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foamy's thread... Long time, no see

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hewey posted on 12/18/2005

I love Foamy's ink pieces - very cool!

foamy posted on 12/18/2005

I sure hope you do Hewey, because...

AlienTiki posted on 12/18/2005

On 2005-12-17 16:54, hewey wrote:
I love Foamy's ink pieces - very cool!

I have to Agree, the Ink pieces Are excellent. The 3d sculpty isn't too shabby either. It seems you are at home in many-a-medium. That mug design though, the one that bites the hand, It's my favorite

"The mug that bites the hand that feeds it"

I hope it wins.


TikiTikiBoom posted on 12/22/2005

On 2005-12-09 13:27, foamy wrote:
Tipsy Tiki

All together now: Tiki Leisure

Been so busy lately with the holidays and all, that I hadn't had time to tell you how wonderful these are again! Tipsy is the perfect compliment to the others! Well done, foamy!

foamy posted on 12/22/2005

Hey thanks Alientiki and TikiTikiBoom, I appreciate it. We'll see what happens next, I have a couple in the works.

hewey posted on 12/26/2005

On 2005-12-17 16:54, hewey wrote:
I love Foamy's ink pieces - very cool!

On 2005-12-18 11:50, foamy wrote:
I sure hope you do Hewey, because...

Woohoo! I received an original foamy in the post just before my birthday the other day! Awesome piece of art! Thanks man!

PalmCityTiki posted on 12/26/2005

The more stuff of yours that I see ... the more I think I need one or two. We will talk soon as my money finds a stable point. Xmas new years and all.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/26/2005


Would love to see the colors on this one, Green, Gold and Red. Cause, I like to mix the Carribean and Tiki together. What size and cost ???

foamy posted on 12/26/2005

Glad ya like it Hewey. Whew! I worry a lot.

PalmCityTiki, thanks for the boost, it's nice to feel like I'm getting somewhere, don't know if I am or not, but it still feels nice. There's so much great talent on this board—you included.

Rev, it's 10 or 11" x 15", I'll PM ya.

Virani, the little sculpy hair tiki is destined for a particular friend down in Ft. Lauderdale. She got me going on doing tiki stuff and I owe her big time. She is the subject of my first ever tiki piece.

It's funny, I came on this morning to try and sell a piece and found these heartening replies. Thanks everyone.

[ Edited by: foamy 2005-12-26 09:24 ]

JohnnyP posted on 12/26/2005

"Tiki Leisure" is a wonderful piece. It looks like a perfect vacation! Looking forward to seeing more.

[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2005-12-26 11:53 ]

foamy posted on 01/16/2006


This is the first time I've painted on canvas since '77 when somebody swiped all my paints. It's acrylic on an 8x10 canvas board that's been travelling with me since well before then. It looks like I picked up where I left off—I'm probably being generous with that. I've never been a good painter. On the other hand, it was fun. I might try it again, bigger.

Would it be better as a fake pulp mag cover?

This is the same sort of thing, only done digitally.

Loki posted on 01/16/2006

Brother, that is very cool. I have always loved that spacey stuff. I think you nailed it. Bravo.

Benzart posted on 01/16/2006

Foamy, that is really Killer! I Love the Space Moai and all the implications the story brings to the table. Love It Love It Love It

Swamp Fire posted on 01/16/2006

Foamy, cool piece. I love the tiki sci-fi stuff also.
Nice design to the tiki.

kaha kii posted on 01/16/2006

Aloha bruddah!
Nice work cuz! Can you send me a portfolio (digital)? The wife and I may be interested in showing some of your works in our gallery!

Keep up the good work brah!

Malama Pono!

freddiefreelance posted on 01/16/2006

Foamy, that canvas reminds me of "Tin Tin on the Moon," was that an inspiration?

foamy posted on 01/17/2006

Hey thanks for the encouragement folks. I've got a long way to go. Glad to see there's some other old-time space heads out there. Thanks Ben, for picking up on my intent. freddiefreelance, you know I dig Tin-Tin, but no, I haven't seen that one. Kaha Ki'i, thanks friend, I'll send you what I've got, but it's all here on the thread. Wish I could quit work, I want more time.

JohnnyP posted on 01/17/2006

That picture makes me want to read that story. Too bad it's not written yet!

teaKEY posted on 01/17/2006

I love Moai and that one of the best ones ever. Did you just think that one up? Its so modern that it could be used for all time, anywhere. I can see the shape being used as columns for the front entry of a skyscraper. The over all painting is great to.

Sam Gambino posted on 01/17/2006

Man, foamy! Thats some cool stuff. I'm also a fan of those old sci-fi paperbacks, and right, you nailed it! I like to see a tiki in space too.

freddiefreelance posted on 01/17/2006

On 2006-01-17 05:39, foamy wrote:
freddiefreelance, you know I dig Tin-Tin, but no, I haven't seen that one.

foamy posted on 01/18/2006

Hey thanks JP, ya never know, we could have come from space.

teaKEY, thanks, I like moais too. I wanted it to be simple and "spacey," it's the first design that came to mind (I was thinking 2001 A Space Odyssey) and I liked it when I first drew it. I don't know if it's been done before or not. When I look at the eyes, I find it has a strong resemblance to the LEM's (lunar lander) pilot windows.

Thanks Sam, I do love an old-timey space illustration. Those folks were painting the future as they saw it and they weren't too far off the mark.

freddiefl, thanks for posting that cover! I see what you mean now. They are very similar. I wish I had seen that before I started, I like the way the rocks are handled. That's pretty hip in my book. I'd like to see and read the rest now.

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-01-17 19:25 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 01/18/2006

On 2006-01-17 19:16, foamy wrote:

freddiefl, thanks for posting that cover! I see what you mean now. They are very similar. I wish I had seen that before I started, I like the way the rocks are handled. That's pretty hip in my book. I'd like to see and read the rest now.

The Baltimore County Library has it at several locations:

foamy posted on 02/13/2006

mess'in around. Trying to paint a version but it's not working out real well.

[ Edited by: foamy 2012-04-18 12:31 ]

tfisherart posted on 02/13/2006

Your art is excellent, what medium do you use to create these things?

Benzart posted on 02/14/2006

Foamy, keep messin' with it, it's showing promise.

foamy posted on 02/14/2006

Hey thanks Thom, I try. And, I'll try most any medium I can get my hands on. I'm still look'in for a style or maybe, some style. All the clean looking work is done in Illustrator and I'm not very sophisticated or proficient with it. Everything else is gouache (sp?), pen and ink or acrylic and the former comment applies to them as well.

Thanks, Ben. I'll keep try'in. Perhaps persistence will pay off one of these days. I need some time and inspiration. Both of which, I haven't seen in a while. As it is, I just flail around, hoping to hit something.

Swamp Fire posted on 02/16/2006

Foamy, cool piece.
I like the color choices and the overall look, very different and that's a good thing.

hewey posted on 02/19/2006

Foamy - I love the pseudo mag cover - that looks so sweet! The digi art with the complex design looks sweet too. As you know, I like the spaceship too. Good to see you decided to share em

foamy posted on 02/20/2006

I had done some of these about a year ago but never got photos before they went away. I was mess'in with these over the weekend.

kirby posted on 02/20/2006

sweet .I luvs me sum sculpty...nice work dude..

Bete posted on 02/20/2006

Cool necklaces foamy.

hmc posted on 02/20/2006

Oooo hey! Very nice! I love the brown one. Did you make the long beads as well?

purple jade posted on 02/21/2006

Nice work foamy...see you got that lil oven temp problem under control? :)

hewey posted on 02/21/2006

Cool dude. Nice devilly/tiki look ya got goin there. Love em.

foamy posted on 02/21/2006

Hey, thanks folks. It's in some way, satisfing, to shape something in clay every now and then. I'll never be good at it (like some folks around here), but it's a lot of fun.

And PJ, no, I haven't yet got the oven under control. I still burn everything. The photos don't show it well, but everything is fried right good. I've started to count on it as being the way it's going to come out. That is to say, I'm kind'a like'in it.

And yes, hmc, I made/burned the bead-type things as well. I thought it might add a little something. I don't know if it helps or not.

purple jade posted on 02/21/2006

You're supposed to say "I have learned how to use the burning to my advantage to create a very skillful and artistic effect".

And actually the darkened points do look give it an aged look, which was the intention, right?
Yeah, that's what I thought.

teaKEY posted on 02/21/2006

That green devil scares the hell out of me -no pun intended. And the weird part, I got a green devil picture hanging up in my dinning room.

http://movies.nnov.ru/Covers/Wishmaster%204.%20The%20Prophecy%20Fulfilled.jpg Scary

foamy posted on 02/22/2006

PJ, yes, absolutely. Yep.

teaKEY, I don't know why that one became devil-like. It just did.

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-02-21 19:05 ]

tikigap posted on 02/22/2006

I think the beads add a lot! Nice combination... also burning it looks pretty good to me!

JohnnyP posted on 02/22/2006

Nice work, I like the claws / teeth on the first one.

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foamy posted on 02/23/2006

tikigap, JohnnyP, thanks. I might try a few more.

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-02-23 08:33 ]

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foamy posted on 02/23/2006

"Big Benzart No.5"

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Little bit of Demuth's influence. Pen/ink and marker, colored digitally.

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-02-23 08:13 ]

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Benzart posted on 02/23/2006

That is a Really nice pic of your guy, I LOVE it.
Thanks. I am really stoked you will have the real thing instead of just the painting. Nice Job.

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foamy posted on 02/23/2006

I got up in a good mood Ben. Pleasant, happy (for no good reason) commute into work. Then I got your e-mail. This day is shaping up well. Thanks.

tikigap posted on 02/24/2006

Wow. What a cool tribute. Art imitating Art. Very nice Foamy. You're lucky to have a Benzart.

And Ben! What a better tribute than to have somebody make up some artwork of your artwork. Man, that's cool.

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Benzart posted on 02/24/2006

I Agree, Very Cool..
Did I say Cool?

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hewey posted on 03/07/2006

Sweet art inspired by a sweet carving - sweet

Hang on, everyone else is saying cool


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 191 replies