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When do tikis have ears?

Pages: 1 8 replies

tikigap posted on 06/17/2006

I see the rapa nui easter island guys have ears. How about the other ones?

GMAN posted on 06/17/2006

When you wants them to listen to ya. Or when you have enough wood.....

chisel slinger posted on 06/17/2006

when do tikis have wood?

Jeff Central posted on 06/17/2006

On 2006-06-17 07:02, chisel slinger wrote:
when do tikis have wood?

When they are happy to see you!!!!HA!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

little lost tiki posted on 06/17/2006

Hello! I'm a newbie here and saw your post!Besides makin' art I also read alot and have a lotta reference books.I feel it's part of the territory to know a little bit about what you're going to paint and draw.One of the earliest examples of a tiki with ears is a squatting figure from the Solomon Islands in stone,I also know of stuff from New Guinea(lots of ears-they loved ears!)Tonga,Rurutu (not sure where in Oceana this is),New Zealand,and New Ireland(see their "Malanggan" carvings)So, besides the "Long eared Nobles" these are a few.(BTW there were long-eared aristocratic castes among the Incas and Solomon Islands)

Chisel Slinger-In answer to when Tikis get wood....That would probably be before they get
leid (groan!)

tikigap posted on 06/17/2006

Hey thanks for the info you guys! Lil' Lost Tiki - thanks for the detail! I'll leave the ears on him for now...

They also have a smile when they are glad to see you! Heh Heh!

TampaTiki posted on 06/18/2006

Chisel Slinger-In answer to when Tikis get wood....That would probably be before they get leid (groan!)

That was FUNNY!

Speaking of wood, we were driving back to the shop a few weeks ago with a truck load of palm trunks and some kids rode by on bikes...one of them looked over and said to his friend, "They got wood. Huh huh." It was totally Beavis and Butthead...from a 12 year old. Me and my buddy almost fell out of the truck laughing.


chisel slinger posted on 06/19/2006

he said..wood..he he.

TikiLaLe posted on 06/19/2006

Hey Tampa Tiki---

Are you THE GUYS selling your Tiki's out on 54 !!!!

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