/22/2006

The big tiki is done as far as carving goes. I carved in the markings I out-lined on the tiki shown in my last update. Now there is just a couple of spots left to touch up sanding and then I get to apply the finish. I also put a loin cloth him. There has been some debate as to either a gourd or loin cloth or even let him go native. (Thanks Gman, Benzart and Jungle Trader for the jesting.) When we got back from dinner last night we found that the kids had put a skirt on him. He did not look so proud then, but it was rather humorous.

Loin cloth

Survey time. Which do you prefer?

Bete- Yes, I did make the Ku in my backyard. I’ve attached a couple more pictures of him. We stained our house this summer and I stained him as well so he looks a little different than the first pictures. I also carved all the other tikis you can see in the background.

Thanks for looking. Have a nice day!

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2006-01-22 12:30 ]

AlohaStation posted on 01/22/2006

If you feel he needs to be covered I'd go with the loin cloth. By the way he looks great.

Bete posted on 01/22/2006

JohnnyP, great posts. I think you should make it so you can use a gourd, loin cloth or without (depending on the company you have over you can decide how to dislay it). The fact that it can keep changing, just makes the piece even more interesting. Thank you for those close-ups of that "Ku" tiki, it's very cool.

congatiki posted on 01/22/2006

johnny yer driving me nuts....this is one super tiki....i have never seen the original in
person...but yours is certainly the next best thing. The kids might be on to something...I
like him with the loin cloth too!

Polynesiac posted on 01/22/2006

johnny P - great carvings, very traditional looking. I love the PNG, he'll look awesome all stained and finished. If you make him "weathered" he'll look as if he came straight from the islands. well done

I like him best without the cloth. He shouldn't be shy about his johnson.

Benzart posted on 01/23/2006

JP, If you are going to cover him up, I prefer the loin cloth and maybe you should leave him natural with the Loin cloth available for those special occasions where people might be offended. By the way I think you should have a Doctor look him over, those are serious looking Spots there. I'd be worried if they were more close to home here!
The Ku is excellent too and I love the color, it's different. Keep bringing'em on.

GMAN posted on 01/23/2006


The detail cuts look great and really add to the overall look of the carving. Great job. I agree with the others, I think the loin cloth really looks great. Thanks for taking the time to post these pics.


Loki posted on 01/23/2006

Yep, loin cloth looks cool. He really is a great piece. Two thumbs up from us.

[ Edited by: Loki 2006-01-23 05:39 ]

JohnnyP posted on 01/27/2006

Thank you everybody for the comments on the big PNG (Mai Kai) tiki I really do appreciate them. I am going to stain and finish him this weekend and will post his final pictures.

Here is my latest finished project. It is a shield or memorial tablet from the Gulf of Papua New Guinea. I took a couple elements I liked from a couple of shields and combined them for this one. It is made from a slab of pine and carved in shallow relief. The two pieces that inspired me are both on exhibit at Field Museum in Chicago and also in the book “Arts of the South Seas” Thanks to ManoKoa for posting the pictures of their visit to the Field Museum I used for the color detail. See General Tiki - Shared Inspiration thread.

In process

Here is me carving in shallow relief :)

Shallow carved, surface sanded


Thanks for looking, have a great day!


[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2006-01-26 17:03 ]

Bete posted on 01/27/2006

That shield looks way cool JohnnyP!

GMAN posted on 01/27/2006


Man that looks sweet. You have been holding out on us....or did you just knock it out tonight after work??? :wink: That carving bar is coming in handy is it? What did you use to do the relief on the piece itself? Can you get that dime tip in there? Did you paint this one or did your wife help out? Now you need to drag it in the mud to give it an aged look. All that PNG stuff looks beat to sh@*!

I've been cruising the PNG sites you sent me along with a few others and I'm getting pumped to try my hand at more PNG stuff. I saw a crocodile bench that was real cool. It was kinda like the bench I saw at Loki's....only with a croc head and tail.


OnaTiki posted on 01/27/2006

That came out sweet!!! You got the paint job down and it looks really friggin cold back there.

congatiki posted on 01/27/2006

Hey Johnny...the shield is really nice....the paint and finish look very authentic...I enjoy looking
at the shields and boards when I peruse the PNG sites....you really did a great job on that one.

Loki posted on 01/27/2006

JP, The shield is really top notch...you really can carve all styles...whats next? I alwys look forward to what you show next.

Sam Gambino posted on 01/27/2006

Very fine work and colors on that shield Johnny P. I like the classic look of the tiki as well.

Davez_tikiz posted on 01/27/2006

Once again a great piece!

rodeotiki posted on 01/27/2006

very cool , and thanks for the pics of you carving outside. Now I dont really have any excuse not to be carving more...

Cant wait to see more

Benzart posted on 01/27/2006

More excellent stuff. I'm with GMAN, I think you've been holding out on us, so come clean and show us the rest of your stuff. Looks like this PNG stuff is Your bag Johnny.

HelloTiki posted on 01/27/2006

That's Snow! What the ____are you doing out there in the cold?
Great fun stuff.

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/28/2006

JP, you've got some dedication! Next time I feel like nappin' at lunch instead of carving in our 70 degree January weather I will pull up your snow pictures.

MooneyTiki posted on 01/28/2006

Aloha JP!!!!!!!!
Your carvings are looking Great my friend!! Stay warm and keep having fun!! Thanks for sharing!< Aloha , Mooney

JohnnyP posted on 01/28/2006

Thanks for all the positive comments, they help get me outside in the cold!

Gman and Benzart, I wouldn’t hold out on any projects.

Gman- No, I didn’t do the shallow relief carving with a chainsaw. I only used one to slab out the wood plank (can’t buy a 2x20 at the lumber store) that you can see in picture two of my last post, and to cut out the outline, after that I used knives and chisels. Then a belt sander to smooth out the saw marks from the slabbing cuts. I have to give my wife credit for the wonderful painting.

Here is my latest project, a Marquesan U’ U’ club. Made of Elm, 61 inches by 7 inches at it’s widest stained with red mahogany . This was a challenge I almost gave up on a few times. It almost went in the fireplace twice. The handle has a bit of a warp in it that happened as it was drying. It also checked on the top, you can see this in some of the pictures, but then again, some of the originals have checks in them also, maybe it makes it look more authentic and older.

One side

Other side

Me striking a Basement Kahuna like pose. Remember, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thank you for your inspiration BK.

Criticism welcome.

Thanks for stopping in.

Does anybody know how to change the subject line without editing the initial post?


Basement Kahuna posted on 01/28/2006

That looks great! Funny...I've been carving one of these for a Tiki Centralite in France! Should be done soon if I can get these jewelry orders caught up simultaneously. Those are deceptively hard clubs, because everything breeches everything else in the form. Like that pose, too! You're on team Kahunassou. Get this man a red cap and a speedo. :)

GMAN posted on 01/28/2006


You're scaring me! Nice weapon, glad you didn't burn it. Give it to you PNG Tiki so he can guard the house. I gave the Patu to my Maori, he likes being armed.

I was wondering how you did the shield without using chisels. I bet a router would have worked well to, but then again, maybe not.

"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-01-30 17:36 ]

kaha kii posted on 01/29/2006

Hey bruddah johnny!
Absolutely amazing work on the war club brah! Ive seen the kahiko ones just like that in person and you really did an awesome job at tackling a tough design to replicate! Maybe you post more close-up detailed pictures of the club head brah, need to see all the miki'oi kine work!

Keep up the amazing carving cuz!

Malama Pono!

For miki'oi Authentic Hawaiian Makau, check out my website! You wont find mo bettah brah! http://www.cabanillamakau.com

[ Edited by: kaha ki'i 2006-01-28 16:02 ]

hewey posted on 01/29/2006

Cool work dude - that PNG style mask looked great! Very traditional

GMAN posted on 01/29/2006


I don't think you can change the subject line without editing your first post. When you do edit your first post, go to the bottom and highlight/delete all the edit date and time text. This will leave you thread looking a bit cleaner as you will only have one edit line - your latest edit.

What are you making today??? What's up with the big PNG tiki??


Sam Gambino posted on 01/29/2006

Looking fine Johnny P. Yes, I thought I saw that pose somewhere before too!

[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2006-01-29 08:03 ]

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 01/29/2006

Really nice club. It is Larger than I thought and it must be Heavy. I'd hate to meet that with my head as I'm sure it would hurt just a bit. Pretty wood!.
Yes you can edit the topic line. I do it all the time as well as other posters. Just open the edit on the first post of your thread and change the heading to what ever you want it to say. And as GMAN said you can delete the Bottom lines where is shows the date of the last edit (if there is one), then click submit.
That way you aren't stuck with the same heading for your thread.

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/01545aef55d78ba805b439dabebc1b02?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
finkdaddy posted on 01/29/2006

Awsome JohnnyP, that club is amazing! It would be cool to carve a full-size tiki, like the one you just did, in a fightng stance holding a weapon like that. It would be so dramatic.

By the way, I recieved the tape you sent. Thank you so much! I've used it twice now and it seems to work pretty well, although I've been careful not to stab myself again. :wink: Mahalo nui!

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