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Caliente Tropics Luau weekend July 14th-16th !

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WooHooWahine posted on 06/26/2006

WooooHooooo! The following people are in for The TC Caliente Tropics Takeover Weekend: (PM me as soon as you make your reservation and I will add you to the list)

*Soccer Tiki & WooHooWahine
*Al-ii & Tiki Kate
*Dr. Vital Tiki & Family
*Hiltiki & Q-Tiki

Don't Forget: Room Packages at this Special TC Rate are Limited. If you are planning on going make your reservation ASAP!!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-07-06 15:02 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 06/26/2006

It's only around 104 degrees right now in Palm Springs!!!! Gonna be around 111 this weekend... Better pack the tanning butter!

CaseyJPS posted on 06/29/2006

TRY THIS for more value...


If this link deosn't work go to http://www.valpak.com
Use Zip Code 92264
Click on Restaurants

WooHooWahine posted on 06/29/2006

On 2006-06-29 10:42, CaseyJPS wrote:
TRY THIS for more value...


If this link deosn't work go to http://www.valpak.com
Use Zip Code 92264
Click on Restaurants

WoooHoo Great Deals!! Make sure you print out the one for Hawaiian Bills :)
Thanks for the reference CaseyJPS :)

SoccerTiki posted on 07/02/2006

Besides soaking some rays and sipping some refreshing drinks by the pool there are some other "activities" to do while in Palm Springs.....Someone mentioned El Paseo (the desert version of Rodeo Drive,) The aerial tramway, Zeldaz Friday night, the Air Museum and the Desert Museum, did I mention sipping some cool refreshing drinks?

I also happened to have a copy of the Tiki Treasure Map that Otto so graciously provided us at Tiki Oasis 5.

Print those coupons to save some money on food!!!!!!!


13 more days!!!!!!!!!

WooHooWahine posted on 07/03/2006

Does this place look familiar? http://www.hawaiianbills.com WoooHooo can't wait :)

djteva posted on 07/06/2006

I saw a show of this group at a friend luau and i would recommend if anybody needs a show in Cali or Nevada. They provide Hawaiian Dancers, Polynesian packages, and much more.


WooHooWahine posted on 07/06/2006

Another Island Paradise to check out while in the desert http://www.Haleiwajoes.com

WooHooWahine posted on 07/09/2006

Here is a Review of Hawaiian Bills wriiten by Tikiblog:

Hawaiian Bill's Pau Hana Grill
We went to a new hawaiian restaurant in Palm Springs yesterday, Hawaiian Bill's Pau Hana Grill, and you know what, it was ONO! Finally, some real hawaiian food here in the desert. We tried their Kalua Pork, Kook-su Saimin, Lomi Lomi Salmon and of course, Poi.

The Kalua Pork was excellent, not withstanding that they serve it with mixed veggies instead of cabbage, but we attribute that to ha'ole tastes. The Kook-su Saimin was a different variation from the typical char siu pork and fish cake that we knew from the islands, instead using ground beef, but was very, very ono. Of course, we know that there are many different recipes for Saimin, and this is probably one of Bill's family recipes, so although different from the standard Saimin, it is maybe better (and this from a true lover of fishcake). They also have a grill cooking meat on the patio by the pool, so if you order the huli-huli chicken or ribs, they go and pull your dinner off the bbq and then bring it straight to you.

We had a hard time finding some items on the menu; the lau lau, poi, and lomi lomi salmon as examples, but once found (marked in a small line on the bottom of the menu stating they can make these specialties as requested), we had to try them out. The poi was a two finger poi (maybe one finger as it was that thick) but we enjoyed it none the less. The lomi lomi salmon was absolutely spectacluar though! It was the best lomi lomi salmon we have ever tasted, either on the islands or on the mainland. On top of this, the Mai-Tai's we got from the bar were wicked strong, so they are definitely worth the purchase.

All in all, we found Hawaiian Bill's a great addition to the many restaraunt choices we have here in the desert (& this coming from admitted food snobs), so we plan to visit Hawaiian Bill's quite often. You can check out the restaraunt menu, and their story, by going to the palmsprings.com Hawaiian Bill's page.

Posted on May 20, 2006 at 09:32 PM

SoccerTiki posted on 07/10/2006

Just got off the phone with Caliente Tropics.....They only have 5 King rooms left for this weekend. NO Double Queens for Saturday night! If you're still on the fence-Get off it and come have some fun in the sun!!!

ALSO.....If you have a reservation, please call Randy Rassmussen (manger) at 888-277-0999 and verify your Tiki Central rate and Luau reservations (and Drink Certificates).....He thinks that some might not have mentioned the package deal named "Tiki Central".

114 degrees today in Palm Springs!!!!

We're checking in around 2pm on Friday and will host a mini-party for all who are coming early (or late!) 562-500-9800 cell phone. I'll bring the King Kukulele, Ape, Martini Kings CD's....Tiki Oasis flashbacks!!!!


MTKahuna posted on 07/10/2006

114 Degrees!!!
That kinda weather will give you a nose bleed.
Have a great time... and drink lots of water.

[ Edited by: MTKahuna 2006-07-10 14:42 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 07/11/2006

On 2006-07-10 14:41, MTKahuna wrote:
114 Degrees!!!
That kinda weather will give you a nose bleed.
Have a great time... and drink lots of water.

[ Edited by: MTKahuna 2006-07-10 14:42 ]

Don't forget the Sunscreen http://www.psview.com

RevBambooBen posted on 07/11/2006

On 2006-07-10 14:41, MTKahuna wrote:
114 Degrees!!!
That kinda weather will give you a nose bleed.
Have a great time... and drink lots of water.

Looks like So. Cal is going to have 2 tiki burns this year!

1- last weekend and 1- this coming weekend.

Fare Well my feathered friends!!

WooHooWahine posted on 07/12/2006

WoooHoooo 2 More Days!!! Don't forget to bring your favorite "Plastic" Container for Poolside Beverages. Are you ready for some Fun in the Sun????

SoccerTiki posted on 07/13/2006

Don't forget to bring your favorite pool toys!!! Anybody have any extra of Dr. Z's headache remedy????

Al-ii posted on 07/13/2006

The wind is blowing the smoke from the fires the other way, it's clear blue skies in palm springs. It's gonna be a great weekend.

hiltiki posted on 07/14/2006

Elianore and I are looking forward to this weekend. We will see you all Saturday early afternoon. Can't wait.

WooHooWahine posted on 07/14/2006

WOOOOHOOOOOO! Viva Palm Springs here we come. Looking forward to seeing everyone at The Tropics :)

SoccerTiki posted on 07/14/2006

Talk about a roaster!!! 114-118 this weekend!!! Thanks the tiki gods for the pool and the mai-tai's!!!


Tiki-Kate posted on 07/15/2006

Yes. It's ridiculously hot in Palm Springs this weekend. Staying in the pool and enjoying a cocktail while you swim is the only way to go.

We're all having a fabulous time though. Heat be damned.

WooHooWahine posted on 07/17/2006

WooHoo! What a Weekend :) Mucho Mahalo to everyone at The Caliente Tropics & Hawaiian Bill's for going out of their way to make us feel so Welcomed. Double WooHooo to Soccertiki, Al-ii, Tiki-Kate, Tikiblog, Mexican Tiki, Hiltiki, Elianore, Dean and The Laguna Niguel Clan, and all of the TC Lurkers that we met for making it so much fun being stuck in a 105+ weather. Caliente Tropics is still a Tiki Paradise :)

tikiblog.com posted on 07/17/2006

Here are a few pics of the Caliente Tropics Luau in case you missed it. There are more at tikiblog.com in the Luau album.

WooHooWahine posted on 07/17/2006

Tikiblog ~ Mucho Mahalo for taking the time to post your pics. You have a
Tiki-rrifc Website: http://www.tikiblog.com :)

Unga Bunga posted on 07/17/2006

It looks like it was a success.
A big loss I could'nt make it.
I hope to make your next Luau Woohoo and Soccer.

SoccerTiki posted on 07/17/2006

On 2006-07-17 13:13, Unga Bunga wrote:
It looks like it was a success.
A big loss I could'nt make it.
I hope to make your next Luau Woohoo and Soccer.

Unga-I think that when the temperature drops we'll definitely work on getting a BIG group out there! It was extremely hot out there! But, we met some new "Tiki" friends and met some "TC lurkers" as well!!! (Hello Principal Deanne and Rodeo Paul) AND...It wouldn't have been a party without Al-ii making drinks in our room before the luau!!!!!

I think we left the luau to the sounds of distant "WooHoo's" from both young and old and male and female!!!

hiltiki posted on 07/18/2006

Elianore and I had a great time even with the temperature rising every other minute. Nice meeting everyone new and old, and hope to see you all soon.

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