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Drunk again

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On 2006-07-19 01:54, suicide_sam wrote:
So I decided what my next tattoo is. I've been wantoing to do my knuckles for awhile, o my finger fronts, you knwo what I mean. It just took me really long because I didn't want to get something that everyone else has. A friend of mine Al;ex who has Alex's Bar in LB has LAST CALL across his knucks and I think thsat is very appropriaptte since he owns a bar. I just really didn't want to eght something I might ever see on somone else. i finally decieded what I will get. Across my fingers I'm ginna get "NUKL SMCH" as in knuckle Sammich, yeah that's pretty cool.

What about TIKI BAR :sheckymug: (a tiny Tiki image on the last knuckle)?

On 2006-07-20 07:29, freddiefreelance wrote:

On 2006-07-19 01:54, suicide_sam wrote:
So I decided what my next tattoo is. I've been wantoing to do my knuckles for awhile, o my finger fronts, you knwo what I mean. It just took me really long because I didn't want to get something that everyone else has. A friend of mine Al;ex who has Alex's Bar in LB has LAST CALL across his knucks and I think thsat is very appropriaptte since he owns a bar. I just really didn't want to eght something I might ever see on somone else. i finally decieded what I will get. Across my fingers I'm ginna get "NUKL SMCH" as in knuckle Sammich, yeah that's pretty cool.

What about TIKI BAR :sheckymug: (a tiny Tiki image on the last knuckle)?

Heres some for ya sam
:drink: MAI TAI :drink:
but you'll have to have JACK on your right hand.

My favorite ive seen is DUMBLUCK

[ Edited by: johnnievelour 2006-07-21 01:36 ]

Just got home from teh bar I gotta work tomorrow. No worries I finished all my urgent shit today, I can pretty much coast tomorrow. I am so glad ai quit teh place I was working last year and went abck to being a contract freelenace. I am making much betetr money and sometimes I get to make that cash just strasoght up coasting. Anyways. I just ho,me. I was at Alex's earlie, before that at teh V-Room. They say working is teh curse of teh drinking class, I do't know what that means.

Umm. yewah...


I was hopeing to have more fo ryou tonight but heythey can't all be gems. Sometimes, you're just polishing opff a turd.


Nice to see you back here as usual.......

Ummhhh, best case scenario worked out agin. Got home and barfed all over my fornt lawn. COuld have been worse. Could have been in some girl slap or something. One time I was really drunk and I had smoked some unnusually potent greens, and I was on a few tabs of acid, and I was doing Wam-Wam and I knocked out and fell right into some chicks tits atr a house party. That was a long time ago. I was out before I hit her tits though so I kind of felt cheated afterwards you know?

Just drunk tonight though. I only had like 4 Jack and cokes art Alex's, and liek 4 Miller Liets at The V-Room, I'm not sure how much teqila...,oh,...the tequila. I see...

Anyways I was suppossed to go do some of my cal trans community service shit tomorrow which I am way behind on but I think I will skip it and go surfing instead.


Drunk now, g'night


I have today decided, like officisl like, that my friend Krista can way drink me under teh table. WHen I left teh bar I was pretty much twisted, and she was totally fine.

You ever barf so bad you end up barfuing a little through your nostrils?

I don't recommend it

schedule change on teh show I had posted about

[ Edited by: suicide_sam 2006-09-20 00:26 ]

I am very drunk right now, and I suspect,that I will be hurting tomorrow.

gotta go varf biw


SS...it sounds like you are not really having much fun drinking. When you are sober some time, give the hangover info in this thread a read. It is mostly related to headaches, but might be helpful. I hate to be a spoilsport, but if you are doing a lot of hurling that is not good for your body. You loose important electrolytes which are chemicals that help all the muscles work appropriately. Hurling can also have a tendancy to burn the tissue of your esophagus which can make it swollen or ineffective and could lead to aspiration of the bad stuff into your lungs. That can lead to a chemical pneumonia and sometimes death.

Alcohol in moderation is a good thing. Take the time to savor the flavors, appreciate the glassware, enjoy the friendship of others. I think most of us have gone over the top from time to time, but doing that on a regular basis is not a good thing. Take care of yourself...we like having you here in TC.

Looking forward to seeing what your knuckle art looks like. :)

I haven't been getting barf drunk for awhile. I still go out and drink all the time, but as for getting that drunk, I find that the older I get, the funner it aint.


Posting "be careful with alcohol" advice on a tiki site is like whispering on an airforce runway.
You may be saying something important, but no one can hear you.

I've already been through my crisis moments but I wouldn't think of steering someone away from their opportunity to spend a few hours in a hospital bed in stern reflection.

From the frequency of these posts, looks like ss has it pretty well licked. Or sipped.

Not to worry...I like drinking myself....not really preaching to anyone and not a hipocrit either, as I've done my share of reverse peristalsis in my youth. Just suggesting that enjoying a cocktail can be more fun. :)

On 2007-04-21 21:19, VampiressRN wrote:
SS...it sounds like you are not really having much fun drinking. When you are sober some time, give the hangover info in this thread a read. It is mostly related to headaches, but might be helpful. I hate to be a spoilsport, but if you are doing a lot of hurling that is not good for your body. You loose important electrolytes which are chemicals that help all the muscles work appropriately. Hurling can also have a tendancy to burn the tissue of your esophagus which can make it swollen or ineffective and could lead to aspiration of the bad stuff into your lungs. That can lead to a chemical pneumonia and sometimes death.

Alcohol in moderation is a good thing. Take the time to savor the flavors, appreciate the glassware, enjoy the friendship of others. I think most of us have gone over the top from time to time, but doing that on a regular basis is not a good thing. Take care of yourself...we like having you here in TC.

Looking forward to seeing what your knuckle art looks like. :)

Staring...scratching balls (....poot..)

Can't help myself, just the nurse in me...trying to save the world from hurling....LOL :D


Sam nice to see you back here, keep us posted.

Sam, I really enjoy your posts. I laugh every time I read them. Can't figure out if they're in jest or serious. Either way, I'm glad you're posting...live and let live. Glad you're enjoying yourself. This is Tiki Central after all. :)

I'm not throw up dru k righ t now. Just ha dt o thro wthat put there first. i am drun aenoug to wher I ahd oahngf ut outside teh bar for awhiel though , hopeing to get okay enoug t odrive soon.

Ahh man, so what's going on?

I'm making good cash on this cheesy Beyonce job for MTV right now. I spliut form Fox, they wer driving me crazy. I got a gig I will do after teh beyonce thing and after that I will goback to film effects. I still wanna do my own shit on teh sid ethough. At the end of May I will be finishing the first video I will hacve directed completely myself, and in a few months I will be doing my second. teh first is for a surf band form OC called The Ziggnes, and teh second is for Liz McGraths band "Miss Derringer". I have worked on videos for a couple of nads before Mars Volta, and Blackalicious but this is different because on these I am coming up with the concept and directing and all. My dogs are all good right now, well my boy Lil Creeper has tuirned into a real asshole though. If I rake him to the pdog park or dog beah byhimself he is fine, but whenever I take him with my other dogs he gets Hyper protective of teh girls and keeps wantin to fight anydog that gets near them. Problem is that my younger female, Lil Creepers littole sister (form teh same litter) has taken this attitdude where she confronts other doghs knowing Creeper will step up and fuck up any other dog she has beef with. It's apain in teh ass but I am working to break them opf this shit right now. She just has this whole, "My big brother will fuck you up " attitude, and he is hyper protective so you see how this is all bad on nad. Anyways I'm dealing with it it.

I'm getting good cash form this Beyonce thing, more cash coming down teh line from teh same production company for future things with Busta Rhymes and someother folks. O needed that cash topo, my interset rate on my house got ridiculous this year. Doing a regi though, hopefully that will hel p me out.

Gottta se emy probation officer tomorrow. If my refi goes well I will be able to buy my way out of probatione early. Ran into this onr broad i Hadn'y seen in awhile tonight. Told her I would call her tomorrow. Mmmhhh.... she was looking good, young though. I'm used to getting together with girls at least 3 or 4 years older thamn me. this girl is young, whatever though, about 25 or 26, we'll see.I got a b-day coming on teh 16th so that soon the age difference will grow.

whatevah. She aske d me to call ehr tomorrow.

I'll see whats up. Ran into my ex at the strip clucb teh otehr day.


drunk now


Great to hear from you SS. Sounds like you are busy and enjoying your work. OMG...I love Mars Volta...they are fabulous. :D

I have 2 Golden Retirever puppies (8 months) and I have yet to try out the dog park activity. Thanks for sharing your experiences there.....now I will look forward to taking my two evil twins...and hyper is an understatement for them. How often do you take your dogs to the park?

Good luck with the wahine. :)


So I'm not barfin or anything ut I have been on a two week bender now. I gotta cut this shit out soon. I had a B-Day on teh 16th though and it just sems like the celebrations started early and have not quite ended yet.

Working form home right now. Don't have to drive to work every day, don't have to deal with people, plus I get to play with my dogs every day.

Life is good.

Very drunk righy now, I should sign off before I start sharing to much.

On 2007-05-24 02:20, suicide_sam wrote:

So I'm not barfin or anything ut I have been on a two week bender now. I gotta cut this shit out soon.

Why? Sounds Ok to me


SS, sooooo, what're you havin'?

Vodka? Rum? Whiskey? All of the above?

Happy Birthday.

[ Edited by: pablus 2007-05-24 05:29 ]



Sam we like it when you share a lot with us. Happy Birthday.
:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:


hey sam that Ziggens gig sounds great, I recognise them from the Sublime dvd, Apparrently they were a big influence on Bradley and the Sublime guys of which i am/was a huge fan..



[ Edited by: tekoteko 2007-06-21 21:30 ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu - fixed overly wide post - 2007-07-08 09:13 ]

Jusrt got howm,m very drunk

my dogs are good, work ios good.

working n a ta trailer for a video goame now so all me video games for this year wil be a tax deduction (research. 33% pff)Very drunk now, if I keep typoing I will start sharing to much so I shouylkd log off.

You know the diuffwerence bewteen an alcoholoic and a drunk?

an al;coholic has to go to meetings.

That would be much funiier if I din't have court ordeered drug and alcohol counceling clasees ever Saturday.

actter I posted I saw some of that got cut opff, what I was posting that got lost was

Tyou know teh dofference bewtweemn an alcoholic and a drunk?

an alcoholic has to go to meetings!








Sam, you just made my day. Nighty night!

It's always good to hear from you Sam. Did you actually get your lost dog back and were you fondly recognized? :)


HA! This thread reminds me....I was about 18 y/o, still living w/ mom/dad, had discovered the joys of drinking maybe a year or so before, was practicing regularly, came home one night after pounding some vodka and Schlitz malt liquor bull with some friends, tried to sneak in, DAD was on the sofa--I guess waiting for me to come home. He looked up at me and my bleeding eyes and said "drunk again". I replied with a short belch and a hiccup and said "Huh! ME TOO!" :lol:

On 2007-06-25 21:25, surf-n-turf wrote:
HA! This thread reminds me....I was about 18 y/o, still living w/ mom/dad, had discovered the joys of drinking maybe a year or so before, was practicing regularly, came home one night after pounding some vodka and Schlitz malt liquor bull with some friends, tried to sneak in, DAD was on the sofa--I guess waiting for me to come home. He looked up at me and my bleeding eyes and said "drunk again". I replied with a short belch and a hiccup and said "Huh! ME TOO!" :lol:

huh, me too

goof stuff

Oi, gotta work tomorrow, also gotta handle some shit in the morning. don't regret the tequila tinight. But then again ity didn't get ou opf hand tonight. SO what all is going on...

You know getting drunk and typoing a bunch of bullshiti skind of like goingoto coinfession.

So I have been hanging out a few times with my ex. Totally weird though. She is working at the strip club I met her at again. Syhe told me how much she deperaley needs me back in her life then took me home to mmet her boyfriend that she lives with. It was mandatpory that he and I meet before she can start having sex with me.

So of course I was just standing the ere the whole time thinking, "Awkward"

I was at their pad, a castle in hollywood her boyfriend inherited from his grandfather who was a porn tycoon, and I noticed a bnch of hypedermic needles sitting out on the table that held teh tank with their pet baby crocodile. I was pretty much looking foir the door at this point.

Smoking hot girl, but has goiteen seriously into some bad shit.

ummhh, what else is going on...

Oh yeah, I'm doing a trauler for a video game right now and a guy I work with turned out have moved here form Portland 2 years ago where he and his wife were heavily into the tiki scene. His wife is a member of tiki centra;l. I todl him if he wanted I would get him together for a night of drinks with some of teh LA tiki folk. They haven't really met anyone in LA after 2 years, Taht aint right. He mices good driunks too. We start drinking every day at work around 6.

good times


gptta worl tomorrow. I mean today. Gonna have to wake up in about 5 hours. I shopuld go to sleep now.



Wowe just shooting up the g.sounds like the ex is pretty wild. Maybe they were just shooting up the gator!!!

Way drunk this evening and now erased.
But remembered.

[ Edited by: Mike the Headhunter 2010-12-04 13:36 ]

Dayum...I luuuuv your Shriner mug dude!!! :D

Very drunk right now. I was workoing a very heavy job rwecentlky, monimum 90 hpur weeks, for the last 2 mopths so I din't really have time to drink./ My tolerance seems to be way down. Just 8 beers and 5 shots of tequila nd I seem to be quite waste. Oh yeah there were 3 Jack and Cokes onvolved along the way.

Anyways, i Gotta get my tolerance back.

Umm yeahh...


gonna go barf now



SS, You kill me!

My god, ou know how long it's been since I was in a police car chase?

A REALLY long time.

I just did it again and out ran them in a fuuckin Ford Taurus.

That feeling when you pull into your driveway is teh best

YOu know you made it it

still rebuilding that alcohol tolerance.

quite drunk nopw though.

So....will we be seeing any of your high-speed chases on the news? Ford Taurus....what were the cops driving....a Prius?

Give those doggies a hug for me. :)

Just finished a big job. My first time as teh CG supervisor on a job this big. I worked a 27 hour day ysterday. I go to work at 9:30 AM and left work at 12:30 PM today. But teh job got done and teh client loved it.

went to the bar to catch up on siome drinking tonight. Saw The Vibrators play at my froiends bar.

Might ne in Vegas in a couple of weeks. My friends are getting married on the 10th and they asked me to marry them.

Oh yeah, I'm an ordained minister.

Problem that has just come up though is my porbatiobn officer wants to throw me in jail really bad and I have to see the judge on the 8th. I guess after the 8th I will knnnow wether or not I will be at the vegas wedding.

My PO was giving me a big lecture one day about how no one would ever give me a chance or give me a break while I continued to get tattoos and wear piercings in my face, so I would never be able to accomplish anything or move ahead. I said to my probation officer that I am not looking for someone to give me a break, I wqork, I get myself ahead. He insisted I would never accomplish anything, I told him I won an emmy award last year, and I was nominated for an academy award. He said if I didn't have teh piercings in my face I would have won that academy award. I said, "Oh come on", and then followed it up with, "I make more money than you do. Youre a PHD and I make more money than you do." Ever since then he has just been icthing to find a way to viloate my probation and throw me in jail.

Whatever. I made good cash on teh last couple of jobs I did. When I see teh judge I'm gonna just try to buy my way out. Fucking whole legal system is dirty as hell. Dollar amounts are set as to what will get you out of trouble. I got some extra cash in mu account right now form teh last couple of big hobs I did so I am just gonna try to buy my way out..

[ Edited by: suicide_sam 2007-10-20 02:15 ]


Sam, I understand where you are coming from, give them hell.

Best of luck to you Sam...the legal system is indeed a difficult thing. I agree that money helps if you have the right people working for you, they can keep you out of trouble. Of course it is always a challenge trying to stay out of trouble...some day I may join you in the klink (I have a terrible lead foot...and aghast....have been known to have a few cocktails before driving home).

Congratulations on all your project success...and big ole wave at the dogs. Hope you can make it to Vegas...the city where you should sin!!!

proved my probation officer was lying in court. Not only am I not going to jail, I am now going to be let off probation a year early

Way to go!!! Congratulations. :)

Been awhile, yet here I am again. My space bar is sticking, might need a new key board.

Just got homefrom the V-Room, wentr there cause tejh Royal Crown Revue show at Alex's sucked so bad.

drunk now...

not stupid drunk tjhough, just drunk enough.

My ftriend Carol made up a new shot I am spreading through Long Beach.

IUt';s called a Classy Sanchez

Patron Silver
Olive Juice
squeeze a wewdge of lemon
squeeze a wedge of lime
dash of salt
throw an olive in teh shot glass

It's basically a tequila marytini

good times

Damn Sam, you are one lucky SOB to be livin' large in the LBC with classy watering holes like the V-Room, Joe Jost's and the Prospector. I'm so lonsome...I could cry. Carol sounds a wunerful lady. Maybe shw can make one of those drinkd for me somday.

The Classy Sanchez is now banned from the V-Room. One o many "incidents".

Its been awhule so much to catch up on


Bazilian Ji Jitsue and capoeira

did my first mma fight a few months a go.

got my ass kicked

still doimg my thing though

Godd I am like so drunk right now

I am officially OFF probation. I had to pay off a city offical a couple of gramd but that got my shot cleared away and now I am gree as a fart in the wind


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