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Nacho's VLV Ku Tiki Bar (updated 4/20)

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KAHAKA posted on 06/18/2004

I'm posting these pics of my friend Nacho's work. The 1st tiki he ever attempted to make was the 20 ft. Moai bar that has successfully made its way to Vegas and back 3 years in a row for the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender (was sold in November '05 to someone down in San Diego). More pics of his work to come...

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2006-04-20 23:16 ]

lanikai posted on 06/18/2004

On 2004-06-18 03:29, KAHAKA wrote:
I'm posting this pic of my friend Nacho's latest work. No, he hasn't carved a tiki out of wood, but the guy's talent shows in what he has done. I am friggin' amazed at what this guy is capable of.


Thorsten Hasenkamm posted on 06/18/2004


Feelin Zombified posted on 06/18/2004

On 2004-06-18 03:29, KAHAKA wrote:
No, he hasn't carved a tiki out of wood,

What medium is it?

Enquiring minds wanna know.


KAHAKA posted on 06/18/2004

I believe it's insulation foam.

Polynesiac posted on 06/18/2004

Nice! Foam...hadn't thought of that. Not a bad idea. More pics please!

Benzart posted on 06/18/2004

From the 'Bubble Machine" I love it and I'm with everyone else. Want more pix. Looks like Nacho ahs a good Eye and is not afraid to get deep into the detail. Cool

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-06-18 13:46 ]

KAHAKA posted on 06/18/2004

Here's more of Nacho's stuff. He hasn't done too much, but he says there's more to come.

This one he thought up while carving. He says he wants to do more traditional style tikis, but this is pretty representative of his style.


20 ft. Moai bar at Viva Las Vegas Weekender

[ Edited by: KAHAKA on 2004-06-18 15:18 ]

tikitortured posted on 06/19/2004

I saw the Moai bar at the rockabillyfest and was completely blown away. I'm glad you posted this, what are the odds(and price) of gettin' Mr. Nacho to create one for me? Don't make me beg.

KAHAKA posted on 06/20/2004

I talked to Nacho and he says call him to work out the details... 408 561 2503.

dogbytes posted on 06/20/2004

dang, that moai bar is incredible. how does he transport it to vegas? that must be one hecka sight driving down I15!

thankgoodness the ceiling in my tiki room is only 7 feet high ~ so i cant get too envious. ok, no. i lied. i am envious. but im realistic that it cant possibly fit.

KAHAKA posted on 06/20/2004

We took the thing on a 20 ft. trailer and drove our hot rods beside it. The Ford in the pic is mine. Nacho did a lot of the body work and painted it.

[ Edited by: KAHAKA on 2004-06-20 16:18 ]

Benzart posted on 06/20/2004

My first car was a '54 ford.

KAHAKA posted on 06/21/2004

That's what year mine is.

dogbytes posted on 06/21/2004

ok. now i have car envy too.

damn this place. :)

KAHAKA posted on 06/23/2004

Nacho finally has an email address if any would like to contact him...



KAHAKA posted on 02/14/2006

New Ku Tiki bar for Viva Las Vegas Weekender in April. Here it is on the trailer at foamer Kent's "Ranch house," up in the hills of east San Jose. Tiki in this state is a wooden frame, surrounded with chicken wire, and black felt. About 1 year's worth of work (off and on) put in by Nacho. The tiki measures about 18ft. tall, 8ft. wide, 10ft. deep (minus foam).

Good Old Kent riggin' up the foam rig.

Kent in action


Nacho foams:

BREAK @ Kent's thoroughly insulated keg-o-rator

Decided to stand it up:

Still more foaming to do (we ran poor Kent out... he thinks we probably put a good 200 lbs. of foam on it), then Nacho will carve it, paint it, finish it. I'll be doing up the inside with some help, hopefully. Lots more work to do before Vegas!

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2006-02-13 20:25 ]

rodeotiki posted on 02/14/2006

You guys are awesome!!!! Cant wait to see it done.

HelloTiki posted on 02/14/2006

Sholy Hit! That's Nucking Futs!!!!

KAHAKA posted on 02/14/2006

Yep, not exactly the traditional way to go, but I don't think you can find wood this big!

Benzart posted on 02/14/2006

Traditional or not it is still Awesome. If his earlier ones are any indication, this ine will be a Super tiki. Fun project to be a part of constructing.

KAHAKA posted on 04/20/2006

Well, we made it to VLV and back to San Jose with the new Ku Tiki Bar in tact (. The Moai bar that we took 3 times took a beating over the course of those years, so we decided to treat this one with a clear coat to strengthen the foam before the paint, and did it ever pay off... no loss of foam at all. Trailered it along side 8 hot rods and customs.

My lamp on the inside... did a little carving myself!

At one point during the car show on Saturday, a Pin-up model found her way to the top of the bartop and posed for a slew of eager photographers... Anyone happen to get a shot? I deleted those pics by mistake!!! DOOOH!

Overall, good show... security was TIGHT (emphasis on TIGHT), but it was cool. Rapped with Tiki Beat Marcus (super cool dude) and met Pdrake briefly. Hope to bring it back next year!!

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2006-04-20 00:00 ]

Raffertiki posted on 04/20/2006

I know you realize It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, because it attracts pin-up models. But that is one badass smoke-snortin tiki bar!

Lake Surfer posted on 04/21/2006

Sweeet! Bigger is better!

Monkeyman posted on 04/21/2006

Wow.... Cripes. That monster statue is freakin cool.


totally dig the lamp with the carving on the base. Mixing up all elements in that one. Way cool

Tahitiki posted on 04/21/2006

This KU bar is way toooo coooool!
Amazing job.

KAHAKA posted on 04/21/2006

I really can't take much credit for this one... really my buddy Nacho's work. I just helped when needed (I did the bartop with another friend's help, some painting, interior stuff, lamps, fingerpointing, suggesting, gawking, beer drinking, etc.). Thanks for the kind words, on Nacho's behalf.

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/21/2006

Saaweet! You guys did awesome work again!

KAHAKA posted on 04/22/2006

Thanks guys!

Good golly... someone has pics of something I didn't see with my own eyes (but thought in my head perhaps)...

poptiki posted on 04/22/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:49:32 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 04/23/2006

Aw, dude, that's f*ckin NUTS. I want it. Owning that pretty much means being the most popular guy on your block. Like owning a 70-inch plasma during football season, except ALL YEAR ROUND.

hodadhank posted on 04/23/2006

Sweet Jeezus! That is soooo sick!

Polynesiac posted on 04/23/2006

That thing kicks ass. BIG ass.

Where do you keep it when you're not using it?

rodeotiki posted on 04/23/2006

Very cool,
just thought I would throw this up for you....

I found it on the HAMB boards....

KAHAKA posted on 04/24/2006

On 2006-04-22 17:31, Basement Kahuna wrote:
Aw, dude, that's f*ckin NUTS. I want it. Owning that pretty much means being the most popular guy on your block. Like owning a 70-inch plasma during football season, except ALL YEAR ROUND.

It's actually in my buddy Bill's (that's his rust orange Hot Rod in front of the tiki) backyard... we're always forcing him to let us drink beers in his backyard just so we can hang out with the Tiki!

Glad to hear you guys dig it!

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2006-04-23 20:10 ]

Benzart posted on 04/24/2006

I would have Loved to been there, seen that. That bartiki is really unbelievable, Super well done. Great vision, great exicution and great finish.. Looks like lots of peeps agree.

hewey posted on 01/16/2007

Thats a BIG tiki man... very cool :)

thehipster posted on 02/03/2007

Is this great tiki bar making it's way to Viva again this year?

NOTCH posted on 02/03/2007

That,s a negetory on that trip to viva!!!! Last year the shifters car club invited the tiki bar over and when we got there the gold coast security shut us down!!!!!!! Can you imagine an empty tiki bar at a show.

thehipster posted on 02/03/2007

Bummer. I will have to catch this amazing tiki bar at some other event in the future.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/04/2007

Way ta go Nacho.
Good talkin' to ya' at F.I.
Big Tikis are a good thing. Just like Big Aloha!
Keep up the innovative work.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/05/2007

I heard Nacho's making it into a float for the City of Alameda's Mayor's Parade on Fourth of July...


Clarita posted on 02/05/2007

Go Nacho Go! Incredible work!! You almost can live in there! I'm blown away too, by the smoke he breathes! Very nice lamp too!! Congrats to you both!

TikiMonkeySpirtos posted on 02/08/2007

No other way to say it, "YOU ARE MY F*CKING HERO!"

Pages: 1 43 replies