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Baywatch Hawaii Reunion Tikis...

Pages: 1 4 replies

Lake Surfer posted on 03/01/2003

Anyone catch this tacky reunion show Friday night... a few good shots of the large tikis at the Turtle Bay Hilton on Oahu...

purple jade posted on 03/01/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:20 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 03/02/2003

Well, considering it was only 5 degrees today, the beach scenes and shots of open water were nice...

Hooters girls in the midwest are nasty...

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/03/2003

Baywatch reruns can be found any day of the week on our cable stations here in California. Yeah, I use to watch it....(well, actually, I had it as "background video", where you have the TV on with no sound, since who really gets into the plot of Baywatch anyway?)

Anyhow, I did catch about 5 minutes of the reunion, just to see how, and if gravity has affected our favorite running-and-bouncing-in-slow-motion actors. I was surprised that I finally noticed some years taking a toll on Pamela Anderson above the shoulders, while below the shoulders everything still seemed frozen in time.

Any thoughts?


Lake Surfer wrote:
Hooters girls in the midwest are nasty...

In a good way?


Alnshely posted on 03/03/2003

Baywatch has a plot? Who knew?

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