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Arty pics of Sydney by Hewey (img heavy)

Pages: 1 11 replies

hewey posted on 06/28/2006

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finkdaddy posted on 06/28/2006

Hewey, those are really, really good. My favorite is the 8th one down of the fence, and the one with the square, rusty bolt. Nice work!

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pa'akiki posted on 06/28/2006

cool photo's

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/15/2006

I'm never in this area of tc, but I'm way stoked to find this stuff...
A lot of these are real good and some of them are fantastic. I like your eye for the complex geometric patterns. Many of those were totally out of sight. Number 4 is the best example of these type, in my opinion
My favorite of all is:
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thanks for sharing

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little lost tiki posted on 07/15/2006

My favorite's the leaf in the gutter! Great photos! Cool to see how our worldwide family lives! Great eye for color/composition and texture! Love that texture!Are you multi-talented or something?

hewey posted on 07/16/2006

On 2006-07-15 14:29, little lost tiki wrote:
Are you multi-talented or something?

Jack of all trades, master of none :)

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Matt Reese posted on 07/20/2006

Great stuff. I love the small dot of green behind the rusty wall. It has a strange Orwellian feel. Paradise beyond. Thank you for sharing your art.

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TikiTikiBoom posted on 07/20/2006

On 2006-06-27 19:30, hewey wrote:

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This one is amazing. It smacks of foreboding. Very ominous. Don't ask me why. It's dark and I like it.

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Zaya posted on 07/26/2006

These pictures are amazing! You have a great way of showing depth, and it makes you feel like you're right there in the picture. I'm having a hard time picking a favorite because they're all so good. I like the one of the city street with tall buildings and the taxi right in front. Also the one of the lady in the phone booth with the yellow bag. I really like seeing your perspective of Sydney. Thanks for sharing!


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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/28/2006

You really have a knack for photography, Hewey. Keep pursuing it. I look forward to seeing more of your visions.

Thanks for the post.


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hanford_lemoore posted on 10/14/2008

Glad to see these surface again, Hewey! Amazing photos .... I love your work.

When you coming to the west coast? :)

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2008-10-14 06:26 ]

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Tiki Trav posted on 10/15/2008

Hewey these pics RULE... you could sell these to a stock photography site and pick up royalties...

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