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Big Sam's goodbye Party on Sat. 27th - Buffet Sold Out! RSVP if Interested in seeing the Show Only.

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RevBambooBen posted on 05/27/2006

Aloha Ya'll!!

The Boo's are gonna pop in early for a beer or 2 and
"pay our respects to Sam's" then head out. I guess that will give 2 more openings for the dinner/show/ Mega Event ?

We jus' flew in from Kona and our arms are weary tired!! Badda Boom, bang, Crash!


Square Bamboo !!!!!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 05/27/2006

Due to some "Last Minute Cancellations" there are a few Buffet spots open. They have been paid for in advance for the buffet, so we would like to fill 'em. Please PM me before Noon today to be added to the list...First come First served...WoooHoooo!

Remember....Dinner is @ 6:30pm Show @ 7:30 Happy Hour @ 4:30

WooHooWahine posted on 05/27/2006

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-05-27 14:20 ]

Polynesiac posted on 05/27/2006

Only 30? They'll go fast! I better get there early!

Why only 30??????

The good news is, I was able to reach my goal of having 50 available for sale. I was being conservative with my first estimation. I apologize about any inconveniences

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tonight and thanks again to Woohoo, big tikidude and Sabu for organizing this grand send off! I should be at Sam's around 5:30 (probably closer to 6:00, but I'm shootin' for 5:30). the sun's finally out, so now it's time to get paintin'....

See you tonight!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/27/2006

That's good news, Polynesiac.

As WooHoo said, there are few spots open for the dinner buffet. We expect some "drop-ins" from the OC Weekly article to show up, so I don't see a problem filling the spots, but I'd like to fill them via TC if at all possible.

As added incentive, Holden at Tiki Farm has donated this fantastic gift basket or "Rare & Retired" mugs as one of the door prizes:

So let WooHooWahine know as soon as possible. Again: A few tickets are available to both the Buffet & Show, and the Show Only.

Thanks again for the outpouring of support and interest. I can't wait to see you all there this evening.


SoccerTiki posted on 05/27/2006

Just added!!!! Mike over at The Picture Show Gallery in Seal Beach just donated 4 gift certificates to add to the door prizes!!! Very cool!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/27/2006

One final thing - We will gladly accept personal checks this evening, but if you can pay by cash, that would be preferable. We would like to try to pay the restaurant the full bill in cash this evening to soothe any anxiety they have about the story getting out into the OC Weekly and their fears that this might become a public event.

This will not end up being an "open event" despite possible rumors. We reserved 115 spaces for the buffet and that's all we're going to allow. We've built the list of attendees here on Tiki Central and that's the list we're going to use. We won't overbook the buffet.

The maximum capacity of the room is only 150, so, while we are allowing some folks to pay for the "Show Only", I expect we will be turning away others. I've worked to reassure the owner that the event is well under control and that the TC folks are polite and upstanding afficionados of their historic restaurant and would never let any stealing or looting of artifacts occur.

Tommy, the manager, knows us from previous events and he trusts us. When I look at the list of attendees here on TC, I know or am friends with almost all of you. This is going to feel like a family event to me and I'm looking forward to that. The article in the OC Weekly was a bit unfortunate in giving the impression that the event was open to all. By paying the owner in cash for the evening's buffet bill, I'm going the extra mile to make the him feel safe and trusting of our group. Thanks for helping me out in this.

I am SO looking forward to tonight!

Thanks again,


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-05-27 13:28 ]

pablus posted on 05/27/2006

I foresee Sabu on his 14th drink pounding on the table to get everyone's attention and then yelling "ARRRRR, Let's tear her apart!"

Anarchy will ensue.

The picture will make the cover of Tiki Magazine.

Hanford will be sued for inciting riots.

The NSA will have all of us tapped to see what the code word "tiki" really means.

There will be a movie about it with Tom Hanks as Sabu and Johnny Depp as Bamboo Ben.

(whew - too much work and not enough tiki time make pablus paranoid... and someone that refers to himself in the third person.)

Have a good time tonight, Ohana.
Enjoy each other and your fabled palace of pleasure.

Larry Lava posted on 05/27/2006

We are leaving Fresno right now so depending on traffic we may be a few minutes late but we are coming! We can't wait!

WooHooWahine posted on 05/27/2006

WoooHoooo! The following people are in for Sam's Goodbye Party Tonight:
Remember, $35.00 includes dinner and the BIG SHOW (Children 12 and under $17)!!! Show only $13:

Baxdog & Sara
Bamboo Boyd & Tiki-Tina
Betty Bleu + 1
Bigtikidude + 5
Bongofury + 1
Brajevic + 1
Copelands: Jim & Sue
Cyntiki & Bealza-Elvis
Doctor Z & Pandora
English, John
Frias: Jim & Susan
Forbes: Doug & Mrs.
Gilhooley + 4 SHOW ONLY!!
Glascow Tiki Shakers (3)
Godess-sun + 3
Hakalugi + 5
HB Kahuna
Hauoli Tiki & Mr.
Isotiki + 1
John Paul
Johnny Velour & Lady Velour
Kirby & Polly
KIng Kukulele + 1 + 2 kids
Krustiki & Ookoo Lady
Larry Lava & Mrs.
Lounge Lizard + 1
Luckydesigns + 3
Magdalino: John & Carrie
Mean Gene + 5 + 2 kids
MT Kahuna + 4
Polynesiac + 1
Polynesian Pop + 1
Riseborough, Jill & Lance Pakala *Show Only
Ruiz, Tony
Shakatiki & Wahine
Shawn, Mike + 1
Soccer Tiki & WooHooWahine
Spermwhale & Whalerider
Stentiki + 1 + Seema:Show Only
Tigerjimmy + (1 Show Only)
Tigerlily + 2
Tiki Diablo + 1
Tikisan + 1
Tom Slick + 1
Tsunami Shanna
Unga Bunga
Dead-ed65 + 2 Show Only!!

The Buffet is Completely Filled!! There are still a FEW, Show Only Tickets available.

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-05-27 14:22 ]

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-05-27 15:44 ]

Tom Slick posted on 05/27/2006

Hey polynesiac, great job on the necklace design, I want to personally thank you for your time and effort, as well as Sabu and Jeff and Wahoo, for making this spontaneous event happen! Thanks guys, and I only hope I am able to get my hands on 2 of Polynesiacs works! Good job once again to everyone involved(including people I had forgot to mention!)See you all there tonight!
(I can't wait!!!!!!!!!) haha

WooHooWahine posted on 05/27/2006

WOOOOHOOOO! The countdown has begun.... See you in 1 hour :)

SoccerTiki posted on 05/27/2006

We (WooHooWahine & I) are off the computer!!!! Do not reply and expect a response tonight!!!!! Just show up for the event of the month and take your chances for a damned good time!!!

SAM'S R.I.P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iloveshaveice posted on 05/28/2006

I know I am a little late on this topic but I just got off the phone with 2 of the rudest people I have ever spoke to in my life. the first one was a women from Sams who hung up on me after asking if Sams was really closing and then when I called back the "manager" screamed at me and told me I was nosy after I asked him what the last day was that I could enjoy the restaurant. I told him I just wanted to know what day they were closing so I could come in to eat one last time and he screamed " I don't know if we are closing, it's a change of ownership in the beginning of June I don't know if we are closing!!!!!" Never mind the rudeness...does this mean there is any hope of it staying open??? someone please say yes.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/28/2006

Went for a bit with the Boo Tribe this eve.

It was nice to see everyone, again!!!

Mahalos for da beers Unga Bunga! ( car should be comfy!!)

(Not quite sure if they are closing or what? Rumors are flying everywhere. Couldn't get a straight answer out of any of them.)

Tom Slick posted on 05/28/2006

It was great meeting you BambooBen,
This goes to T.C.'r "iloveshaveice", there was a topic maybe you should have read regarding the closing/change of ownership of Sam's. You must understand there is a delicate path to be asking "When is your last day at work" to the employees, especially since some of them just found out recently by tiki central users. I don't think the employees you were talking to were being rude to you directly, but maybe felt infringed upon you asking when is their last day at work. It's just common courtesy in approaching such matters/topics as this. Not your fault, but just becareful how you word things to people who may take things personal.

Which brings me to something that bothered me tonight. Some people, over 30 "flaked" out on the dinner tonight at Sams, which to me is totally irresponsible and wrong. I don't mean to vent, but I'm sure the people who put their money up front to secure the food, and renting the hidden village(don't forget the security deposit) for everyone here at TikiCentral messageboard will mention this, so I'll do it for them. For those of you who posted "count me in + 1,2,3.. or however many persons" you were going to take and didn't bother to show up, or send anyone in charge of the event a PM notifying them that you were unable to make it(you know who you are), realize this:
It was based on $35 a person including the 34 or so people who didnt bother to make it. That would equate to OVER $1,000 that the people who put this on, came out of their own pocket. It's not fair to them, and totally inappropriate and disrespectful. The head count done in this thread was to secure enough food for everyone, and price was based on that headcount. Now I'm not talking about the few people that did make contact via PM's or said in this thread that they couldn't make it tonight, they did the right thing and notified. So next time someone plans out an event and needs a headcount, please don't say "Count me in" when you are not sure about making the event itself. I'm sorry if this post came off harsh, but sometimes you have to let people know straight how it is, and i think our hosts for this evening are "too nice" of folks to put it out there like me...BLUNT and to the point. I maybe a newer poster here, but my morals and word is old school....Don't commit when you won't.

Ok, now that that is aired out there, on to the good stuff. It was a great evening with 100 or so tiki centralites grogin' it up listening to the sounds of The King Kukulele hosting the show and auction while giving Danny(Tiki Diablo) a hard time. The Glasgow Tiki-Shakers played some really cool tiki/surf music , and The Martini Kings loungin' it up exotica style always a good act to catch. The food was good, and the drinks were even better, and the music just tied it all together. Sams "Hidden Village" had a killer feel to it with the puffer fish lights,the lit nautical glass balls, and the water falls trickling in the background. My hats off to Tim,Wahoo,Soccertiki?(working the door),Jeff, and everyone else who stepped up to the plate to make this night a memorable one for the books! Special thanks to all the artists/vendors who took time out of their busy schedules to make/donate gifts out of love for the scene and made it that much more special!
Thanks again for a great evening,
-Tom Slick

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2006-05-28 00:46 ]

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2006-05-28 00:50 ]

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2006-05-28 00:56 ]

tikihai posted on 05/28/2006

iloveshaveice> I was sitting in the bar when you called...The man you talked to is Tommy the owner...and the woman was his wife of 42 years...In all the time I have been going there, I have never seen him that pissed off...Your call was the one that finally put him over the edge on this issue. You were not the first to ask, just the unfortunate one that unleashed his frustration.

Here is what he said right after he hung up...

"I keep telling these &@#$% people that Sam's is NOT closing and I'm !@#$% tired of it"

Sam's will remain open, just under new ownership...Due to HB building restrictions, they won't be able to tear it down and build condos, stores or offices or anything else. Long live Sam's.

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WOW posted on 05/28/2006

I love checking in on tikicentral to see the shitty way you guys talk to eachother.It was really nice the way you guys all treated the guy from HALE TIKI after he closed his place(go read the post).

I'm sure this post will get deleted,but,like mr. Slick! said,You have to be honest and tell people.

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WooHooWahine posted on 05/28/2006

WOOOOHOOOOOO! Mucho Mahalo to Everyone who came to Sam's last night. What a Tiki-rrific Night it turned out to be :)

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ookoo lady posted on 05/28/2006

What a great time we had last night! Huge thanks to Sabu and Bigtikidude for organizing the event, to Soccer Tiki and WoohooWahine for taking charge of reservations and selling tickets, to the performers King Kukulele, Tiki Shakers, and Martini Kings for putting on a great show, to the generous people from Munktiki, Tiki Farm, Falling Cocos, and Tiki Diablo for donating the door prizes, and to the management of Sam's Seafood for creating and perpetuating this fabulous tiki establishment! I am sure there are more people who also stepped up to the plate to make this happen.

We feel so lucky to be able to go to events like this.

Here are a few photos:

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Shecky came with me for a visit to Sam's

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Mean Gene shows off a Tiki Oasis bar glass

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Shecky hangs with a buddy

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Checking in with Soccer Tiki and Woohoo Wahine

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Polynesiac selling the ultra cool commemorative pendants

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Bongofury has his money ready!

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Kick the Reverb got his!

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King Kukulele creates a puppet show

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I got one for me and one for Krustiki

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Laney wore her fabulous vintage Enchanted Tiki Room dress

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Hanging out in the bar

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The Tiki Shakers performing in the magical Hidden Village

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The Velours enjoy the show

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We won the grand prize! Amazing sign made by Tiki Diablo

I hope someone got a photo of Krustiki doing his acceptance dance!

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tyger jymmy posted on 05/28/2006

It was Greattttttt to see every one last night ,I hada Blast Dancin Cruzzin around Chattin my Wife loved it . Any ways Enjoy your Weekend everyone . Cheers Tyger

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PiPhiRho posted on 05/28/2006

Whether Sam's is closing or just changing owners, something is going to change. We just don't know what yet. But thanks to government rules and red tape, it looks like Sam's is going to continue to operate in some fashion for another couple of years at least. We should schedule parties like this on a more regular basis. Who knows, hat might keep it open even longer. A great party it was! Thanks to Sabu, Bigtikidude, Soccertiki and Whoohoo for their efforts in putting this together. Thanks to Polynesiac for the comemorative pendant, and to everyone else that made the evening such a great success.

Sorry I missed brunch at King's Hawaiian, but I decided I needed sleep more.

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Chongolio posted on 05/28/2006

You guys get to have all the fun. Wish I could of made it. Thanks for thinkin' of me and givin me a call Unga, but there was no way I could pull off another roadtrip with all the poop shovelin' I am doing right now.


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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/28/2006

We missed you at breakfast too, PiPhiRo! (Sleep is highly overrated).

I had a great time last night. It was so gratifying to see the event come together as it did. So we were a little under-booked at the buffet; On the plus side that meant that for once there was plenty of food for all (and the Mahi Mahi was just outstanding), plus some folks were just delayed and showed up safe and sound after all. We also made up for the dinner reservations by a good group of people who bought tickets later in the evening for the entertainment. In the end, we did a little better than break even, and I'll be able to send some extra money to the bands after all. Polynesiac's contribution from his pendant sales also helped make this happen.

On top of that, the management was extremely happy with our group and TC's reputation remains Sterling. That is important because it helps us when we want to book further events like this (at Sam's if Sam's does re-open under different management, or at other venues as well). A negative reputation spreads by word-of-mouth to all potential venues and makes these events tougher to put together. We did the opposite. Managers Tommy & Tony were telling me horror stories of brawls that had broken out at concerts at Sam's in the past and about being shut down by the police. We, on the other hand, policed ourselves perfectly and I could watch the management warm to us as the evening went on. At the end of the night, they were effusive in their happiness. They really liked the bands too.

I think I was happiest watching the bands perform in the Hidden Village. The waterfall with tikis behind the stage and the giant fish float lamps suspended over their heads made the absolute perfect backdrop for a surf or exotica band. I felt again like I was stepping back in time and catching a glimpse of what a Polynesian palace back in its heyday must have been like. It was magical. I think you could have knocked Tony of the Martini Kings down with a feather when he arrived during the Glasgow Tiki Shakers set and caught a glimpse of the Hidden Village in all its glory. He had a grin from ear to ear.

Both bands were outstanding. The sound system worked great (a big sticking point with me when it goes wrong), and the music filled the room nicely. Such an amazing sound from two three-piece bands! Surf, then Exotica! Holy Cow, what a nice mix! King Kukulele amazed me again by his ability to stitch a show together with his improv and comedy and uke-playing and make it flow seamlessly. The King was able to wander up to the bamboo balconies above the stage and entertain from there as well, among the folks who had those prime box seats. The raffle was a lot of fun too. Tiki Diablo's carved swordfish sign made you salivate in person to see it. I think some of the Sam's managers hit him up for custom signs of their own.

I enjoyed meeting other TC members who I hadn't met yet like Tom Slick, TikiSan, Tiki-Tina and Bamboo Boyd from Phoenix, Lounge Lizard and others. It was great catching up with Spike (LuckyDesigns). We met for the first time at Sam's over three years ago and it was bittersweet to think that we might both be there to witness its closing as well.

On that topic: Two weeks ago the managment had heard that the land was going to be developed for condos. Since then, they've heard that the new owners are unable to get permits from Huntington Beach to do the developing - at least for two years. The talk is that the new owners might re-open the restaurant under new management in the meantime to make some revenue from the land. I'm skeptical by nature, but would love to see that happen. I think it just as likely that the building could remain vacant or get bulldozed during those two years. In any case, the restaurant will close for an indeterminate amount of time while the old manager and owner retire and new management is possibly hired to replace them. There were other rumors floating around that the new owners would like to turn the restaurant into a venue for rock concerts. I have know idea of the validity of that rumor either.

The staff that has been there for over 20 years told me that back in the 70s and 80s all the rooms of the restaurant were filled every night. Nowadays, it's a few scattered patrons in the front dining room and bar each night. I bet that focused, continuous promotion could fill Sam's again, but I'm scared that we won't have the chance to see that happen.

A tremendous debt of thanks goes to WooHooWahine, Bigtikidude, & SoccerTiki for their tireless volunteer work. It couldn't have happened without them. Thanks also to the Glasgow Tiki-Shakers, the Martini Kings, and to King Kukulele who all agreed to perform on such short notice. Thanks to everyone who attended and showed support for Sam's. Thanks to Polynesiac for working feverishly over the past week to produce those sublime pendants. They did end up selling like hotcakes. Thanks to Tiki Diablo for donating his carved swordfish sign as grand prize in the raffle - I don't think I could have parted with it if I were him. Thanks to Goddess-sun and company for holding up more than their end of the dancing. Thanks to all of the folks who volunteered to help that I was unable to use. You're all great.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.


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[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-05-28 15:20 ]

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The Sperm Whale posted on 05/28/2006

What can I say except I had a blast last night!!! Thanks so much Sabu, Bigtikidude, WooHoo, and Soccer tiki!! You all did a great job putting this together.
Its always fun getting together with everybody!!! BTW we won some great prizes too!!! We are stoked!!!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e4645595c35ce62827b2d4e2c2a92e58?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Polynesiac posted on 05/29/2006

Aloha! What a blast last night was! My wife and I had such a great time. It was great to see and hang with friends and meet many new ones. How could one not have a great time around good people, good music and tons of big, hanging, glowing balls? It's still hard for me to believe that such a magical place has an uncertain future.

Big shouts go out to the volunteers/organizers woohoo, soccer (would you be "football" in other parts of the world?), bigtiki, and Sabu for pulling this thing together on such short notice. The food was awesome, bands were perfect for setting the mood - the king kept me in stitches, the glasgow tiki shakers surfy/shadows-y sound was killer(get that CD out so we can buy it!!) and the Martini Kings blew me away. I had to get some of their CDs. I can't wait to see them again. Those door prizes were AWESOME, but they would have been better if I had won one...spermy...and that Diablo sign was a true 'ting o' beauty. Krustiki and ookoo are very luck indeed.

I would like to thank Sabu for inviting me to create the commemorative pendant. With so many top-notch carvers in this area who's work I greatly admire, it was a real honor to me. I would also like to thank each and every one of you who were there early enough to purchase a pendant. I'm glad I was able to finish 50 (53 to be exact...I still have one that is "sticky", and yes, I still have it attached to my microwave) and I was surprised at how fast they went. All the proceeds from the pendant went to help pay for the event and the bands time.

I do hope the rumors are true that it will be sometime before sam's is officially gone. Places like this are rare, indeed.

See ya at the next one!

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hiltiki posted on 05/29/2006

Q-tiki and I had the best night yet, talking to everyone and making new friends. Thanks everyone involved for a wonderful evening. Hopefully we will have more evenings like that again.

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isotiki posted on 05/29/2006

We too had an outrageous time. What a wonderful group effort putting this event together so quickly, thank you.

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martini kings posted on 05/29/2006

the martini kings want to say mahalo to big tikidude,sabu,soccer tiki and woohoo and everyone else that put together the sams event.
hard to beleive it but that was our first trip there!
we've played on a ton o stages before but none as cool as that.
i'd love to get a photo of the band on that stage if anyone happened to get a shot.
hope to see evryone soon!.
tony" martini king" marsico

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Tikitatt posted on 05/30/2006

We had a blast at the "rumored last party" and want to thank everyone involved in putting it together as well as those who showed up to Sam’s to pay their respect. We plan to head back there again for dinner Tuesday 5/30 (not sure what time though) and would like to invite those who are interested in joining us. Once we get off work we plan to head over there and hang out at the bar as well as eat there. We live within 15 minutes from the restaurant so it won't take long for us to get there. Typically, we eat at the bar. This way we are seconds away from a drink refresher.

I'll post the pictures that I took from last Saturdays party as soon as I figure out how to do so.


Tikitatt (John Sissel)

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stentiki posted on 05/30/2006

Many mahalos to Sabu, Woohoo, Soccer and BigTikiDude (whom I did not have the pleasure of meeting). Good times at Sam's! Aloha to Wes, Biff and the gang!

See you in Catalina.

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Larry Lava posted on 05/30/2006

We just got back to Fresno tonight. The trip was well worth it to see Sam's. Thanks to everyone for all of their effort and hard work to make this event happen. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones.

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bongofury posted on 05/30/2006

Thanks to Bigtikidude, Sabu, Woohoo & soccertiki for a great event. We had a lot of fun. It's always good to see our friends. Polynesiac's necklace was very cool and there were some very nice door prizes. Would love to see a photo of Krustikis "happy dance". I think he was one of the Soul Train dancers back in the 70s. Glaskow Tiki Shakers opened with a groovy surf tinged Quiet Village......and went on to play many old school surf faves. Martini Kings exotic set was a great end to the evening in an exotic setting. King Kukelele was in his element as the consumate master of ceremonies. Big Fun indeed.

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MTKahuna posted on 05/30/2006

Thanks to all who organized the event. It was a cool & casual happining...

Might I also say that not a single face was licked!!!

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TikiSan posted on 05/30/2006

Click here to see some photos of the event

There are two videos below. Please download them to your computer to watch them.

PC: Right-click on link > Save Target As or Save Link As
Macintosh: Control-click on link > Download Linked File As

Watch the Martini Kings perform Quiet Village 9 minutes 18 seconds
File size: 26.37 MB

Watch the waterfall at Sam's 21 seconds
File size: 1 MB

QuickTime is required to watch the videos. You can download it here:

[ Edited by: TikiSan 2006-05-30 15:15 ]

[ Edited by: TikiSan 2006-05-30 15:42 ]

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SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/31/2006

Ah, so sorry I had to miss this!

Cool footage Tikisan! I don't think you really anticipated having the visual "interruption", and I had to adjust my audio and did a couple of additional passes just to make sure, but I could actually hear your "C'mon" (as in "C'mon, you're in my shot!"...lol). Cool stuff anyhow!

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bigtikidude posted on 05/31/2006

Hey All,
I've had a very Busy weekend up until monday night, so I haven't had a chance to post anything yet.
First off, I want to say thank you to everybody for thanking,
Me and Tim(Sabu)and Soccer Tiki and Whoohoo. I admit that it was my brain child to do a big event in the back room with bands and etc.
instead of just a Monday crab night( which was also very Good).
But I must say that all that all the thanks go to Tim. Especially as he did 98% of the leg work involved, and fronted all of the money for the event. And to Soccertiki and Whoo for doin the IN list and taking the money at the door. All I did was get the Glasgow Tiki Shakers,(whoom I'm glad got lots of great responses for),and be a backboard for Tim to bounce ideas off of. And a little bit of amp lifting for the band. Other than that they get all the kudos. I was just happy that the event went off without any major hitches(though some of us were worried about the no shows).
And everybody had a great time.
Thanks to everybody who came, and especially the ones from far distances. Monterey, Bay Area, Fresno, Arizona,.. That's dedication.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2006-05-30 19:30 ]

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BryanDeanMartin posted on 05/31/2006

Well, dagnabit, this is what I get for not coming to TikiCentral more often...I did not hear about Sam's closing until Friday night....ironically enough, I took my roommate there as a bit of a farewell since she'll be moving to Georgia next month. And then the waiter tells us the bad news! Fortunately we did have a camera present, and the waiters pretty much let us have the run of the place to take photos. I even snuck behind the bar in the bar to act as a bartender, although the picture didn't come out so well. First the Royal Hawaiian and Trader Vics, now this. :(

It was good to finally meet someone from the boards, even if unexpected...and more amusing that I was apparently mistaken for someone else, since I matched the description from tiki-schleek's post...

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GlasgowTikiShakers posted on 05/31/2006

Just a short note from the Glasgow Tiki Shakers to thank all the Tiki Central folk for including us in the Sam's good-bye extravaganza. Special thanks to Sabu, Big Tiki Dude and all our new friends for welcoming us. Also big thanks to King Kukulele and the Martini Kings -- how good are they! Long live Sam's (we hope from the rumors at least a few years longer)!

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Unga Bunga posted on 05/31/2006

Thanks Sabu, Bigtikidude, Woohoo & Soccertiki.
An excellent event!

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TikiSan posted on 05/31/2006

On 2006-05-30 19:09, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
Ah, so sorry I had to miss this!

Cool footage Tikisan! I don't think you really anticipated having the visual "interruption", and I had to adjust my audio and did a couple of additional passes just to make sure, but I could actually hear your "C'mon" (as in "C'mon, you're in my shot!"...lol). Cool stuff anyhow!

Glad you enjoyed the video. By the way, that wasn't me yelling "C'mon" that was someone that was with the dancers.

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goddess-sun posted on 06/01/2006

TikiSan our apologies to you if we were a visual "interruption" we had no idea you were video taping. When we heard the drum beats of The Martini Kings calling and assuming this was the last Hurrah for Sam's, we would no longer be wall hibiscuses.

Thanks again everyone!! We had a blast!! :)

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Tikitatt posted on 06/01/2006

Well, the wife and I ate at Sam's again after the big TC show and plan to go again this Saturday (all are welcome). Both the management and staff know about the closing of Sam’s yet were professional and held their composure. They did mention that there is a possibility of the new owners turning the Hidden Village room into a nightclub instead of a luau show. They never would say that Sam’s would be demolished and turned into condos. Anyway, it’s not confirmed but that is what the employees had to say.



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bigtikidude posted on 06/01/2006

On 2006-05-30 22:23, GlasgowTikiShakers wrote:
Just a short note from the Glasgow Tiki Shakers to thank all the Tiki Central folk for including us in the Sam's good-bye extravaganza. Special thanks to Sabu, Big Tiki Dude and all our new friends for welcoming us. Also big thanks to King Kukulele and the Martini Kings -- how good are they! Long live Sam's (we hope from the rumors at least a few years longer)!

Hey Bill,
Great to see you here in the TC forum.
You guys were fantabulous on Sat. night.
Of course I'm biased towards surf music :wink:


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Unga Bunga posted on 06/01/2006

On 2006-05-31 21:04, Tikitatt wrote:
all are welcome

Excuse me but just what does that actually mean?
What has changed from the last time I was there?
So like your saying, I wasn't welcome before this post or is something going to change after this post?
I wish you would be more specific and tell us Everything.


I'm sorry Tikitatt, this is just a smart ass ploy from another thread I started.
I couldn't’t resist.
Thanks for the update!

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SoccerTiki posted on 06/01/2006

Can you say "Toublemaker"??? LOL!!!

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Monkeyman posted on 06/01/2006

Unga's the head wanker of wankerville

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johnnievelour posted on 06/02/2006

. . . and on the Swordfish,
the man at Sam's,
rockin the Xiphias Gladius for us

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