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The second-ever Tiki Central & Munktiki Mug Design Contest!

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 01/18/2006

Just out of curiosity Hanford, how did you choose the judges? Cos I have to say that it looks like a pretty good cross section of TC folk.

Looking forward to seeing the results and placing my order.

When is the corresponding tiki drink contest for this mug?

freddiefreelance posted on 01/18/2006

On 2006-01-18 06:51, Kon-Hemsby wrote:
Just out of curiosity Hanford, how did you choose the judges? Cos I have to say that it looks like a pretty good cross section of TC folk.

Well, at a guess: first they couldn't have a mug in the contest, second it looks like people with broad tastes in collecting mugs, and third they're people who post often and are accessable.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/18/2006

AND, they're all easy to buy off too. HAHAHAHAHA!

jus kiddin

Bargoyle posted on 01/18/2006

Still awaiting bribe payment....... lol

teaKEY posted on 01/18/2006

Don't buy them off too quickly. The votes are in, it said. :wink: I'm glad TikiFish got in on this. If you know what is takes to win, then you know what it takes to win. Thats like the final jewel for the the previous mug's crown.

I'm glad that we know the votes are done. I was going to wonder if any Judges were from Florida. Lol. Now go crunch those numbers. It would be interesting to know the different cost for different mugs, although I'm sure someone wouldn't want to know that they lost on cost.

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/18/2006

Yes, I waited until judging was finished before I announced who were judges specifically to reduce bribery. I picked the judges myself, looking for a good cross-section of recent and longtime members from all over, with input from Humuhumu.

MauiTiki posted on 01/20/2006

I'm glad we'll get the results soon. I was ready to initiate the "Peoples Choice Awards"!

hewey posted on 01/20/2006

Woohoo! Progress. Hmmm, even if I did find out all the judges before judging, there was too many to bribe... Damn you Hanford! Your too damn organised for the likes of me.

Looking forward to hearing the results!

great kahuna posted on 01/21/2006

For those of us that have a dream of creating our own tiki mugs, how much does it cost? Basic mug estimate?

Kon-Hemsby posted on 01/23/2006

Sorry folks, Cheeky Tiki and I tried to get some insight into Virani's voting on the Mug Contest, but despite a few of Cheeky's potent Mai Tai's and constant badgering, Virani wouldn't crack. I think it was something to do with a tiki curse, if he told!

So we're still waiting to hear on the results.

teaKEY posted on 01/30/2006

I didn't think I had to do this but here is the 60 day bump

Its almost been two date months but sixty one days after the contest has been over. Or three month since the contest started. thats a of a quarter year !

I guess I'm going to stop counting and just check back now and then. Maybe Tueday, Tuesday always bring new things. O well

AlienTiki posted on 02/08/2006

Sixty nine dude!!!

I've been waiting for a reason to put that in a post. Excellent!

I'm normally very patient, really, really I am, I swear.

69 day bump just sounds funny or fun I'm not certain.

hanford_lemoore posted on 02/08/2006

Good things come to those who wait.

Sorry for the delay. It's my fault. Stuckie and I are still dishing the details of how the winner will be produced and whatnot. It's not a trivial thing.

That said, Stuckie was waiting on me, and I just sent him an email that hopefully will lead to a light at the end of a the tunnel!


tikiracer posted on 02/08/2006

almost there...

...stay on target

hewey posted on 02/10/2006

You guys still nuttin out the details?

Obviuosly you guys gotta do the sums properly and all that - but i wanna know who won! Waiting axiously...

Dr. Shocker posted on 02/10/2006

I think they actually are making the mugs and making us suffer for thier own twisted pleasure......ok not really but it sounded good

hodadhank posted on 02/10/2006

Ooooo...I hope it's RevBambooBen's Grandpa's Trader Mort tiki, but Mort's would probably want a cut of the profits!

On a related side note... I picked up my girl from the airport yesterday and we swung by Mort's. I told the guy behind the counter, who I'd never seen before, I saw their ad in Tiki Magazine and that it was a smart move to advertised there (even though I'd been there a hundred times before) and proceeded to pic out about a hundred bucks worth of booze (including their last dusty bottle of 75.5% ALC/VOL Lemon Hart! hehe!) After we'd lined up all our goodies I mentioned the 10% discount coupon in Tiki Mag and the guy said "What about it? If you don't bring it you don't get a discount." I was startled. I told him didn't want to ruin my copy of the magazine by actually ripping the coupon out and that maybe my certain knowledge of it's existence could be enough to let me slide this time, but he wouldn't budge and just stared at me silently frowning. Well, I'm stubborn, and would have stood there all day but my girl wanted to get home, unpack and relax so I forked over the cash. As Trader Mort's employee of the month is handing me my booze he says...
"I know the owner'd do it for ya... but I ain't him!"

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2006-02-10 10:15 ]

atomictonytiki posted on 02/10/2006

On 2006-02-10 10:05, hodadhank wrote:

"I know the owner'd do it for ya... but I ain't him!"

[ Edited by: hodadhank 2006-02-10 10:15 ]

What a wanker!

Matt Reese posted on 02/10/2006

That's true. The owner is a stand up guy. The employee sounds like a jerk.

hodadhank posted on 02/11/2006

Good help is hard to find. The Demerara was worth every penny!

Bete posted on 02/11/2006

Looking forward to hearing who the winner is and to see the mug that won.

aquaorama posted on 02/12/2006

I predict Valentines Day.......because it's all about the love baby!

teaKEY posted on 02/12/2006

"I predict Valentines Day" - want to take any bets.

hodadhank posted on 02/12/2006

"You bet I do!???" - Gretzky's Wife

Unga Bunga posted on 02/16/2006

On 2006-02-12 11:46, teaKEY wrote:
Want to take any bets.

I'm In! How many points on the Tiki spread?

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/16/2006


Tiki-bot posted on 02/16/2006

It's a race: Which will arrive first, my Tiki Farm APE mug (15 months and counting) or the mug contest winner?

Jungle Trader posted on 02/16/2006

or Tiki News (8 years)

Tiki-bot posted on 02/16/2006

On 2006-02-16 07:55, Jungle Trader wrote:
or Tiki News (8 years)

Oooooh, yeah. Been so long I think it's actually considered "defunct" and is awaiting resurrection, kinda like representative democracy.

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/16/2006

On 2006-02-16 10:25, Tiki-bot wrote:

and is awaiting resurrection, kinda like representative democracy.

or walt disney

hanford_lemoore posted on 02/18/2006
mrs. pineapple posted on 02/18/2006

On 2006-02-16 10:25, Tiki-bot wrote:

On 2006-02-16 07:55, Jungle Trader wrote:
or Tiki News (8 years)

Oooooh, yeah. Been so long I think it's actually considered "defunct" and is awaiting resurrection, kinda like representative democracy.

settle down mr. pineapple-bot....

Bete posted on 02/19/2006
Unga Bunga posted on 04/06/2006

On 2005-11-04 08:23, RevBambooBen wrote:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1075&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.critiki.com%2Fimages%2Flocations%2F152%2F322_medium.JPG&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4396d93e1504b0ce54522789d389365e
I want to enter this one. It's soooo Zazzz!
Well, my Grandfather designed it, and.... I'm named after him, and..... I'm carrying on the family tradition, and... it's a major part of tiki history, so.........does that count??

Your crazy dude!
Nobody would buy that mug. :D

teaKEY posted on 04/06/2006

Ok, Unga, you got it. Its the second place winner. Yeah

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9bb0d93ba16d0623f45cbbcb8e75decc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiTy posted on 10/17/2006

Any word on the mug and it's price, availability, etc?

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b567e86ec54f036256651b265c1e0528?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kenike posted on 10/17/2006

On 2006-10-17 10:09, TikiTy wrote:
Any word on the mug and it's price, availability, etc?

First read this, then read this, then you might want to check here and here.

CL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b57f5e8c12b46159b3fbf8de458f2b61?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Coco Loco posted on 10/17/2006

On 2006-10-17 10:09, TikiTy wrote:
Any word on the mug and it's price, availability, etc?

Uh, this was over and done with a a month or so ago. This thread will bring you up to speed.


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9bb0d93ba16d0623f45cbbcb8e75decc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiTy posted on 10/17/2006

Sorry gang...searches were pretty general, and I must have blown past the correct results. My apologies.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b567e86ec54f036256651b265c1e0528?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kenike posted on 10/17/2006

On 2006-10-17 11:06, TikiTy wrote:
Sorry gang...searches were pretty general, and I must have blown past the correct results. My apologies.

it's all good, my friend...anyway, I'd be willing to bet some will be hitting eBay at some point. Not mine, of course.

p.s. welcome to TC!

[ Edited by: Kenike 2006-10-17 13:02 ]

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