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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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Polynesiac posted on 07/23/2006

I LOVE that "gem stand" tiki. How big is it? if it's big enough, it would make a great end table. slap some clear on top, add a carved tiki stand and you have a Kick ass table!

Totally dig your "where's tiki-waldo" work. I'm glad that you found this site and started posting. I'm looking forward to the next ones!

little lost tiki posted on 07/24/2006

Thanks Polynesiac!
Saw your feature on coconutwired and checkrd out your site-Awesome stuff!
Regarding the Wooden Gemstone Base-it would be great for a Barbie or GI Joe-it's only about 15" tall!Weighs a ton,tho! Tabletop size would be about a ton!I'll post some more stuff soon!

hewey posted on 07/25/2006

I love seeing tiki art on left of field items :) You're taking an old item with mana already and giving it some more. Kool

little lost tiki posted on 07/25/2006

thanks Hewey!
When you find an object or are given one,sometimes you can feel that mana in your hands.I actually think it helps and guides us artists with certain pieces!

MauiTiki posted on 07/29/2006

On 2006-07-15 13:25, little lost tiki wrote:
Just finished the art for 2 books I'll be releasing at my upcoming show. these are mostly for you (and rodeotiki-mauitiki & his ohana-and Mr. TikiFarm himself) and all you other people out there who have nothing better to do!

Wow thanks! Let me know where I can get the coloring books when they are done. My kids love coloring your stuff!

little lost tiki posted on 07/29/2006

Hey Mauitiki!
Actually i just finished hanging up the show(sans nametags) and I'm going to the printers this morning to turn in both books! In fact-I'm printing out a correction for the 500 tikis book now!then it's off to the printers for that and afterwards I gotta go on a HOPEFULLY final on the fine art print of "Arrival of the Pineapple King"-Plus all the other logistical stuff an exhibition requires! I'll be selling these exclusively at the Opening and then after that, I'll give a shout out to TC'ers if I have any leftover! If I run out-I'll post some pages just for you & the ohana to color! And of course,those TikiFarm color yourself posters should be done before summer and out before Christmas if all goes well! I'll be checking out your links when I get some down time! I see you do stickers! Here's a set we're working on for the show!

Well Gotta Run! Mahaloz!

hewey posted on 07/29/2006

All of that sounds good, but when are you creating some more art? :) :)

Good to hear its all happening for you!

little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2006

All right-All right! I finished these two recently for the show(when I should have been typing up a price list or creating nametags!)so I will post them just for you,Sir!I took some pix of my studio and the pre-exhibit gallery and hanging for a possible future post "anatomy of a Tiki Art Show" or something like that-Just hung the show last night ,but that's the fun part! (I'll post those and photos from the show soon!) You're lucky I just finished my Powerpoint and turned in my books for the printing or else you'd have been artless this weekend! Enjoy these new ones-they're just kinda light and fun and I needed some vivid colors to carry me thru the week! Mahalos! Your humble servant, Ken
"the Travelling Throne"

"the Trio"

hewey posted on 07/30/2006

Nice, and thanks :)

Cant wait to see pics of the show

ToonToonz posted on 08/08/2006

How did the Tiki art show go?
Lots of visitors I bet! Do you have any photos of the show to post?

teaKEY posted on 08/08/2006

So are there any coloring books left for the fans of your work here in Michigan

little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2006

Hey yooz guys!
Thanks for all the love,TC Ohana! The Show was a complete success! This opening seemed more like the old Ken show crowd but with all their kids! (seeing as we're all gettin' older)In fact, the kids were half the fun! They mostly hung out in the back near the koi pond,atrium.and couches,watching the slideshow of paintings and pictures! So many happy faces and at least a hundred new converts to the sacred fold of Tiki.I hope I served you all as an adequate ambassador of Tiki for the OC area! Will post pictures soon , but first I have a special announcement.....Due to the overwhelming success of this evening,it would be a shame that so many of my Tiki Ohana couldn't make the event, (as the Mission Tiki bash was definitely the place to be that night!)so...after discussing it with the gallery and a few other top secret individuals,we've decided to have a Closing Reception on Saturday-September 9th 7-11(tho they usually go on for an hour-2 hours after the event) with some very special surprises that will be released soon! I have some drunken photos my sister took and a few friends will be sending me some others so I will post them soon!Haven't stopped since the show! Went to Disneyland with wife,stepkids,sister and niece the next day on about 3 hours of sleep! The sombalistic/hallucinogenic repercussions of sleep-deprivation coupled with the Tiki Room made the day tolerable...Yesterday,collected receipts.rehashed the show,started working on the third mug for Holden,and here I am today,sister on her way back to Illinois and back at my seat at work! Tonight, Commie Girl from the OC Weekly is popping down to the gallery to review the show,so I won't be able to post pix until later this week,my apologies!
Thank you!We have both coloring books and "about 500 Tikis" and some stickers in Gold/white/dk. brown/magenta/and teal.Coloring Books are $20 for 22 pages to color-it's bound with a tan/bark colored color and white pages, and the price includes shipping-it's signed and numbered and for TC Ohana I'll include a little surprise with it! If anyone wants to order anything ,just PM me! And Mahaloz!

teaKEY posted on 08/08/2006

For over 15 years and 60 exhibitions. I was always wondering were all this art was coming from. Hey talk to you later

little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2006

Most of the Tiki stuff is at the most 3 years old-I move in phases,tackling a subject and trying to examine it completely until I feel enough paintings are completed for that "period".Then of course, these past subjects always creep into the new work. This Tiki "period" doesn't seem to wanna let up,so I guess I'm stuck doing tiki paintings and working on my book this upcoming year.Not a bad place to be,and with my Ohana inspiring me,I see no end in sight!
Here's an older piecenot quite tiki, but still a jungle vibe,approaching tiki-but this was painted before I caught the Tiki bug full-on! as you can see, it's an artist's duty to paint and read and really grow with the art and become better and smarter and produce even better work! Mahaloz!

"the Elephant's Secret" acrylic/paintpen/carandache crayon on canvas
visit http://www.kenruzic.com and you will ,hopefully, be inspired.

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-08-08 12:03 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/08/2006

Although I would of liked to have hooked up with you at the Tiki Invasion I am Glad to hear your show was a success Ken!


little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2006

I hope to meet all the TC Ohana one day! You guys are such a warm bunch! Must be all that Tropical Air! Closing Reception Sept 9th 7-11(or 1 or 2) same place! Just posted some photos from the Opening Reception.I put them under my announcement in Tiki Events (California)
That way,this thread won't get contaminated with other than art stuff!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-08-13 09:24 ]

little lost tiki posted on 08/16/2006

Hey TC Ohana!
Been so busy with the show.work,and other projects that I've been neglecting posting some new art to share with family!
First one is an oldie,one of my first in that whole pineapple king genre
"The Evening Visit"-gouache and water-soluble pencils on board

this next one is much more recent-I had started this one (like "Green Village" earlier)and then let it gel for aboot a year 'til finally finishing it for the show.
"Village at dawn-or dusk"pen and ink on watercolor paper(Arches,of course...)

this one was just a fun sketchbook entry I redrew on tinted paper
"the Marquesan's Short-lived Meal"pen and ink on watercolor paper

and finally,because you've all been so good and patient....
"the Scribe"pen and ink on watercolor paper

It's midnight! I gotta go to work and think stuff! Alohaz!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/16/2006

Cool stuff Lost, I like those pen and ink pieces.
Keep up the great work.

little lost tiki posted on 08/16/2006

Lookin forward to meeting you in person in Catalina! I hope you have plenty of stuff to look at-love your work! Bring your sketchbook and we can do a lil' show-n-tell! Mahaloz!

Howland posted on 08/16/2006

Man! This is one jumpin' thread! Been gone for a few days and so much has happened here. Glad the show was a success and wish I could make it out for the closing in Sept. but that is a long haul. I really dig your 'night-time' paintings (The Evening Visit, Blue Hawaii and the one with the singing fish for example). You have a way of capturing a warm, balmy, tropical night as opposed to just a dark sky with stars. All of it just ROCKS! All the details and implied motion make for some real 'eyeball ticklers'!

You guys work better than TUMS!

That reminds me: I went to the gas station/convenience store yesterday to buy some TUMS. I put them on the counter and the cashier glanced out the window at all the cars at the gas pumps then looks at me and asks "any gas?". I just looked down at my Tums on the counter and said, "no, just a little indigestion." :lol:

Keep up the great work


little lost tiki posted on 08/24/2006

Hey Surf-n-Turf!
Glad you escaped the gas phase of your indigestion phase! Well, it's been over a week and I'm finally recovered from the catalina Island Tiki Fest!!!! What a blast! If you'd like to see some pix of the event, alohacurrent has posted a bunch!
You've gotta see King Kukulele and APE/Crazy Al live! Toooooo much!
Well, in order to aid your indigestion I'm gonna post some old to me-new to you paintings, especially since they have that night/evening/twilight vibe!
This first one is called "The Volcano Awakens" and it's gouache on gessoed panel.

this second one is my very very first Pineapple King painting. (I hadn't perfected the face for at least 2 more pieces)This one is called "the King returns from the Volcano" and it's also gouache on gessoed panel. I quite like the excitement on the tiki's faces and the bursting volcano...

Well, I have a lot of extracurricular art work to do this week(besides work and personal paintings) so I'd better get to steppin,so I can the post BRAND NEW tiki paintings that have been boiling in my brain! Mahaloz fellow TC ohana from your humble servant.....

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congatiki posted on 08/24/2006

Nice work LL Tiki...I especially like the "scribe"....more of a PNG look....very nice
stuff...."short lived meal" is great too....what the heck....I dig em all.

little lost tiki posted on 08/25/2006

Mahaloz Congatiki! The scribe is totally inspired by Papua New Guinea art-what a walking reference you are! I'll keep posting whenever I get the time!Just got a whole page review of the show in this week's OC Weekly (our orange County alternative press) which I'll post as soon as I can find the time to scan it! In the meantime, here's another oldie but goodie...It's called "Arrival of the Ancient One" and it's gouache on gessoed burlap.Great texture to paint on!
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Gotta fly! Hey Conga! Dig your Fez Monkey painting! Something about it.....

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RevBambooBen posted on 08/25/2006

Here's the StoryKen Ruzic’s tikis give us back our very Brady childhood
Thursday, August 24, 2006 - 3:00 pm

"Arrival of the Pineapple Kings" by Ken Ruzic. Image courtesy Caged Chameleon
There are certain things you can count on from hipsters of my generation: excellent beverages, a profound love of X, a yard full of tikis and a passing acquaintance with Shag.

I would posit, also, that we’ve got a world-view shaped by Carol Brady.

We all know, with our collectible toys (best captured by Ben Stiller in Reality Bites) and our inability to properly yell at our kids, that Gen X has been nostalgic for its childhood since before it actually left its childhood—at least the childhood before our parents divorced. It’s a childhood far more realistic than the nonexistent ’50s one. Ours is more concerned with bike rides to 7-Eleven and OP shirts and the backyard parties our parents used to throw, complete with roast pig and marijuana, than with women who vacuumed in high pumps and pearls and colored people knowing their place. The ’70s may have been marked by malaise, but there was an awful lot of freedom too.

With our current bloodlust for Iran and our obsessive focus on gas prices, it might as well be ’79 all over again. And the Xers are responding to it as they did back then: with Wonka colors and puka shells and a reliance on the goodness of Carol and Mike’s generation of kids. I can still remember saying plaintively to my mom, following one of our better family brawls, that I wished we could be more like the Brady Bunch. She actually snarled in response.

Caged Chameleon, a lovely, expansive gallery in a Santa Ana Craftsman home, returns us to the Bradys’ thrilling Hawaiian vacation with Ken Ruzic’s “Talking Palms and Pineapple Kings.” Someone bring a ukulele.

The talking palms don’t say much. The pineapple kings say even less; they don’t, you see, have mouths. But with dozens of bright cartoon canvases showing a land of happy, with a universe of creatures acting in harmony while doing their creaturely things, you can almost taste the escape. It tastes, of course, of piña coladas.

Ruzic’s closed his eyes and found his happy place, and it’s a place of teals and forests and glimmering golds. It’s a place where dozens of tiki gods and tortoises, pineapple kings and magical fishes join together on epic canvases in a whole Where’s Waldo of tiki cosmology. They rattle their bones, they perform small dramas, and they stir cauldrons of (probably cannibal) stew. In the back, always, smiles the Happy Place Made Obvious: Ruzic’s Happy Hut.

Take The Sun Visits the Happy Hut. There is the sun, beaming down, happy. There is the Happy Hut; but it is not happy. In the tale Ruzic’s spun to go along with his anthropomorphic canvas, the sun explains to the lonesome hut that its tattoos, its inscriptions, its hieroglyphic carvings are friends and family enough, whereupon the tattoos anthropomorphize their own bad selves, jump off the walls, play around like happy monkeys, and then settle down for a night nestled in the Happy Hut. Could there be more beneficence, more cooperation, a happier ending? Maybe it’s our Brady heritage, maybe it’s our tats, but have you ever heard an Xer advocate nuking Iraq?


little lost tiki posted on 08/25/2006

Thanks Ben!
Saved me a little bit of footwork and energy,and time is a most precious commodity! It was swell meeting you,your brother,and wife after the APE show! Well, at least what I remember of it! I hope to see more of your mug at future events! I'm gonna see if I can squeeze out of gallery sitting at noon on Saturday and will try to pop by and say "Aloha".You got a great handshake! Must be all that work you do with 'em! Thank you for keeping the Tiki Torch alive! You are an inspiration to us all!Have a Rapscallion' good time in London! Cheerio and Mahaloz!

BTW: that article listed the show date September 9th and the TIME is from 7pm to 11pm

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-08-25 09:33 ]

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Tiki Duddy posted on 08/25/2006

i think im gonna go with a wow on this one. great work, REALLY great work. i like "the evening visit" the best i think. i like all the little hiddin tiki guys.

good stuff

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Sophista-tiki posted on 08/26/2006

Bula,Bula Little lost tiki
I just finished carefully looking at all of the art you've posted. its so inspirational to see some one produce a big pile of cool art. Makes me want to do some watercolors. Thanks for sharing, Sophista-tiki

little lost tiki posted on 08/26/2006

Aloha Duddy and Dawn!
Duddy-keep up that carving and you're gonna get more "Wows" than you can handle! Do you got a few years I could borrow?I'll pay you in paintings!hahaha Love seeing what your tikified mind comes up withIt's been a few weeks and I really need to paint! I'll be gallery sitting today at the Caged Chameleon so I might bring a canvas.it's maddening wanting to paint but not having the time! Plus seeing all of Tiki Central's artists and great art makes me feel like I need to do more!Thanks for the encouragement!Keep carving!
Hello Dawn!
Well, now that you've nailed acrylic.why not try watercolors?Start with gouache tho! It's opaque and dries fast and you can go over it-and the blending.....divine! It don't stink like oils either!My wife has a VW camper,but I could never convince her to trick it out likr yours! Looooove the stone floor! Mahaloz!
Here's an ink/colored pencil on watercolor paper. This piece inspired the mugs I'm working on with Smogbreather.....
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Sophista-tiki posted on 08/26/2006

Morning Little lost Tiki
Ive actually been doing watercolors since I was 12. My Mother was a well known Montana Artist and taught watercolor. My next post I'll show some of my watercolors. What I admire about yours are the really loose watery backgrounds. Whats your favorite brand of paint? dawn

little lost tiki posted on 08/27/2006

Aloha Dawn!
Props to your mom for raising such a fab artist! What do I use? Winsor Newton watercolors and Gouaches (onto that pricey but worth it Arches Watercolor paper) do it for me! Sometimes If I want something really punchy,I'll use a wet piece of WC paper-splash down some Dr Martens ink and swirl dat around-let it dry and proceed to go over it with the gouache.
Here's an example of that....
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"Battle of the Fishes"-Green
this one, I used black ans gold ink and naples yellow gouache with whites-you can see the background how it goes in and out...(sometimes I sop up areas with a paper towel and rewet it (you know how that goes when the colors ain't talking right...)
I also use colored tissue paper and water(layers upon layers give you a cool transparency look) Also tinting your gesso here and there and slapping it around and mixing it up makes for great backgrounds for the regular paintings too! Here's an example of that....
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"the Herald"
For this one I mixed a couple of colors of green and blue in with the gouache-don't use too much or the colors will be VERY light...Use just a couple spoonfuls of gesso per sq. foot. Send me a PM when you post those Watercolors-would love to see them!
Aloha Sister Artist!

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Heath posted on 08/27/2006

My painting skills border on barely being able to hit the broadside of a barn with a can of spray paint, so to see work like this... Amazing!!

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Paipo posted on 08/27/2006

On 2006-08-26 09:08, little lost tiki wrote:

Here's an ink/colored pencil on watercolor paper. This piece inspired the mugs I'm working on with Smogbreather.....
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You've posted some great work in this thread, but this one really hits the spot for me. It looks sort of like a stained glass window with the bold black linework and the subtle colouring. I love pictures within pictures too. Very, very nice.

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Sophista-tiki posted on 08/28/2006

Meka Leka hi
Wwwwowwwww, beautiful, thanks for explaining the technique. Id love to get together and paint with you sometime. You are doing things I haven't tried yet.When I was a kid I used Windsor Newton or Grumbacher, but when I got to art school my first year watercolor teacher had us use Dr. Martins and I was hooked! because of the super intense colors. Now that they make them a little more light fast they're better. I also like Old Holland because of the intense colors.When my mom passed away I got a lifetime supply of art supplies, so I have piles of all the fancy papers to paint on and lots of hot-press rag board (I like the super smooth surface)
If its OK Id like to be able to ask you some more questions about painting techniques. When I get back to painting in about a month. I'm not technically proficient, but I have endless imagination. You have both! I'm working like mad on my house to get ready for the Tiki art three weekend. After all the excitement is over i can get back to painting. Thanks for sharing dawn

little lost tiki posted on 08/28/2006

Thanks Heath and Paipo!
That piece was a wash of green,then worked over with my sumi ink brush pen-then added to with a finepoint sharpie and white colored pencil!
Wait'll you see the mugs-the front with the face is only the half of it! Look for those from TikiFarm near the end of the year! Here's another stained glass piece (besides the ones on page 6 of this post)This one is one of the four "living creatures" before the throne of God in the Book of revelation(they also appeared in Ezekiel's vision in the OT-they're a lion/an eagle/an oxen /and a man) this was my spin on the lion...
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bad photo,sorry! Here's a clearer shot of what it should look like unabstracted...
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There's another liquid, ink, and paper sensation for Sophista-tiki!
Hey Dawn!
I am your humble servant! Any questions you have, I'll try to answer the best I can!
Any time you're down in Orange California-give me an e-mail, a PM or phone call and we'll get to creating.Being self-taught( fine art-wise) , I "inherited" a lot of my art supplies from a popular retail art store chain that I had been employed at during the late 80's.Well, that was sure an opportunity to experiment on the company's dime, so to speak. The good times finally dried up, and I had to have 2-3 exhibitions a year just to afford my materials! That's when I discovered Thrift Stores and how one man's junk can be another man's $700 art piece(with a few minor adjustments...) But that's for another day...Dr, Marten's is the shizzle! I really think there's not much difference betwixt the ink and the watercolors.....Write when you can,and give us all the scoop on Tiki Art four and how we can submit work.Hopefully we can meet up sometime in the future! I plan on crawling out of the hut and getting out there to meet more o' ya more than I have been! here's one of the paintings I sold at the show!
It's called "the Ancient One" and he's kind of a shaman-mystic who lives on a lone island (I'll post his home some other time) and meets up with the little lost tiki.....
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this was taken before I embellished the inside of the sun all Gustav Klimt style with gold puff paints-it ended up bombs! Gotta go! Our work is sending us to Vegas for the Magic/Pool/and Project apparel conventions.We've been doing an upper-tier fashion line called "Well-Worn" that seems to be hitting it here and internationally! How funny!!! Anyways, I'll see y'all when I get back on Wednesday! Aloha Good Friends!

Chongolio posted on 08/28/2006

Hey LLT, Congrats on the write up in the paper and more thankys going your way. It's very cool of you to not only share your art but to also take the time to explain the process and materials that you use. I didnt realize how big your pieces are in real life. That makes them even more awesome. I really dig the elephant picture and the textured look you got going on. I got to say it again your art is way hypnotizing and very inspirational. I spent this whole weekend playing around in my studio and experimenting with materials and techniques that I have never tried before. I wish I could make it down to the gallery to see your work up close, but I am stuck up north for awhile why I regroup from a busy summer.

I think it's really says something strong about the Tiki Artist here on TC when this forum still is getting plenty of new post and great art work is getting posted everyday while the others forums seem to have slowed down a bit and even appear to shut down all together over the weekends. I wish I had more time to comment on everybody's work, because I really enjoy looking at it all and get very inspired by all the creativity that is bubbin' in here.


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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

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Tiki Duddy posted on 08/28/2006

man does your stuff look great. i really like "the herald". good job and i look forward to seeing more.
great suff

hewey posted on 08/29/2006

More amazig art. Great stuff :)

teaKEY posted on 08/29/2006

gessoed burlap- sounds cool. Man, you post with more pictures that you have done, faster than I can even pick up a brush. Everything is looking great. Usually I like to narrow down a couple of favorites from a artist collection and think about which ones I would like to own best. Your work is hard to do that with and I just like it all. Those Tikifarm mugs should be cool. I thought Tikifarm had a slow year with mugs, but it looks like they have the right idea now using some of the best tiki artist.

little lost tiki posted on 09/04/2006

Just got invited to participate in the "Tikis and Terrors" show, thanks to Christian (and many thanks to Squid who put in a good word for me! Mahaloz!) I'm very excited about that! (I'm not too excited about a closing reception/taking down a show one weekend-then putting up & attending another show/going to the Tikifarm Tikihut opening the next weekend!Phew!)
Anyways, just started on a piece for that show (despite the fact that I have about 50 pieces already that would look great at the Bahooka! Such is living with a motivational chemical imbalance!)
Chongo-Tiki Art rocks and this forum rocks and you rock! Love your new stuff-keep 'em coming! Pure Stoke! Let's just all keep each other motivated-noone else will! Truly an army of inspired artists & carvers-I wish I could have more time as well, to thank you all personally for keeping this forum as hot as it is!
Duddy and Hewey-you guys are two examples of what make TC so killer! May your arms never wither!
TeaKEY,Thanks for liking it all! I kinda do too, most of the time...TikiFarm didn't really have a slow year-just the Chimineas in themselves ar quite an engineering marvel. Holden showed me some stuff in the works and all I can say is that this is the calm before the storm.... Thanks for the kudos!
And now, dear Ohana, I'll show you what I've been working on for the "Tikis and Terrors" show.......
Kane and Wahine-may I present....."the Cannibal"
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He's a piece of door moulding I've had for years! Recently, he bagan to speak to me, so I looked at him and made this sketch....
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as you can see, he's quite dimensional before painting!
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I'm still not sure what to put in the mouth yet,but here's a sketch of it....
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and here's my sketches of what to put in those two bottom squares....
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the Starred ones are the ones I'm going with....
Basically, I just cleaned up the piece-put a mixture of gouache and gesso down over it-gave it a lil' sanding for tooth-then went in with my sumi-ink brush pen,and for the other highlights/shadows, I'll use gouache. I'll post more as I get more done!
Aloha and thanks for inspiring me!!!

little lost tiki posted on 09/06/2006

It's 12:10 and i just finished the tee shirt design for the Rell Sunn Menehune Surf Contest on Makaha Beach on the Big Island and thought I'd share it with y'all! Rell was dear to many people and her daughter Jan has continued this great event for all the kane and wahine and the love just keeps rolling!
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the colors were inspired by old Hawaiian shirts-note the dark brown instead of black outline ( i hope she keeps it like that!) That's it fo' now!!!!

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Paipo posted on 09/06/2006

Very cool, way better than the crappy contest shirts you usually see (well, round here anyway). I was reading an article about Rell Sunn the other week, I guess I probably found it via TC somehow now I think about it.

teaKEY posted on 09/06/2006

does that shirt come in a 3XL or XXLT . I like the Menehune name. And yes, the brown outline

little lost tiki posted on 09/06/2006

Thanks TeaKEY and Paipo!
How about that coincidence? Glad to provide a relief from the mainstream.The Shirts are for the kids contest and I'm not even sure if there are any adult sizes and I'm not even sure if they're for sale.I think they're giveaways to all the kids that participated. I'm actually trying to get one for my 9-year old stepdaughter! It was a volunteer piece so I hope thay would throw me 1 or 2. Though I never got to meet Rell, Her daughter Jan and husband Tony are as close as you get! They are so full of love and the spirit of Aloha! If I hear of adult sizes, I'll PM you!

Chongolio posted on 09/06/2006

That shirt say aloha. Dig dig diggin' it. That would be a nice poster too.


little lost tiki posted on 09/07/2006

Thanks Chongo!
T-shirts is my job,man...tho' more creatively directing than actually doing them all! That's why I got an Art Dept here! Also used to fabric prints-hundreds of 'em for the surf/action sports/trunks/woven shirt market.
Here's two I could find...
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Gotta go! Aloha!

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Sneakytiki posted on 09/07/2006

Wow awesome designs! Thanks for the eye candy.


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Tikiwahine posted on 09/07/2006

That shirt design is so darn cute!
No matter how down my day has been your art always cheers me up.

Thanks Ken!

little lost tiki posted on 09/08/2006

Mucho mucho Mahaloz Shani!
You deserve a little bit o happiness everyday! Here's one i forgot to post. It's called "Occupants of the Happy Hut". I gave the original to my sissy when she came out here for the Opening Reception. I've been selling prints of these museum stretched on canvas. People seem to like them! I hope these little tapa-inspired figures put some joy in your day!
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