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Tiki-Ti Video

Pages: 1 9 replies

GatorRob posted on 04/26/2006

There is a video news clip of the Tiki-Ti done by some guy named jdubs for a Latino channel. It's over on YouTube.com. The music overdub is pretty out of place, but he interviews several people who were in the bar on a Wednesday night, including I think Tiki Diablo.

Here's the link:

Tiki Lee's posted on 04/26/2006

Nope, no Tiki Diablo.

TikiSan posted on 04/26/2006

Awesome! Who had a record player there? Was the video done during Miles' podcast?


GatorRob posted on 04/26/2006

Okay, no Tiki Diablo. Sorry. Any Wednesday night regulars know these people? Any of them TCers?

Humuhumu posted on 04/26/2006

The fellow from Huntington Beach is Sugar Caddy Daddy! Many of the rest of the faces were familiar to me as Tiki-Ti regulars (Gil, Debbie, Jah Jim leaving just as they were entering), but those aren't TCers. Miles from 'OnaTiki I believe has posted here before, but I don't know what his name would have been; his partner in 'OnaTiki is Cass, who has posted quite a bit as tikitanked.

cynfulcynner posted on 04/26/2006

The background music in that video SUCKED! And the bar looked so HUGE!

Humuhumu posted on 04/26/2006

Actually, the background music isn't that far off from what you'll hear at Tiki-Ti sometimes... sometimes the music there can be great, but more often it's not. It's a real crapshoot. Emphasis on the "crap." It's kind of a "with a name like Smucker's" thing... with music that bad, the drinks have got to be good!

thejab posted on 04/26/2006

What's wrong with classic rock?! :wink:

Turn it up, dude!!

GatorRob posted on 04/26/2006

On 2006-04-26 14:02, Humuhumu wrote:
Actually, the background music isn't that far off from what you'll hear at Tiki-Ti

Really? I didn't expect them to play exotica or Hawaiian music, but I had figured on something at least loungy since the bar's roots go so far back. Oh well, playing to their clientelle I guess.

teaKEY posted on 04/27/2006

Thats the kind of music that I would expect to hear in a club, and I like that music best for clubs but I was a little taken back to heard it over the images of the bar. I little loud for the video, but if you see who made the video, it makes more sense then.

I love the videos. More more videos around here. And that place is hopping. I have never even been in a bar on any other days then the weekends. That places has got to be pulling in some good money.

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