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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Wahine in a Rum Barrel

Pages: 1 8 replies

Swamp Tiki posted on 03/17/2006

I found a Rum Barrel mug that has a small white glazed wahine kneeling in the bottom looking upward and out. The mug is approximately 3 1/2 inches in tall. The little figure inside is approximately 2 3/4 inches. Has anyone out there run across a mug like this? The price was right so I did bring it home. There is no maker's mark and I figure it must be quite old due to the ammount of crazing in the glaze.

Monkeyman posted on 03/17/2006

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pdrake posted on 03/17/2006

there's a pic of one here:


in the tiki finds thread on page 130 i think. someone else found one and is asking for info.

Kaikaina posted on 03/17/2006

TikiTrevor posted on 03/22/2006

Ya I found that mug and was wodnering the same. I have an exact same mug but w/o the figure on the inside.

Swamp Tiki posted on 03/22/2006

Hmmmm. I have been showing this thing around a bit and have gotten a few raised eyebrows but no one has any idea on its origin. I bought it in a flea market in Central Georgia and the person I bought it from could not remember where she had gotten it. She did say that she had owned it for a while and she looked to be about 60 (not that that really means anything). If I figure this one out I'll post it here pretty quick.

Hang Loose.

Swamp Tiki

Bobby Peru posted on 03/22/2006

I have a few similar mugs & a friend has a whole series, they are all only a monotone glaze though (usually pastel) I say series because the ones we have start with the woman outside the mug as a handle (fully clothed) they then progress through various states of undress and end with the woman inside the barrel.
cant help on locations though


Swamp Tiki posted on 03/23/2006

That is facinating. Does the barrel styling match throughout the series (wood graining, etc.)?

Bobby Peru posted on 03/23/2006

from memory yes. unfortunately mine are in storage at the moment as i am moving house, i will try to check my friends set & post pics

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