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Big Lots vs Ethics 101

Pages: 1 19 replies

McTiki posted on 03/31/2006


Wow! Hope I haven't insulted anyone


[ Edited by: McTiki 2006-03-30 16:50 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 03/31/2006

looks like someone started painting it, then gave up. weird!

Chip and Andy posted on 03/31/2006

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-06-05 17:45 ]

jpmartdog posted on 03/31/2006

That's just wrong -

ZuluMagoo posted on 03/31/2006

That's one of the things I love about TC. Generally, when one of us finds something we know will be of interest to the group, we tell everyone, not hide it and try to profit from it.

Regular readers of TC already know how to get a Pele sculpture of their own (Big Lots! for those of you who don't) and won't fall for a bad deal like this on eBay.

Unkle John posted on 03/31/2006

You know, i wonder if it's one of the many lurkers on the board (non-members). And if it's a member of TC, I hope you make a cheap buck. I couldn't do it.

Kono posted on 03/31/2006

Those ears don't look like the Big Lots Pele ears (these stick out further) and the hat looks to be larger in proportion to the head. Maybe there's another version floating around?

joefla70 posted on 03/31/2006

On 2006-03-30 17:22, Chip and Andy wrote:
AND! You can have your very own for only $39.95. To do a buy it now for $150 is, to me, an insult. Hooray for captialism! But, still insluting.

I don't even think it costs $39! I think the price at big lots was about the same price as the seller is charging for shipping!

Maybe he started to paint it for himself, then did not like the way it was coming out, so he went back to Big Lots to get another one to paint -- and figured that he would just sell the unfinished one online for a big profit.

I've seen this happen before with other items. I own a silver plated cocktail shaker that I got from Restoration Hardware for less than $60. I saw them online for over $100 advertised as "unique" or "one of a kind." I actually emailed the bidders to let them know that they could get the same product at Restoration Hardware for way less money. I have no problem with sellers who truthfully advertise their products, nor do I have a problem with people making a profit. If the seller wanted to put a price of $500 on this auction, that's fine. Buyer beware. But for this seller to advertise this as a "truly unique" item is dishonest and misleading. To call this item "unique" gives the false impression that it is either a one-of-a-kind item that cannot be found elsewhere, or that it is very rare. The fact that you can walk into Big Lots stores throughout the country and buy one of these items for the same cost as this seller's shipping charges means that this item is in no way "unique." I have no problem saying this and thereby risk insulting or offending the seller if he/she happens to be a TC member.

By the way, the seller is also auctioning off the 3 planters for a starting bid of $50 (shipping costs $20) and has one bidder so far. http://cgi.ebay.com/3-Planters-TIKI-Totem-Pole-Bar-Statue-Tribal-Garden-Art_W0QQitemZ4451752915QQcategoryZ36025QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

He/she is also auctioning the other tiki statute for a $99 starting bid and buy it now price of $150. http://cgi.ebay.com/TIKI-Totem-Pole-Bar-Statue-Sculpture-Tribal-Garden-Art_W0QQitemZ4451742773QQcategoryZ36025QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

McTiki posted on 03/31/2006


[ Edited by: McTiki 2006-03-31 12:55 ]

Tiki Fink posted on 03/31/2006

Ok. I was looking at the Big Lost Pele and looking at the Pele on auction and thinking that there is a possibility that there is another Pele out there that might cost more but now that I see the planters I have to chime in.

This kind of rip off is unbelieveable. The thing that really nerves me is that when you have something of real value up on ebay for a fair price and nobody gives a crap and then some jerk does this kind of thing and actually makes a hefty profit. Kinda makes you want to do something about it.


lanikai posted on 03/31/2006

On 2006-03-31 13:20, Tiki Fink wrote:

This kind of rip off is unbelieveable. Kinda makes you want to do something about it.


whrere's the rip off? why would this be unbelievable?
If someone in Hawaii or say... Australia or Britain wants one of these and they have the expendable cash for it, why would they not go for it? Why would you dissuade both parties from the transaction?
If someone wants to shop mostly via ebay, many are painfully aware of the possibility that they may be paying for convenience, or the possibility of securing an item through the only avenue available to them, as opposed to hitting the streets and shopping around, spending time on the searching, time they may not have. Only to find all those hours wasted was for naught, as the thing is not at all avaliable anywhere in their town, or even country. And they may want it now. Do you propose to email the prospective buyer and say; "Hey; if ya wanna save sennyfie bux, fly down to my town cuz there is a store here that may or may not have these in stock on any given day."
For these buyers there are many that offer things on ebay, and i would venture to guess these sellers would not remain in business long by divulging their sources in their auction listing. What of the thrift shop buyer who picks up a tiki mug for a few bucks and ebays it for $20. ? Similar ROI ratio. this type of thing happens all the time and it's part and parcel of the free enterprise system at work in america.

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-03-31 14:09 ]

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-03-31 14:10 ]

joefla70 posted on 03/31/2006


If the scenario you described, it may not be a rip off. Notice that in my post, I said I didn't care if the seller was asking $500 for it, as long as they honestly advertise it. What is wrong with the listing is that it advertises the item as "truly unique" which misrepresents the item. It is not a one-of-a-kind or rare item. It is something that can be found all over the place.

lanikai posted on 03/31/2006

On 2006-03-31 14:12, joefla70 wrote:
What is wrong with the listing is that it advertises the item as "truly unique" which misrepresents the item.
true. I will concede that... But hyperbole and terrible grammar is rampant in contemporary american society and a hundredfold moreso on ebay.
besides, most know something is either unique or it is not unique. It can't be truly or very unique. Most intelligent adult buyers understand that such a term cannot be modified by an adverb of degree or a comparative adverb... those who do not or cannot understand the difference are still, not subject to the umbrella protection of the handholding police of ebay. This form of misapplied descriptives would usually be warning enuff for most people browsing. Also... someone may have a tikimug that has long been out of production and not seen by the seller for a while and they may call it unique; one of a kind. But there may be a few people that take exception to this and say; what! this is available now and then at da local flea markets (as you mainlanders call 'em.) or someone could say; "hey. It aint unique. we trade them back and forth often, and I have 8 of em myself!) so, the 'unique' moniker is subjective. One may spend time either trying to report, or hoping this kinda thing is reported to ebay, and the expected response by ebay to them may be something close to: "...yea, thanks. Next!"

Adult buyers take things like this with a grain of salt one would hope, and use the 'ask seller a question' feature as well as do a little cliking on their own to see how one of a kind it is, if this thing is not, in their experience, "something that can be found all over the place."

Tell ya whatcha don't wanna do; if ya don't like finding things wrong with listings on ebay.
Don't use "tiki" as a search keyword. Cus now, the majority of items listed that are called tiki have nothing whatsoever to do with a carved image of a Polynesian god.
there. i save ya from some hairpullin' ...

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-03-31 14:55 ]

kingstiedye posted on 03/31/2006

ebay is like every other seller. if you shop around and check prices at different websites, you'll know if you're paying too much or getting a good deal. if you think something is outrageously priced, then don't bid. if no one bids, then the seller will get the idea their item is overpriced. anybody is free to auction anything at what ever price they want, and every bidder is free to bid or not. that's what makes ebay great. also joefla is right about misleading descriptions. these should be reported to ebay.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-03-31 14:32 ]

Tiki Fink posted on 03/31/2006

Sure, buyer beware and supply and demand and all that good stuff. I also collect mid century modern and do a fair bit of shopping on ebay and I have been duped by unscrupulous sellers. It costs good money and is a major hassle, not to mention the dissapointment when that thing that you think is going to be so cool turns out to be garbage.

Just like to see honest reasonable deals. That's all.

Kono posted on 03/31/2006

On 2006-03-31 02:23, Kono wrote:
Those ears don't look like the Big Lots Pele ears (these stick out further) and the hat looks to be larger in proportion to the head. Maybe there's another version floating around?

I don't think its the same one. Doesn't mean its worth more than the Big Lots one though, I'm just saying...

Chip and Andy posted on 03/31/2006

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-06-05 17:44 ]

exotica59 posted on 04/02/2006

Hey guys, that Pele is not he same as the one from Big Lots. I just got home from the Old Time Pottery store and there they were. Painted just like the one in the auction. They appear bigger than the ones from big lots too. They also were $50 each. I also noted that those Pele's had a lot of broken out spots on them. The store made a flower arrangement coming out of the top of the hat on one of them due to a big break there. That one was $89.99.
If you've never been to an Old Time Pottery, seek on out--they are aw some!

lanikai posted on 04/03/2006

On 2006-04-02 14:28, exotica59 wrote:
Hey guys, that Pele is not he same as the one from Big Lots. I just got home from the Old Time Pottery store and there they were. Painted just like the one in the auction.

wow. knocking off the tiki knock offs. genius. why didn't anyone think of that bef...
oh wait. yea... ok.

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-04-02 17:44 ]

exotica59 posted on 04/03/2006

I was surprised to walk into the store and there was the Pele standing right at the entrance sporting that blue paint.
This year I have seen lots of knock-offs.
Oh, by the way.. Old time pottery also carries the two Tiki's that look alot like the ones from Toscano's and Big Lots. The stacked head pole seems to be larger, but the god of the luau or what ever it was called looks the same. You really have to look them over---the resin is very thin in spots, and a bunch of them were cracked in spots.

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