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Coconut Wired Underground testing to be held again on 10/14/07 for secret preview

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Chongolio posted on 03/09/2006

Yup, I've now joined the ranks of the podcastin' community and just uploaded my first adventure. You can check it out at www.coconutwired.com.

Let me tell you this, after trying to put together one episode, I have to give major props to Vegas Vic and Piko. You guys make it sound so easy. Jeez, it took me months to get this first episode up and running wild over the internet. Piko was a big help getting me started in the right direction. Thanks Brah!

This first episode features the artwork of Sam Gambino and the musical stylins of fellow TC members Pablus and the Haole Cats, The Mai Kai Gents, and the Big Tiki Dude. Thanks to all of you for letting mne use your tunes. If you like what you hear go ahead subscribe to the podcast. Of course any input or suggestions are totally welcome, but hey go easy on me I a total newbz at this and a few more things to figure out. The next adventure is on the map table as I type. If you are interested in having me play your band or feature your art or a link or promo exchange, Give me eHoller!


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: chongolio 2007-10-13 00:48 ]

vegasvic posted on 03/12/2006

Well done bro!

KuKuAhu posted on 03/13/2006

Chongo, I'll be tuning in tonight!


Chongolio posted on 03/13/2006

Mahalo guys! Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. I have already started putting the next show together and have some incredible talent on board for the next adventure. For you folks who haven't hipped to Podcasts yet, Most cost nothing to listen or subscribe to. You don't need a iPod, all you need is a browser, iTunes or an application that plays mp3's. I would suggest iTunes because they make it real easy to listen, subscribe and watch enhanced podcasts which are no more than podcast with images and/or video included. My shows are enhanced podcast. To play my show go to Coconutwired.com and click on the little icon that says "pod" by the episode name and it will play in your browser as a quicktime file. Most browsers have the quicktime plug-in already installed. Of course a slow internet connection is going to have you waiting because the files can get hefty. Give it a try, but beware podcasts can get addicting. They are all I listen to at work these days. Much better than listening to stuff that means zilch to me.

Here is the wikipedia definition of a podcast:

Podcasting is the distribution of audio or video files, such as radio programs or music videos, over the Internet using either RSS or Atom syndication for listening on mobile devices and personal computers. A podcast is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet for anyone to download or subscribe. Podcasters' websites also may offer direct download of their files, but the subscription feed of automatically delivered new content is what distinguishes a podcast from a simple download or real-time streaming (see below). Usually, the podcast features one type of "show" with new episodes either sporadically or at planned intervals such as daily, weekly, etc. Besides that there are podcast networks that feature multiple shows on the same feed. Podcasting's essence is about creating content (audio or video) for an audience that wants to listen when they want, where they want, and how they want.

bigtikidude posted on 03/13/2006

Hey Chongolio,
Thanks for the play, I'm stoked to be your set list with my band the Moby Dicks
in great company as the Insect Surfers and Pollo Del Mar.
Too bad I couldn't get it to play.
I downloaded it twice and it said it couldn't find the file.
any clues? sorry I'm a computer dummy.


Chongolio posted on 03/13/2006

Hey BTD,
Mahalo for letting me use the tune, it's a great song that you have written! The link at my site worked for me you can alsot ry this direct link to the file:


Catch up with you soon,

pik0 posted on 03/14/2006

Bruddah Chongo!!

Great show!!! I already emailed so many people to go for listen!! Will be sure to mention in my podcast tomorrow night! :)

A hui hou,

The Sperm Whale posted on 03/15/2006

YO Chongo-
I want to hear your podcast Too but I am having the same problems as Jeff. Anyway I noticed some great choices on your playlist. I really want to hear "The Moby Dicks"!! Anyway good luck!!!

Monkeyman posted on 03/15/2006


The man goes 0-100mph straight out of the gate.

Excellent job Chong Hole Eo

Chongolio posted on 03/15/2006

Spermy BTD, Did you guys try the link posted above? I am not all that bright with a lot of this stuff particularily on the PC side of it. I kinda just jumped in using my Mac laptop and went. I am using Libsyn as a host and they have been doing a lot of upgrades and moving of files. That may be the problem. As with all new techery the bug and workaround are plenty. So my advice is try it again.

MM- Mahalo man. How did you access the show? itunes, quicktime, PC Mac??

Next show is shaping up Stay tuned

Monkeyman posted on 03/15/2006

Did a podcast search through I-Tunes and it worked flawlessly

Although I am on a MAC I would guess that the same functionality would exist through the pc version of I Tunes.

bigtikidude posted on 03/16/2006

I tried 3 times the other day, and 2 times with the new link.
It downloads fine, but won't open or start playing. It says it can't find the file??? I have a love hate relationship with my computer. Does not having an I-pod account maybe have something to do with it? I don't have an I-pod, and have never tried to download I-pod broadcasts.

Spermy, Remind me and I'll get you a Moby Dicks Cdr.
You goin to see John Paul's band on Sat. at the Anarchy Library?


On 2006-03-15 08:38, Chongolio wrote:
Spermy BTD, Did you guys try the link posted above? I am not all that bright with a lot of this stuff particularily on the PC side of it. I kinda just jumped in using my Mac laptop and went. I am using Libsyn as a host and they have been doing a lot of upgrades and moving of files. That may be the problem. As with all new techery the bug and workaround are plenty. So my advice is try it again.

MM- Mahalo man. How did you access the show? itunes, quicktime, PC Mac??

Next show is shaping up Stay tuned

Tiki-bot posted on 03/16/2006

Hey Chongo, congrats on the 'cast. Is there an MP3 version for those of us who think iTunes/DRM is the tool of the Devil? Looking forward to hearing it.

Chongolio posted on 03/16/2006

Well maybe because it is a enhanced podcast the old players are freaking out. I can try and save as a straight mp3 but you wont see all the pretty pictures. I will give it a go tonight.

bigtikidude posted on 03/16/2006

Thanks dude, hope that works.
Ferenc posted a link to it on the surfguitar101.com forum.

by the way a belated congrats on the cool hut/mug design. That's amazing
as Huell would say.


Chongolio posted on 03/16/2006

Big Tiki Dude- I looked into removing the pics and resaving as an mp3 and I wasn't able to do it. I am only able to save as a .m4a file. You might try heading over to apple.com and getting the latest quicktime plug-in. im starting to think the m4a format is unplayable using out of date browsers and plug-ins. Can any PC people shed some light? What are you other PC people using for Podcasts?


KuKuAhu posted on 03/17/2006

Chongo, awesome show!

Folks, you really oughta check it out. The podcast is fast becoming the best source for tiki-esque tunes.

Mahalo to..

Vegas Vic



..and the cat doing The Bachelor Pad show

Great stuff guys! Who needs radio?


Monkeyman posted on 03/17/2006

OBEY Monkeypod

I, Zombie posted on 03/17/2006

On 2006-03-17 07:53, KuKuAhu wrote:
Who needs radio?


Well, this may be a little self serving, but I need radio!

If you're not listening to Brogdon's Retro Cocktail Hour on KANU or Irwin from WFMU, or the Flaming Ukulele Radio Hour on WNTI, or Vic's 365 broadcasts for that matter, then you're missing out on a LOT, brother!!! Sure, its in real time streams, but jeez, its not that hard to click a link and listen. Its not like I need to have everything stored on my hardrive.
There's something to be said for the emphemeral nature of broadcasting.

TravelingJones posted on 03/18/2006

Ssweeet-cast Chongo! Receiving 'Coconut Wired' loud and clear to my PC...played by Quicktime file and IE browser. Nice work brah!!! --Now please excuse while I adjust my hammock line...drop a pineapple spear into the shaved ice grog of my Pika Kewalaka mug...SssluurrrpP! AaaahH... HANA HOU, HANA HOU!!!

Chongolio posted on 03/22/2006

Hey hey Thanks for the feedback Travelin' J. Good to hear the signal made it your way.

I pulled this info regarding the enhanced podcast files off of Piko's Hawaiian Concert Guide:

"This show has been posted in an "Enhanced" format AAC (M4A) formatted file instead of the older MP3 format. While this format allows for richer content including imagery and web links, it is only compatible with QuickTime and/or iTunes both of which are simultaneously Macintosh and Windows compatible."

So there you have it, for you poor souls who aren't running iTunes or the latest version of Quicktime. You are just going to have to be content reading about the exciting world or enhanced podcasting.

Well 'ol Monkeypod and I have all the music together and putting the final touches on adventure # 2. The equipment is still sparkin' and the weather is still wet but the Coconut Wired Clan is going for it anyway and hope to have adventure #2 uploaded this weekend.

Watch this thread for subscribe so you are sure not to miss it!
Chongo out.

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

I, Zombie posted on 03/22/2006

On 2006-03-22 08:03, Chongolio wrote:

Watch this thread for subscribe so you are sure not to miss it!
Chongo out.

Barefoot bloggin'

Can't wait to check it out! I've got ITunes at home, so will give it a whirl tonight.

I, Z

BTW: My post above sounds like I'm Joe Curmudgeon or something. Far from it. Thanks for the podcast!

[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2006-03-22 10:20 ]

untamedhighway posted on 03/23/2006

Hey Chongolio-LOVE the podcast. Great choice of tunes, including my favorite Insect Surfers song. Can't wait to hear the next one.

Chongolio posted on 03/26/2006

Aloha All,
Coconut Wired Adventure #2 has been posted. This time around we are podcastin' from the lagoon and featuring the musical goodness of The Smokin' Menehunes, Kahuna Kawentzmann, Tiki King and the Idol Pleasures, Ape and More!
I also tried something new and have the art of Noah Snodgrass and Shawn Dickinson from Untamed Highway, as well as more of Sam Gambino's work running as a slide type of deal show during a portion of this episode. You will need iTunes and the latest quicktime to watch and listen.

Input and feedback is always nice and there are several placces you can do it. You can leave comments on the Coconut Wired blog, at the iTunes store, or here at good ol TC. Please leave it anywhere you feel inclined. Thanks again to everybody who has shown there support! Your the ones that make this a fun adventure!

Hey I, Zombie you don't sound like a grump. I like listening to GOOD radio too. I am taking much inspiration from the dj's of old. There is a really interesting documentry about the original Dj's from the fifities on Netflix called Rock and Roll Invaders. Dig!

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2006-04-05 07:31 ]

pik0 posted on 03/28/2006

Once again, a most excellent show!! Chongo you are putting in WAY more effort to each podcast than I do in mine. I'm duly impressed, eh!!!



[ Edited by: pik0 2006-03-27 22:05 ]

Chongolio posted on 03/30/2006

Hey Thanks Pik0,
Yeah, I am putting tons of hours into my shows but the second one went smoother and faster. Each episode I try to smooth out a little more. Also, I didn't realize Shirley was one of the forces behing Uke For Troops until I heard your interview with her. I had met Shirley several years ago and had the pleasure of listening to here play here Uke with the Menehunes at Bamboo Ben's Shop during the third OC Tiki Crawl.
Any of you folks in bands who's music would fit into the exotica, surf, ukulele, tropical genres get in touch with me and I will try to get you into one of the upcoming episodes.

Thanks again for tuning into the Lost-Isle Pirate Podcast Network


Surf tiki posted on 04/03/2006


Big ups on your pod cast. I love surf guitar music, I just didn't happen to have any in my collection. I have started archiving your podcast for use in my upcoming luau this summer.

Rum Balls posted on 04/03/2006

Chongolio, speaking as a long-time radio/commercial production/DJ guy, you've done a great job on your podcasts! Very well done, a pleasure to listen to. Keep it up.

I also like the relatively short (20 or so minutes) length.

Chongolio posted on 04/03/2006

Why thank you very very much Surftiki and Rum balls. I am really having a ton-0-fun doing these podcast. I have recieved emails from all over the state and a few from overseas! Absolutely amazin'!!! I have also gotten the oppurtunity to chat with some of the folks in some of my favorite bands and everybody has been really cool about letting me use their tunes. If you like the tunes your hearing, please support the bands and buy their CD's! Tell them Chongo sent you!
I just bought a new mike and headset, I hope that helps to clear up some of the back ground noise and keep my levels from jumping around to much. It's been a busy week for me but I hope to get started on adventure number #3 this week and get it out in a week or so. Once again, I will have some Killer tunes by some kick butt bands and the journey will continue, I will keep you all posted!
By the way, if anyone out there is reading this and in a band, let me know and I will work on getting you in a future episode. Same thing to all you artists! Every episode I wanna promote a new artist.

Mahalo Nui Loa my freinds,

Chongolio posted on 04/22/2006

Now we are on safari into the mysterious jungle riding on the backs of wild elephants. This adventure features the musical handy work of The Astroglides, The Pacific Headhunters,, The Verbtones,, Los Derrumbes and much much more. We are also stoked too have Kirby, as our featured artist this time around. Come give it a listen at:


Polynesiac posted on 04/24/2006

Great stuff chongo! I just downloaded and listened to it and I love it - nice job! Great music, neat story and excellent lead ins! this is what radio SHOULD be like!

Unga Bunga posted on 04/27/2006

Finally !
I have so many audio/video players in my computer for my business, they were all competing to play Chongster's music.
What a great station Randy. Burned a CD and ready to play it on the road when I get my new radio in the car next week.
Were lucky to have Chongolio on Tiki Central.
Keep it comin Bro!

suburbanpagan posted on 04/28/2006

Alright Chongolio! Now I have 2 subscriptions playing on my ipod! You and Vegas Vic! NICE!

Chongolio posted on 04/28/2006

Oh Man!! Thanks again everybody for the props and listening. Seriously this is the stuff that gets me up in the morning, unfortunatley at 4 A.M.
Ungz- Glad you got it Dialed in. I knew a smart Kat like you could figure it out. Chongolio is lucky to have Tiki Central.
Polynesicac- Check your PMs
Suburban Pagan- Are you going to be at Oasis Brah?

As you all know feedback, suggestions and sponsorship is always encouraged.
Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo,

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

kick_the_reverb posted on 04/28/2006

Hi Chongolio,
Thanks for the play, and for the Reverb Crash mention...see ya next week!

suburbanpagan posted on 04/28/2006

Alas, this will be the first Oasis I will have missed since starting at Tiki Oasis 3.........it is a combo of having to attend a wedding and honestly really having to consider the expenses as a vendor. I was barely covering the costs before, so I wouldn't be able to do it this time. But! Hopefully, many more art shows at the Lucky Tiki as well as other events I will be able to hang! Thankfully, I got your killer show to pul me through!

suburbanpagan posted on 05/09/2006

Hey! I'm currently downloading episode #4 and I'll bet it's fantastic! Seeing as I couldn't make the oasis this year, I'm sure it will be a bittersweet experience but at least I can catch a little bit o' the flava! Once again, great show Chongolio! Great exposure to the current music as Vegas Vic is to the classic era!

Chongolio posted on 05/09/2006

I have uploaded the episode #4 Tiki Oasis special and it is now available for a listen at Coconutwired.com. Just click the "pod" icon left of the title and you should be able to watch and listen if you have a recent version of Quicktime. iTune users CLICK HERE. Or better yet subscribe, it's free!
For those of you who couldn't make it I hope this helps you feel a little better. And for those you who were there, I hope this conveys the vibe and maybe fills in a few forrgotten pieces of a very exciting and fun weekend filled with good friends, tasty cocktails and beautiful beautiful people.
I wanted to include much more in this episode but basically ran out of time (and ability to focus) so I had to make do with what I prepared before hand. As always comments and feedback are totally encouraged. Big thanks to all the musicians that gave there encouragement and support. No featured artists this time around. However, if interested, you can view a slide show of my pics from the weekend at Barefoot Bloggin'.

Many thanks Suburban P!!! Sorry you couldn't make it. Feel good knowin' there are more events on the near horizon that are going to a lot of fun too.

So now with heavy heart, I am getting ready to burn gears back up north.

Thanks for tuning in!


Chongolio posted on 06/13/2006

Aloha Freinds of the Revolution! The latest episode of the Coconut Wired podcast is now available and ready to be put in your ears. Give it a listen at Coconut Wired.com. This time around we are featuring the art of Polynesiac and the music of The Aquamen, Surf Report, Pozor Vlak and more! So tune in and bug out with your bad self


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2006-06-12 21:38 ]

Polynesiac posted on 06/14/2006

They keep getting better! Now there's 5 to enjoy. Great music on this one....and who's that sexy tiki carver? :)

Chongolio posted on 07/20/2006

Episode 6 is now waiting to be download and served up sizzlin'. Episode 6 features the fantastic art of Ken "Lil Lost Tiki" Ruzic. Sadly, this episode finds the gang a little down in the mouth and lost in the deep dark jungle. But that didn't stop us from steppin' up and bringing you some tasty tunes from The Surfites, The Ghastly Ones, The Southern Beach Terror, The Langhorns, The Reckless Reefers and a song from Clouseaux's new album Beyond Good And Evil. Go get an yourself an earful at Coconut Wired. You will be glad you did.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

TikiSan posted on 07/20/2006

The Ghastly Ones rule!
What song did you play?

Chongolio posted on 07/20/2006

I used Haulin' Hearse from the Ghastly Ones. It's a cool song and it was one of the few songs available online so I didn't have to hassle The Ghastly Ones to send me an mp3 use. By the Way...The Ghastly ones will be playing at The Tiki Invasion on Saturday August 5th. Hope to see a bunch of you there!!


Polynesiac posted on 07/22/2006

watcha waitn' fo?!?!?! download this bad boy!!!!

Love your podcasts chongo!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 07/27/2006

Great work Chongo!
and thanks for lettin me be a part of it! I've been telling people about it and trying to get Chongo-awareness spread far and wide! Viva el Tiki!

Chongolio posted on 07/27/2006

Thanks Ken! It was my pleasure to have your art featured on Coconut Wired. I wish I had the time to do larger and more in depth episodes, but keepin up with one 20 minute show a month has been challenging. I have started on the 7th episode and will be featuring another TC artist, So keep your ears and eyes peeled.

Musicians!!!! I am always searching for new exotica, surf, instro and tropical inspired tunes to send out over teh coconut wire. If interested zap me a PM or email.

Mahalo for all the support!


alohacurrent posted on 07/27/2006


love the music your showcasing. One question: How do I add the shows to my itunes library. I can download them ok, but I can't open them using itunes only quick time. How do I add them to the itunes library?

Chongolio posted on 07/28/2006

On 2006-07-27 12:13, alohacurrent wrote:

love the music your showcasing. One question: How do I add the shows to my itunes library. I can download them ok, but I can't open them using itunes only quick time. How do I add them to the itunes library?

Howdy Alohacurrent,
There are a couple different ways to subscribe using iTunes. You can click on the iTunes button that is on the top right side panel on the Coconut wired Blog. That will open iTunes and take you to my page in the iTune store. Once there you simply click on the subscribe button. Another way is to search the podcast section of the iTunes store for "Chongolio." Again, this will bring you to my podcast page in iTunes where there will be a subscribe button.

I hope this helps. PM me if you are still having troubles.

Thanks for listening and the comment!!


P.S. I was a real pleasure sharing laughs with you on the Crawl!!

Pages: 1 2 3 118 replies