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Big Fat Tiki Mailboxes...

Pages: 1 4 replies

the75stingray posted on 03/01/2003

I once had a place bookmarked where I could get a big Tiki Mailbox with the box sticking out of the tikis mouth? You know, like we'd all like to have, bu can't afford $400 buck for?
I can't find that site anymore. Of course I have sooo many tiki sites in my favorite sites...the numbers are high, okay?

Anyway; three questions:
1.) Who sells these boxes?

2.) Can one be made of some other type of wood besides palm? (Keep in mind we're cutting a big hole in the center for a standard sized mailbox). Would another wood -say something found in MY area be practical?

3.) If not, GECKO (I'm looking in your direction), how much would it cost to find and ship a piece of palm that big? Would it be worth the shipping, or would I just be better off to pay and have one done or buy one from say...TikiDude?

I really want one of these, but I'm kinda worried someone will steal it too - so it would have to be bolted and cemented solid in the ground.
And what if some redneck punk plays mailbox baseball? - how will a big cut in the center effect the strength of the wood?

Any suggestions, comments, ideas or sympathy will be appreciated.


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/01/2003

You are probably talking about TikiTom's carving. Right now he has a picture of a tiki with a mailbox through it's forehead. I do believe that he previously had one of a tiki with a mailbox being held by its teeth. Check the following:


If that doesn't work go to:
then enter "tikitom" in the box to the left of your screen.

Of course, Gecko=(DAKAI1995@aol.com), ChikiTiki=(dannygallardo@hotmail.com), Crazy Al=(al@tikimania.com), or any other of our great carvers can do what you need.


Tiki Diablo posted on 03/01/2003

As far as I know Mai Tiki is the guy who has a mouth mailbox tiki. Thanks SCD

RevBambooBen posted on 03/01/2003

Hey Chiki!
Could you imagine "Gilligan" holding a mail box from his gums????!!! (re-fer to beyond tiki post) Sizzle huh?

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen on 2003-02-28 22:45 ]

GECKO posted on 03/02/2003

Alohaz braddah stingray,

tanks foda offer but ya lookin' at plenny pigs & chickens(money) brah! mo betta fo get em on da mainland. I neva wen make wun mialbox li dat but I did make a a-frame mailbox fo a friend about a year ago on da mainland. da main post was 4x4 redwood and da A frame hut was also made of redwood and tapa. I'll try and see if i can find da pix on one of my digital camera disk. Dat might not cost as much fo da kine,shipping.

You're tinkin of MaiTiki.


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