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Step right up and win 2 prints WE HAVE A WEINER.

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65 My high school football jersey number



The correct # is 6, no postage is nesessary...I can meet you to pick them up...and we can discuss this problem your having over a drink...I need a drinking buddy...

A number between 1 & 1000..... 500* is my guess!

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2006-08-13 11:58 ]




FLOUNDER'sArt, I Gotta go with 47 for some strange reason it calls out to me actually my first pic was taken and 47 heard me crying and came along and made it better.



I'm gonna go with 720. It's my beautiful daughter's birthday, and I can't think of anything luckier. (And yes, I checked for duplicates, tho' it's late and I'm really tuckered out).

Remember Flounder, 720 WAS the number you had in mind when you began this little contest!

Kisses Sweetcheeks!


i'm gonna go with....176! Very nice prints by the way.

[ Edited by: VonTiki 2006-08-13 23:36 ]

Hmmmm...my guess is 227.
Great idea Flounder, thanks! :)

Ah geeze... I guess I'll jump in too :)




GROG posted on Mon, Aug 14, 2006 12:25 PM

No more guessing.
This thread has been locked by Hanferd Lemur .
(so that GROG has a better chance of winning) :D

GROG posted on Mon, Aug 14, 2006 12:32 PM

Go away, people. You'r messing up GROG's chances.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-08-14 23:58 ]

66.....because that's what it's going to cost me to get my hands on those prints if I don't win! :wink:

449 - I don't think it was guessed yet?


I guess I'll stick with the old birthday. 810


I'm going with 789

my guess is 353


I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow. Good luck all.




fo sho

I'm guessing 864.Oh please,oh please! I love those pieces!Thanks Flounder for being so generous and making this so fun! It's 9:35 WEST COAST! Oh no! Did I miss the deadline?


Okay okay, here's my submission: 269


GROG posted on Wed, Aug 16, 2006 12:42 AM

Back away from the computer!

Look, how is GROG supposed to win when you guys keep posting numbers?! It was bad enough when GROG didn't win Crazy Al's Tiki #100 when he auctioned it off.

There are plenty of threads out there for you guys to peruse.
Just ignore this one.

Go away dammit!!

8 has always been a lucky number for me (hopefully it works this time!).

Thanks everyone for playing. This has been a lot of fun.

Heres some Honorable Mentions.

Chip and Andy (666! Excellent!) Not only do you get no prints but your going to hell as well.

freddiefreelance (Pittsburgh! No! Ummmm, Bruce? 151! Yeah... 151.) pittsburgh was the correct answer but you changed it to 151.

bongofury (Six!) Yes that is the number that comes after Five!

Tiki Bird (440) You had it for a long while but some bastard stole it from you. KILL

blacksandz (Definitely 82!) Definitely not, now recount the toothpicks.

rodeotiki (Flounder is # 1 , 1 is my guess) Ass kissing gets you nothing.

Hula Cat (if a=2 and 14 > than -67?.... then it's gotta be 802 !!!!) a=3, and you would have had it too.

sporkboyofjustice (I'll have to go with the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything of 42.) Best answer, you win a towel.

RevBambooBen (007) Even if you were right you get nothing. Better watch your back at Hukilau punk.

amiotiki (Remember Flounder, 720 WAS the number you had in mind when you began this little contest!) You tried tricking me but I forgive you because you called me Sweetcheeks.

GROG (No more guessing. This thread has been locked by Hanferd Lemur.) Cheating is totally acceptable.

437 was the correct answer. And the weiner is............................


Congrats mrsmiley. Couldn't of happened to a better person. Maybe we can share a couple cigars together again at Hukilau!


WOOOOHOOO!!! Way to go Smiley!!!

Are those prints available for purchase?


Are those prints available for purchase?



Congrats Mrsmiley! And Thanks to Flounder for having a fun little contest! Sweet!
Even if I didn't win..... ..... Sorry that was my stomach growling. I need to go have lunch.

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 16, 2006 3:13 PM




ouch....447....only 10 away. But I guess what am I complaining about. According to Price is Right rules it is the closest WITHOUT going over. Dooohh.


Well , That's what I get for using a Tiki wedgie broad instead of a Tiki ouija board ! congrats, mrsmily ...and fine images FLOUNDERart.....Aloha

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 16, 2006 11:03 PM

Hello Tiki Central. This is Flounder here. My computer is broken, so I have to post from GROG's.

Thank you all for taking part in the contest. I regret to say that I made a dreadful mistake earlier, and accidently said Mrs. Smiley was the winner. The winner IS in fact GROG who guessed 657, the EXACT number, right on the nose.Congratulations to GROG on winning the two prints, and my apologies to Mrs. Smiley whom I mistakenly announced as the winner earlier.

GROG, your prints will be shipped out soon.


GRO....I mean, Flounder

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 16, 2006 11:07 PM

Thank you Flounder. GROG is glad you caught your mistake before it went too long. GROG is happy GROG won and will hang the prints in a place of honor.

(P.S. You did say cheating is totally acceptable, right?)

Grog make Sweet Daddy Tiki laugh til cry. Always thought Grog was best thing in B.C. cartoon.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: sweet daddy tiki 2006-08-17 18:51 ]

GROG that's funny stuff man. Had me laughing good.

When I first saw the post that started out "Hello Tiki Central this is Flounder here." It confused me for a second.

Good stuff.

may I just SHOWER praise on GROG for being one of the BEST POSTERS & FUNNIEST on this site--GROG deserve MULTIPLE COPIES of prints---uuugggghh

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 17, 2006 10:24 AM

BB Moondog, GROG not need SHOWER, but GROG appreciate the the praise.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-08-17 10:24 ]


On 2006-08-10 20:39, 8FT Tiki wrote:

Damn I got the 3 and 4 reversed by accident. I can't tell you how many prizes I've lost over the years due to this stupid dyslexia!!!
:x :x :x

GROG posted on Thu, Aug 17, 2006 11:24 PM

Not to mention birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines day....

"Oh, your birthday was the 13th and not the 31st. Damn this dyslexia!"

Dyslexia, that's a good one GROG gotta remember that one.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-08-17 23:25 ]

ZAZZ!!!! Thanks Flounder!. BTW, I won a cheesecake at at charity raffle last night. Maybe I should start playing penny slots here in Vegas to win that "overdue" 16 MILLION dollar jackpot! :)

ps-I never win these pick a number contests! ZAZZ again!

On 2006-08-16 06:50, FLOUNDERart wrote:
freddiefreelance (Pittsburgh! No! Ummmm, Bruce? 151! Yeah... 151.) pittsburgh was the correct answer but you changed it to 151.

Do I at least get a Laurel & Hearty Handshake?

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