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Mondays at San Francisco Trader Vic's

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inkylouise posted on 01/10/2006

me too, but i guess i'll have to wait...til next year!

i'm gonna go make one at home...

Mai Tai posted on 01/10/2006

Parched I am!

Humuhumu posted on 01/10/2006

Good lord, it seems that all of Northern California was thirsty tonight! What an awesome turnout -- special guest Amiotiki, Tiki Vixen, Mr. Vixen, cynful cynner, Mai Tai, Coco Loco, Tiki Hula, Mrs. Tiki Hula, the jab, Mr. Smiley, Martiki, Rebecca, Hanford, Jason (old friend of Hanford's) & myself -- did I miss anyone? Capt. Midnite wasn't on the radar -- I drank your Sidewinder's Fang for you, buddy.

I have a few pictures coming soon.

While it was an absolute blast this week, something in my bones tells me next week is going to be even more special...

tikivixen posted on 01/10/2006

Zat vus zooo much FUN!!! Next veek, I DRINK. A bit. :wink:
I think a couple of my pics worked too and will try to get to 'em soon. I really must experiment with the Mavica. If it does good low light shots I am converting.

Right now I have to show Amiotiki how we thrift here in ValleyJo.

Midnite, you very naughty. Now you'll have to drink EVEN MORE Fangs when you finally make an appearance...how sad.

fangs for the memories,

amiotiki posted on 01/10/2006

What a great time! Thanks to everyone for the hospitality (loved the Sidewinder's Fang, Martiki!).

Bring it on, baby! (the thrifting, I mean!)

Gotta go get ready to go now...


midnite posted on 01/10/2006

Midnite, you very naughty

That isn't me in that "video", it's Barry Williams.

Apologies for going AWOL. I was busy with work (hears Martin in background chuckling)...uh, someone came in from out of town. Ummm, that bomb at Starbuck's really spooked me. My PO made a surprise visit (Martin, chuckling again).

I will go to Vic's! If I don't, the terrorists win...

midnite...loves the funk.

martiki posted on 01/10/2006

Thanks all for the big turnout- good times! See y'all next week!

mrsmiley posted on 01/11/2006

I have been really enjoying Mondays at Trader Vics!
We did have a great turnout this week, so all I can say is "next week-be there or be Buffett!" :)

the drunken hat posted on 01/11/2006

On 2006-01-10 16:39, mrsmiley wrote:
I have been really enjoying Mondays at Trader Vics!
We did have a great turnout this week, so all I can say is "next week-be there or be Buffett!" :)

well i think we may have to go. i don't want any part of the latter! cleen is off next monday so hopefully we will see you there!

weirduncletiki posted on 01/12/2006

Weird Unc and entourage will see the Monday Night Mitees on the 16th! We'll be taking the late shift.

-Weird Unc

martiki posted on 01/13/2006

Well, folks, it's time to be a-movin' on. Monday the 16th is my last night at Trader Vic's.

Had a great time with Vic's and it was made all the more special by seeiing everyone on Mondays and beyond. Thanks to everyone who made the trek from near and far to pay a visit.

Vic's will still be going strong into 2006 and beyond so keep heading over there for the good food, killer happy hour, and of course, Lars.

Before anyone asks, I've got a couple of offers from my old industry that I'm mulling over, so we'll see what happens.

So plan on a blowout night!

Unga Bunga posted on 01/13/2006

This news really sucks! Though you know we wish you only the best.
I may just have to call in sick to be there.

Tiki-bot posted on 01/13/2006

On 2006-01-13 13:46, martiki wrote:

Before anyone asks, I've got a couple of offers from my old industry that I'm mulling over...

See Martin? I told you that the transvestite lingerie modeling industry couldn't stay in a slump forever!

Seriously, that's a bummer - moreso for the Monday regulars than us lazy parents who can't make it out there on weeknights. We may try for this Monday, though. Hope it all works out for you.

tikivixen posted on 01/13/2006

Ah. I figured something was up when this Monday past Lars (I think it was Lars) said to me "enjoy it while you can."

I'm sure you're leaving for intriguing and attractive reasons, Martiki, and that's all the more excuse to make this last Martiki Monday a real blowout evening for all. :wink:

Here's to the future, from your #1 Painkiller Fan,

XOX tikivixen

p.s. Midnite, you gotta make it now!

thejab posted on 01/13/2006

It was fun while it lasted.

Monday is a holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), so you get the night off, right Unga?

Mai Tai posted on 01/14/2006

So sorry to hear that you won't be behind the bar at Vic's, but I'm sure you have better things opening up for you.

I certainly hope they keep serving my new favorite drink "Martin's Mistake" though! Unless, of course, you take that recipe with you to the grave. :wink:

mrs. pineapple posted on 01/14/2006

As long as the Novato Grotto will still allow me to darken it's doorstep, I'll never be more than 28 miles from the best Painkiller ever... Vic's loss is the container shipping industries gain!

midnite posted on 01/14/2006

p.s. Midnite, you gotta make it now!

Where? ..... When? ..... There was one?

Ever get the feeling there's something going on you know nothing about? That's how I feel. Oh, and you know when you lean back on a chair, and you just about tip over, but don't? That's how I feel all the time.

I like pie. My cat's name is mittens.

midnite wiggums

amiotiki posted on 01/14/2006

Wow! I feel very fortunate to have timed my trip so that I wouldn't miss you Martiki! Thanks so much for the amazing Sidewinder's Fang - it was truly a delish treat.

Wherever you go, there you are - so make it the best of all possible experiences!

It was a huge pleasure to meet all y'all last Monday - wish I had had more energy and less fatique so I could have stayed longer - but this cross-country travel and jet lag are just harder to recuperate from than they used to be...sigh...it sucks to get old(er).

Thanks for the lovely hospitality - I feel so much more a part of the TC Ohana now!


mrsmiley posted on 01/16/2006

i am thisty!

mig posted on 01/16/2006

Count in one Gorilla* and an Apple Venus.

*his human counterpart, actually

aquarj posted on 01/16/2006

How late are folks usually around on a Monday, say like tonight f'rinstance?


mrsmiley posted on 01/16/2006

Uusally we stay until 10pm, on average, but tonight is special and Judd is planning on arriving around 9pm, so this night I think it will be later. :)

thejab posted on 01/17/2006

On 2006-01-16 15:51, aquarj wrote:
How late are folks usually around on a Monday, say like tonight f'rinstance?


Until Martiki throws us out!

mrsmiley posted on 01/17/2006

On 2006-01-16 16:07, thejab wrote:

On 2006-01-16 15:51, aquarj wrote:
How late are folks usually around on a Monday, say like tonight f'rinstance?


Until Martiki throws us out!

or someone throws up!

Humuhumu posted on 01/17/2006

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight -- we'll definitely be in for the long haul. We've stayed 'til closing time several times on Monday, but I don't know when that is... 11pm? At any rate, we'll be there as late as we can tonight.

Mai Tai posted on 01/17/2006


midnite posted on 01/17/2006

or someone throws up!

My bad.

Send that cleaning bill to me. Well, it was Puka Punch, wasn't it?

Ralph Koalaman

ps Grazie to Humu and BBTD for the cocktails. Good to see so many folks again, and meet some new ones.

Mai Tai posted on 01/17/2006

What a great night! Thirsty? Not any more. Sleepy? Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh.

Pics soon to follow.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 01/18/2006

really great to see everyone last night & finally meet the elusive midnite after all these years.
I need to come out more often. I see youse guys so infrequently that I get all sentimental & shit when I do.
the drinks had nothing to do with it.
that's my story & I'm stickin to it.

martiki posted on 01/18/2006

Thanks to everyone for making it a farewell bash to remember. Great turnout! I really enjoyed those nights quite a bit, and they made the Vic's experience especially memorable for me.

Little did any of you know that you were all participating in an advance cocktail research study.

The Fang will live on...

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 01/18/2006

the sidewinder fang!
those were mighty tasty senor Martin.
I look forward to sucking up many more fangs in the future. (pun!)

midnite posted on 01/18/2006

finally meet the elusive midnite after all these years

That wasn't me, just an imposter. Those were my shoes, but I don't own any ugly-ass plaid pants.

*you were all participating in an advance cocktail research study. *

No problem, it wouldn't be the first time I unwittingly participated in some random scientific research experiment. Mom used to rent me out to the local community college for just that purpose. Well, that's what she told me in explaining my third, and fourth, nipple. My vestigial organ was always blamed on Dad's side of the family. Dang Slovak horse thieving gypsies!

It's not a tail, it's a caudal appendage!

midnite...aka subject #22

cynfulcynner posted on 01/19/2006

On 2006-01-18 07:03, martiki wrote:
Little did any of you know that you were all participating in an advance cocktail research study.

Did you take that job at Trader Vic's so you could learn how to open your own bar?

martiki posted on 01/19/2006

No, Cindy, I most certainly did not. I had thought there might be a future with Vic's, but there wasn't.

tikivixen posted on 01/22/2006

Aloha all--

Is anyone doing Vic's this Monday? We may be in the city for a noir movie anyway, so...?? mew??


Humuhumu posted on 01/23/2006

We'll be there! Long Live Lars!

cynfulcynner posted on 01/23/2006

I'll stop by after work.....around 10:00 or so.

mrsmiley posted on 01/23/2006

can't make it tonight. JAB and I suggest a new thread with alternating Mondays (or whenever Roberto works at Emeryville) between Emeryville and SF. Or something like that.

Martiki when does Roberto work?

Mai Tai posted on 01/23/2006

I'm thirsty!!!

martiki posted on 01/23/2006

I don't know Roberto's schedule, Im afraid. Call over to E-Ville.

Say hi to Luscious Lars for me- I don't know if I can make it...

cynfulcynner posted on 01/24/2006

On 2006-01-23 13:18, martiki wrote:
Say hi to Luscious Lars for me- I don't know if I can make it...

So, I'm not the only one who thinks Lars is luscious? :wink:

tikivixen posted on 01/24/2006

Definitely not! :wink:

tikivixen posted on 01/25/2006

I called Emeryville and spoke to Roberto--he is SUCH a nice guy! He's there
for sure Wednesday through Saturday, and I believe Sunday's possible also.

I thought Wednesday would probably be the best (i.e., quietest) night of the week for us to descend on him--?? He assured me he's happy to make anything, including older drinks, specials from London Vic's--just lay your requests on him! :)

Anybody up for next Wednesday at Vic's Emeryville then? I personally can't make this Wednesday as I have to go on a family trip unpleasantly early Thursday morning, and I suppose tomorrow's also rather short notice for most folks anyway...


[ Edited by: tikivixen 2006-01-24 17:30 ]

mrsmiley posted on 01/30/2006

I THOUGHT there WAS a new Lars thread, but I couldn't find it.

I'm thristy and hungry! See you tonight.

BTW, tonight is the last Monday that Trader Vic's is participating in the January Dine About Town special fixed 3 course meal. $31.95. Menu subject to change;

Humuhumu posted on 01/31/2006

We're parched! See you around 7ish.

Mai Tai posted on 01/31/2006

Oh... er.... ummm..... I'M THIRSTY TOO!!!

Or at least I wuz...

tikivixen posted on 02/13/2006

Anybody up for this tonight???

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