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New Tiki Art! - "3 Tiki Mugs on a Bamboo Table" Aug 2

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ToonToonz posted on 05/25/2006

Here are some new art I have been working on.
Below is one of a new series of wine paintings on canvas titled "Wine Art from the Volcano Vineyards".
This one is 50 x 100 cm (19.8 x 39.6 inches); acrylic paints on canvas.

Click on graphic to see a larger view.

[ Edited by: ToonToonz 2006-08-02 07:11 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 05/26/2006

Hey Toon Toonz- I hope all is well. I haven't heard from you in a while. It's great to see more art of yours. Fine stuff as always!

hewey posted on 05/26/2006

Some nice work there! I like the "Hula girl at the Tiki Lounge" the best :)

ToonToonz posted on 05/30/2006

Started cranking up work on some new Tiki art...
Here´s a peek at a new one that is just about finished.

"Out of this World!"
40 x 50 cm; acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

Bigger version linked at:

hewey posted on 05/31/2006

Love that new piece :)

hodadhank posted on 05/31/2006

Cool stuff ToonToonz!

Chongolio posted on 05/31/2006

Good to see you postin' your art again Toonz. I have always got a kick out of your style and ideas.


ToonToonz posted on 05/31/2006

Thanks everyone for the comments!
With other things on the palette to do it´s been awhile since I have had a chance to do any Tiki-related art.
Here´s a look at another work in progress:

"Last Call."
15.7 X 19.7 in
Acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

ToonToonz posted on 06/03/2006

Here´s a recent painting I completed:
Title: "The Tiki God is Angry"
Size: 60 x 80 cm / 23.6 X 31.5 in
Acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

I hope to make some prints of this one.

(Five! Count´em, 5 volcanoes in one painting! Wa-heee!!!)

More art here:

[ Edited by: ToonToonz 2006-06-23 06:51 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 06/03/2006

The more volcanos, the better! This new stuff is very cool.

Swamp Fire posted on 06/03/2006

Great stuff!
I really like the style of that tiki.

Benzart posted on 06/04/2006

Cool stuff toonz, Nice seing your work again.

ToonToonz posted on 06/05/2006

Five volcanoes in one painting was not enough - so I put seven (yes, 7!)
smoke belching, lava spewing volcanoes in this painting I titled "Lava Run".

Size: 60 x 80 cm / 23.6 X 31.5 in
Acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

The painting is not quite finished (maybe it needs another volcano or two...),
but I took a photo and thought I would post it here.
Now I am wondering how many volcanoes can I fit in a painting?

(One of these days I am going to get around to offering prints.)

hodadhank posted on 06/05/2006

Freaking awesome! I love your work.

ToonToonz posted on 06/22/2006

Some guy told me a South Sea legend that there is an island where giant fish walk around drinking cocktails with lots of fruit and paper umbrellas in them. So I painted it.

Painting is 80 x 80 com (about 31 x 31 inches)
Acrylic paints on canvas.

little lost tiki posted on 06/22/2006

Great work! My fave is the one with 5 volcanos and that huge profiled tiki! You really bring some fun to TC-keep posting and especially keep painting!

ToonToonz posted on 06/23/2006

Here is one of the three different "Tropical Birds in Tiki Land" paintings I have created in the last couple of days.
This one is 40 x 50 cm / 15.75 x 19.7 in in size;
the others are 50 x 100 cm /19.8 x 39.6 inches.
Acrylic paints on a masonite board. I am working on a painted wooded frame for this one - black maybe with a bunch of leaves painted on it.

[ Edited by: ToonToonz 2006-06-24 05:25 ]

ToonToonz posted on 06/24/2006

Another painting from the "Volcano Vino" series - perfect for the Wine lover and Tiki afficianado!

"Volcano Vino"
19.8 x 39.6 inches /50 x 100 cm
Acrylic paints on canvas.

Benzart posted on 06/25/2006

I'm REALLY Enjoying your art work toonz. Very refreshing. Keep posting.

Raffertiki posted on 06/25/2006

You're developing a very bold style. I like!

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/25/2006

Beautiful work. I really love these paintings.

GROG posted on 06/25/2006

Pretty colors. GROG like.

ToonToonz posted on 06/27/2006

New work of art that will be turned into a limited-edition 3D Art Construction.
It is tentatively titled "The Birth of a Volcano".
Each 3D Art Construction will be in a 30 x 40 cm black wooden frame (size could change), with glass, matted. Only 25 signed, dated and numbered copies.
The original painting was created with acrylic paints on special acrylic art paper.

[ Edited by: ToonToonz 2006-06-27 15:32 ]

ToonToonz posted on 07/17/2006

Sketch of a painting with a Tiki Character I will be working on shortly as part of my series of paintings titled, "The Stare Bears".
The painting is tentatively titled:
"We he came back from his Trip to a Foreign Land the Stare Bears were Surprised to see his New Friend."

You can see more of "The Stare Bears" here:
"The Stare Bears"

little lost tiki posted on 07/17/2006

Hey Toonz!
Can't wait to see the finished painting! You never fail to surprise and delight !!!

ToonToonz posted on 07/19/2006

New idea I am working on for a limited-edition 3D Art Construction; it´s called
"Late for the Luau".
She got a coconut bikini top and a grass skirt.

The original is 50 x 65 cm / 19.8 x 25.6 inches
and was created with acrylic paints on thick paper.

kctiki posted on 07/19/2006

Those little birdies in Tiki Land are the cutest. They look like fancy ocarinas.

little lost tiki posted on 07/19/2006

Very sweet Toonz!
You're like Tiki's answer to Gary Baseman! Your work actually has a lot more joy and happy stuffed in there! Do you get to paint everyday?

Tiki Duddy posted on 07/19/2006

wow those paintings are awsome! i like them all but i like the tiki with the volcano the best. good job looking foreward to the next ones.

ToonToonz posted on 07/19/2006

kctiki: thanks for the comment - I had to go look up what an "ocarina" is. These birds I painted probably do make a very nice song. I have a few more bird canvases I have painted and will try to post them here.

Tiki Duddy - I like the volcano paintings, too. I also have a bunch of them that aren´t Tiki related that I have done - in fact just finishing up a painting of a woman sitting at a table sipping red wine and looking at three volcanoes blasting away in the distance. The painting is titled, "Another Day, Another Volcano". Volcanos in a painting add a new dynamic of action and far away exotic danger.

little lost tiki - Thank for the compliment. That´s one of the reasons most people say they buy my art; they like the colors and the humor in the paintings. One time a woman came up to me at an art show opening and said she had bought one of my paintings several years ago and she hung it in the kitchen so that every day she can get an early smile and laugh at looking at the painting; it starts her day off right.

Regarding your question if I get to paint everyday - yes, just about every hour of every day and night I paint. It´s been my full time "job" (plus doing freelance illustration work) for the last 11+ years (I used to do it part time while holding a full time job) - and my wife is the full time manager of my art business.
However, I don´t paint Tiki-type art everyday.

Benzart posted on 07/20/2006

Toonz, I Really love this "Late for the Luau". It reminds me of my sister when we were growing up as she was Always late and had that frantic "I'm late, get outta my way" look on her face. Your girl on the other hand is ready to Partee. Nice stuff.
"Birth of a Volcano" is another Excellent one as is the Volcano Vino and All of these pieces....... Thanks

ToonToonz posted on 07/21/2006

Here are a few rough sketches from a project I have been working on for a while now (way past the sketch stage).

"Monkey Mug" is the tenative title for it all.
It´s about how Monkey´s are making Tiki mugs (and other Tiki objects). Kind of like Santa´s elves make the toys for Christmas, these Monkeys make the Tiki mugs...

hewey posted on 07/22/2006

Kool stuff. I havent checked in here for a while. I like all the volcanoes :)

The Monkey Mug production co. looks like kool concept

ToonToonz posted on 07/23/2006

A couple more "Birds of Paradise" paintings here for your viewing:

Click on bird above to go to page.

These two paintings are a little larger-
Size of each: 50 x 100 cm /19.8 x 39.6 in.
Acrylic paints stretched canvas.

little lost tiki posted on 07/24/2006

hey Toonz!
Kind of a day-night thing on those birds.My favorite of the two is the darker one because of the way the birds stand out against the lush jungle! The monkey mug concepts are pretty funny! Hope to see those as paintings soon! Where do you find the time?

McTiki posted on 07/24/2006

These are so cool. Thanks for sharing!



ToonToonz posted on 07/28/2006

I bought a new type of clay to try out and decided to sculpt a couple of small tiki-like figurines.
I call the series the "Why I Should Stick to Painting" sculptures.

Here is the first one (three different views):

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/29/2006

You gave it a try and that's what counts. I think their kinda cool anyhow.

I also think that your paintings have improved much since you joined TC.


ToonToonz posted on 07/29/2006

Flounder - thanks for compliments on my paintings; I keep practicing hoping to improve.

Here´s my 2nd reason why I should stick to painting:

Besides having no talent to sculpt I guess I should try working with a larger piece of clay. This guy is only about 1.5 inches tall. Tough to get some quality shaping in this small amount of clay using the kitchen knife I use to carve the Thanksgiving turkey and a 14" inch-long, flathead screwdriver.

GROG posted on 07/29/2006

Don't quit your day job.

No really, those are very.....um.....interesting.



Love-your-paintings-'bye. :wink:

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-07-29 12:20 ]

Gigantalope posted on 07/29/2006

Hey Toonz, I like seeing your posts, and agree that your art has improved from being kooky and fun, but now also more whimsy and character about it.

Do you know Jim Woodring's art?
He does all sorts of stuff, and has a similar sort of feel to it, like his character's live in a world of dreams...

Also, I think your sculpted pieces are interesting. I quite like the lack of Symmetry, and their roughness...and think something like them about 2 or 3 feet high made of more course clay (Grogzilla or Sculpture Raku)or colored concrete would be fetching. Also the back of the head having a design is interesting, and makes me curious about the entire piece.

Making the Jump to 3-D is hard...I think you should take it further.

Cool stuff!

[ Edited by: Gigantalope 2006-07-29 12:55 ]

ToonToonz posted on 07/29/2006

Grog - Yeah, the two sculptures are very...uh....unique, to say the least. They look a little better in person; they look a LOT better hidden in a box in the closet. :)

My day job is creating paintings (same as my night job) so I can´t quit that. (But then is creating art a job?)

Gigantalope - Not only do my sculptures lack symmetry, as you say, but a whole lot of other things as well. :) Oh well, practice makes perfect. (Or I need to find someone that can sculpt that can bring my 2D ideas to life.) One has to have a different eye for doing 3D work than creating a 2D painting.
It would be nice to make a bigger clay sculpture and see what happens. I can just imagine the monster it would turn out to be - even scaring away the neighbor´s kids and dogs.
Maybe next I should get a log and start hacking away with a chain saw and a chisel and see what kind of Tiki develops.
But now, back to painting!

hewey posted on 07/29/2006

Considering the size and crap tools - they arent too bad. Did you make perfect paintings the first time you picked up a brush?

If you're having fun, keep at them and they will improve. :)

GROG posted on 07/30/2006

On 2006-07-29 13:11, ToonToonz wrote:
My day job is creating paintings (same as my night job) so I can´t quit that. (But then is creating art a job?)

Try doing character layout on a prime-time animated TV
series. Creating art will DEFINITELY feel like a job.

ToonToonz posted on 07/30/2006

Introducing "StyroTiki -I!"
I have moved on to experiments in styrofoam. Instead of carving it like others do, I thought why not try squishing the styrofoam a bit. Here is my first experiment. From the photos one can´t easily detect the squished parts, but they are there.

I am working on another one where the contours and relief is a bit more pronounced.

ToonToonz posted on 08/02/2006

New Tiki painting:
"Three Tiki Mugs on a Bamboo Table"

Click on image for link to larger view.

Size: 50 x 70 cm / 19.7 X 27.5 in
Acrylic paints on stretched canvas.

little lost tiki posted on 08/02/2006

Nice painting Toonz!I like the middle guy! I would love some mugs like that! Especially because they look so ALIVE! What a great bunch of Drinking Companions! Keep cranking out those Sweeeeeet paintings!

GROG posted on 08/02/2006

You are a machine! Slow down! You're making procrastinating
slacker artists like GROG look bad.

Good stuff, dude. GROG like.

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