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Tiki Central's Tiki Crawl 6: July 21-23! (The crawl is over!)

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wow...how do you follow that post?
thanks vic for the visual!

im going. hat is going for the bus ride. my mom might even go for parts since hat works too much. all i know is it cannot come soon enough.....


Aloha Rebecca,
In case you don't remember, I met you at FI on Sunday. I'm planning to go for the Saturday East Bay leg.

I have a photography job in San Fran. that week and will be representing the Sarasota Ohana of tiki pirates. I will have my camera and printers with me. Will trade photo's for hospitality and animated moments.

For those of you who signed up on the Bus List:

Bus Tickets will go on sale on THURSDAY, JULY 13th, at 6:00pm California time.

HOW: Paypal only. Early on in the day on Thursday you will get an email with a link to the purchase page. The link will not work until 6:00pm on Thursday. At 6:00pm, you can purchase tickets. I am not going to post the link to Tiki Central; only those who signed up on the Bus List will be sent the link

PRICE: Bus Tickets are $40.00 per person.

START TIME: The bus will pick you up at the EMERYVILLE TRADER VIC'S at 4:30pm on SATURDAY, JULY22nd.

However, the Trader Vic's portion of our tour starts earlier at 2:00pm. Get there in time to have some signature Trader Vic's food and drinks -- we have a great night ahead of us ...

END TIME: At approximately 1:30am to 2:00am we will bring the bus back to both the Holiday Inn on Powell street, and the Trader Vic's.


  • Please note this year's Bus is in the East Bay, and starts at the Trader Vic's in Emeryville. Don't go to the wrong Trader Vic's!

  • Unlike previous years, we will not be providing drinks or having a gift bag on the bus, but have no fear as our host bars this year are very close and have incredible drinks!

Post questions here!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-07-11 21:43 ]

One more thing I thought I'd mention:

For people who signed up on the bus list and want a seat on the bus: be sure to purchase your tickets right as they go on sale to help insure you'll get a spot.



On 2006-07-11 18:53, Jungle Trader wrote:
Welcome to TC Boo Loo....Doc.
Damn, I'm gonna miss ya'. Last year you wouldn't make out with me after I ate cheetos. So this year I'm not going.
Hi Martin.

The sad thing is that I made out with him instead. I can still taste those cheetos.



I have my alarm set for Thursday, JULY 13th, at 6:00pm! This will be my first East Bay crawl. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see everyone!


I'll be there too with three other FI regulars in tow. This will be the first crawl for all of us. Dibs on the matte black fugu at FI.

I'm coming I'm coming!!!
I'll be at the puter at 6 pm tomorrow night!!!
and no giftie bags? bummer, but if I get off my
tooshie, I might have some goodies for the bus people.
How many does the bus hold so I know how many goodies to

We are planning on joining up at Trader Vic Emeryville on Saturday, and follow the crawl in our own car for the rest of the day. Will try to make it to Trader Vic's San Francisco, Friday night, but not sure.

Sorry you won't be there this year JT! I like Cheetos! :wink:

  • Myke

I'll be there, I'll be there!!!! How many does the bus hold, that's a good question....



Hey Hanford,

Another question ... if we only wanted 1 bus ticket when we signed up on the email list originally, but now we want 2, will that be a problem?

Also, since I haven't done the crawl in the past and don't know the procedure, is there an additional charge to be part of the crawl, or do we just pay for each drink at the venue? What's the deal?


Yeah, the ticket system will limit you to your original ticket request or 2, depending on which one is greater. So if you requested 1 seat, you can get 2.

Regrarding pricing, each location will be selling foord and drinks like usual. Trader Vic's in Emeryville will be preparing a special appetizer menu for us that is a flat fee, but that is optional too (you just won't get appetizers).

If anyone wants a full meal at Trader Vic's Emeryville, please make reservations before the crawl because due to the size of our event, individual orders won't be taken. I recommend making reservations anywhere up to 2:00pm to give you time to make it to our Guest Room at Trader Vic's, and to not miss the bus.

On 2006-07-12 15:25, JenTiki wrote:
Hey Hanford,

Another question ... if we only wanted 1 bus ticket when we signed up on the email list originally, but now we want 2, will that be a problem?

Also, since I haven't done the crawl in the past and don't know the procedure, is there an additional charge to be part of the crawl, or do we just pay for each drink at the venue? What's the deal?



Thanks for the info! Can't wait!

But tickets are expected to sell out rather quickly. If you haven't used paypal in a while I suggest logging in and making sure you remember you password and have an update method of payment.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-07-12 16:38 ]

Ummmm,. yaaaah.... why dont you just give me the paypal addy where the cash will be sent to. Then,,, I'll send some cash to make sure it works. I'll then let everyone else know that it works ok. yah know... so they dont have to worry about it.

That goes for drinks as well, you should let me try it first.. I'll make sure its safe.



I can't wait. Noone gets to try my drinkies before I do though.


In the past, the Tiki Central Tiki Crawl has had a raffle to help defray the costs of the event (room rental fees, bartender fees, etc.). This year, Hanford is keeping costs down where he can (the bus tickets are actually less expensive this year, despite a rise in bus rental costs), and he's going to be covering a fair amount of the costs himself, as a big thank you to the people who make Tiki Central what it is -- the wonderful people.

Instead of having a raffle, we want to have another way to say "thank you" to everyone who participates. This year, we're trying something new that we're pretty excited about...

The Tiki Central Tiki Crawl Passport!

This souvenir passport is a 12-page booklet, with a page for each stop on our Thursday-through-Saturday tour. (It's also the one thing Hanford is letting me work on for him, so it's co-sponsored by Critiki. :) ) At each stop on the tour, come to me and I'll give you a sticker that shows you were there. On Saturday, at the Kona Club, we'll hold a drawing for prizes -- each sticker you get gives you an entry into the drawing, so the more places you visit, the more chances you have to win! There's no other way to get these stickers -- no tickets for sale -- and you must be present at the drawing to win.

We've already collected some neat prizes, but if you have something you would like to donate to the drawing, as a way of saying "thank you" to your fellow Tiki Centralites for supporting Tiki Central, the Tiki Central Tiki Crawl, and Bay Area tiki businesses, that'd be swell! Just PM me.

I can't wait to see all you guys next weekend!

What a wonderful fun idea!
I wish I could come crawl with you!


I feel like a Mervyn's commercial ... "Open, open, open!"
4 hours and 39 minutes to the mad dash for bus tickets!


Sweetpea and I (Suzanne from The Diva Pinup.com) are also putting together something fun for the bus folks! We decided together that since no goody bags were being offered this year, we'd get together and provide some! So, bus riders, get ready for this fabu goody bag! Hula Gal soaps by Miss Pea, Tropical Hair Flowers by The Diva Pinup (me :D:D) and lots of other fun tiki goodies. One bag per person on the bus!



Sweetpea and Suzanne,
That's so generous and fabulous! I can't wait to meet you gals!



16 more minutes till tickets!

Can't wait to meet you also, Jen and everyone!

Bang Bang.. I got mine!


Ding ding din!
Suzanne and I are on the bus!!!
Some soaps will be palm trees and some hula gals.
better git workin on those soapies!


Getting tickets on the bus makes me feel like saying


That's for pea. and the bus. and the Banana Mamacows I'll be having at FI.



Wheeeeeeeeeee! :) We're on the bus!!!


Coco Loco and Mai Tai are on board!!!

Look forward to seeing some of you on Weds (FI), more of you on Thursday, many of you on Friday, and most of you on Saturday, and on Sunday...well, I'm just hoping to see on Sunday. :wink:

Cheers! Wheeeeee! :)


YAY!!!! I'm on the bus with my friend, Samantha (no tiki name yet, but she's becoming an FI regular so we're working on that). Looking forward to meeting the whole bunch of you and seeing those of you I've already met in the past few weeks! I, too, am hoping I can see my way to FI on Sunday, but I'm just not the fish I was 10 years ago, so cross your fingers that I make it out of bed.


No can make it on Saturday night... Hoe to see some folks on Friday.


For my not yet drunken benefit - I would love it if we could all post something about what we look like - so when I meetcha on the Crawl I'll have a head start... :D

Moderators, let me know if I need to move this post somewhere else or something.

This is me, Suzanne:

And this is me when I'm not on roller skates (on the L):

Can't wait to meet and see you all!



Due to unforseen circumstances, TikiMama and I won't be able to make it down! Waa! It's the first one we've missed since ... um, since them all, I think.

Toast one in our stead, we'll be thinkin' of ya.

Hukilau is still on-track.

Just a quick update: we have a small handful of tickets left. I you signed up on the Bus List you can still purchase them. If they're not sold by the end of today, we're are going to make tickets available to everyone, regardless if they were on the bu list or not.

a quick update: We'll be announcing the final schedule of locations on Monday. An announcement will be made here. We have less than a week left!


Well, it looks like the Good Doctor will be there as well, reprezentin' for all the So Cal Hoity Toities who can't make it! Lookin' forward to seein' some new places and new faces (and naturally I'll have plenty of my 'Not-Quite-Patented' Hangover Remedy on hand...)

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

Quick update:

If you're interested in getting on the bus for Saturday night, we have just a few tickets left. We've opened the website so that everyone can now get tickets. This is by far the most fun way to do the Tiki Crawl. Purchase them here:


Well, looks like I'm gonna be on the bus Sat. night. How did I get talked into this? Somebody said free cheetos. Couldn't resist.

Our first Crawl too.. this should be fun, though we will only be participating on Saturday! We will be driving instead of busing, since we will probably cut out by 11PM. Made reservations for lunch at TV Emeryville for 1:00PM, so we can join in on the puupuus and fun when everyone arrives around 2:00PM. Looking forward in meeting more TC'ers and seeing familiar faces too!!

See you there! Glad to see that you will be making it too, Vic!!!

  • Myke

How old are you if you didn't know how old you are??

[ Edited by: tikiwinebear 2006-07-17 10:27 ]


Mega mahalos to midnite_tiki, martiki & Conga Mike, inkylouise, alohacurrent and stuff-o-rama -- they've all donated fab items for the Souvenir Passport drawing at the Kona Club on Saturday! Hanford and I are also donating a set of four Shag prints, and a lifetime Ooga-Mooga Trader membership.

The only way to get entered into the drawing is to visit as many locations as you can from Thursday through Saturday -- you can't buy tickets! It's our way of saying thank you for supporting Tiki Central, the Tiki Crawl, and Bay Area Tiki.

If you have items you would like to donate to the drawing, shoot me a PM.

Mahalo also to the extraordinary generosity of sweetpea and suzanne, for creating gift bags for everyone on the bus on Saturday!

Edited to add: here's a kinda-sorta sneak peek of the passport! :right:

Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2006-07-16 20:47 ]

Yay! I just found out I can make the Thurday events!

I'll be doing something along the lines of what Myke is doing - drive my own car, see how long my stamina lasts for the evening...

[ Edited by: dangergirl299 2006-07-17 10:51 ]


I am so excited about the crawl! Whee!


Please, for this crawl, if I haven't met you, introduce yourself. I was a little ticked when I found out Marcus Thorn (Australia) was at F.I. same night I was there and I never met him. So, if I haven't met you, don't be shy. I'll do the best I can to make the rounds. Bring it on, bring it on.


That's too bad that you didn't meet Marcus! Sparky and I were so pleased to have met him, his lovely wife and some of their friends at Viva Las Vegas, and then we got to see them again at the FI bash - we adored them all. :D:D

I'll do my very best to say hello to everyone :)


Yes, I agree with Jungle Trader! Don't be shy, go around introducing yourselves to folks. We'll have nametags available, too -- wearing a nametag with your Tiki Central name on it will be a great ice breaker for you. I'll be wearing one, too!

I've told this story before, so my apologies if you've already heard it:

In early 2003, I flew down all by my lonesome from Seattle to attend the Tiki Crawl. The first meeting place was Martiki's home bar at the time, the Foggy Grotto. I didn't know anybody who was going to be at the crawl, and I knew they all knew each other -- I was sure I was going to feel like an outsider. I felt like I was crashing a party I wasn't supposed to be at. I was so shy and nervous, I sat in the park across the street from Martiki's place for a looooong time, trying to build up the courage to ring the buzzer. I sincerely almost turned around and left without going in, despite it being the whole point of my trip.

Well, that would have been silly.

I rang the buzzer, went inside, and had the time of my life. That night, I met so many people who have become my great friends -- Martiki, Boo Loo, thejab, Mr. Smiley, Tiki Mama, Melintur, Tiki Vixen, mig, Floratina, Sugar Caddy Daddy, Polynesian Pop, and so many more. Even more importantly, I learned that anywhere I go, I'm going to meet new tiki people who are warm, welcoming and wonderful.

So, don't be shy, dangit! Wear your nametag, say hello, and don't be afraid. Yes, we're all pretty tight with each other, but we're always adding to our wonderful circle of friends, and you'll be warmly welcomed into conversations.

For those coming in from out of town, here's a guide to the weather forecast:

Thursday, Palo Alto: that day the high will be about 90, but it will have cooled down a smidge by the time we meet up at the Sculpture Garden. The tikis are in a shady area, so it should be nice.

Friday, San Francisco: high of 77, low of 65 -- it's significantly cooler in the city, but it looks like it still might be warm enough to leave your jacket at home. Moving the crawl to the summer instead of early spring is paying off!

Saturday, East Bay: high of 82, low of 63 -- it should be a gorgeous day. At the Emeryville Trader Vic's, they're reserving the back room for us, which includes an outdoor patio with a gorgeous view of the bay. Last time I was out on that patio, I about froze to death, this year will be much more comfortable.

Sunday, Alameda: forecast calls for 80 degrees -- not too hot for the Play-Doh, not too cold to be out on the patio.

Apparently I bought one too many tickets for Saturday's Tiki Bus -- who needs one? PM me if you're interested.


Is anyone from Alameda driving to Trader Vic's on Saturday? If so, can I hitch a ride? I'm not so sure I'll be in driving condition at the end of the night and am planning to cab it home, but I don't want my car to be stuck at Vic's.

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